HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE – AGENDA ITEM 6: LIST OF PLANS. DATE: 16 August 2016 PLAN: 02 CASE NUMBER: 16/01445/OUT GRID REF: EAST 438997 NORTH 465508 APPLICATION NO. 6.64.77.K.OUT DATE MADE VALID: 19.04.2016 TARGET DATE: 14.06.2016 REVISED TARGET: 30.09.2016 CASE OFFICER: Mr Andy Hough WARD: Claro VIEW PLANS AT: http://uniformonline.harrogate.gov.uk/online- applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=O5GQZWHY09W00 APPLICANT: John Moran And Sons (Grimsby) Ltd AGENT: Mr R Barnes PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of 4 dwellings with access, appearance, layout and scale considered (Site Area 0.2 ha). LOCATION: Ashdown Park Minskip Road Boroughbridge York North Yorkshire YO51 9HY REPORT SITE AND PROPOSAL The application site is located at Ashdown Park, Minskip and forms part of a larger site that is currently occupied by a range of former agricultural buildings that are located to the rear of residential properties fronting Minskip Road. The site forms part of the former Bell Close Farm complex that has previously been used as a pig unit and haulage yard. The site benefits from two existing access points onto Minskip Road. There is a single width access point to the immediate east, which is located between the residential properties known as The Ferns and the Gables. This access joins Minskip Road on the small cul de sac spur road. The second access is located to the south and serves the adjacent dwelling known as Ashdown Lodge and the Ashdown Park residential Lodge site. The buildings situated on site are arranged in a courtyard and consist of 4 distinct units. These comprise two larger block and timber clad buildings to the northern and western boundary (constructed with cement fibre sheet roof). The northern building is for the most part open fronted. A smaller open sided profile sheet unit forms the southern boundary with a smaller timber clad unit to the east. Outline planning consent for three dwellings was granted for the redevelopment of the western portion of the site under planning application reference No. 15/01590/OUT (see site history) on 22 July 2015. The earlier consent approved three dwellings with access, appearance, layout and scale considered. This application seeks outline consent for the residual part of the site. The applicants seek outline planning approval for the erection of 4 dwellings, with details of access, appearance, layout and scale considered. Access to the site is to be gained utilising the wider and more substantial access to the south, which is shared with the dwelling known as Ashdown Lodge and the residential Lodge Park. The park originally received consent in 2005 under application reference No. 6.64.74.S.COUMAJ (05/05348/COUMAJ) subject to a condition limiting the number of static caravans to 18. A second consent was granted the following year under 06/02755/COUMAJ for the siting of 31 chalets and 1 site hut. More recently planning consent was granted under 14/03144/DVCMJ and 15/04424/DVCMAJ to allow permanent residential occupation of the 31 chalets. The proposed access will serve four new dwellings that are to be arranged in a small cul de sac with each unit having a private drive serving a detached garage. The dwellings have been designed to be of two storey construction, with all four units providing three bedroom accommodation, utilising two different house types. House type A, the larger of the two house types proposed, is to be constructed with a roof ridge height of approximately 7.75m and an external footprint of some 90sqm. House Type B has a roof ridge height of 7.5m and an external footprint of 54 sqm. The applicants indicate that the dwellings would be of brick construction under a slate roof. The application is supported with a ground contamination survey, Ecological survey and a Design and Access Statement. MAIN ISSUES (1) Land Use/Principle (2) Affordable Housing / Housing Mix (3) Highway Safety (4) Residential Amenity (5) Visual Amenity (6) Other Matters RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 10/03839/FULMAJ Change of use of agricultural buildings to form industrial units (Use Class B1 Business) and (Use Class B8- storage or Distribution) to include alterations to buildings: REFUSED 08.11.2010 10/05320/FUL - Change of use of agricultural buildings to form industrial units (Use Class B1 Business) and (Use Class B8- storage or Distribution) to include alterations to buildings: PERMITTED 24.01.2011 The first application for commercial use was submitted seeking consent on the entire existing farm site and utilised some of the more dilapidated buildings, but was refused consent in part due to the condition of the buildings and close proximity to the residential units to the east. The second application sought consent for the change of use of the large building to the west of the current site and the smaller unit to the southern boundary. This latter consent has now lapsed and was not implemented. 15/01590/OUT Outline application for the erection of 3 dwellings with access, appearance, layout and scale considered. (Site area 0.17ha). PERMITTED 22.07.2015. CONSULTATIONS/NOTIFICATIONS Parish Council Boroughbridge Town Council Yorkshire Water On the Statutory Sewer Maps, there is a small diameter public sewer recorded within the site, Yorkshire Water Services would look for this matter to be controlled under the requirements of the Building Regulations. Principal Ecologist Comments are awaited EHO Contaminated Land No objection subject to a condition securing further ground contamination details. Concern regarding potential noise from major transport routes to future occupiers and recommend that in order to establish suitable noise mitigation measures an acoustic report should be prepared to : i) Determine the existing noise climate (ii) Predict the noise climate in gardens (daytime), bedrooms (night-time) and other habitable rooms of the development (iii) Detail attenuation/design necessary to protect the amenity of the occupants of the new residences (including ventilation if required). NYCC Highways And Transportation No comments received Housing Department This site falls under Policy H5 (affordable housing required on sites over 3 units or 0.1ha), and if deemed suitable for development (by the planning department) we would require 40% as affordable housing (2 of the homes), subject to financial viability. It also seems that the scheme forms part of a wider site which has gained planning permission for 3 homes previously, if this is deemed so, then Policy H5 will apply to the site in its entirety, and the 40% calculation will be carried out on all 7 units which equates to 3 of the planned houses on this scheme being affordable. The SHMA 2015 identifies a need for 313 affordable units per annum in the Harrogate District. Priority for the affordable homes will be given to those with a local connection to the Boroughbridge sub area. Below are our size requirements for affordable homes: 1 bedroom house - 60sqm 2 bedroom house - 70sqm 3 bedroom house - 85sqm 4 bedroom house - 100sqm The proposals make no provision for affordable housing and are therefore contrary to Policy H5. Swale And Ure Drainage Board (Includes Claro) Surface Water drainage to sewer will require the consent of Yorkshire Water and should be restricted to 1.4 litres per second per hectare in all storm conditions. However, a practical minimum discharge for blockage free maintenance is around 5 litres per second and this is acceptable as a de-minimus value. I would request a condition be attached to this effect. DCS - Open Space Comments are awaited DCS Arboricultural Officer There is a mature oak tree adjacent to Plot 1. Protection of the tree will be required during development of the site. Development within its canopy spread should be avoided. A controlling condition will need to be applied. RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY NPPF National Planning Policy Framework CSSG1 Core Strategy Policy SG1 Settlement Growth: Housing Distribution CSSG2 Core Strategy Policy SG2 Settlement Growth: Hierarchy and limits CSSG3 Core Strategy Policy SG3 Settlement Growth: Conservation of the countryside, including Green Belt CSSG4 Core Strategy Policy SG4 Settlement Growth: Design and Impact CSC1 Core Strategy Policy C1: Inclusive communities CSEQ1 Core Strategy Policy EQ1: Reducing risks to the environment CSEQ2 Core Strategy Policy EQ2: The natural and built environment and green belt CSTRA1 Core Strategy Policy TRA1: Accessibility CSTRA2 Core Strategy Policy TRA2: Transport infrastructure CSTRA3 Core Strategy Policy TRA3: Travel management LPHD20 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD20, Design of New Development and Redevelopment LPHD13 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD13, Trees and Woodlands LPH05 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy H5, Affordable Housing CSC1 Core Strategy Policy C1: Inclusive communities SPGRES Supplementary Planning Guidance, Residential Design Guide SPDHSE Supplementary Planning Document: House Extensions and Garages Design Guide APPLICATION PUBLICITY SITE NOTICE EXPIRY: 27.05.2016 PRESS NOTICE EXPIRY: REPRESENTATIONS BOROUGHBRIDGE TOWN COUNCIL: No objections OTHER REPRESENTATIONS One letter of representation received objecting to the development on the following grounds: We note that the application submitted on behalf of John Moran & Sons (Grimsby) Limited proposes to access the development site over an access road which is within our title. We also note that the previous application for the adjoining site under reference 15/01590/OUT was granted on the basis that access to that site would be along our land. We would advise you that there are no rights of way benefitting either development sites registered against our title. The only recorded right over the access road is in favour of the farmland lying to the rear of the development sites. We therefore confirm that we object to the current proposal on the basis that there is no legal access to the site over our land.
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