THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, A MONTHLY PERIODICAL, DEVOTED TO AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE AND THE HOUSEHOLD ARTS. VOLUME XIV. FRANK: G. RUFFIN, EDITOR. RICHMOND: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY P. D. BERNARD, SOUTH TWELFTH STREET. 1854» I v. 1*4 ». — THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 3Debotefc to glsrfctUturc, Sortfcultttrc, autr the JgouseholU ^rts. Agriculture is the nursing mother of the Arts.— I Tillage and Pasturage are the two breasts of the Xenophon. I State.-^Sw%. FRANK: G. RUFFIN, Editor. P. D. BERNARD, Publisher. Vol. XIV. RICHMOND, JANUARY, 1854. No. 1. report, that they have examined eight articles VIRGINIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. "on Improving and Enriching Poor Land" Abstracts Reports the Committees the Virginia of of of several of them essays possessing high merit, State Agricultural Society, being in continuation of which it is hoped by the* committee, will be laid the Proceedings as published in the last number of the Virginia in Planter. before the farmers of such mode as shall be deemed best by the Executive power Branch I. of the Society. Among them are two essays, EXPERIMENTS. so valuable, in the estimation of your committee, The Judges on Branch 1 report that they that if they did not deem it their duty to decide have selected for premium those experiments to which, in their opinion, the premium should which they considered best on the subjects to be awarded, they would unhesitatingly recom- which they relate; and these experiments are mend that a premium be awarded both to Mr. now submitted to the farmers of Virginia, to be Edmund Ruffin, Sr., of Hanover, and to Com- judged of by the merit which each may intrin- modore Thomas Ap C. Jones of Fairfax; but sically possess. feeling compelled to decide, they recommend Specification 1. —Experiment by Edmund that the premium be awarded to the first named Ruffin, Jr., of Prince George, "on the Mode cf gentleman. They trust that they will not be Saving Corn Fodder, &c." a premium of $20. regarded as transcending the discretion allowed Specification 3. —Experiment by Com. Thos. them, by also recommending that a like pre- Ap Catesby Jones of Fairfax, "on the Action mium be awarded to Commodore Jones. or Non-Action of Lime as Manure, &c." a pre- On the subject of "Rotation of Crops," they mium of $3(». recommend that the premium be awarded to Specification 6.—Experiment by Com. Thos. Mr. Edmund Ruffin. Sr., of Hanover. Ap Catesby Jones of Fairfax, "on the Tillage In the exercise of a discretion which they of Corn, &c." a premium of $20. understand belongs to them under the rules of Specification 8. —Experiment by Thos. Jones, the Society, they forbear to recommend a pre- Jr., of Richmond county, "on the Benefits and mium to either of two essays "on the accumu- Products of Guano, compared to costs, &c." a lation, preparation and application of stock-yard premium of $20. and stable manure." This subject is treated so Specification 10. —Experiment by J. R. Bryan much more fully and satisfactorily in the essays of Gloucester, "on Tide Marsh Mud, or Swamp upon the improvement of land, that they deem Muck, &c. as Manure," a premium of $20. it right to withhold this premium, although the Specification 12.—Experiment by Dr. Rob't essays referred to are not without merit, bul are R. Barton of Rockbridge, "on the Value of Sul- superseded by others which embrace this sub- phate of Barytes as Manure, especially for Clo- ject within their range. ver," a premium of $20. "On the 'green sand' or 'gypseou*s earth' tff All of which is respectfully submitted to the lower Virginia," they recommend a premium to Executive Committee of the Virginia State Major Gilham for his elaborate essay—the only Agricultural Society. one submitted to the committee. William B. Harrison, "On the properties and value of the Southern J. Ravenscroft Jones, Pea," a highly useful essay was submitted by B. J. Worsham, Mr. P. M. Edmondston of N- Carolina, whom Edwin W. Friend. they gladly recommend as entitled to the pre- Richmond, Nov. 3, 1853. mium offered on this subject. There were no essays submitted to the com- Branch II. mittee upon the 2d, 7th and 8th subjects em- ESSAYS OR WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS. braced in this branch. The committee to whom were referred essays Your committee feel much diffidence in allud- on the subjects embraced in Branch 2 of the ing to the labors necessarily incurred in the dis- Society's Schedule of Premiums, respectfully charge of the duties entrusted to them; but Vol. XIV-1. 4IB2*A THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. justice to those who may succeed them demands 4. The farm of Willia^n B. Harrison of Prince that they recommend to the Executive Commit- George county. tee, if like duties shall be imposed at future Fairs, 5. The farm of William Sayre of Norfolk arrangement be made for allowing them ample county. time to discharge the onerous and delicate task 6. The farm of William Garth of Albemarle devolved upon them. The necessity of a hasty county. decision upon matters demanding the exercise 7. The farm of James R. Kent of Montgo- of a calm judgment, and opportunities of deli- mery county. t berate review, may lead to unjust and crude 8. The farm of Hill Carter of Charles City decisions, from which, in the present instance, county. and with fewer essays than will probably be 9. The farm of George B. Bell of Jefferson submitted at future annual meetings, your com- county. mittee even now claim no exemption. They 10. The farm of John A. Selden of Charles would respectfully suggest, that such committee City county. shall have at their disposal at least one week 11. The farm of Robert M. Taylor of Hen- • before the meeting. of the Society for the consi- rico county. deration of matters referred to them, and that The committee beg leave to report, that the no essays shall be considered by them which most of the honorary testimonials have been are not in their possession on the day appointed awarded without written statements of the evi- for the meeting of su^h committee. dence upon which the committee decided. They Respectfully submitted, have no doubt of the fact that there are many farms of equal claims, if not superior, but the E. T. Tayloe, evidence was not laid before the committee up- W. S. Morton, on which to award. J. R. Bryan. John R. Edmunds, Chairman. [Note by the Secretary.—The essay of u of the above Mr. Ruffin on the improvement of po'or land," We, the undersigned members committee, agree that the farm of referred to in the above report, has been already unanimously of Halifax, published by the Executive Committee, (to be our Chairman, John R. Edmunds to to the found in this volume of the Transactions of the ought be added testimonial. Society and in the November number of the an honorary Southern Planter for 1852.) The essay of Respectfully submitted, Commodore T. Ap C. Jones, on the same sub- Braxton Davenport, ject, is now published as a Premium Essay, the John Harvy, committee having failed to award a premium E. Ruffin, Jr. on it only from misapprehension, supposing themselves to be limited in their award to a Branch IV. single essay, whereas the Schedule provides BEST AVERAGE PRODUCT PER ACRE. for an equal premium to each of the best Jive essays upon any one of the specifications under Your committee, appointed to judge and de- that branch. cide on the best average product to the acre of the crops embraced in Branch 4, beg leave to Mr. Ruin's essay on '"'rotation of crops" and report, that they have awarded to Major John Major Gilham's, on "green sand or gypseous Marshall M'Cue of the county of Augusta, a earth," both of which are subjects of award in premium of $20 for the best aveifege product the foregoing report, have likewise been pub- to the acre of Indian corn for an emire shift of lished by the Executive Committee in the pre- the farm according to its usual or designed vious pages of this volume, and in the Southern rotation, consisting of 40 acres of high upland, Planter; the former in the October number for the yield of which to the acre is 82^ bushels of 1852, and the latter in the April number for shelled corn. also award to Mr. M'Cue a 1853. Mr. Bailey's essay on the "management We premium of $20 for the best average product of milch cows" was not received in time to be of clover hay for an entire shift of the farm, the embraced in the foregoing report, but on the yield being 2 tons per acre, and the area of the recommendation of the committee the premium field 42 acres of high upland. We further on that specification was awarded to him by the to Mr. c a premium of for Executive Committee.] award M Cue $10 the largest yield of clover hay on a single acre of high upland, the said yield being two tons Branch III. per acre. BEST FARMING IN VIRGINIA. Mr. William E. Crenshaw of Orange county, The committee on Branch 3d —"the best has offered before this committee satisfactory farming in Virginia"—recommend honorary evidence of a product of 19 barrels and 4 bush- testimonials for the following twelve farms: els of Indian corn for one acre, and whilst this 1. The farm of Gen. Peter Steinberger of committee is not authorized, according to the Mason county. rules of the Executive Committee, (the yield be- 2.
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