.^Average Daily Clreubtion Thfi WtpUMT Far the Month at AptU. 1»4« Foreeaal ef U. S. Waathar /■ 9,058 Ctondy Yrito Ugfit abewai Bight; Tneeday lala aad am Membbr of tba Aadit Borean at Clreolatlaaa Manchester— A City of Village Charm PRICE THREE CENTS (Ciooelfiad Advarttatag aa Page Ifl) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, MAY 20, 1946 (TWELVE PAGES) VOL. LXV „ NO. 196 Trainmen’s Back to Resume Talks Remaining Weeks Continue Conferring To Harvest Time In Railroad Dispute; Seen As Critical ^ Talks Held Top Presidential Advis- lions in Position to Gifts Cash National Army Auto Prices ers Hope to ' Bringi Help Fight Famine j Leaders of Brothcr- ‘Must Continue andj Help Needy Defeate Reds Hike Brings ^ , hoods and Carriers To- Heighten Their Efforts’ j tJfl PvotOSt gether in Direct Ne- At Szepingkai Washington, May 20.— Dionnes Want Money^fo / ____ _ ____ gotiations; Snyder and — President Truman inform* Go to Catholic Steelman Rejircsent ed the International Food Stronghold of Chinese Reuther Asks Porter to lief Fund for Aid conference today that tlie re- Coniniunists Falls Aft> Name Board to Hear Government in Talks maining weeks before the O f Europe's Children 1946 grain harvest will be es- er 32-Day Battle on Union Claims Higher Washington, May 20.— pecially critical in famine Callander, Ont., May 20— (fl’)— Manchurian Plain Prices Not Necessary — Top presidential adviserfi areas. He Mid the United 'irhe Plonne qulntupleta will ob- continu^ separate confer^ A.' F. Whitiiey, (righ t) prenldent of the Brotherhood o f Railroad Trainmen, shakes hands wdth R. H. aerve their 12th birthday without States and other countries in Royer, (le ft) firemdij of the train on which he arrived In Washington May 19 for resumption of wage nego- Bulletin 1 Detroit, May 20— (4b 'The CTO ences with leaderfi of railroaif k position to help "must continue gifts next week. They have asked tiations vi’lth rail niahagement officials. Looking on are three other members of tlic crew, (left to right) NaAiing, May 80—(/P)— Gen brotherhoods and carriers to-' United Auto Workers tbday filed and heighten their efforts.” that the money which would have Frank Arthur, engineer. W. H. Wells, trainman; and A. Grlndcs, brakeroan. (A P wirephoto). \ eral MafshaU. American peace day with the hope of “bring- Mr. Truman'* statement was a ____________ - - - -- - - - --------- — . ------- -------- > ■■■ — II . I ■ I II I ■ I II ■> a formal protest w’lth toe OPA gone for presents be contributed envoy to China, sharply criti- made In a welcoming talk read by against IncrcMcd automobile pric- ing .them together very soon’’ to a Catholic relief fund adminis- cized' both Comipunlnt and Secretary of Agriculture Ander- tered In the Vatican for the aid government factions today for es. in direct negotiations. In son before an opening meeting of of Europe's children. Gromyko W ill their part In the Chinese civil Walter^. *1*. Reuther, UAW-CTO making this announcement, the food and agriculture organiza- Iran Fighting Reports The girl'e father, Oliva Dionne, war. Saying he waa deeply- president, asked O PA Administra- however Eben Ayers, ^ assistant tion of the United Nations, called said they wanted to do something press secretary for President Tni- to map a broad fight on long-term concerned over "the oriticnl tor Paul Porter to deaignat* a to makp life a bit happjer for other Boycottiran . aituatlon In North China” and man, said he did not think joint famine conditions. board of review to hear union conferences designed to reach a children whose parents were lost Described as Unlikely was endeavoring “ by every "In meeting at this critical claims that increased auto prices settlement prior to -Thuraday’a In the "awful war.” ' means” to prevent the spread period,” the president’* message are not made nectosary by recent strike deadline, could be resumed said, "you have heavy responsi- So. the famous sisters, Annette, Parleys Again of general fighting from Man- wage increases, and are in viola- churia sonthwaH, Mototoil today. bilities and great opportunities.” Yvonne, Emilie, Cecile and Marie tion of the president's order on will have'one large cake to cele- Government S p o k «m a n l]^ g g g censured both faction* for Reconversion Director John W. Herbert Hoover, addressing the wage-price policy. brate their birthday on May 28— their propaganda ra|iipaign*. Snyder and John R. Steelmaui, session, urged the creation by Security Council Near Says Strict O rders., ww ww a a The union complaint charged presidential labor adviser, arc Sept. 1 of a broad international but no presents. which he sold “ natid^l.v in- ^ Their father, who Uvea with his that recent price Increases will add conferring with the dieputants in- food administration to spur piH>- Another Deadline in Given Not to StaH; flame feeling* on A increase t||e w ife and 12 children in a mansion Will Bc Halt^M, IIOO.OOO.OOO to the $200,000,000 a dividually. duction and guide distribution o f jMMisihlUty of nonie hotlieada across the road from the little Case; Complicated by Any Border Troubles j ----- .r year to the cost o f cars to conaum- The Engineer and Tralninea auppliea. He declared there la need preclplatlng a general conflag- f m e house where the quintuplets era. brotherhoods are seeking wag* and for drastic reorganization of the Reports of Civil W ar- ration.” were born, said he was much hap- MacArthur Statement This Is in addition, the protest working rule change* which th* world fight on famine. London, May 20.--(/P)— ccrrlers ao far have decUnad to pier than during the years the Nanking,. May 20—(^Pj- Szep- said, to the $500,000,000 added to Mr. Truman’s message said; New York, May’ 80.—(^ —So- ,The British Broadcasting Apparently Aimed at! accept. quints lived apart from the rest "What this conference accom- Slroilir Left Pressure : »‘”>"»*»old of Chinese Com- of the family, under Ontario gov- Viet Delegate Andrei A. Gromyko' Corporation said today that (Continued dn Page Bight) Snyder, Steelman and Secretary plishes or fails to accomplish will eniment supervision. indicated today that he would an Iranian • jfoveminent -------------------- A----- of Labor Schwellenbach are m eet-. make its mark not only In the Ing today on the~aoft coal dlaput*,^ boycott Wedhesday’a sewion... of | tional First Army today after a areas where people are hungry as spokesman described as “un- Bulletin! Ayera aaid In reply to queatlo punishing, 32-day battle on the the aftermath of war, but In all toe United Nations Security conn likely reports of fightintr be- Ayres said: parts of the earth and for a long Tokyo, May 80 — (4»i — .4 Manchurian plain, government dis- To Increase cll w’hich has been called to take tween government and Azer- heavily conservative cabinet "Aa far aa I know they jift not time to come." Most Miners s lip again the controversial Iranian patches said. baijan forces in northwest was named for Japan tonight. Seventy miles to‘ the northeast talking about aelzure.” Stop Toward Winning Peace question. Chief Cabinet Secretary JojI lay Communlst-held Changchun, • A u t o P r i c e s Principals on both^dea hav* The president said any steps to- Gromyko, Who already ha.i Persia. H ayashl. announced aelertlon Digging^Coal Source Not Given prime objective of the First Army, said privately they^ooked for th* ward'feeding the world’s families walked out on one meeting of the by 'Premier-Designate Shlgeni The London hroadca.st. which but between it and toe Manchurian government toxwtke over th* better ah^ making the fullest use council and boycotted another, Yimhlda of 15 men— *lx Lib- did not give the aource ,of ils in- capital were thousands of Com- mines by toe^jofiddle of toe week, of the products of farm* and fish- said In response to a question a.s eral*, five nun-parti«an* and Will Go Up Four to Swinging Picks in All foi-niution. added that the Iranian munist .troops, armed with artll- pin This Week eries Is "a stop toward winning and to whether he would attend: four Progressive*. Complete “I made myself clear on thatspokesman ,said the govcniment fery. Five Per Cent to Off- securing the ptoce." Bituminous States Ex- approval by supreme head- Aiming To Cut Supply Line The truce under which moct of The world Wide scarcity of aome time ago.” ' forces “ have strict oixleis not to quarters, however, ^as rep<»rt- 400^pe0 s trik in g U nited Mina He apparently waa i^ rrin g to atart any-fighting. ■ ' T h e Communists were reported set Costlier Steel bread grains, MnxTruman aaid, cept Pennsylvania ^ doubtful lunging out 250 miles to the south- \y0rifers are again digging coal ax- cannot be completely overcome his statement of AP’''* 23 tliat ne "It may be possible," the broad- ires next week-end, while toe would not take part In any further cast quoted him as saying, "that vest in Jehol province, aiming to Washingto^, May 20.—(JP) with the 1946 harvest. Oeflclta In Tokyo, May 20— i4’i—General drive another government Army to nation-wide strike of railroad livestock products, he added, will By The Associated Press council discussions of toe Iranian some over-eager frontier units had Prices of new ears, already boost- MacArthur demanded today that the sea and cut the supply line to trainmen and - engineer* haa bean continue for a long lime. The second week of truce min- question. fired a few shots at Azerbaijans Manchuria. ed because of higher pricei^ postponed only until 4 p. m., local "The remaining weeks before Still Without .\*surance who were provoking them." "disorderly minorities" in Japan ing was under way today with the ’The rising fury of toe fighting going up again—this^xflme an standard time, on Thursday.
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