MB^fUtm . V ■ ■■ . t ' , i / ' 1 TUESD^Yi MAY 96, 1864 Avsrsfu Dully Net PftoB Soo M i n G H t s l N For tea Waak MMM S ite SB, 1B84 13,981 About Tbw n 12th Circuit temibar at tea ApOt Auuan at OlmUlatlen Ik s Amatlcaa Laghm Post G)urt Cases Mtaiehaattr A City o f ViUmgo Charm sriH Bsst St 8:16 tonl«tit st tbs ■ - ' Post B oom on Lsonard S t Hs< MANOHESTEit SESSION ftMiBXHnts wUi bs solved. SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE T«I.U XXlII,M b.kt (THHTlTdHX PAGES—TWO BECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 27„ 1964 PRICE 81TEM CKSnS Fines and bond forfeitures, to­ Tbs OcsiMnsd Mothers Clr- taling 1444, were ordered in Stas o A psrticipsts in s Holy court yesterday against a dozen Hour si 7:80 pjn. tomorrow st out-of-state motorists on speed­ ■ t BsHllotoinsw*s Church. TTte ing counts. Only one, an Illinois Mswv 4Smss J. O’Brisn of Mont- oifls wW bs the spssJcsr. After motorist, appeared to answer tlw is HkIoiis oliservafioe s the highway violation. I T NOW Wiestins wffi bs held in the Thomaa C. Luzzi, 24, Fawca- NORMAN’S tuck, forfeited a |50 bond when he failed to appear in court to BIG Savings • BEHER Selection • BEST Service M . lis is s r o t’s Olrels, Dsutrh* answer to a charge of operating / a motor vehicle without a li­ Nehru Dead of Stroke tors b f lesbdla, w ill bold a pub- cense. Ue IsiUtai^ whist and setback Judge Francis J.’O’Brieh or­ sand party tonight at 8 at the dered fines in the following Knights . o f Oohanbus Home cases. George H. King, 41, Thdteis w * be available at the Coventry, $75, reckless driving; Goldwater Slate Events door, snd refreshmwits will be Glass Speaker Joseph LevesQue, 65. Glaston­ India Successor Kenneth M. Wilson, curator of bury, 839, driving without a li- the Coming Museum of Glass, I cense (821) and failure to grant HOmbsis of tile gradtiating ; the right of way (818); Clay- Loses in Florida ! ^ t e daas of 103OB of Manchester Coming, N.Y. and former chief ^ ton Patch, 60, South Windsor, Crucial Problem S g h School idanning to attend curator at the Old Sturbridge f 830, driving without a license the 3 ^ anniversary reunion Villiage, Sturbridge Ma.ss., and I (815) and operating a motor MIAMI, Flo. (AP)-—A delegate slate pledged to Sen. ^Burt’ Identified, to bs held June 6 beginning at curator of the Delaware State I vehicle without headlights or Barry Goldwater was turned dbwn by Republicans, and NEW DELHI, India (A P )—Prime Minister Jaw^sr- 6 pan. at the Lantern Village |tailllghts (815); Paul Nicklaus, a governor sworn to erect barriers against cjvil rights Sought in Albany lal Nehru, the aristocratic statesman who led India is Museum In Dover, Del., will be 120. Norwalk, 816, failure to B am are reminded to call Mrs. the featured speaker at the Cov­ was nominated by Dem<k:rata in Tueaday’e Florida pri­ the paths of neutralism and socialism since it becamg Constance Sapienaa Lombardo, ; drive in an established lane; entry Historical Society meet­ I James J. Novak, 24, East mary. HARTFORD (AP)—The independent in 1947, died today after suffering his sec­ 88 Hawthorne St., for reserva- ing a t'8:80 p.m. June 2 at the Hampton. 825. operating an un- Ooldwatar’B chances of Flor­ Brown, who had led hia delega­ man charged with slaying ond stroke in less than five months. He was 74. Mona as soon as possible. Church Community House on reg;istered motor vehicle; Mar­ ida support at the naUonal con­ tion in a figbt for the state party a Hartford policeman Mon­ Home Minister G. L. Nanda, a senior Cabinet mem­ Rt. 44A. leadership anlnst Rep. WUliam shall Potter, 20, of 57 Cboper vention wore not erased. But ber who has a reputation for getting things dime, wae Hose Oo. No. 8 of the ToMm WUson wUl talk dn early Hill St; 818 for having a defec­ they were weakened by elec­ Cramer, K -n a ., who headed the day waa identified by de­ lire Department will meet at American giass factories in gen­ tive emergency brake. tion at a slate headed by a man ■late pledged to OoMwater. tectives from Albany, N. sworn in as acting prime minister 10 hours after 8:30 tonight at the fire station eral, with particular reference Also, James Patterson Jr., 44, w)g> madb no bones about cur­ An Associated Press poll had Y., yesterday as Robert M. Nehru’s death. to the Coventry Glassworks. He tsi Spnioe B t for drill. Hartford, 821. failure to grant rent disahchiuitment with the shown most of the Brown slate Chappelle, 24. Nanda was sworn in by President SarvepalK Radhak- will discuss the parUcular re­ one-half the highway Richard Arizona conservative. loyal to Ckddwater, but Browh sults and information that can Hie detectives eaid Chap­ rishnan. Town firemen from Hose Co. Stakowltz, 36, of 444 Center “ Clbldwater appeared on tele- now called it a ‘‘no-preferanca be obtained from an archaeolo­ pelle, who went under the name An elderly philosopher rmowned in world academic 1 yesterday afternoon at 2:49 St., 818, operating a motor ve­ vlsion and raclio extensively in delegaUon.” of John Burt in Hartford, is gical excavation of the site of the Wet week and campaigned NAydon Bums, B2-yaajr-old circles, Radhakrishnan was charged under the consti­ were called out to extinguiah the Coventry Glassworks, and hicle while his license is under wanted for a May 7 Jewelry minor grass fire in the freight suspension; Irene Talbot o f 64 agalnat us,” said Tom Fairfield mayor of Jaekaonvllle and a theft in Albany. tution to take over the government on the death of the sites at Glastmibury and Mary­ touidi-talking foe of the civil yards off HSm S t Cause of the Benton St, 815, failure to drive Brown of ‘rempa, state Repub­ Police said 40 women's rings, land. rights bill, won the Democratic prime minister. But Nanda was Quickly ^osen to hiun- fire was not known; no prc^r- in a right hand lane; and Ed­ lican chairman who heads the valued at about 81-000, were Wilson wUI also show slides of nominaUon for governor. That dle the administrative details. ty damage was reported. win L. Young, 24, of 96 W. Mid­ winning elate. found in the room he rented some of the archaeological work means almost certain election In dle Tpke., 86, operating an un­ “I feel we have a mandate two weeks ago at the Hotel Nehru’s death was attributed io a heart attack and in the Near East in which the November agalnet Republican H m Mothers Chib of Center registered motor vehicle. from the peofde to go to Cal­ Hartford. shock. ' Coming Museum of Glass has Charlaa HoUey, a atate legis­ Oongragatkmal Church WUI Several cases were continued ifornia and represent Florida It was the room in which Po­ "The prime minister le no participated. lator. meet at 8 pm . tomorrow in the to later court dates for plea and the beet w e can. Whether the liceman Henry W. Jennings more,” Steel Minister C. Sub- Members of the historical so­ Bums won by a margin of diaposition. d elen tee 'WllI be in favor of waited Monday for Chappelle ramaniam told tec sobbing Par­ U.S., Soviets Fedmation Room of the <hunh. cieties in the towns of Mans­ moca tban 187,MX) votes Qver Ck)l(^atar when we get there to return. A gunfight took place liament. “ L ife is out. The light n ie Rev. Joseph H. Dudley, as­ field and Glastonbury have been Mayor Robert King Ugh of SQ- may be soother matter.” in the hallway and Jennings is out.” sociate minister, will be the invited to attend the meeting. Brown’s elate win send at ami, who bad promised to en­ Sign Treaty speaker. Those interested in attending was killed and Chappelle Nehru was stricken at 6:28 least 28 of the M Florida deW- force any dvil rights law enact­ are reQuested to bring a cov­ wounded. a.m. as he arose at his usual gates to the convention.‘The six ed hy Oongreee and signed by ered dish for a potluck supper. The detectivee from Albany, hour. He died at 2 p.m. — 4:80 Donald T. Cordner, son of other spots remained in doubt. On C on su ls Coffee will be provided. Mrs. Joseph Cobb and Joeeph Pur­ a.m. EDT, aeven hours and 86 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cord- B was a big victory for (See Png* rmeea) minutes later. A stroke on ner, as Oreen Hill St., was Arthur J. Vinton is in charge cell, epoke briefly with Chap- ~ ells in , 8t. Francis Hospital. Jan. 7 had partially paralysed WASHINGTON (AP) — Preel< awarded the Alpha Pal Omega of supper plans. Ie was wounded in the chest his left side but he had recov- dent Johnson announced today a trophy fo r the best actor o f the Those unable to be at the sup­ per may attend the meeting at and etomacK and remained in ereSt'somewhat and in recent hiatoric consular treaty with the yasr on ‘‘Honors Day” which aStChirlMkitelMi p.m. Early American glass r> LOW, LOW PRiGED critical condition. weeks had resumed his seat in Soviet Union and termed tee was held recently at Unlm Ool- will be on display.
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