Friday, FebruaryNEWS 23, 2007 Technique • Friday, February 23, 2007 • 1 Mario’s nem- “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” esis, Wario, gets his own Volume 92, Issue 24 game on 28 pages the Wii, ONLINE www.nique.net page 17 TECHNIQUEServing Georgia Tech since 1911 Assassins arrives at DramaTech CoC creates John Wilkes Booth, Charles Guiteau, Luynette Fromme, two schools and Samuel Byck — these By Vivas Kaul people, along with others, are Staff Writer assassins and would-be assassins to the Presidents of the United Th e College of Computing recently announced States of America. Stephen that it would be splitting into two diff erent schools Sondheim and John Weidman both under the original college umbrella. Th ere tell the stories of these people will now be a School of Computer Science and a who are few and far between, School of Interactive Computing. It was determined through song in Assassins. that the continuing growth of the program and its DramaTech Theater will research facilitated a change at this time. be performing the famous Dean Ellen Zagura, the head of the School of production tonight at 8 p.m. Computer Science, said “Th e College of Computing and tomorrow at 8 p.m. as was created with the intention that at some point well as several days next it would contain schools.” week. For more information, Th e College of Computing, which was created visit www.dramatech.org. in 1991, has always operated under the idea that they would follow the traditional route of creating multiple schools within a given college. Award application “Th at was part of the vision from when the Col- lege of Computing was created,” Zagura said. due Thursday However, the current point in time was one of the primary motivators for the college. Applications for the Alvin M. “Th e primary motivator is to recognize that Ferst Leadership and Entrepreneur the College of Computing and computing as a Award for 2007 are due March 1. ood vibrations: Dance fi eld has grown to the point that it makes sense to Th is $2,500 award goes to a Marathon took place divide it up into separate intellectual disciplines,” junior or senior with at least a 2.5 lastG weekend in the O’Keefe Zagura said. GPA who has demonstrated ex- Gymnasium. Several or- Each school will deal with a diff erent aspect of traordinary leadership and/or en- ganizations from around the fi eld of computing. Zagura notes the diff er- trepreneurial skills while at Tech. campus participated in the ences between each side. Th e award has been estab- event that raised money for “Th e School of Computer Science contains the lished by Charlotte Ferst to honor the Children’s Healthcare of roots of computing. Areas like computer theory her husband, Alvin, who gradu- Atlanta, which is a part of and computer systems with a broad defi nition.” ated from Tech in 1943. Alvin the Children’s Miracle Net- She said. She went on to say “Interactive comput- Ferst has been a member of the work. Th e event raised close ing has a focus on the ways in which computing Alumni Association Board and to $25,000 for the non-profi t interacts with the rest of the world. Th at encom- the Tech Foundation for decades. organization. Th e winner of passes human computer interaction, graphics, and Th e scholarship continues the event, Stephanie Lohr, robotics,” Zagura said. the Ferst family’s long tradition received two round-trip Zagura goes on to comment on how this will of supporting Tech. Applica- Airtran tickets for dancing aff ect the day to day activities of the college. “I tions can be picked up from all night and winning the don’t think it will change on a pragmatic level. and submitted to the Student fi nal “Dance Off .” Students will still take classes with the same sorts Aff airs offi ce in Room 210 of By Jon Drews / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS the Student Services Building. See Schools, page 4 Tech signs health initiative Sorority Expansion By Craig Tabita Centers for Disease Control & Department of Biomedical En- Assistant News Editor Prevention. gineering, a partnership between ΧΩΤ intends to go national Nationwide, hundreds of Tech and Emory University. Tech was host to an infl uen- companies have signed their Th e health reform initiative tial crowd Feb. 12 that included support but Tech has been one outlines, in what it calls corner- Governor Sonny Perdue, former of only a handful of academic stones, the goals it is trying to House Speaker Newt Gingrich institutions to do the same. reach. Th e signatories commit and U.S. Department of Health “People don’t normally think to supporting these goals when and Human Services Secretary it comes to the services such as Michael Leavitt as they signed health insurance and health care an initiative to promote trans- “People don’t that they contract with third parency in health care. Francois parties to provide. Sainfort, director of the Health normally think of Th e fi rst of these cornerstones Systems Institute (HSI) and Tech as a major is the improvement of informa- associate dean of the College of tion technology systems used Engineering, signed it on behalf reformer of health in providing patient care, with of Tech, while the governor care.” a focus on interoperability to fa- signed on behalf of the state cilitate communication between government. Francois Sainfort providers. In addition to the aforemen- Th e second cornerstone is to tioned guests, representatives Director the Health ensure patients have access to from many Georgia companies, Systems Institute and accurate information regarding among them AT&T, Aetna, the Associate Dean of the quality of health care that is Coca-Cola Company, Piedmont College of Engineering available to them. Th is is done Health Care, UPS and WellStar by consistent measurement Health System, also were on of Tech as a major reformer of and reporting of the quality of hand to pledge their support, as health care. Th is raises aware- health care providers according Tech’s only local social sorority, Chi Omega Tau (pictured here at their well as organizations including ness of what we are trying to to standards established by na- Spring 2007 Bid Day dinner), presented a letter of intent to the Collegiate the Georgia Chamber of Com- do here and helps put Tech on tional organizations such as the Panhellenic Council Monday announcing their intent to pursue affi liation merce, the Georgia Hospital the map,” Sainfort said. He has National Quality Forum and the with a national sorority. Association, the Georgia Medical been director of the HSI since it READ THE COMPLETE STORY ON PAGE 4 Care Foundation, and the U.S. was established in 2005 by the See Health, page 7 Photo Courtesy of Chi Omega Tau 2 • Friday, February 23, 2007 • Technique NEWS Technique Online Voice your opinion! From the files of the GTPD... Last issue’s question received 74 responses. What are your thoughts on sorority expansion? Campus Crime I don’t have an opinion It’s about time another either way - 17% sorority came to campus - 29% Larceny-Theft Assault 2/16/2007 22:00:00 hrs. 2/16/2007 16:00:00 hrs. Traffic Accident Location: Howell Residence Hall Location: Global Learning Center 2/17/2007 5:40:00 hrs. Incident: Report of stolen bicycle. Incident: Report of simple assault. Location: Techwood Drive/Sixth 2/17/2007 11:00:00 hrs. Street/Fifth Street Location: CRC Incident: Report of a three vehicle Drugs accident. Incident: Report of a stolen wallets 2/18/2007 4:18:00 hrs. and contents. Location: Graduate Living Center 2/17/2007 20:57:00 hrs. Location: Tech Square Parking Criminal Trespass Incident: Offender arrest for pos- session of marijuana, possession of I just wish there were Deck 2/16/2007 15:00:00 hrs. There are enough amphetamine and wanted out of more females on campus- Report of two vehicle 32% sororities on campus Incident: Location: College of Computing Whitfield County and was trans- accident. - 22% Incident: Report of broken toilet lid ported to the Fulton County Jail. and damaged paper dispenser. By Hillary Lipko / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Motor Vehicle Theft Health and Safety This week’s question: 2/17/2007 7:00:00 hrs. 2/16/2007 16:16:00 hrs. Location: Love Manufacturing Location: Barnes and Nobles 2/16/2007 15:08:00 hrs. How do you feel about the new CoC schools? Building Lot Bookstore Location: CRC Incident: Report of stolen Pontiac Incident: Report of suspicious Incident: Report of an injured Tell us at www.nique.net Sunfire. person. person refusing transport. sliver www.nique.net/sliver what percent of Georgia Tech students do you think are getting laid on a regular basis? I think everyone in this country should be required by law to read the book Affluenza. It sickens me, the amount of waste and mass counsumption we have. thank you for reading the slivers Paul. it makes me want to think of clever things to tell you. ��� sometimes I like to suck out the seeds and spit them at people boy who sits to my right in �������������������������� calc-- i wish that sliver had been about me. To Hemphill 406: It’s 1:30 in the morning... some of us have early classes, jerk. jdl i just want to be your girl... but you already have someone “For exemplary representatives of Georgia Tech” else *tear* i need to get some- that’s my problem. help! i am awesome and yet alone i hate valentine’s day I know there’s someone out there for me but where is he? JUST DO IT! ������������������������� your mom’s a notebook I’d give anything to hear you call Enjoy a home football game as a guest me darlin again Awesome, funny, attractive girl in search of scruffy, awesome, in the President’s box! party boy- find me! What does a pig put on a rash? OINKMENT! What does a bird put on a rash? TWEETMENT! ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Say it if its worth savin’ me! �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ChBE2120 - Numerical Methods..
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