•> • •-;'-. • •-"> •'}.• Setend Cliu tasUie PUd Vol..LXXI. No. 1. 3 Sections, 22 Pages €RANFORL\NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY; JAPTOAKT23, 1964 Cranford. H. J. : TEN CENTS1 Pageant Replacing town'Days' -' * • . t ' '. _'t . ' the Cranford Tercentenary Committee and the 'Commit- Decried by Pareiita tee for Educational and Cultural Advancement will join forces to present a Cranford Tercentenary Day in" early June, high- lighted by a historical pajeant entitled "Three Hundred Years of Crane's Ford.""The celebration will culminate CECA's year- At Board Session long effort to spotlight Cran-j -—___•-•„__—--L-+- The Board of-Education's decision to discontinue the fQrd's numerous educational i x- I ¥~l "JL-«. baccalaureate service starting iit June; drew the fire "of more than a dozen residents at a meeting of the board on Tuesday and cultural resources. LOCttl UOCtOr in Lincoln Scho.ol. •• ; . ... - The pageant, -co-sponsored ^ At the baccalatireate service, held each June on Sunday by the Tercentenary Commit- To Head State ! at the start of commencement tee, headed by ftr. Homer J. week exercises, local minis- -.. Hall; CECA, and the Cranford His- ters, on a rotating basis', offer torical Society, will replace the Academy Unit Shfyckhamer an inspirational talk for the annuaCECl SCranfor agreed -toDay. jois ncetebration with the. "Dr. Edward M. Coe of 217 Holly graduating seniors and their Tercentenary Committee for the street will be installed as presi- PltthstoSeek parents. celebration at -the request o/jUlfi dent of the New. Jersey Chapter of •Poor attendance' and a "Township Committee, which in- the American Academy of General "watered-down" service were the dicated it' would' make -its annual Practice as trie president's ball con- Second Term chief reasons prompting ••• the- appropriation for ' special events cludes" the chapter's l'2tn annual Finance Commissioner Farris S. 'board's decision, it was revealed. - available to CECA and the" T£r- Scientific Assembly in the Tray- SwackhamCr *will seek the Re- Gus Gutierrez, board president, . centenary Committee, for the ob-" more Hotel, Atlantic City, Satur- publican nomination, for' a second servahcc." ' said the board is not "against re- . day night. * !•• POOL r- Architect's rendering by Van Der Cluter and Spies of proposed new $400,000 municipal swim-. threcyear term on the Township ligion or- baccalaureate and the • CECA agreed to the Tercen- Committee in the April 21 pri- Formal election is scheduled to decision is. not a result of pressures tenary Day participation at.a meet- _p to be built on nine-acre tract of township-owned land bounded hy Blooniingdale Avenue School and Parkway mary-election, it wffs announced ing Saturday morning at Union Ilage. The project would be self-liquidating by 1,500 families, each paying approximately $55 a year. yesterday^. y^ of any group." Junior College. "The board is concerned," he Only other local office to be filled said, "whether we are meeting" "It has long been recognized in this year's election is that of that the tercentenary year and the the objective originally intended, collector of taxes, tax Collector if there are ways to get back there, local effort by CECA have' simi- Candidates' Howard Cowpertliwaite said yes- . lar gftalst .-r- they being to promote 'Young MunicipalSwimming we would like to establish some- civic pride in ' the- community's thing that could achieve the ori- cultural and educational -endeav- Awatd Won NightSlated ginal purpose." ors," "Dr! Claris.- W, McPermiJth, Wins Plan Board Approval Eight of the nine board members ' .The proposed $400,000 .municipal swimming pool has received favored the board's decision'which' ... .CECA thairman and superinten-: 1 dent of schools, said. * By Nulton approval of the Planning Board, it was announced yesterday "by Mayor Next Week was, based on. a recommendation last month by Dr. Clark W. Mc- In outlining the "Three Hund- H. Raymond Kirwan. ,''"•' The fliye candidates' forithe three Roger" M; Nulton of 9 Indian Dermith, superintendent of schools.' .• red Years of Crane's Ford" pa- Spring road has been named "Out- The planning Board, the mayor indicated, will designate the Board of Education posts to be geant, Dr. Hall said the' Tercen^ parkway tract-as the only municipal swimming pool area on the new The decision goes into effect in standing Young-Man of the Year" filled at the February 11 school June. -•••" tenary Committee envisions a/f2- for 1963 by the Cranfoird Jaycees. Master Plan which" is scheduled part program, highlighting/signi- election will be pVesent at the .an- , Board members pointed out that He was presented with the' Jay- for adoption this year. ficant moments in Craruwd's his>- nual Candidates' Night sponsored •Cranford, like many other com- cee Distinguished Service 'Award Mayor -Kirwan also indicated munities, is changing in popula-'" ' tory. by Mayor H. Raymond Kirwan by the Village Improvement As- • Dr. Hall said ayioini committee that the Board of Education has tion and proportions of different during Bosses' Night on Monday sociation at 8 p.m. next Thursday faiths. William Knox, Dr. Henry of the Tercentenary ..Committee, at the ijocust Inn, Roselle. no objection arid that arrangements in the community room of the Mu- Mineur and Mrs. Forrest P. Dex- CECA and the Cranford *Htstorical - The program marked the climax can be worked out-, for acquiring Society wfll be organized to make nicipal Building. ter, board members, agreed that of the local unit's observance ofj.tn e Donatello tract which .will be public .sphools should not sponsor final ' decisions . regarding the Jaycce Week, the annual anni-1 • - ^ The meeting will be open to Cranford Tercentenary Day pro- used nt] h pool and the religious activities. "We should versary observance of the.Junior; • • • the public, so that every Cranford put responsibility fbr teaching gram. '••••'••. • . ~~~ "* Chamber "Of Commerce, which.scn001 voter may "have the opportunity Township Committeeman Wes- DR. EDWARD M. COE religion in. the church and home" started S tin day, and extends, Robert M. Crane, chairman of to meet the candidates, according where it belongs," Mrs. Dexter ley Philo reported, that a recent take place as the convention gets the nine-man, committee?^ which through Saturday. * to an announcement by Mrs. Le- said. Lj^ •• survey made by the Jaycees indi- underway today, following a. dele^. Mr. Nultah was presented with submitted a- report to-the—Town- - Meredith Conley, the lone board c^tes that township residents favor gates'meeting last night. Dr. the award far his contributions, to ship Corrfrhittee last' week after dent and chairman of the civics member favoring^ baccalaureate, a change in the format of Cran- has been servjjig as iSrdfsid^rjt- the (Community, participation" in a year long study, reported that and welfare committee. 5 pointed out that the service ack-." fordDays, which has had a Gay_.qf__thj; chapter for tnwlpaet year, , all-around community activities, some objections havejbeen raised FAJKU8 S. SWACKHAMER. In addition to the candidates— ndwledges the cx-Ajjvice of a Nineties theme for the past several Theme of this year's Scientific leadership abii'.ty and personal by. residents of the area in which fcalph P. Biunnc^ William T. Knox, higher being, and that the school year's. He said the .tercentenary Assembly fa "practical Therapeu- .progress. The judges were Rabbi! the pool is to be located. terday that'he will announce his Bernard Litwack, Henry J. Mineur is the only instrument that can observance provides a logical-and tics— 1964." The sessions- today, Sidney D, Shanken, spiritual lead^' decision next week as io whether He said representatives of the and George A. Rubine—all of the reach all children. ideal time for a shift-in the Cran- tomorrow and Saturday will mark er of Temple" Beth-El; Dr. Ken- members of the preBerit Board of to seek reelection. pool committee have met .with Attendance at last June's bac- ford Days emphasis. the. climax of the annual observ- neth C. ."MacKay, president of neighborhood gr.oups during the Education have been. invited to • Deadline for filing of petitions ia A,,.h,ifihl igh.1,, of .-the .Ctanfor A TOT- »n«? <>f Family Doctor -Week. -~ — ^rttm~JnriitJr AVHrCH t ^imr.Biii1 uinnn IIBM **«•*••«* ••« i in"*1 • • •%•••••• -w as about r • wst'wce* -to^msttiss^thefrTJbjer^ seniors, or about one quarter of centonary program will be an out- Dr- Coe servcd.as the first presi- ties of the members of the board. Commissioner Swackhamer is Assemblyman Nicholas St. John tlons. ..... u the graduating class, Dr.~Mlneur , door , concert by the Suburban- dent of the Union County Chap- LaCorte. ' Dr. Clark-W. McDermith, super- serving his second /year as chair- Mr. Crane also announced that man of the finance committee and •reported. It was reported that St. Symphony Orchestra of New Jer- ter of the American Academy of During the past year, Mr. Nulton ah open meeting will be held with- ELMA ADAMS intendent of schools, also-has been f (Continued on Page 4) . - (Continued on Page 4) sey on the ca.mpus of Union Ju- General Practice and also is past was chairman, for Craaford, of the in the next few w^eks'by thp poof, invited to participate,. nior^GoUege, featuring • music of president of the Cranford Physi- annual,Jaycee New York Giants- committee at which time all phases After the incumbent board mem- the theatre, (Continued on Page 5) Philadelphia Eagles Football Clas- of the proposed pool, Ration, fi- Cranford Pianist bers have described the responsi- sic which netted over $1,000 to the nancing and other aspects will be bilities of the varidus committee Cunningham Here Monday Cranford Welfare Association, -the discussed fully. Plans Six-Week assignments, each candidate "for Jayeee Scholarship Fund and'the In.
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