Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend April 30, 2017 TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Volume 91 No. 17 50¢ TODAYSCATHOLICNEWS.org Centenary celebration of Fatima apparitions Embracing the promises Two Holy Cross priests ordained made in Portugal Pages 8-9 On the road to Emmaus The disciples’ journey and ours are one Page 2 Freedom from our vices Men’s group promotes 90-day spiritual, physical challenge Page 11 Photo by Barbara Johnston, University of Notre Dame V Encuentro Holy Cross priests Father Michael Palmer, left and Father Ryan Pietrocarlo stand with Bishop Arthur J. Colgan, CSC, auxiliary bishop of Chosica, Peru, following Fifth local, national their ordination to the priesthood Saturday, April 22 at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Notre Dame. leadership-building NOTRE DAME — With abun- we seek to express it in a man- served as assistant hall director breath has also known the cross. dant joy and thanksgiving, the ner rooted in and enriched by and campus ministry team mem- Suffering, oppression, and despair process begins United States Province of the the varying contexts and cultures ber at the University of Portland, doesn’t care about language or Page 16 Congregation of Holy Cross cel- in which we live. In this way, 2014-15. In 2015 Deacon Palmer borders or race; thankfully for us, ebrated the ordination of two new we hope to make our witness entered chaplain training at the neither does the hope of Christ. priests on Saturday, April 22, at 2 and service more effective for the U.S. Army Chaplain School in “This charism became real p.m. at the Basilica of the Sacred kingdom.” (Constitutions of the Fort Jackson, S.C., then served in for me when I joined the Army Heart, located on the campus of Congregation of Holy Cross, 5:52) marriage preparation at Christ the Chaplain Corps nearly three years the University of Notre Dame. The “The seed of service and wit- King Church, South Bend, 2015- ago – following a Holy Cross tra- Most Reverend Arthur J. Colgan, ness you’ve planted during your 16. He earned a bachelor’s degree dition that began in the Civil War. CSC, Auxiliary Bishop of Chosica, time in formation is now further in philosophy at the University “Our call to follow the cross Peru, conferred the sacrament of nourished by your ordination as of Notre Dame in 2011 and his across all borders certainly rings holy orders on Father Michael priests. Let now the effect take M.Div. from the same in 2016. true in the military, where men Patrick Palmer, CSC, and Father root and continue to blossom as As he prepared for ordination and women often have no one to Ryan Joseph Pietrocarlo, CSC. The you carry out your ministries,” day, Deacon Palmer reflected on turn to in the midst of suffering. ordination Mass was streamed added Father O’Hara. the charism of Holy Cross and The shadow of the cross looms live on the Internet at Ordination- Father Michael Patrick Palmer how his understanding of it has large. If God wills it, I hope to live.holycrossvocations.org. is the fourth of seven sons of changed since he entered the con- go into active duty and bring the On Aug. 27 deacons Palmer Warren and Victoria Palmer of gregation. sacraments to our brothers and and Pietrocarlo professed per- Berkley, Mich. He entered for- “In our constitutions, we speak sisters, no matter where they are.” petual vows of poverty, chasti- mation with the congrega- of ‘crossing borders of every sort’ Deacon Palmer served his dia- ty and obedience and commit- tion in 2007 and professed and embracing the hope of the conate year at Christ the King ted themselves to the common first vows on July 28, 2012. cross wherever it is found. When Church, South Bend, and his first life and apostolic work of the Prior to his ordination as a tran- I first entered Holy Cross, I had no Mass as a priest was celebrated Congregation of Holy Cross. sitional deacon, Palmer served as idea just how far-reaching it was. on April 23 at the parish. He will In acknowledgement and a religious education teacher at I didn’t even know Bangladesh also celebrate Mass at his home celebration of their ordination, St. Adalbert Parish, South Bend, was a real country! I was content parish, National Shrine of the Father Thomas J. O’Hara, CSC, 2010-11; as hospital chaplain to think of the congregation as Little Flower Basilica in Royal Provincial Superior of the United and Catholic Charities volun- confined to the South Bend area. Oak, Mich., at 10:45 a.m. on May States Province of Priests and teer in Colorado Springs, Colo., “But, once I had been in for- 21, followed by a reception. Brothers of the Congregation from 2011-12; and as a novice in mation for a few years and began Father Ryan Joseph Pietrocarlo, of Holy Cross, reminded dea- residence at St. Ignatius Martyr to meet brothers and priests from CSC, is the older of two children of cons Palmer and Pietrocarlo of Parish in Austin, Texas, in 2012. Mexico, Chile, France, East Africa Joe and Karen Pietrocarlo of East Constitution 5:52, which is most From 2012 to 2013 he served as — and, yes, Bangladesh — I was Rochester, N.Y. While serving suitable for their unique paths a volunteer at the Logan Center awed at the great mission that his diaconate at St. Adalbert/St. within the congregation: “We live in South Bend, then as a RCIA Holy Cross had embraced to serve Casimir parishes in South Bend, our consecration in many lands team member at Christ the King God’s people. and cultures. Our commitment Church, South Bend, 2013-14. “Simply put, every human is the same wherever we are, but During his pastoral year he being who has ever drawn HOLY CROSS, page 16 2 TODAY’ S C ATHOLIC April 30, 2017 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Stay with us, Lord! Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 PUBLISHER: Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades IN TRUTH AND Editorial Department CHARITY PUBLICATIONS MANAGER: Jodi Marlin PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan BISHOP KEVIN C. RHOADES BRAND SPECIALIST: Molly Gettinger SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER: Emily Mae Schmid he news of the Resurrection of Jesus NEWS SPECIALIST: Mark Weber from the dead must never become “old Tnews.” Jesus Christ is alive forever and Business Department His Gospel is alive. It is not “old news” and BUSINESS MANAGER: Stephanie A. Patka it is not “fake news.” The encounter with the BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Geoff Frank Risen Jesus transformed the many disciples [email protected] who saw Him and even ate with Him. In the Gospel of this coming Sunday, the Third Advertising Sales Sunday of Easter, we will read of the encoun- ter of two of the disciples with the Risen Jackie Parker Jesus on the road to Emmaus. [email protected] Cleopas and his unnamed companion (260) 399-1449 had left Jerusalem sad, disappointed, and confused. But their encounter with the Risen Web site: www.todayscatholicnews.org Lord transformed them. They experienced a conversion from despair to hope and from sorrow to joy. This is what happens in our Published weekly except second life, a journey not unlike the disciples’ jour- Sunday of January; and every other ney from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Our lives week from the third Sunday in can become immersed in doubt, sadness, June through the second Sunday and disappointment. This happens especially of September; and last Sunday in when we leave Jerusalem, that is, when we December by the Diocese of Fort drift away from the Jerusalem of the Crucified Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. Calhoun and Risen One, no longer believing in the St., P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801. power and in the living presence of the Lord. Periodicals postage paid at Fort Wayne, We can be like the Emmaus disciples and IN, and additional mailing office. say: “we had hoped in Jesus of Nazareth.” “We were hoping that he would be the one POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: to redeem Israel.” The crucifixion and death Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort of Jesus had shattered their hope. When we Wayne, IN 46856-1169 experience sorrow and suffering in our life or email: [email protected] or the problems of injustice and evil, we can be tempted to lose hope and depart from MAIN OFFICE: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort Jerusalem, even leave the Church. Yet, the Wayne, IN 46802. Telephone (260) Risen Lord seeks to walk with us, to illumi- 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. nate the journey of our life, to teach us and BUREAU OFFICE: 1328 Dragoon Trail, give us hope. Mishawaka, IN 46544. Telephone (260) The two disciples on the road to Emmaus Wikimedia Commons 456-2824. Fax (260) 744-1473. allowed this man whom they did not recog- Carl Bloch, Supper at Emmaus, 1870s, Brigham Young University Museum of Art. nize to walk with them and to teach them. News deadline is the Monday morning He explained the Scriptures to them. He at the Last Supper. And it was with that Lord. We who have encountered the Risen before publication date. Advertising helped them to understand the Law and “that their eyes were opened and they recog- Lord cannot keep to ourselves the joy we deadline is nine days before publica- the prophets. He showed them that the nized Him.” Jesus had enlightened them by have experienced. We are called to share that tion date.
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