Journal of the Proceedings of the Bishops, Clergy, and Laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America Assembled in a General Convention 1850 Digital Copyright Notice Copyright 2017. The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America / The Archives of the Episcopal Church All rights reserved. Limited reproduction of excerpts of this is permitted for personal research and educational activities. Systematic or multiple copy reproduction; electronic retransmission or redistribution; print or electronic duplication of any material for a fee or for commercial purposes; altering or recompiling any contents of this document for electronic re-display, and all other re-publication that does not qualify as fair use are not permitted without prior written permission. Send written requests for permission to re-publish to: Rights and Permissions Office The Archives of the Episcopal Church 606 Rathervue Place P.O. Box 2247 Austin, Texas 78768 Email: [email protected] Telephone: 512-472-6816 Fax: 512-480-0437 JOIJRNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OP THE BISHOPS, CLERGY, AND LAITY OF t rg ta t THE~pb' patIN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ASSEMBLED IN A GENERAL CONVENTION, HELD IN CHRIST CHURCH, IN THE CITY OF CINCINNATI From October 2d to October 16th, inclusive, IN THE YEARI OF OUR LORD 1850. WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING THE CONSTITUTION AND CANONS, A LIST OF THE CLERGY, ETC. PHILADELPHIA: KING & BAIRD, PRINTERS, No. 9 SANSOM STREET. 1851. INDEX TO THE PRINCIPAL MATTERS. ADMISSIONS to the Sittings of House of Deputies, 8. ALMS collected at Offertory on the day of opening Convention, to be equally divided between the two Committees of the Board, 100. BIBLE, Standard edition of, Proposal for, (Appendix I.), 223-Report on, 33-Adopted, 73. BOARD OF MISSIONS- (See Subjects before the Committee on Domestic and Foreign Mis- sions of House of Bishops.) Committee to nominate new Board, 28, 37, 106-Report of, 44, 114. Action of both Houses on Triennial Report, 77, 88, 134. Board authorized to frame and adopt Code of By-Laws, 88, 134. BOONE, RT. REV. DR.-Triennial Report of, received, 105, (Appendix G.,) 205. CANON LAW, Report on, by Committee on Unfinished Business, 51-Inde- finitely postponed, 54. CANONS PASSED- Of Foreign Missionary Bishops. Adopted in House of Bishops, 130-Received and Referred in House of Deputies, 74-Reported, 89-Amended, 89-Amend- ments concurred in by House of Bishops, 148. Of Episcopal Resignations. Referred, 41-Reported, 49-Adopted, 52-Record of Dissent allowed, 54-concurred in by House of Bishops, 119. Of the Election of a Provisional Bishop, f'c. Canon proposed and referred, 23-Reported, 41-Recommitted with instructions, 56-Second Report, 61-Adopted, 63- Amended by House of Bishops, 127-Committee of Con- ference, 71, 136-Report of, 92-Passed, 94-Concurred in by House of Bishops, 145. Of Episcopal Visitations. Proposed amendment to existing Canon referred, 13, 14-Report on, 35-Ordered to be printed, 37-Referred to Joint Com- mittee, 38, 110-a Canon presented and- referred, 41-Report of Joint Committee, 52, 120-Passed by House of Deputies, 83 -by House of Bishops, 140. Of a Minister declaring that he will no longer be a Minister of this Church. Canon proposed and referred, 12-Reported on, 30-One in House viii JOURNAL OF THE GENERAL CONVENTION. [1850. CANONS PASSED-(CONTNUED.) of Bishops, referred, 108-Reported, and Adopted, 113-Re- ported in House of Deputies, 50-Report adopted, 52-Joint Committee appointed, 86, 145-Report of, made, and adopted, 96, 150. Of a Clergymen in any Diocese or Missionary District chargeable with Misdemeanor in any other. Reported in House of Bishops, 125-Received and referred in House of Deputies, 68-Additional section, 129-Received and referred, 75-Reported and concurred in by House of Depu- ties, 89. CANONS REFERRED TO NEXT GENERAL CONVENTION- Of the Officiating of Ministers of this Church, and of the Formation of Congregations within the Parochial Cures of other Clergymen.' Referred to Committee, 54-Reported, 66-Referred to next Con- vention, 90. Of the Ordination of Deacons; Of the Learning of those who are to be ordeinedPriests; Of Candidates for Orders; Of the Prepara- tory Exercises of a Candidate for Priest's Orders. Referred to Committee, 25-Reported on 35-Referred to next Convention, 39-(See Appendix K.) Of Appeals. Offered, 26-Referred to Committee, 27-Amendments offered, 28-Referred, 61-Reported on, 67-Referred to next Con- vention, 90-(See Appendix K.)-Draft of a Canon presented in House of Bishops, and referred to next Convention, 145. Of Misionary Bishops. Reported and adopted in House of Bishops, 181-Received and referred in House of Deputies, 75-Reported on and referred to next Convention, 89. A Canon Supplementary to Canon III. of 1844, 27-Referred, 37- Report on, 57-Referred to next Convention, 88. CANONS PROPOSED AND NEGATIVED- Of the Remission or Modification of Judicial Sentences. Proposed, 28- Referred, 29- Reported, 67- Amended and, adopted, 90-Bishops non-concurred, 149. Of iinisters-Removing from one Diocese to another. Proposed, 54-Indefinitely postponed, 85. Of Clerical Residence and Removal. Reported in House of Bishops, 115-Amended, 126-Received in House of Deputies, 69-Referred, 70-Amendment offered, 78-Adopted, 85-Bishops non-concurred, 188-Report of mittee of Conference, 91, 143-Laid on the table, 143. Concerning Candidates for Orders who have been Ministers, Licen- tiates, or Students of Theology among ether Denominations, 24. Reported, 80-Motion to adopt negatived, 84. STANDING-COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE OF CLERICAL AND LAY DEPUTIES. With subjects referred to and reported upon by them. COMMITTEE ON THE STATE OF THE CHURCH, 10. Report of, 51-Received and referred in House of Bishops, 122- (See Report, Appendix A). 1850o.] INDEX TO THE PRINCIPAL MATTERS. COMMITTEE ON THE GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, 10. Triennial Report of Board of Trustees, 105. Committee's Report on Certificates of Nomination of Trustees, 31- Adopted, 39-House of Bishops concurred, 114. COMMITTEE ON THE DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN MISSIONARY SO- CIETY, 11. COMMITTEE ON THE ADMISSION OF NEW DIOCESES, 11. Application of Diocese of Texas referred, 11-Report on, 18. COMMITTEE ON THE CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS, 11. COMMITTEE ON CANONS, 11. Proposed substitute for Canon XXXVIII. of 1832, 12-Report on, 30-One from House of Bishops, 45-Report on, 50-Adopted, 52-Joint Committee, 86-Report adopted, 96. Proposed addition to Canon V. of 1844, 13-Reported, 54-Indefi- nitely postponed, 85. Proposed addition to Canon XXV. of 1832, 14-Report on, 35- Referred to Special Joint Committee, 38. Proposed alteration of Canon XXVI. of 1832, Report of, 35-Re- ferred to Special Joint Committee, 38. An inquiry into expediency of providing for mode of proceeding in all Judicial Trials, 18-Report, 23. A proposed Canon Supplementary to Canon III. of 1844, 27-Re- ferred, 37-Report, 57-Referred to next Convention, 88. Proposed Canon of Assistant Bishops, 23-Report, 41-Recom- mitted, 56-Second report, 61-Adopted, 63-Committee of Conference, 71-Report of, 92-Passed, 94. Proposed amendment of Canon VII. of 1838, 24-Report, 30- Motion to adopt negatived, 54. Proposed Canons, "Of the Ordination of Deacons," "Of the Learn- ing of those who are to be ordained Priests," "Of Candidates for Orders," " Of the Preparatory Exercises of a Candidate for Priest's Orders," 24-Report, 35-Report adopted, 39. Proposed Canon "Of Appeals," 26-Report, 67-Report adopted, 90. Inquiry into expediency of altering Art. V. of Constitution, 36- Report, 50-Recommitted with instructions, 69-Second re- port, 72-Amended and concurred in by House of Bishops, 83 -Amendment accepted by House of Deputies, 85. Inquiry into expediency of altering Art. II. of Constitution, so that communicants only shall be eligible to General Convention, 40 -Report, 66-Report adopted, 89. Inquiry into expediency of modifying Canon II. of 1847, 28-Re- ferred, 29--Report, 67-Amended and adopted, 90-Bishops non-concurred, 97. Canon "Of Episcopal Resignations," 40-Report, 49-Adopted, 52-Concurred in, 56. Proposed Canon "Of the Officiating of Ministers of this Church," &c., 54-Report, 66-Referred to next General Convention, 90. COMMITTEE ON EXPENSES, 11. Report, 87. Treasurer's Report, 38-(See Appendix D.)-Report of Committee on, 87. COMMITTEE ON UNFINISHED BUSINESS, 11. Report of, 51. COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS, 11. Reports, 14, 19, 21, 23, 25, 57. COMMITTEE ON THE PRAYER BOOK, 11. Communication from N. Y. Bible and Prayer Book Society referred to, 17-Report, 33-Adopted, 73. JOURNAL OF THE GENERAL CONVENTION. [1850. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE OF BISHOPS. With the subjects referred to and reported upon by them. COMMITTEE ON THE ADMISSION OF NEW DIOCESES, 102. Documents from the Diocese of Texas referred, 104-Report re- ceived and adopted, 104. COMMITTEE ON THE CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS, 102. COMMITTEE ON CANONS, 103. Proposed amendment of Canon XXXVIII. of 1832, 103-Re- ported, 113. Proposed amendment of Canon VII. of 1844, 106-Reported, 112. Proposed Canon on Clerical Residence, referred, 106-Report, 143. Proposed Addition to Canon XXXVII. of 1832, 107. Proposed Canon of Assistant Bishops in the Case of a Diocese whose Bishop is suspended without precise limitation, referred, 122- Reported, 126. Proposed amendment of Canon XL. of 1832-Report, 125. COMMITTEE ON THE GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, 104. Report and Documents of Trustees, received and referred, 105- Report on, 124. Proposed amendments to the Constitution of General Theological Seminary, referred, 111, 118-Report on, 124. COMMITTEE ON DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN MISSIONS, 103. Communication from Bishop Boone, 105. Of appointment of Bishop to Africa, 105. Triennial Report of Board of Missions, referred, 106-Report on, 134. Reports of Missionary Bishops referred, 108.
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