Bibliography Glossary

Bibliography Glossary

366 BIBLIOGRAPHY GLOSSARY -^ f 367 BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Primary Sources Abhidhamma-Mulatlkd [Se], Sinhalese edition, edited by Dehigaspe Pandit Pannasara Thera & Palannoruve Pandit Wimaladhamma Thera, finally revised by Kukulanpe Siri Dewarakkhita Thera, approved by Baddegama Siri Piyaratana Nayaka Thera, and published as Volume VII, Vidyodaya Tika Publication, Colombo, 1938. Abhidhamma-Mulatlkd [Ue], Ramasahkara TripathI, Sampurnananda Sanskrit University, Varanasi, 1988. Abhidhammatthasangaha & Abhidhammatthavibhdviril-tikd [Atths (Ve) & Atth-vt (Ve)], Vol. 133, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpiui, 1998. Ahguttara-Nikdya [AN] 5 Vols, edited by R. Morris & E. Hardy, The Pali Text Society, London, 1961-1976. Ahguttaranikdya-Tikd [AN-t (Ve)], Vol. 44-46, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri,1995. Anudlpariipdtha [Ad], Myanmar edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sangayana published by Department of Religious Affairs in Myarraiar. Apaddna [Ap (Ve)], Vol. 57-58, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Atthsdlinl: Buddhaghosa's Commentary on the Dhammasahgani edited by P.V. Bapat and R.D. Vadekar, Bhandarkar Oriental Series No. 3, Poona, 1942. Atthasdlini, edited by Ramasahkara TripathI, Sampumanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi, 1989. Atthasdlirii-Atthayojandya, edited by Ramasahkara TripathI, Sampumanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi, 1989. Atthasdinibhdsdtikd [Ab-t], Vol. II, written by Ven. Janakabhivamsa, New Burma offset Pitaka Publication, Amarapura, 4"' edition 2002. Atthasdinibhdsdtikd [Ab-t], Vol. Ill, by Ven. Janakabhivamsa, New Burma offset Pitaka Publication, Amarapura, 4* edition 1995 (Myanmar Script). Culaniddesa [Cnd (Ve)], Vol. 78, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Calavagga [Vin (Ve) II], Vol. 90, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Digha-Nikdya [DN], 3 Vols, edited by T.W.Rhys Davids & I.E. Carpenter, The Pali Text Society, London, 1966-1976. Dighanikdya-Jlkd [DN-t (Ve)], Vol. 7-11, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1993. 368 Dhammapada [Dhp], edited by O.V. Hiniiber & K.R.Nonnan, The Pali Text Society, Oxford, 1994. Dhammasahganl [Dhs], edited by E. MuUer, The Pali Text Society, London, 1885: Reprinted 1978. Dhammasahgani [Dhs (Ve)], Vol. 113, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpiui, 1998. Dhammasanganl-Atthakathd [Dhs-a (Ve)], Vol.125, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Dhammasahgani-Mulankd-Anutikd [Dhs-mt (Ve) & Dhs-at (Ve)], Vol. 130, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Dhammasahgam-Mulatikd-Anutikd [Te], Thai edition, MahacuUalongonrajavidayalyen Pakasita, Anussaranliyam Buddhavasse 2538. Dhammasahgam-Mulatikd-Anutikd [Me], Myanmar edition, edited by Bhadantacariya Dhammapala Thera and published by Department of Religious Affairs, Myanar 1960. Itivuttaka [Itv (Ve)], Vol. 48, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1995. Jdtaka together with its Commentary [Ja & Ja-a], 6 Vols, edited by V. FausboU, The Pali Text Society, London, 1962-1963. Kaccdyana bydkarana, Myanmar edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, 1960. Kathdvatthu [Kv], 2 Vols., edited by A.C. Taylor, The Pali Text Society, London, Vol. I First pubhshed 1894, Vol. II First published 1897; Combined Reprint 1979. Kathdvatthuppakarana-Atthakathd [Kv-a], edited by N.A. Jayawickrama, The Pali Text Society, London, 1979. Madhusdrathadlpanl: Dhammasangani Madhu-tlkd [Dhs-dt], Vol. I, written by Mahananda Thera, Pitakattaw pyuntpwaye thana (Department of Distribution of Pitaka), Mandalay, Myanmar, 1928. Mahdniddesa [Mnd], 2 Vols., edited by L.De La Vallee Poussin & E.J. Thomas, The Pali Text Society, London, Vol. I First Published 1916, Vol. II First Published 1917; Combined Reprint 1978. Majjhima-Nikdya [MN], Vol. I, V. Trenckner; Vol. II, edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids; Vol.III-IV, edited by R. Chahners, The Pah Text Society, London, 1888-1925; Reprinted 1951-1979. Majjhima-Nikdya [MN (Ve)], Vol. 12-14, Devanagari edition of die Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1995. Majjhimanikdya-Tikd [MN-t (Ve)], Vol. 19-22, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1995. 369 Manorathapuranl: Buddhaghosa's Commentary on the Aiiguttara-Nikaya [AN-a], 5 Vols, edited by M. Walleser & H. Kopp, The Pali Text Society, London, 1966-1979. Milindapanha [Mil (Ve)], Vol. 81, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Saiigayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Moggallana bydkarana, Myanmar edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, 1960. Mohavicchedam: Abhidhamma-mdtikdpdli Sahitd [Mhv (Ve)], Vol. 136, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Ninittidipani, Myanmar edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, 1960. Nettippakarana [Ntt (Ve)], Vol.80, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Netti-Pakarana with Extracts from Dhammapdla 's Commentary [Ntt], edited by E. Hardy, The Pali Text Society, London, 1902. Nettippakarana-Atthakathd [Ntt-a (Ve)], Vol. 83, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Nettippakarana Tikd: Nettivibhdvini [Ntt-vt (Ve)], Vol. 86, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Pdcittiya [Vin (Ve) IV], Vol. 88, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Papancasudanl Majjhimanikdyatthakathd of Buddhaghosdcariya [MN-a], 5 Vols., Vol. I-II, edited by J.H. Woods & D. Kosambi; Vol. III-V, edited by I.B. Homer, The Pali Text Society, London, 1922- 1937; Reprinted 1976-1979. Papancasudanl Majjhimanikdyatthakathd [MN-a (Ve)], Vol. 15-17, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1995. Paramattha-Dlpani: Uddnatthakathd of Dhammapalacariya [Ud-a], edited by F.L. Woodward, The Pali Text Society, London, 1926; Reprinted 1977. Paramattha-Dlpani: Iti-Vuttakatthakatha of Dhammapalacariya [Itv-a], 2 Vols, edited by M.M. Bose, The Pali Text Society, London, Vol. I First published 1934, Vol. II First published 1936; Combined Reprint 1977. Patisambhiddmagga [Ps], 2 Vols., edited by A.C. Taylor, The Pali Text Society, London, Vol. I First published 1905, Vol. II First published 1907; Combined Reprint 1979. Patisambhiddmagga [Ps (Ve)], Vol. 79, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Instimte, Igatpuri, 1998. Patthdna [Ptn (Ve)], Vol. 120-124, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sahgayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Petakopadesa [Pe], edited by A. Barua, The Pali Text Society, London, 1949. 370 Petakopadesa [Pe (Ve)], Vol. 80, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sangayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Saddhamma-pajjotika: The Commentary on the Mahd-Niddesa [Mnd-a], 2 Vols., edited by A.P. Buddhadatta, The Pali Text Society, London, Vol. I First published 1931, Vol. II First published 1939; Combined Reprint 1980. Saddhammapajjotikd: The Commentary on the Niddesa (Ciilaniddesa) [Cnd-a], Vol. Ill, edited by A.P. Buddhadatta, The Pali Text Society, Oxford, 1940; Reprinted 1989. [Cnd-a (Ve)], Vol. 83, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sangayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1998. Saddhammappakdsinl: Commentary on the Patisambhiddmagga [Ps-a], 3 Vols., C.V. Joshi, The Pali Text Society, London, Vol. I First published 1933, Vol. II First published 1941, Vol. Ill First published 1947; 3 Vols. Reprinted 1979. Samantapdsddikd: Buddhaghosa's Commentary on the Vinaya Pitaka [Vin-a], 8 Vols., edited by J. Takakusu & M. Nagai, The Pali Text Society, London, 1924-1947; Reprinted 1966-1981. Sammoha-Vinodani: Vibhahgatthakathd [Vbh-a], edited by A.P. Buddhadatta, The Pali Text Society, London, 1923; Reprinted 1980. Samyutta-Nikdya [SN], 5 Vols., edited by M.L. Peer, The Pali Text Society, London, 1884-1898; Reprinted 1970-1976. Samyuttanikdya-Tika [SN-t (Ve)], Vol. 32-34, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sangayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1994. Sdrattha-Ppakdsini: Buddhaghosa's Commentary un mc jumyutta-Nikdya [SN-a], 3 Vols., edited by F.L. Woodward, The Pali Text Society, London, 1929-1937; Reprinted 1977. Sdsanavamsa, Myarraiar edition of the Pali text of Chatthasahgayana, Department of Religious Affairs, Myanmar, 1960. Sumahgala-VildsinJ: Buddhaghosa's Commentary on the DIgha-Nikaya [DN-a], Vol. I, edited by T.W. Rhys Davids & J.E. Carpenter, 1968; Vol. II-III, W. Stede, 1971, The Pali Text Society, London. Sumafigala-Vildsirii [DN-a (Ve)], Vol. 4-6, Devanagari edition of the Pali text of the Chattha Sangayana, Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri, 1993. Sutta-Nipdta [Sn], edited by D. Andersen & H. Smith, The Pali Text

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