29 December 2009 Curriculum Vitae Soile Eeva Johanna VEIJOLA 22.10.1960 1. DEGREES 2006. Adjunct Professor (dozent) / dosentti in Sports tourism, University of Jyväskylä 1998. Doctor of Social Sciences (Ph.D) in sociology, University of Helsinki (eximia), topic: ”Liikkuvat subjektit, paikallinen tieto. Tutkimuksia urheilusta, turismista ja sosiologiasta" [Mobile Subjects, Local Knowledge. Studies of Sport, Tourism and Sociology.] 1990. Master of Social Sciences (M.Sc.(Soc.Sc.)) in sociology, University of Jyväskylä (magna) 1979. Matriculation examination, Iin lukio (laudatur) 2. PRESENT POSITION 1.5.2008 -- Professor of Cultural Studies of Tourism, Faculty of Business and Tourism University of Lapland / Matkailun ja liiketoiminnan tiedekunta, Lapin yliopisto. 3. MOST IMPORTANT POSTS 1.2.2008-31.08.2008 Acting Professor of Cultural Studies of Tourism / Matkailun kulttuuritutkimuksen professori, Faculty of Business and Tourism, University of Lapland / Kauppatieteiden ja matkailun tiedekunta, Lapin yliopisto. 1.8.2006-31.1.2007.Senior Scientist of the Academy of Finland 1.8.2006-31.7.2007 Acting Professor of Cultural Studies of Tourism / Matkailun kulttuuritutkimuksen professori, Faculty of Business and Tourism, University of Lapland / Kauppatieteiden ja matkailun tiedekunta, Lapin yliopisto. 1.8.2003-31.7.2006 Acting Professor of Cultural Studies of Tourism / Matkailun kulttuuritutkimuksen professori, Faculty of Business and Tourism, University of Lapland / Kauppatieteiden ja matkailun tiedekunta, Lapin yliopisto. 1998-2003. Senior Assistant of Tourism / Matkailun yliassistentti, Department of Economics, Business and Tourism, University of Lapland / Taloustieteiden ja matkailun laitos. 1995-1996. Researcher in the project of The Academy of Finland, Embodied Differences and Orders / Ruumiillistuneet erot ja järjestykset, directed by Raija Julkunen, University of Helsinki. 1991. Researcher, Department of Sociology, University of Jyväskylä. 4. SUPERVISED DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS Currently supervised: Outi Rantala, Minni Haanpää, Emily Höckert, Zoe Koivu (terminated supervision with Mika Kylänen in fall 2009) Previously supervised: Hanna Vehmas, University of Jyväskylä (completed January 2010) Anne Keskitalo: Kävelyllä ja leirissä. Matkakokemuksen rakentuminen taideteokseksi [On Travel in Environmental Art], University of Lapland, Department of Art Education (since 2000; art education/philosophy/cultural studies of tourism). Member of the project Amenity Landscapes. Defence 2nd December 2006. Anni-Siiri Länsman: Väärtisuhteet Lapin matkailussa. Kulttuurianalyysi suomalaisten ja saamelaisten kohtaamisesta. [On host-guest relations between Sami people and wilderness tourists in the Finnish Lapland; sociology/cultural studies], Kustannus Puntsi. Inari. 2004. Sari Matala: Matkailuportaali virtuaalituristin valintojen tilana. Semioottis-retorinen tapaustutkimus. [The Travel Portal as a Virtual Tourist’s Space of Choices. Semiotic-rhetoric case analysis]. Acta Universitatis Lapponiensis 79. Rovaniemi. Lapin yliopisto. 2004. Member of the project Amenity Landscapes. (Defence on the 21st December 2004) Monika Lüthje: Se mukava maaseutu siellä jossain. Maaseutumatkailu kokemusten, mielikuvien ja markkinoinnin kohteena. [Countryside Tourism as an Object of Experiences, Images and Marketing]. Acta Universitatis Lapponiensis 91. Rovaniemi, Lapin yliopisto. Member of the project Amenity Landscapes. (Defence on the 11th November 2005). 5. SCIENTIFIC EXPERT POSITIONS 5.1. Academic Evaluation 2008 (on-going) Member of the preliminary examination group of Matti Tainio: Taide ja urheilu. Kulttuuristen käytäntöjen lähentymisestä [Art and Sport: About proximation of cultural practices]. TaiK, Helsinki School of Art and Design. 2008. CCIE Associate Professor (Centre for Culture, Identity & Education, Faculty of Education, Vancouver, BC Canada, www.ccie.educ.ubc.ca) 2007. Preliminary examiner of the PhD thesis entitled “Designing the Tourist Experience” by Satu MIettinen, TaiK, Helsinki School of Art and Design. 2007. External examiner of the PhD thesis entitled “The Bushranger and the Big Banana – A Cultural studies critique of tourism studies” by Mr Johan Richard Edelheim. MacQuarie University, Sydney, Australia. 2007. Member of the International Evaluation Team of Estonian Curriculum of Catering Management and Tourism, Estonia Accreditation Centre 18.-25.3.2007 (chair Peter Mason) 2007. Liikunta- ja luontomatkailun teemaopintokokonaisuuden (LiiLuMaTeema) tieteellinen johtaminen. EU & Lapin Lääninhallitus. (1.8.2006-31.10.2007).www.ulapland.fi/liiluma (104 750 e) [Scientific leader of a sports and nature tourism eduacation] 2007. Nature4All –tutkimusprojektin ohjausryhmän puheenjohtajuus. EU & Lapin lääninhallitus & RamK. [chairing the board of an EU-project] 2005-06 Preliminary examiner and External Examiner of the doctoral dissertation of Helene Hjorth Oldrup on “Mellem hastighed og tilhör. erfaringer & förtällingar om hverdagsmobilitet”. Sosiologisk institut Köbenhavns Universitet (10th February 2006, with Ole B. Jensen (Aalborh Universitet, Arkitektur & Design, and Henning Beck, Köpenhavn Universitet, sociology) 2005 Anonymous reviewer of research projects for Standard Research Grants program of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, November 2005. 2005 Preliminary examiner of the doctoral dissertation of Johanna Järvinen-Tassopoulos on “Muukalaisuuden labyrintissa – kreikansuomalaisten naisten matka jälkimoderniin arkeen”, at the Department of Social Politics, University of Helsinki. 2005. Preliminary examiner of the doctoral dissertation of Pasi Mäenpää on urban space and consumer culture, at the Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki. 2002. Member of the International Evaluation Team of Estonian sociology 4.-10.3.2002, with Chelly Halsey (chair of the team, Ofxord), Kaj Ilmonen (Jyväskylä) and Anders Holm (Copenhagen). Estonia Accreditation Centre. 1999. Preliminary Examiner of the doctoral dissertation of Arja Kuula: Toiminta-tutkimuksen dilemmat [Dilemmas of Action Research], at the Department of Sociology and Social Psychology, University of Tampere 5.2. Board memberships in academic organisations 2008 Resource editor / co-ordinating editor of Annals of Tourism Research 2008 Member of the Board of Kulttuuritutkimuksen seura [National Society for Cultural Studies in Finland], established on the 7th March 2008 2004. Member of the Editorial Board of Mobilities by Routledge, edited by Kevin Hannam, Mimi Sheller and John Urry. (www.tandf.co.uk/journals/onlinesamples.asp) 2002-2007Member of the first executive board of Kulttuurintutkimuksen verkosto [The the network of Cultural Studies in Finland] established in October 2002. 1999-2003 Member of the Executive Committee of Kertonet – narratiivisen tutkimuksen verkoston johtokunta [The Finnish Network of Narrative Studies] 1993-95. Membership in the editorial board of the Finnish Journal of Sociologia / Sosiologia- lehden toimituskunnan jäsen. 1992-94. Membership in the editorial board of Naistutkimus/Kvinnoforskning [Journal of Finnish Women's Studies], and its national advisory board 1995-99. Toimituskunnan jäsen. 2 5.3. Memberships in organisation committees of international academic conferences 2001, 2003, 2007: Head of the organisation team for three Winter Academies at University of Lapland 2000-02. Member of the organizing committee of the fourth Cultural Studies in Crossroads Conference, in Tampere, Finland 29th June-3rd July 2002. 1999-2001. Member of the organizing committee of the European Sociological Association (ESA) meeting “Visions and Divisions” held in Helsinki, 28th August -1st September 2001. Coordinating the research stream of “Sexual Politics” with Elina Haavio-Mannila. and chairing three sessions in it. 1996-1998. Member of the organizing committee of the second Cultural Studies in Crossroads Conference, in Tampere, Finland 1-4 July. 1991-1992. Member of the organisation committee of the First International ISHPES (The International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport) seminar “Sport and Cultural Minorities” held in Turku, Finland 8-13 June 1992. 5.4. Referee tasks for scientific journals and Publishers Mobilities, Leisure Studies, Space & Culture, Tourist Studies, Annals of Tourism Research, European Journal for Cultural Studies, Theory, Culture & Society, Kulttuurintutkimus [Cultural Studies], Naistutkimus/ Kvinnoforskning [Women´s Studies], Nuorisotutkimus [Youth studies], Terra [National journal for Geography], Liikunta & Tiede, Ashgate Publishing, Palmgrave 6. SCIENTIFIC POSITIONS OF TRUST 2007-09. Lapin yliopiston hallituksen varajäsen 2006-08 Kauppatieteiden ja matkailun tiedekuntaneuvoston varajäsen. 2004-06. Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Business and Tourism at the University of Lapland (1.8.2004 –) / Kauppatieteiden ja matkailun tiedekunnan tiedekuntaneuvoston jäsen, Lapin yliopisto. 2003-07. Member of the Sport Science Subcommittee of the National Sports Council 2003- 07, Ministry of Education / Valtion liikuntatieteellisen neuvoston liikuntatieteellisen jaoston jäsen, Opetusministeriö. 1999-02. Member of the Sport Science Subcommittee of the National Sports Council, Ministry of Education / Valtion liikuntatieteellisen neuvoston liikuntatieteellisen jaoston jäsen, Opetusministeriö. 7. SCIENTIFIC VISITS 2005. Visiting Professor of Sociology, at the University of Lancaster, Centre for Mobilities Research, hosted by John Urry, 16-28 April 2005. 8. INVITED WRITING SEMINARS for producing a research
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