An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper FRIDAY October 10, 1997 Volume 124 • THE • Number 11 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Permit No. 26 F acuity Senate Clinton visits Philly blasts grant work BY BETH ASHBY faculty should schedule tests on Admint.uratil'e News Editor those days to prevent the three- or Faculty expressed doubt about fo ur-day student weekend. the effectiveness of the university­ After one s enate member wide project to curb binge drinking questioned the validity of these during the Fac ulty Senate meeting insinuations that faculty cater to Monday. students' drinking habits, Bishop John Bishop. project coordinator quickly replied that, in fact, he did for the R o b e rt Woo d J o hns on not kno w whether faculty displayed F o undation gra nt, made a these be haviors. presentatio n to update the senate on Ludwig M osberg, an associate the Building Res p o ns ibi lity see SENATE page A4 Project. Senate m e mbers respo nded b y que~tioning the feasi bility o f the Committee to project's approach and goals. Alan H o r o witz, an assoc ia te change core professor fo r the pa1allel program, question e d the m etho d s of the project. requirements "The approach e mp loyed in the a n ti - b inge d ri nk ing program is BY BETH ASHBY doomed to fai lure," he said. Adnunisrralive News Editnr '·It is the same o ld, same o ld - A presenta ti o n of the tent a tive law e nfo rcem e nt a nd c hoking o ff goals fo r re vision of the gener a l the supply of a lcoho l rather i h~ · 1 education curriculum was presented trying to get at the rea o ns behind to the Faculty Senate Mond ay. the need for bi nge drinking o r the Caro l Hoffecker, the chairwoman c ultura l s upport for it." Horowitz of the ad hoc committee on general said. education, said the c urrent gene ral Bishop s ai d the project. fo rmed educatio n curri culum is "frayed at by the R obert W ood J o hnso n the edges." Fo undation, is " trying to develo p a T he committee, composed o f 25 fac u lty a nd administra tors fro m City may be site of 2000 convention new approach to an o ld proble m o n coll ege campuses." different depanments, was fo rmed in December 1996 in response to the BY LAURA OVERTURF evening's visual set-up was in level. 'The heavy-drinking c ulture has NationaVState Ne\,.-"'1 Editor C indy B e rnard , a Philadelphia blatant emulation of the stage and Looking to the future . Clinto n d e velo ped fa r e no ug h n o t to be provost 's request to assess the PHILADELPHIA - The City of logo of Democratic conventions of said the national issue o f the most me mber o f the Young Democratic c on sidere d a n i nn ocent rite uf general education requirements. Counc il. said she believes if the Brotherl y Love opened its heart and the past. The Libe rty Bell concern is the climate. but ba lancing passage," Bishop said , explaining ''The university's responsibility i; decis io n is made in favor of to provide us \\ llh the tools and the its wallet for the Democratic Party at incorpor a ted 111 the logo progressive environmental c hanges that the project committee looks at a fund-raiser auended by President Philadelphia. it will be because of resources we need." she said. 'Our demonstrated Philadelphia's hope without losi ng jobs will be a the pro blem as a p ublic health Bill Clinton Wednesday. Rendell's effons. responsibility as a facult:y is to use the convention will take place in the challenge. issue. The evemng event was sponsored "If it comes to Philly," she said, those tools in order to give ou1 .:i ty. "We have to fi nd a way to clean The Build in g R esponsi bi li:y b] the Democratic ational "Rendell wi II have played a single­ students the very best educatiOn we "So the podium might look like a the envi ro nme n t a nd g row o ur Projec t in vo lves more than I 00 Committee at the CoreState Center handedly integral role in it." .:an." convention podium," he said v.ith a economy.'' he said. ··we need to be a people represen t ing both tne and v. as an elTon on the pan of the laugh to the crowd of several The President's trip ended with a Hoffecker decl1ncJ to answer country of the future. not the past, to university and the City of Newark. city to lure the party to hold its hundred democratic supponers. dmner, sponsored by the DNC. senate members' questions about build that br idge to the 2 1s t The project is wo rking to "s hape national convention here in the year Clinton said he is not surprised century." Despite the raging campaign specific c hanges to the general expectatio ns of inco m in g 2000. the city might be chosen as the site. Steven Grossman, c hai rman of finance refmm debates in the Senate education requirements and said the students," Bis ho p said. Phi !ad e lphia is o ne of the top 'The last time the party had its the DNC said, "[Philadelphia] is a and the on-going investigation into committee will not d iscuss practical He also a ke d the fa c ult y to contenders fo r the 2000 Democratic convention in Phi ladelphia, in 1948. city of the fu ture, just as it was in the Vice President AI Gore' s campaign changes unti l the goal state ment i~ financing, the DNC's evening served consider ways in which they could COn\'ention. it worked out pretty well for us," he past." ~peculati n g the probability o f formalized. as a fund-rai ser , a t which each help. Faculty sho uld wo rk to keep Nearly 50 years have passed since said. addressing the Young Philadelphia's hosting th e However. Hoffecker said the new Philadelphia has been the site for the Democratic Council and local convention. pe rson paid fro m $25 to $100 to the ac a dem1c s ta nda rd h igh. he curric ulum will focus on freshmen convention, Mavor Edward Rendell democrats. "Philadelphia has the leadership attend. said , and 10 no t acce pt s tudent a nd will not increase the required sa1d. notmg t h~ 1948 election was Clinton emphasized t he to make it happen ,'' said the Foll owing the main event of the excuses of hangovers. credit hours. evening, Clinto n attend a sma:t DNC Bisho p al so said M o nday a nd won by Democrat Harry S Truman. importance of younger Democrats' chairman. who will make the final One possibil ity, she said. is to Re ndell sa id joking ly in his dinner party, at whic h the cost of · Friday "s ho uld be p a rt of the grass-roots support, w hich makes decision abou t the con venti o n 's speech tha t the si milari ty of the political progress happen on a local location. each reserved spot was $5,000. academic calendar,'' adding tha t see COURSES page A 4 Campus daycare still a dream Religious rally in BY PATRICIA A. KOLY I miss my classes. o f whom matriculate, as any student who takes a Staff Reporter "I don' t like daycare in general," she said, "but hiatus after high school fo r whatever reason. Jami Riley. a 22-year-old freshman, bundles I have to finish my education." Washington "A lot of the stude nts I work with a re pan ­ her 2-year-old son Austin into the car seat of her Everybody wants daycare, but they w a nt ti me," s he said , "and o ve r the years they have faded silver 1988 Toyota Camry. different things, said Ann Lopata, coordinato r o f asked about daycare." She woke up at 5 :30a.m ., spent an hour students of the Access Center in Clayton Hall, Senior Stephen Smoot, a 24-year-old full -time exercising at the YMCA, fed and dressed both where continuing education students initially go student and father l'!' four-year-old Emily. agrees reaches UD Mall Austin and herself. and now she has to take him to for counseling. that on-campus day care would be beneficia l. the Once Upon A Time daycare center in Newport " Drop-in day care would be most beneficial," '·J believe the ca mpus has a n o bligatio n to BY ERIN K. LIEDEL pieces of the rally. because the university doesn' t have an official s he said, referring to an as-needed style of [students who are parents]," he said. "There are Staff Rep<mer Andy Haynes, president of the East daycare program. childcare. ''Right now most returning adult support systems for every o rg ani zation on The rally that bro ught together Campus Inter-Varsity Christian Then she will head for class.
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