sm70s3197-13 13/3/07 11:24 Página 197 SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES IN POLYCHAETE SCIENTIA MARINA 70S3 RESEARCH December 2006, 197-207, Barcelona (Spain) R. Sardá, G. San Martín, E. López, D. Martin ISSN: 0214-8358 and D. George (eds.) Seasonal dynamics of soft-bottom polychaetes in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea, eastern Mediterranean) ZEKI ERGEN, MELIH ERTAN ÇINAR, ERTAN DAGˇ LI AND GÜLEY KURT Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Hydrobiology, 35100 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey. E-mail: [email protected] SUMMARY: Seasonal dynamics of soft-bottom polychaetes were investigated at 29 stations (depths: 8-77 m) in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea, eastern Mediterranean) between 1997 and 2002. A total of 396 species belonging to 44 families were encoun- tered, of which 32 species were new records for the Turkish fauna. Diversity and evenness index values were high at stations located in the outer part of the bay, whereas azoic conditions occurred in the polluted inner part of the bay, particularly in summer and autumn (fall). The highest population density was recorded at station 29 (inner part), with 11620 ind. m-2, where Capitella capitata capitata was the most dominant species (6820 ind. m-2). Stations located in the semi-polluted zone of the bay were generally characterized by high biomass values (max. 33.6 g m-2). The cluster and nMDS analysis showed that the soft-bottom of the bay has four major polychaete communities, mainly structured by prevailing environmental conditions and types of substratum. Keywords: polychaetes, seasonality, pollution, assemblages, exotic species, Aegean Sea, eastern Mediterranean. RESUMEN: DINÁMICA ESTACIONAL DE LOS POLIQUETOS DE FONDOS BLANDOS DE LA BAHÍA DE IZMIR (MAR EGEO, MEDITERRÁNEO ORIENTAL). – La dinámica estacional de los poliquetos que habitan los fondos blandos de la Bahía de Izmir (mar Egeo, Mediterráneo oriental) fue investigada en 29 estaciones durante el periodo comprendido entre 1997 y 2002. Un total de 396 especies pertenecientes a 44 familias fueron encontradas. De las especies identificadas, un total de 32 constitu- yen nuevas citas para la fauna de Turkia. Los valores de diversidad y de “evenness” fueron altos en las estaciones localiza- das en las zonas más externas de la bahía, mientras que las condiciones azoicas encontradas fueron los responsables de los valores obtenidos en la parte más interna y más contaminada, particularmente en verano y otoño. La más alta densidad pobla- cional fue hallada en la estación 29 con 11620 ind. m-2, en donde la especie Capitella capitata capitata fue la especie domi- nante (6820 ind. m-2). Las estaciones localizadas en zonas semicontaminadas se caracterizaron por su alta biomasa (máximo de 33.6 g m-2). Los análisis estadísticos multivariantes realizados muestran que los fondos blandos de la Bahía de Izmir pre- sentan 4 comunidades de poliquetos, preferentemente estructuradas en función de la contaminación ambiental y el tipo de sedimento. Palabras clave: poliquetos, estacionalidad, contaminación, facies, especies exóticas, mar Egeo, Mediterráneo oriental. INTRODUCTION also successfully been utilized in pollution monitor- ing studies (Reish, 1955; Bellan et al., 1988). Polychaetes comprise the majority of faunal Increase in industrialisation, human population and components of soft-bottom benthic communities marine transportation in Izmir Bay and its periphery (Knox, 1977) and can be used as “markers” of dif- since the 1970’s has resulted in chronic pollution ferent ecological conditions (Gambi and particularly in the inner part of the bay which has Giangrande, 1986). Some polychaete species that weak circulation. The main pollutants affecting the are very tolerant of environmental variables have bay water quality are organic matter, suspended sm70s3197-13 13/3/07 11:24 Página 198 198 • Z. ERGEN et al. matter, hydrocarbons, metals and pathogenic organ- MATERIAL AND METHODS isms, all mainly derived from domestic and industri- al wastes (50%), rainfall (15%), rivers and streams The study area (10%) and agricultural sources (10%) (UNEP, 1994). Izmir Bay is one of the largest embayments along Due to eutrophication, the primary production the eastern coast of the Aegean Sea. From the stand- (Chlorophyll-a) of the bay was estimated to be point of its topographical and hydrographical char- almost 6-8 times higher than the eastern Aegean pro- acteristics, Izmir Bay was divided into three sec- duction (Balci et al., 1995). The polluted zone of the tions: inner bay, middle bay and outer bay. The inner bay has gradually extended from the inner region of bay, which extends between the head of the Bay and the bay towards the relatively less disturbed middle the Yenikale lighthouses and has a depth ranging and outer regions. Since the Gediz Plain is subject- from 0-20 m (average 10 m), is heavily polluted ed to intensive farming and industrialization, the mainly by domestic and industrial activities. The Gediz River, which enters the outer part of the Izmir middle and outer parts of the bay, with average Bay (Fig. 1), contributes considerably to the prevail- depths of 16.3 m (range: 0-40 m) and 29 m (range: ing pollution in Izmir Bay (Ergen et al., 2002a). In 0-70 m) respectively, receive less pollutants. In the early 2000, a wastewater treatment plant began to outer bay, the Gediz River is the main source of pol- treat domestic and industrial wastes discharged into lution. Physico-chemical characteristics of the bay the bay. This plant treated the wastes at ca. 60% have been recently well documented: water and sed- capacity between 2000 and 2001. A recent study iment quality by Kucuksezgin (1996), Aksu et al. showed that the capacity of the wastewater plant is (1998) and Atgin et al. (2000); hydrogen suphide sufficient for removal of nitrogen from the wastes, and odour problem by Müezzinogˇlu et al. (2000); but inadequate for removal of phosphate (Kontas et physical features by Sayın (2003); nutrient and iron al. 2004). enrichment by Bizsel and Uslu (2000); eutrophica- The present study was carried out before and tion processes by Balci et al. (1995), Bizsel et al. after the installation of the waste water treatment (2001) and Kontas, et al. (2004). plant, and aimed to determine the spatio-temporal According to Sayın (2003), Izmir Bay seawater distributions of soft-bottom polychaetes in Izmir is composed of five different water masses. These Bay between 1997 and 2002. are the polluted inner Bay waters, the transient water FIG. 1. – Map of the investigated area (Izmir Bay), with the locations of sampling sites. The station groupings (A-D) were made according to the cluster analysis presented in Figure 2. SCI. MAR., 70S3, December 2006, 197-207. ISSN: 0214-8358 sm70s3197-13 13/3/07 11:24 Página 199 SOFT-BOTTOM POLYCHAETES IN IZMIR BAY • 199 mass between clean waters and polluted waters, the fied and counted using both stereo- and compound clean water masses greatly influenced by a local microscopes. The wet weight of polychaetes was upwelling near Gulbahce Bay, and the inflows of the determined by a sensitive balance. Gediz River and Aegean Sea. Izmir Bay is under the In order to interpret the quantitative data, influence of northerly winds throughout the year. Shannon-Weaver’s diversity index (H’) and Pielou’s A recent seasonal study performed in Izmir Bay evenness index (J’) were applied to the abundance between 1996 and 2001 by Kontas, et al. (2004), who of the species. The pooled abundance data of analysed water and sediment quality at stations species, obtained per sampling station in each sea- where we collected the benthic material, showed son, were analysed using cluster and non-metric that the temperature in the bay varied from ca. 10ºC multidimensional scaling (nMDS) techniques, based in December (average value: ca. 14ºC) to 28.6ºC in on the Bray-Curtis similarity, using the PRIMER August (average value: ca. 22ºC). The salinity var- package (see Clarke and Warwick, 2001). SIMPER ied from 21.4 (at a station near the Gediz River) to analysis was performed in order to identify the per- 39.9 psu (average value: ca. 39 psu); the density centage contribution of each species to the overall from 16.01 to 30.90 kg m-3 (average value: ca. 29 kg similarity within each group that was assessed m-3). The Secchi disc depth, an indicator of relative according to results of the cluster analysis. primary production and pollution levels in the marine environment, had the maximum score (29 m) in the outer Bay in October and the minimum score RESULTS (0.3 m) in the middle-inner parts of the bay in July. Depths of the stations, where benthic material Faunistic analysis of polychaetes collected was collected for this study (Fig. 1), are as follows: between 1997and 2002 at 29 stations in Izmir Bay 9 m (station 29); 10-20 m (stations 24, 23 and 14); yielded a total of 396 species belonging to 44 fami- 21-30 m (stations 16, 17, 22, 25, 26 and 28); 31-40 lies, of which 32 species were new records for the m (stations 11, 12, 13, 18 and 21); 41-50 m (stations Turkish fauna. New records are Malmgreniella poly- 8, 15, 19 and 27); 51-60 m (stations 7, 4, 15 and 20); papillata Barnich and Fiege, 2001; Harmothoe 61-70 m (stations 5, 6, 9 and 10); and 70-80 m (sta- antilopes McIntosh, 1876; Gyptis propinqua Marion tions 1, 2 and 3). Biotopes of the stations can be and Bobretzky, 1875; Podarkeopsis galangaui classified as Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile Laubier, 1961; Ancistrosyllis groenlandica (station 14); fine sandy mud (stations deeper than 40 McIntosh, 1879; Pilargis verrucosa Saint Joseph, m, and stations 11, 13, 22, 23, 24, 29), sandy (station 1899; Inermonephtys inermis (Ehlers, 1887); 16) and coarse sandy mud (stations shallower than Lumbrineris nonatoi Ramos, 1976; Lumbrinerides 40 m).
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