TOWN OF IRRICANA AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL Date: December 07,2020; Time: 7:00 P.M. Location: Irricana Community Hall 300 - l't Streeto lrricana A. CALL TO ORDER B. ATTENDANCE C. AGENDA D. PRESENTATIONS 1. RCMP 2. Irricana Library (Shannon Simmons & Bob Anderson) E. MINUTES 1. Minutes fromNovember 16,2020 Regular Council meeting 2. Minutes from November 23,2020 Special Council meeting F. CORRESPONDENCE FROM PREVIOUS MEETING G. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. CAO Report 2. Aqua 7 H. OLD BUSINESS I. NEW BUSINESS 1. RFD - Irricana and Rural Library Board 2. RFD - 2021lrrterim Budget 3. Ag Society J. COMMUNICATION / INFORMATION 1. Cheque Listing L. PUBLIC INPUT 1. Please fill in the question sheets with all information fields completed. Your questions will be answered by the appropriate person. M. CLOSED SESSION 1. Labour N. ADJOURN o. NEXT MEETTNG(S): January 2021 Municipal Councils and Library Boards: I Roles and Responsib tres Public Library Service in Alberta LeEislation: The Libraries Act An Cverview and the Libraries Regulation ln Alberta, public library service is ln Alberta, public library service is governed by municipally based. A municipality may choose the Libraries Acf and Libraries Regulation. to provide public library service at a local level by having a library in the community, and/or fhe Libraries Acf sets the legal framework for having library service at a regional level by public library service through the establishment joining a library system. of library boards, who manage library service on behalf of the municipality. A municipality makes the decision to have public library service in their community via Did you know? a local library. Council passes an The Lihraries Acf was one of the establishment bylaw under lhe Libraries Act first pieces passed (Part 1, Section 3) to create a library board for of legislation the provision of public library service. Upon its by the newly formed Alberta creation, a library board is a governing board government in 1907. and is a corporation with full management and control of the public library (Part 1, Section 7). The Libraries Regulation sets out sound Municipalities may join a regional library management practices for library boards system. A library system is made up of member municipalities working in partnership to The Municipal Government Act (MGA) and the provide regionally based centralized library Libraries Act are two distinct pieces of service to enhance and support local library legislation. Neither is superior to the other service. Being a part of a library system means because lhe MGA and the Libraries Acf do two r4unicipalities and municipal libraries receive separate things: e aw training for library staff, resource sharing, municipalities in Alberta operate, govern access to electronic resources and being part of and are governed. the provincial Public Library Network. a The Libraries Acf and Libraries Regulation form the legal basis for public library service in Alberta. 02019 Government ofAlberta I Pubtished: June 2019 Au-rt"" Public library boards in Alberta are not The Roles and Responsibilities subject to the MGA, e.g. library trustees are of a Municipal Library Board appointed by the terms outlined in the Librarles Acf, not lhe MGA. There are only three references to public libraries in the MGA: The municipal library board is the legal entity that manages and controls the library. a The first is section 648(21) which includes Its formation is defined by the Libraries Act - il libraries as being eligible for off-site levies. is created via bylaw passed by municipal a The second is section 362(1)0), which council. states that municipalities cannot tax public governing board, not library boards. The library board is a an advisory board it has full management a The third is section 271(2.1)(a) which states - and control of library. This is defined in that a municipality may use a community the legislation (Libraries Acf, Section 7). Note that services reserves for public libraries. library boards are different from other non-profit The Public Library Services Branch (PLSB) boards formed under other legislation (e.9. the of Alberta Municipal Affairs is the provincial Socr'efr'es Act or the Municipal Government Act) body that administers public library The library board is a corporate body, a legal legislation and the provincial Public Library entity able to sue or be sued, enter into Network. PLSB staff are responsible for the contracts and employ staff. administration of the Libraries Act and Libraries Upon establishment, the library board is a Regulation, delivering operating grants to corporation administered under the Libraries municipaland system library boards, plus Acf with full management and control of library building and maintaining the provincial Public service in municipality. Library Network. PLSB staff members are the available to consult with library boards, library The library board is a governing board. The staff and municipal councils. For more library manager is employed by and reports to information about PLSB, visit the board, and the board is accountable not wr,vur. al bertali braries. ca. only to council, but to all citizens of the provincial government. The Public Library Network links public municipality and to the provincial libraries at a level and enables The library board passes safety and use bylaws sharing. ln Alberta, the Public Library Network and policies to enable the provision of public public links libraries and enables sharing by two library service delivery. different means: a provincial policy framework and a technological infrastructure. The purpose The library board determines library service of the Network is to support equitable and priorities and creates a plan of service based on seamless access to library resources for community needs assessments. Albertans, and does so through things such as SuperNet connectivity, resource sharing, and The library board is responsible for acquiring e acqu e council and applying for provincial grants O2019 Government of Alberta I Published: June 2019 2 Aa** The library board keeps financial records and Libraries Acf already sets the parameters. bank accounts, and prepares and manages the Sample establishment bylaws are available budget. The library board selects and hires a from the Public Library Services Branch. financial reviewer (who is not a library board member). Upon establishment, the library board has full management and control of the public The library board may operate one or more library and public library service in the public library service points, or, with the community. lt is a corporation under the permission of the minister, may enter into lnterpretation Acf with all the rights and agreements with other boards to share the responsibilities that comes with that operation of one or more library service points designation. Library boards may operate one (intermunicipal library boards). or more public library service points (libraries), or, with the permission of the minister, may The library board is responsible for providing enter into agreements with other boards to the space and staff required for public library share the operation of one or more service service delivery. points. Municipalities may also enter into The 9 Roles agreements with up to two additional and Responsibilities municipalities to form an intermunicipal library of Municipal Councils board. Once formed, the intermunicipal library board is also a corporation with full Unlike boards established under the Municipal management and control of public library Govemmenf Acf, the Libraries Acf sets out a service in the municipalities. specific relationship between council and the The library board is a governing board. Library municipal library board and system library staff report to board, is board. the and the board accountable not only to council but to all 1. ESTABLISHMENT OF A MUNICIPAL citizens of the municipality. The board has LIBRARY BOARD decision making authority and through regional The decision of whether or not to have public initiatives, generally participates in providing library service in the community is made by the services beyond its local community. local municipal council. lf council decides that it Section 3(4) of lhe Libraries Acf states that, on would be beneficialto have public library being established, the municipal library service, council must pass a bylaw under the board's legal name is "The (name of Libraries Act 3(1) to establish a municipal municipality) Library Board". This name library board. Once established, the library should be used on alldocuments. Upon board can only be dissolved by order of the establishment, the legal name of the Court of Queen's Bench, or if the municipality intermunicipal library board is chosen by the itself dissolves. parties involved. Establishment bylaws should only contain n ry being BOARD created under the Libraries Acf. lt should not be Council appoints and unappoints municipal worded as establishing "the library" and extra library board members (trustees) to municipal information, such as appointments and library boards under the terms set out in the meetings, should not be included as the O2019 Government ofAlberta I Published: June 2019 3 JeWrh^* Libraries Acf (sections4,5, 12.3, and 31), and A library board member is eligible to be the Libraries Regulation (section 17.1). reappointed for up to two additional consecutive terms. lf council wishes to A municipal library board must have a minimum appoint a board member for more than three of 5 and a maximum of 10 board members. terms, at least 213 of the whole council must lntermunicipal library boards must have a pass a resolution stating that the member may minimum of 7 and a maximum of 10 board be reappointed as a member for more than 3 members. consecutive terms. This must be done for each time the member is reappointed beyond three Upon appointment, a board member is a consecutive terms.
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