THE MAGAZINE FOR THE SWISS ABROAD AUGUST 2010 / NO. 3 General Guisan – Did he save Switzerland in the war? To what extent should Swiss German be used? On the trail of Lord Byron in Switzerland Auslandskrankenversicherung ● bereits ab 131,- € monatlich www.revue.ch ● Tarifvergleiche online We look forward to your online visit. www.auslandsschweizer.com A + E GmbH, +49 (0)228-3388770 .QZ[\)QL EDITORIAL CONTENTS 3 The General 5 hy switzerland emerged unscathed from the second world war and Mailbag why it was spared by Hitler’s army is still being discussed 65 years after the end of the confl ict. Was this simply chance or was trade with Switzerland – weap- 5 W Books: The history of the Federal Palace ons, fi nancial services and gold – simply too important to the Germans? Or does alpine transit explain why Switzerland never came under attack from Greater Germany? Was 7 it the military victories of the Allied forces or was fate simply kind to us? Did Images: The Swiss Marlboro Man General Guisan and the Swiss army perhaps make the price of entering Switzerland too 8 high for Adolf Hitler? Did General Guisan save Switzerland? The question as to why Switzerland was not swallowed up by the German Reich will never be answered defi nitively. Still, it would appear that the general and the army had 12 a considerable infl uence on the decisions of the Nazi leadership: “The réduit in the Alps Exhibition in Berne to mark the centenary of Albert Anker’s death and control of the north-south axis signifi cantly increased the importance of the military factor”, wrote Fred Luchsinger, former editor-in-chief, in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”. 14 Notes from Parliament He continued: “Without military defences and the will to resist, Switzerland would sim- ply have become a pawn in Germany’s quest for domination of Europe.” Various factors undoubtedly came into play, probably least of all fate. At any rate, Regional news General Henri Guisan deserves recognition for ensuring the Swiss army was up to the task and that Switzerland held its own against its sizeable northern neighbour tactically 17 The Swiss Open-Air Museum Ballenberg and politically. This is illustrated by Rolf Ribi’s portrait of an extraordinary fi gure in Swiss history who is still of great interest to historians and biographers. The Swiss 18 abroad also voted General Guisan as the fourth most important To what extent should Swiss German be used? Swiss citizen of all time in the survey conducted by “Swiss Review” 20 (page 5). UBS locked in dispute with Switzerland * www.swisscommunity.org is the name of the Internet platform 21 launched by the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad. Swiss people Revision of unemployment insurance abroad now have their own platform for searching for and fi nding 22 information as well as for chatting. This electronic network aims OSA news Heinz Eckert to promote worldwide contact among the Swiss abroad and with Switzerland. www.swisscommunity.org offers the ideal platform for anyone specifi cally 26 On the trail of Lord Byron in Switzerland looking for contact with other Swiss nationals abroad who requires particular informa- tion about Switzerland or other Swiss abroad groups, wants to buy or sell things or sim- 28 ply wants to get in touch with like-minded people. Swiss abroad who would like to visit Living folklore: Modern-day alpine herdsmen their old homeland will fi nd tourist information and offers, and Swiss associations and 30 institutions abroad can use the new electronic Swiss club to advertise for members. Peo- Interview with the parties: SP Schweiz ple can fi nd out about their canton of origin and Switzerland and also discover where the International best fondues and the crispiest rye bread can be found abroad. www.swisscommunity.org is a bit like Facebook, Xing or Linked-In, yet different at the same time. This electronic 31 Echo community for the Swiss abroad is an exclusive communication platform specifi cally tai- lored to the needs of Swiss citizens abroad. We hope that the 700,000 Swiss abroad on all continents enjoy using our new site. Cover photo: General Henri Guisan: His popularity remains high. HEINZ ECKERT, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Photo: Keystone IMPRINT: “Swiss Review”, the magazine for the Swiss abroad, is in its 37th year of publication and is published in German, French, Italian, English and Spanish in 14 regional editions. It has a total circulation of 416000. Regional news appears four times a year. ■ EDITORS: Heinz Eckert (EC), Editor-in-Chief; Rolf Ribi (RR); René Lenzin (RL); Alain Wey (AW); Jean-François Lichtenstern (JFL), responsible for “Notes from Parliament”, Service for ugust 2010 / No. 3 / No. ugust 2010 the Swiss Abroad, DFA, CH-3003 Berne Translation: CLS Communication AG ■ LAYOUT: Herzog Design, Zurich ■ POSTAL ADDRESS: Publisher, editorial offi ce, advertising: Organi sation of the Swiss Abroad, Alpenstrasse 26, CH-3006 Berne, Tel.: +4131356 6110, Fax: +4131356 61 01, Postal account (Swiss National Giro): 30-6768-9. Internet: www.revue.ch ■ E-MAIL: [email protected] ■ PRINT: Swissprinters St.Gallen AG, CH-9001 St.Gallen. ■ CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please advise your local embassy or consulate. Do not write to Berne. ■ All Swiss abroad who are registered with a Swiss representation receive the magazine free of charge. Anyone else can subscribe to the magazine for an annual fee (Switzerland: CHF 25 / abroad: CHF 40). SWISS REVIEW A Subscribers are sent the magazine direct from Berne. Copy deadline for this edition: 14.6.2010 All-round insurance cover for Swiss citizens living abroad. The CSS Insurance International Health Plan covers medical expenses: on the job, off the job; sickness, accident and preg- nancy. For details and a quotation: www.css.ch/ihp Phone: ++41 58 277 16 87/91 [email protected] E-Mail: SR 2010 Insurance Official commemorative coin 2010 Albert Anker The Parish Clerk.The work of art by Albert Anker. Now new on the Swiss gold coin to commemorate the centenary of the artist‘s death. Available at banks, coin dealers and www.swissmint.ch. Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Confédération suisse Confederazione Svizzera Confederaziun svizra Swiss Confederation Swissmint Limited edition. Order now: www.swissmint.ch I should like to place an order for the following item plus Name: First name: shipping costs payable in advance: Quantity Quality Price per coin Address: Town/postcode: Albert Anker 50 franc gold coin, Gold 0,900; 11,29 g; Ø 25 mm Date: Signature: Proof coin in presentation case CHF 580.– no VAT Send voucher to Federal Mint Swissmint, Bernastrasse 28, CH-3003 Bern. SchweizerRevue_E MAILBAG BOOKS 5 Switzerland and THE MAGAZINE FOR THE SWISS ABROAD enormous conse- Immersed in the history of the Federal Palace. The guide crisis quential costs of “Le Palais fédéral à Berne” (The Federal Palace in Berne) Many congratu- APRIL 2010 / NO. 2 migration and so- gives us an historical and architectural insight into this lations on your edi- cial insurance, etc., Swiss political landmark covering all stages of its construc- torial “Switzerland not to mention the tion and the reasons for its various extensions. The Federal and the crisis”. billions on top Palace is made up of three buildings – the west wing, for- Every word and which Switzerland merly the federal government building, built between 1852 every sentence was would continually Pascale Bruderer: the most senior woman and 1857, the east wing, built between 1888 and 1892, and, in Swiss politics Policy on Europe spot on. Your arti- in a cul-de-sac have to pay out to in the centre, the Parliament Building constructed between Swiss farmers face an uncertain future cle ought to be pub- bankrupt states as 1894 and 1902. Berne was chosen as the new federal capital lished in a prominent place in an EU member. You also failed in 1848 at the fi rst meeting of the chambers. The Federal all Swiss newspapers over the to mention the EU directives, Council and the Parliament were temporarily based at differ- coming weeks to make people which Member States con- ent locations in Berne. In 1852, the Bernese architect, Jakob stop and think. stantly have to implement, de- Friedrich Studer (1817-1879), started work on the construc- I hope you and your team creed by an unelected body The Federal Palace in Berne tion of the government building in neo-renaissance style. As keep up the good work and of commissioners. Switzerland that “Swiss Review” – printed is not yet without alternatives the size of the federal administration became much greater than or electronic – continues to as the people are being told anticipated, extension plans had to be drawn up in 1874. Work on enjoy a strong readership. by those who have deliberately the building of the east wing began in 1888 under the guidance of E. DIETHELM, ALTENDORF taken us down the bilateral Hans Wilhelm Auer (1847-1906), an architect from St. Gallen. The cul-de-sac, are vigorously un- same architect was also responsible for the construction of the Par- Women in Switzerland dermining our institutions and liament Building adorned with its cupola and built exclusively Thank you for the very in- are propagating defeatism. from Swiss materials. Illustrated with many contemporary and pe- teresting article about the M. NYFFELER, GERMANY riod photographs and plans, this guide also looks at the interior achievements of Pascale Brud- decor and the building’s most important rooms – an extraordinary erer Wyss. Swiss women have Strong argument variety. come a long way! When I left My hearing is failing, but my “Le Palais fédéral à Berne”, Monica Bilfi nger, Guide to Swiss monuments, Society Switzerland in the summer of sight is very good.
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