glebe mpor October 3, 1997 glèbereportOctober 3, 1997 Vol. 25 No. 9 Will Bronson expressway affect Q. E. Driveway? BY PAT STEENBERG Bronson Expressway. beth and Colonel By Driveways to quest that they be informed about Moving more people out of cars The meeting was organized by the one-way routes. Despite repeated events relating to the Airport and onto public transit and encour- City Centre Coalition, a group of questioning, however, the Commis- Parkway-Bronson Avenue corridor. aging development and growth in- eight downtown community asso- sioner could not say what, if any, To add your name, call Mr. Tuna- side the Greenbelt are two princi- ciations that have joined together to plans were in place to absorb the cliffe at the Regional Municipality ples forming the philosophical fight the Expressway. The Coalition additional traffic once Parkway ca- of Ottawa-Carleton. If you wish to framework for our Regional Official has challenged the legality of pro- pacity doubles. He did acknowl- make a contribution to the City Plan; however, they are often ig- cess the Region used to gain ap- edge that congestion on Bronson Centre Coalition send a cheque to nored when Council actually makes proval for the Airport expansion. would increase. the Glebe Community Association. its decisions. As a result, the Ontario Ministry of The names of those attending will To be informed of the Coalition's Proposed changes to the Airport the Environment and Energy be forwarded to the Regional Trans- activities, call Pat Steenberg at Parkway and Bronson will open the increased the environmental portation Department with a re- 233-2245. route to commuter traffic, double assessment requirements for pro- its capacity and transform it into a posed construction of access ramps campaigner honoured major north-south expressway. at Hunt Club Road. Since then, the Cattle Castle A rapid rail alternative is a vi- Coalition has re-reviewed the Aberdeen Pavilion, Wallis House, able, realizable and affordable al- environmental assessment criteria Booth Barn Complex, and Pooley's ternative. A substantial part of the required and will likely request Bridge and Mill Race. In addition, infrastructure, such as rail lines that the project be further redesig- Mr. Cullingham has made signifi- and underpasses, are already in nated in order to allow for a proper cant contributions by serving on place and the cost of a realistic pi- environmental review. the Council of Heritage Organiza- lot project is roughly the same as tions of Ottawa, as president, the that of constructing the Hunt Club Transportation consultant, Bob Historical Society of Ottawa, the and Walkley Road ramps. Although Ridely, and Regional Planning and Cultural Leadership Committee and this option is included in the Offi- Development Commissioner, Nick the Local Architectural Conserva- cial Plan it has not been given the Tunacliffe, spoke about proposed tion Advisory Committee (LACAC). visibility it merits. consultations with the downtown Mr. Cullingham is the producer of Recently, more than SO local communities on the impact of the talking up series of audio cas- residents attended a meeting at the changes to the Airport Parkway and sette guides to heritage tours of the Glebe Community Centre to find out Bronson Avenue. Particular con- St. Lawrence, Ottawa and Rideau more atout this issue and what they cerns were raised about the possi- Rivers and a contributor to Ottawa, could do to halt the progress of the ble conversion of the Queen Eliza- A Colour Guide, (Formac Publish- Gordon Cullingham ing). Cassette sets of the tours may OPEN HOUSE Glebe resident, Gordon Culling- be purchased by calling 236-2502. Cullingham is one of 135 Central Park To present and receive input on the ham, has been honoured by the On- Gordon Final Design for the tario Heritage Foundation under its individuals honoured under the the cleanup Oct. 5 Glebe Community Centre second annual Heritage Community program that recognizes local con- Sunday October Renovation Recognition Program. He received tributions and commitments in the 5, 2-5 pm, help and cultural *make our park safe and beautiful. the award at the October 1 City areas of built, natural Tuesday, October 7, 1997 heritage. In announcing the names Drop by, even if you only have an Council meeting. 7:30 p.m. of recipients, Joanna Bedard, Chair hour to spare. Bring garden gloves Gordon Cullingham is recognized Glebe Community Centre for his dedicated work to preserve of the Foundation, said, "The ac- and clippers if you have them. We Main Hall plan to trim undergrowth starting built heritage in Ottawa and for his complishments of this year's recip- at the west end and working to- Agenda scholarly research and promotional ients are impressive. Locally, wards O'Connor Street. We will 7:30 - Review of Plans efforts on behalf of local water- these individuals are cornerstones 8:00 p.m. - Presentation of Plans ways. His long-standing commit- of heritage conservation. Provin- also be clearing behind the wetland 8:30 p.m. - Discussion & Comments area. Coffee and donuts will be ment to architectural conservation cially, this program provides a For more information, call Grant Peart, showcase achievements." provided. Project Manager, 244-5300, ext. 4043 is evidenced in his defence of the for their Next Deadline Central Park flooding problem addressed October 27, 1997 The City of Ottawa will be in- that it flooded almost immediately. end of Patterson Creek. stalling drainage in Central Park A doctor raised concerns about the The new drainage system will INSIDE west Bank effects of standing water on of Street this fall in re- public eventually be connected directly to Letters 5 sponse to concerns raised by park health, and drainage tiles were in- the Lyon Street sewers. The Central users. stalled in 1912, draining the water Park Renewal Committee is raising GNAG 7 into The park, which regularly floods Rosebery Avenue sewers. money to help fund the connection Feature 19 in the spring and fall, has been Pictures of the park suggest that and restore the park landscaping, scarred by both the high water these were fairly effective, until in and is currently looking for spon- Election '97.... 21-26 level and the heavy trucks and recent years the clay tiles became sors and volunteers. Please call Schools 27-31 pumps used to drain it. New clogged or broken. 234-6418. drainage pipes will collect the wa- Improved drainage will facilitate New benches are also being in- Quote of the month ter and drain it to the west end of tree and landscape planting, and stalled. Previous benches lifted What moistens the lips and what the park, where it will be pumped should allow year-round use of the out of the ground in the winter brightens the eye? into the Lyon Street sewer system. park. Tiles have already been in- when the wet ground froze. The new What calls back the past, like the Central Park was built in 1911 stalled in the park east of Bank benches are set on concrete pads, rich pumpkin pie? and historical research has shown Street to drain the area around the that "float" above the frost layer. Whittier The Pumpkin NEWS Glebe Report October 3, 1997 2 Motorcycles & speed-guns trap speeders on Bronson Quality. It's as important in diamonds as in anything else you own. And quality showsin a fine diamond, a home, or an automobile. Quality in diamonds is determined by the 4C's: Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat-weight. Cut is the precise formula for cutting a diamond to allow the maximum amount of light in. Color refers to the different gradations from exceptional white to yellowish. Quality is also determined by Clarity, the degree to which a diamond is free of interior and exterior inclusions. Finally, there is Carat- weight, the size of the diamond. Your jeweler is the expert where quality diamonds are concerned. He can answer your questions on quality and can show you BY IAN HASSELL pecting motorists Onto Fourth Av- quality diamonds in On Tuesday, August 19 the Police enue. There, they awaited their all price ranges. Your jeweler under- were out in full force trapping what tickets, often five or more cars at a stands how important quality is to must have been hundreds of time. Lots of motorcycles were on you in anything you own. speeding motorists and red light hand to take care of the occasional runners on Bronson Avenue. The driver reluctant to 'pull over. Police, armed with a tripod- It was an exciting event for the mounted speed gun and several neighbourhood, and the Police DAVIDSON'S JEWELLERS SINCE 1939 hand-held ones, strode boldly Onto seemed to be in good spirits, but the roadway to direct the the motorists weren't: 790 BANK STREET AT THIRD unsus- OTTAWA, CANADA K1S 3V6 Will the beat go on? PHONE (613) 234-4136 FAX (613) 232-9764 Some Glebe merchants are con- veyed these concerns to Brian Ford, cerned that they do not see 'Skate,' ow% Chief of the Ottawa-Carleton Re- 4famtir 4cYour guide to diamond value. Senior Cst. Gary Schuiteboer, on the gional Police Service. Bank Street Beat in the Glebe as Chief Ford, in his response to much as they would like to. The McKeen's fax, states that he will merchants say he is often pulled maintain his commitment to the from the beat for other duties, so he Bank Street Beat (Glebe) and that he is no longer a daily presence. And, will maintain this community po- SOFTWARE DESIGN & SYSTEM SUPPORT since Skate has asked to be reas- lice position even if Skate is reas- signed to pursue new career oppor- signed.
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