European Mathematical Society NEWSLETTER No. 19 March 1996 Report on the Executive Committee Meeting October 20-21, 1995 . • • . • . • . • . • . • . 3 European Women in Mathematics Update • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . 7 The European Mathematical Information Service . • . • • . • • • • . • . • . 9 European Commission Programme Training and Mobility of Researchers • . • • . • . • • • • . • • . • • . 12 European Post-Doctoral Institute for the Mathematical Sciences 13 The Capture of the Mathematical Literature from 1868 to 1942 • . • 14 Euronews . 15 Problem Corner . • • . • . • . • . • • • • . 24 Book Reviews 34 Produced at the Faculty of Mathematical Studies, University of Southampton Printed by Boyatt Wood Press, Southampton, UK Editors Ivan Netuka David Singerman Mathematical Institute Faculty of Mathematical Studies Charles University The University Sokolovska 83 Highfield 1 8600 PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC SOUTHAMPTON S017 lBJ. ENGLAND * * * * * * * * Editorial Team Southampton: Editorial Team Prague: D. Singerman, D.R.J. Chiilingworth, G.A. Jones, J .A. Vickers Ivan Netuka,Jiff Rakosnfk, Viadimfr Soucek * * * * * * * * Editor - Mathematics Education W. Dortler, Institut fiirMathematik Universitat Klagenfurt, UniversitatsstraBe 65-57 A-9022 K.lagenfurt, AUSTRIA USEFUL ADDRESSES President Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, IHES, Route de Chartres, F-94400 Bures-sur-Yvette, France. e-mail: [email protected] Secretary Professor Peter W. Michor, Institut fiirMathematik, Universitat Wien, Strudlhofgasse 4, A-1090 Wien, Austria. e-mail: [email protected] Treasurer Professor A.Lahtinen, Department of Mathematics, P.0.Box 4 e-mail: [email protected] (Hallitusakatu 15), SF-00014 University of Helsinki, FINLAND EMS Secretariat Ms. T. Makelainen, University of Helsinki (address above) e-mail [email protected]. fi tel: +358-0-191 22883 telex: 124690 fax: +358-0-191-23213 Newsletter editors D. Singerman, Southampton (address above) e-mail [email protected] I. Netuka, Prague (address above) e-mail [email protected] Newsletter advertising officer D.R.J. Chillingworth, Southampton (address above) e-mail [email protected] NOTICE FOR MATHEMATICALSOCIETIES Please note labels are prepared during the second half of the month before the next issue. Would you please send your updated lists before this time. Many thanks. Ms T Makelainen 2 New.�leticr J 8 for rca"�on.�, bnt ha$ been glJROPEAN lVIATHEMATICAL SOCIETY L.iszl6 ·wcn" present. Pierre Bfranl (Chairperson of on Deveioping; Countries}, Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel (Public Relations OfficerL Lue Lemain., (Liaison Officer with the Eu­ ropean Union), Bernard Prum (Chairperson of the R.ound Tables Committee of EC:tvf2), Jean-Pierre Puel (President of the Societe de Mathemat.iques Appliquees et Industrielles (SMAI)), Stewart Robertson (Chairperson of the Publications Committee), Tuulikki Make­ lainen (Secretary of the European Mathematical Society) were invited. The Executive Committee thanks Eva Bayer for the perfect arrangements and hospi­ tality during the meeting. SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES European Congress of Mathematics ECM2 J1tly 22-26, 1996 Bv.da.pe$t (H1mgary) See the Second Announcement in the Newsletter. Diderot Mathematical Forum The first conference of the series will take place in the autumn of 1996 with the theme "Mathematics and Finance". It will be organized by P.Embrechts (Zurich) with the followingtowns and respective local organizers: London (M.Davis), Moscow (A.Shiryaev), Zurich (H.Bi.ihlmann). The conferencecould have a day in common in Zurich with the International Statistical Institute which had the same project of a conference on mathematical finance. Journal of the European Mathematical Society ( JEMS) The special Cormnittee has started to negotiate with a potential Editor-in-Chief. A group (maybe four} of board are considered. There shonld no restrictions as to the editors hut they should be drawn from fo;t1 m m of the CENTRAL AND EASTERN COUNTRIES C0�11\UTTEE The difficulty of travelling for Eastern Europe mathematicians and t.he situation of 3 As regards libraries, a letter has been sent to some identified institutes. The first output of this action will be presented later OIL COMMITTEE ON DEVELOPING COUNTRIES The European Union and also national govermnents to be persuaded to see the needs of mathematics in developing cmmtries. ' ' · 1 · · · "--') ne proo1ent rn t11at o f 1"1branes. · D}I 10tocopymg f'or 1natl 1ernatinans developing countries are on demand. Centres with online Zentralblatt could devel- oping countries to use their but there are problems with personnel mailing costs and copyright. IMU-CDE plans a directory of mathematics (departments etc.) in different developing countries. The Committee should contact Eiv1S member societies to find out about their pro­ grams concerning developing countries. Education of teachers is crucial fordeveloping conntries1 having in mind that it needs to be adapted to the local society. There are different classes of developing countries: ones v:ith active mathematical research have also good mathematical education, others lack even school n1athematics education. During the African Mathematical Union (AMU) meeting in Ifrane, it was dis1:ussed that African countries wish to join European networks. South Africa joined A�HJ; they have launched a big change in education with interesting ideas. The North Africangroup would like to have closer connections with EMS. A directory of Centres of Excellence in Mathematics and of Mathernaticians in Third World Countries should be very useful: ACMS, ICTP) GIMPA, IMU CDE, and EJ:VIS have to cooperate. The composition of the Committee on Developping Countries is the following : Chair­ person : P. Berard, rncrnbers: K.D. Elworthy, M. Giaquinta, B. Goldsmith, J.P. Gossez, J.F. Jaulent, V.N. Maslennikova1 A. Pelczar, J.F. Rodrigues and G. Schiffels. RELATIONS WITH EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS Group on Relations with European Institutions Information gathering and distribution have been successful, advice on making appli­ cations has also been well received. The number and the level of applications in rnathemat-­ ics has risen. Regular contacts have been established in Brussels, at different levels. The European Commission ha.s a server ( http://wwvv.cordis.lu). A link to this server should be made ava.i1a.b1e on the EMS-server. '' Human 4 societies. It is suggested to supply summer schools with money fortravel grants to Eastern European mathematicians. The EMS has to think about an influence on the new budget for Eastern countries and the national representatives/committees in Brussels. Lobbying in Brussels is necessary. Cooperation with people in industry is needed. EMS should get other societies to be corporate members. The Committee on the Relations with European Institutions is renamed the Group on Relations with European Institutions with the following composition: Chairperson: J.-P. Bourguignon, with members : E. Bayer, L. Lemaire, F. van Oystaeyen. Preparations for the Fifth Framework Programme An EMS-ESF-ESTA (European Science and Technology Assembly) task force met once with the following composition : A. Bensoussan, J.-P. Bourguignon, M. Especial, J. Fenstad, K.H. Hoffmann and H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer. · It worked fruitfully and produced a draft in order to make mathematics more present in the Programmes of the European Commission. It pointed out that the future development of mathematics can be severely handicapped by policy makers' inadequate appreciation of three basic facts : o the rate at which new mathematics is produced continues unabated. o the impact that mathematics has on society is growing so fast and so steadily that the number of contact points between mathematics and the man in the street has gone up considerabily without his noticing it. o the need for keeping all components of this science in connection with one another has never been as strong as it is now. Euresco The European Research Conference programme, conducted by the ESF, is a series of conferences, every other year, on topics of the highest interest and importance. The aim is to hold finite series. Funds are basically from EU, imposing restrictions. Speakers are invited, young people are encouraged to apply. Information on the programme is to be announced in the Newsletter. The conferences should not be summer schools. Next conferences are : European Research Conferences, Mathematics: o Mathema,tical Methods in Industrial Problems 1996: .Multi-scale Analysis in Image Processing: Mathematical and Numerical Models for the Simulation of Turbulent and Reactive Flows, Alfio Quarteroni (Milano), February 1996, Mont St. Odile (near Strasbourg), France. <> Algebm and Di.sr:rete Ma,thematics 1996 : Group Theory: Finite to Infinite (Laszlo Babai, Chicago), Castelvecchio, Italy, 13--18 July, 1996 v .N Geornct,y ), autumn 1997. INFORIVt:ATION SERVICES European :lV[athematica] Information Service (l<J]\US) members asking them to indicate if they refuse to have their name and address on the server shall be sent. The individual members are given a code to have access to the list for a limited period of time, in order to supply the individual members a possibility to check the list of members for the elections of delegates of individual members. WORLD lvlATHEMATICAL YEAR 2000 (WMY 2000) V. L. Hansen is appointed as the chairperson of the vVMY 2000 Committee of EMS. The ElvIS Committee is composed as follows: Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel (France), Alberto Conte (Italy), Stephen Gelbart, (Israel), Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen
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