E TH F O SESSION MCMXXXIX.-MCMXL. VOL. LXXIV. SEVENTH SERIES.—VOL. II. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES OF SCOTLAND, QUEEN STREET, EDINBURGH. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL AND COMPANY, LTD. MCMXL. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Annual Report for 1939-1940, ........... 1 Some Scottish Core-Tools and Ground-flaked Implements of Stone. By A. D. LACAILLE, F.S.A.Scot., F.S.A., ...........6 . Note Somn so e Antiquities from Sutherland . DAVIDSONM . J y B . , O.B.E., F.S.A.Scot. With a Report on Bones from a Bronze Age Cist at Dornoch. By G. H. EDINGTON, T.D., D.L., M.D., D.Sc., P.R.F.P.S.G., J.P., ......... 13 The So-called Heel-shaped Cairns of Shetland, with Remarks on the Chambered Tombs of Orkney and Shetland. By Professor T. H. BRYCE, M.D., LL.D., P.R.S., P.S.A.Scot., . 23 Excavations on the Estate of Meikleour, Perthshire, 1939. By I. A. RICHMOND, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., P.S.A., ...... 5 ...... 37 Ramparte Th Trapraif so n Law: Excavation 1939n si . By STEWAK . CKITDENTH , P.S.A.Scot.8 4 , The Chronology of the Early Christian Monuments of Scotland. By CECIL L. CURLE, P.S.A.Scot. (C. L. MOWBBAY), ........... 60 The Black Turnpike. By CHARLES BROODS BOOG WATSON, F.S.A.Scot., F.R.S.E., . 116 r GeorgSi e Macdonald, K.C.B.: 1862-1940 A Memoir. y JAMEB . S CURLE, LL.D., P.S.A.Scot., P.S.A., ............3 12 . Notes:— . Repor1 Shora n to t Cis Coldinghamt ta , Berwickshire PETEy B . R KENNEDY, P.S.A.Scot.3 13 , Pields y B Cros , . n ColdmghamAppli , Cist Berwickshire ,t Shor m fro s Remain l Skeleta . 2 Emeritus Professor ALEXANDER Low3 13 , M.A. , M.D. , P.S.A.Scot. , 3. A Fragment of Roman Glassware from Tealing, Angus. By W. A. THORPE, Victoria and Albert Museum, ........... 134 M Knowes WILLIA ,Gallow y Lintrathene B th n . i d Angus , expose y recentl t Cis t Shor A . 4 FENTON, P.S.A.Scot., ........... 135 y B . Ayrshire h Sout , Cumnock , Hill e Castl d Borlan t a t ou d carrie s Excavation t Recen . 5 . H . J . A y B . Sherds e th n o t Repor a h Wit . P.S.A.Scot , M.A. , ALESMcLEOD . G . EDWARDS, P.S.A.Scot., Director ihef o Museum, .....6 13 . Mare Th y . Quee0 Scotf no . EDWARDSH s . PendantJ . A y , B P.S.A.Scot.. , Directore th f o Museum, .............7 13 . 7. A Brooch Fragment from Freswick Links, Caithness. By A. J. H. EDWAKDS, P.S.A.Scot., Director of the Museum, ........... 138 8. Short Cists in the Parish of Innerwick, East Lothian (a) Thurston Mains, (6) Skateraw. By R. B. K. STEVENSON, M.A., P.S.A.Scot., Keeper of the Museum. With a Report r Professo s Emeritu y B . Mains n Thursto t a t Cis e th m fro s Remain l Skeleta e th n o ALEXANDER Low, M.A., M.D., P.S.A.Scot., ......8 13 . iv TABLE'OF CONTENTS. "PAGE 9. Cists near Tweedsmuir. By R. B. K. STEVENSON, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., Keeper of ihe Museum, ............. 145 10. Notice of a' Long Cist, Middleton, Priockheim. By E. B. K. STEVENSON, M.A., 6 14 . .. Museum, F.S.A.Scot.the of Keeper , Donation Purchased Museume an th o sr t sfo , 1939-40, ....... 1 14715 , Donations to and Purchases for the Library, 1939-40, ....... 151,157 , ..............Index 9 15 . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGB PAGE y Industr e RepresentativSton f o s especimen Meikleour. , Signal-tower, l Hil k Blac f o n Pla 38 from Lusst , Dumbartonshiresouth-wes , , . Signal-tower l Hil k Blac f o 7h Ditc Tweedsidem fro s , Core-tool side. PL VII. facing page 38 , SelkirkshireStow : ; Knives d Ground-flake e angl t south-wes d an r doo r fo s Post-hole , ShewaltoAyrshire , nMoor . Meikleour , Blac, Hill k 11 Signal-tower f o - t Achinchantera 1 trim . Gisg No t showin , PL VIII. 1,1L P , . slab e sid f o e edg g alon g min Blaire th f o - t wes , Dyke n Cleave f o n Sectio facingpage 14 gowrie Road, Meikleour, 42 containeh whic r d Achinchante t a 2 . No t Cis in n basi y Ta e th n i s remain n Roma f o p Ma food-vessel urn, etc. PI, . I, 2,Dyke n Cleave e th o t n relatio 46 . PIcist . r Achinchante m fro l Pood-vesse The Ramparts of Traprain Law:— 11,1. East end of Rampart 3 showing area Phut arrowhead from Achinchanter cist. excavated, ..... 50 . 2 PI, II . aread , ....Excavate . 51 t Ascoilemorea t cis m fro . n ur l Pood-vesse Sections through Rampart, 52 PI. II, 3. h throug s Section d an f o s Elevation . PI. Ill. 1 , Achinchanter t a s cist o Tw Rampart, facing page 53 , Duible t a e ston d ring-marke d an - Cup , Rampart r unde s Hearth 53 Sutherland. PI. Ill, 2. Sections through Rampartspage , facing 55 Tumuli at Duible. PI. IV. Excavation f o w vie l Genera PL IX, 1. Sutherland , Ascoilemore t a t cis f o e Sit facing page 56 . 1 , V L P f Rampart'o s Detail s inner face, upon n o s ditche Crescent-shape d an t rampar d . 2 , IX L P . deposit y secondar north side of mound containing cist at Outer face of Rampart. PL X, 1. Ascoilemore. PL V.. 22 ., X L P . Rampart f o e cor f Tur , t Emba t oStreet cis m fro e Ston d Sculpture Hearth I. PL XI, 1. Dornoch, ...... 18 Stones beneath hearth I and hut wall , Golspie m fro l Bal e Ston d Carve . 2 , XI L P . them 2 1g encirclin Shetland:f o s Cairn —d Heel-shape Hearth I. PL XII, 1. , Fund....sWater . 25 Intersection of Ramparts 2 and 3. Vementry, ...... 27 XIIL P . 2 , , exposed e Outlin , Dale f o l Hil 28 Rims and bases of pottery, 58 Vementry: facade, from S.S.B. PI. VI, 1. Map showing distribution of the Early . , page Scotland f o facing s Monument 2n 8 Christia 61 ——— facade, from E. PL VI, 2. , Pictisl hsymbols Principa 63 f o t par d an corner h f Daleo l sout : Hil Monuments:n EarlyChristia — . 3 . , PIVI .side t south-wes ; Inverness , Invereen ; Ross , Edderton Ward of Silwicks; Mangaster; Gillaburn, 29 Dunnichen, Angus, ; KnowBurrian f eo , Water e Loche Turdal ; Vivili 30 Birsay, Orkney XIIIL P . facing page Muckl , ....eHeog . m Metalworkc Museu 3 2n Celti e Dubli Lat : Plan of Garrywhin Chambered Cairn, 33 and British Museum. Pictish Symbols: Plan and Elevation, Giant's Grave, at Sas - Aber d an Clynekirkton , Sutherland , , ...Sardinia , Prigionas . XIV 35L P . nethyPerthshire , VI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Early Christian Monuments—continued: , IncKbrayock; — Cross-slabs Perthshire l , Smal Eastertoii of Roseisle, Morayshire; Dun- Meigle, Perthshire. PI. XXXVI. add, Argyll. PI. XV. Becumbent Monument, Meigle, Perthshire. Mortlach, Banffshire; Dunachton- Inver , PL XXXVII. ness-shire; Ardross, Ross-shire; Inver- Rectangular Slab, Meigle, Perthshire. PI. - ; Newbiggingness Aberdeen , Leslie , XXXVIII. shire. Silver Objects, Nome's Law, Cross-slab, Dyce, Aberdeenshire. PI. Fife. PI. XVI. XXXIX. Kirkmadrine, Wigtownshire; Balli . PI- XL . t Keillsa s Argyllshire , Cros vourney, Co. Cork; Papd a Westray t Andrewscarve S c t a s ,Copti ; Sarcophagu Orkney. ; BalblairInverness-shire , chest, Cairo Museum. PI. XLI. PI. XVII. Cross-slab at Nigg, Boss-shire. PI. XLII. Whithorii, Wigtownshire; Inishkea, Monument at Hilton of Cadboll. PI. North, Co. Mayo; Raasay, Skye. XLIII. PI. XVIII. t Bosemarkie a . PIb . Ross-shire ,Cross-sla Wolf, Ardross, Ross-shire; Wolf from XLIV. Book of Kells. PI. XIX. Human sacrifice on Gundestrup Cauldron, . 83 Bull, Burghead, Morayshire t AnthonyS d ;s an Lio l Cros :n Pau frot S mf o g Meetin Book of Durrow. PI. XX. 4 8 Moonef . o , ; St VigeansDunfallandy ; . , AberdeenshireOrkney Rayne , Birsay ; Detail of Golspie Cross-slab, . 85 PI. XXI. Carving on Cross-slabs at St Madoes and Latheron, Caithness. PI. XXII. Meigle, . • . 88 Fahan Mura, Co. Donegal; Coptic funeral slab. PI. XXIII. Human Swastika, Market Cross, Kells, . 93. f o k Boo m fro e Pag ; PapilShetland , Slab at Murthly, Perthshire, . '.. 94 Durrow. PI. XXIV. Sculptured Slabs: (a) Tarbat, Boss-shire; Ardchattan, Argyllshire. PIXLV .L XXVP . Fife , Andrews t S ) (6 Glamis, Angus. PL XXVI. 6 9 facing page St Vigeans, Angus; Fowlis Wester) , (6 PerthKirriemuir(a) ; : - Angus , Cross-slabs shire. PI. XXVII. Brechin . PI. XLVIAngus , . Golspie, Sutherland. PIPI.. XLVIIXXVIIIAngus , . Kirriemuir , Cross-slab , Largo , Law s r HandpiNorrie' Silve m nfro • t S ) (6 ; Angus , Benvie (a) : Cross-slabs Fife,, . .. XLVIII L P . Fife , Andrews Cross-slab at Drumore, Kirkmaiden, Wig- Cross-slab, Invergowrie, Angus. PL XLIX. townshire, . 72 The "Corp Naomh" in the National - Cross m fro s Animal h Pictis d an e Lindisfarn Museum of Ireland. PI. L. ; Gospels e Lindisfarn ; Aberlemno , slab L P . Perthshire , Forteviot , Arch d Carve Pictish "fantastic animal" symbol; from LI. , ...Meigle , cross-slab . 76 Cross-shaft, Monifleth, Angus. PI. LII. t Cardonagha s Cros , - ...Argyll , . Ardchattan , a : Warrior e th 7d 7 Davi Temptation of St. Anthony and Deliverance shire; b, Eassie, Angus; c, Kirriemuir, ; Kettins ; Moone f o s Cros : Jonah f o Angus; d, St Andrews, Fife, . 104 , Bressay ; Dunfallandy ; Papil 79 Fragment of Cross-shaft, Colerne, Wilt- Hanging bowl escutcheons; Handpin, shire; Fragment of Cross-slab, Elgin, .
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