Radio and TV News Ser- Bldg., Starkville, Miss

Radio and TV News Ser- Bldg., Starkville, Miss

KWLB Marksville, KPAL Pineville, KXLA Rayville, Dyersburg, WEMB & WXIS -FM Erwin, WCPH & WMCC- Regional Radio Networks, KBYO -FM Tallulah, KMAR -AM -FM Wnnsboro, all Lou- FM Etowah, WIDD -AM -FM Elizabethton, WIXC Fayette- Radio and TV News Services isiana; WHAY & WMPA Aberdeen, WROX Clarksdale, ville, WAGG Franklin, WHIN Gallatin, WGRV & WOFM- WCLD Cleveland, WVIM Coldwater, WBSJ Ellisville, FM Greenville, WJZA Harriman, WHHM Henderson, WEPA Europa, WOST-FM Forest, WFTO Fulton, WBAQ- WMLR Hohenwald, WHMT Humboldt, WJAK Jackson, FM Greenville, WABG Greenwood, WKYC Grenada, WDEB -AM -FM Jamestown, WJFC Jefferson City, WJJT Wisconsin Network Inc. Comprising KFIZ Fond du WNLA -AM -FM Indianola, WMSI & WJDX Jackson, Jellico, WKPT(AM) Kingsport, WIVK -AM -FM & WSKT Lac, WGEE Green Bay, WCLO Janesville, WISO Madi- WXTN Lexington, WQMA Marks, WAPF & WCCA(FM) Knoxville, WEEN Lafayette, WLAF Lafollette, WDXE son, WKKB Manitowoc, WISN Milwaukee, WRJN McComb, WMLC Monticello, WMYQ-AM -FM Newton, Lawrenceburg, WBLC Lenoir City, WDXL -FM & WJJM- Racine, WJMC Rice Lake, WSAU Wausau, WBKV West WOOR Oxford, WKOR-AM -FM Starkville, WONA -AM- AM-FM Lewisburg, WDXL -AM & WZLT-FM, Lexington, Bend, WFHR Wisconsin Rapids, All Wisconsin. Hqtrs: FM Winona, WJNS -FM Yazoo City, all Mississippi; KCRV WLIV-AM -FM Livingston, WTHJ -FM Loberville, WZZI 645 25th Ave. N., Wisconsin Rapids, Ws. 54494. (715) Caruthersville, KCHR Charleston, KDEX Dexter, KBXM Madisonville, WCMT-AM -FM Martin, WKTA -FM McKen- 424 -1300. Jack R. Gennaro, gen mgr. Kennett, KMAL & KTCB Malden, KLID Poplar Bluff, sie, WAKI McMinnville, WWEE Memphis, WKBJ -AM- KMIS Portageville, KSIM Sikeston, KUSA St. Louis, FM Milan, WAZI -FM & WMTN Morristown, WMCT Moun- KMWRVandalia, all Missouri; WTRO Dyersburg, WREC tain City, WMTS Murfreesboro, WWGM & WJRB-AM- Memphis, WTRB Ripley, WJED Somerville, WSGO FM Nashville, WOBI & WOKI -FM Oak Ridge, WBNT- Springfield, all Tennessee. Hqtrs: Box 2000, Brown AM-FM Oneida, WrPR -AM -FM Paris, WUAT Pikeville, Radio and TV News Ser- Bldg., Starkville, Miss. 39759. (601) 324 -0949. Jim Yan- WMGL -FM Pulaski. WRGS Rogersville, WORM -AM -FM cey, VP; Bob Ratliff, farm dir; Jeff Wilson, asst farm dir; Savannah, WSEV-AM -FM Sevierville, WHAL & WICV- vices Frank Howell, sis rep. Represented by Torbet Radio. FM Shelbyville, WEDB Soddy, WUCR Sparta, WDBL- AM-FM Springfield, WTNE Trenton, WBGY -AM -FM Tul- Radio Smiles WKFT Fayette- Group Comprising -TV lahoma, WALR -FM Union City, WVRY(FM) Waverly, ville, WPJL Raleigh, all North ABC News See ABC listing in section F. Carolina. Hqtrs: Box 622, WARN Waynesboro WCDT Winchester, WBRY Wbod- Fayetteville, N.C. 28302. (919) 483 -1461. N.J. Suttles, bury, all Tennessee. Hqtrs: 49 Music Sq., W, Suite 110, ABNewsamerlca Satellite Newsnet. (Associated pres. Represented by Southern Spot Sales. Nashville 37220. (615) 327 -4033. Jim Chafin, pres; Dix- Broadcast News Service). 1199 National Press Bldg., Ray Sports Radio Network Comprising 45 stations, all ie Farrell, sales mgr. Washington 20045. (202) 628 -6397. Robert Cody, Virginia; 50 stations for professional sports in Virginia, mgng edit. Maryland and Delaware 2732 Wlliamswood Rd., Rich- TSN Agribusiness Network Comprising 55 stations ABN serves cable- radio-TV via satellite & syndica- mond, Va. 23235. (804) 272 -9084. Bill Ray, pres. throughout Texas. Hqtrs: 7901 Carpenter Freeway, Dal- tion. Offers wkly newsmagazine FOCAL POINT and las 75247. (214) 688-1133. Gene Ashcraft, gen mgr; segments therein: localized coverage of federal govt. Rollins Inc. Comprising KDAY Santa Monica, Calif.; Ann Ranson, sales dir. Represented by Katz. WAMS Wilmington, Del.; WBEE Harvey, Ill.; WCHS -AM- Africa News Service Inc. Box 3851, Durham, North TV Charleston, WBES(FM) Charleston, both W Va.; TSN Spanish information Service Comprising 24 sta- Carolina 27702. (919) 286 -0747. Tami Hultman, exec WRAP Norfolk, Va.; WEAR -TV Pensacola, Fla.; tions in Texas. Hqtrs: 7901 Carpenter Freeway, Dallas edit; Jim Lee, exec prod; Reed Kramer, pres. WPTZ(TV) Plattsburgh, N.Y. Hqtrs: P.O. Box 647, Atlan- 75247. (214) 688 -1133. Gene Ashcraft, gen mgr; Ann Services: A daily news and feature svc on African ta 30301. (404) 873 -2355. Ranson, sales dir. Represented by Katz and Caballero. affairs. Salsa 63/La Gran Cadena Network Comprised of Texas State Network Comprised of 129 stns, all Texas. American Jewish Broadcasting Service Inc. 5608 WQBS San Juan, WPRP Ponce, WORA Mayaguez. Hqtrs: 7901 Carpenter Freeway, Dallas 75247. (214) Greentree Road, Bethesda, Md. 20817. (301) 530- Hqtrs: Box 13427, Santurce, P.R. 00908. (809) 721- 688 -1133. Gene Ashcraft, gen mgr; Ann Ranson, sis 6052. David J. Rosenstein. 4020. Alfredo R. deArellano, pres, Amado Martinez, dir; Janet Passmore, affiliate rei dir. Represented by Services: Nationally syndicated ten minute weekly controller; Sebastian Robious, VP & gen mgr; Guil- Katz. news and commentary on Jewish public affairs, world- lermo Bonet, dir engrg. wide coverage. Prog is Washington International Re- Tichenor Media System Comprising KUNO(AM) Cor- port. Southern Educational Communications Associ- pus Christi, KGBT-N KGBT(AM) & KELT(FM) Harlin- ation. Comprising WBHM -FM Birmingham, WLRH -FM gen, KLAT(AM) Houston, KCOR(FM) San Antonio. all American Lutheran Church/Media Services Center. Huntsville, WUAL -FM University, all in Alabama; KASU Texas. Hqtrs: Box 711, Harlingen, Tex. 78551. (512) 1568 Eustis St., St. Paul, Minn. 55108. (612) 645 -9173. Larry Hackett, coord media svcs. Jonesboro Ark ; WUFT Gainesville, Fla.; WABE -FM At- 423 -3910. McHenry Tichenor, chmn of bd; McHenry T. lanta; WMAU -FM Bude, Miss.; WUNC(FM) Chapel Hill, Tichenor, vice chmn; McHenry T. Tichenor Jr., pros; Weekly quarter hour news prog on relg news and WSHA Raleigh, both N.C.; WSCI -FM Mt. Pleasant, Malcolm Kasanoff, exec VP: David Lykes, VP & gen issues; week-end feeds on AP and NBC radio nets. WLTR -FM Columbia, WSCI Charleston, both S.C.; mgr. Represented by Katz Radio. American Medicine News Service. 95 Madison Ave, WSMC -FM Collegedale, WETS -FM Johnson City, Tobacco Radio Network Comprising stations in Ala- New York 10016. (212) 685 -6767. Susyn Schoops, WUOT-FM Knoxville, WKNO -FM Memphis, WMOT-FM bama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina mktg dir. Murfreesboro, WPLN -FM Nashville, all Tenn.; WFPL -FM and Virginia. Hqtrs: 711 Hillsborough St., Box 12800, Services: Weekly health and medical news reports. Louisville, WKMS -FM Murray, both Ky.; KERA -FM Dal- Raleigh, N.C. 27605. (919) 890-6046. Ray Wilkinson, las, KETR -FM Commerce, KUT-FM Austin, KUHF -FM AMI News. 47 Keamy St., San Francisco 94108. (415) VP; Paul Win Hagel, nati acct exec; Dix Harper, dir Houston, all in Texas; WHRO -FM Norfolk, WVTF Roa- 982 -1441. John Hamilton, pros; Bob Enzel, mgr east- agricultural prods. Represented by TN Spot Sales. noke, WRFK Richmond, all in Va.; WVPN -FM Charles- ern bureau. ton, W. Virginia. Hqtrs: Box 5966, Columbia. S.C. Washington, D.C. 20007: 1506 27th St., N.W. (202) Virginia Farm Report Comprised of 42 stns, all Virgin- 29250. (803) 799 -5517. Virginia G. Fox, pres. 342 -0886. ia. Hqtrs: Box 1230, Charlottesville, VA 22902. (804) Services: Audio recreation reports -30, 60, 90 sec- The Southwest Agri -Radio Network Comprising 977 -1070. Larry Richardson, pres; George Hebei, gen onds; including skiing. fishing, camping plus outdoor KCKY Coolidge, KCUZ Clifton, KZUL Parker, KFMM mgr. Represented by Blair. tips; barter and cash. Thatcher, KTUC Tucson, KBLU Yuma, KHIL Wilcox, all The Virginia News Network Comprised of 54 stations Arizona; KJMB -AM -FM Blythe, 10(0 El Centro, both AP NewsCable. (A division of The Associated Press.) in Virginia. Hqtrs: Box 12900, Raleigh, N.C. 27605. California. Hqtrs: Box 1501, Yuma, Ariz. 85364. (602) 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 10020. (212) 621 -1513. (919) 890 -6030. Stephen D. Grissom, VP & gen mgr. 782 -1440. George Galley, dir & sis mgr. Greg Groce, dir cable TV svcs. Represented by Blair Radio. Washington, D.C. 20006: 1825 K St. N.W. (202) 833- Sportiine Comprising WYNE Appleton, WRPQ Bara- VSA Radio Network Comprising KRUN Ballinger, 5920. Steve Crowley, nati cable exec. boo, WBEL Beloit, WISS Berlin, WDMP Dodgeville, KPET Lamesa, KKIK Big Spring, KVMC Colorado City, Denver 80202: 1444 Wazee St, Suite 130. (303) 825- WFON Fond du Lac, WTKM Hartford, WHSM Hayward, KDWT Stamford, KIKZ Seminole, KXOX Sweetwater, 0123. Don Blohowiak, nati cable exec. WAUN Kewaunee, WLXR LaCrosse. WKKB Man- KGKL San Angelo, KVKM Monahans, KNEL Brady, Services; AP NewsCable. itowoc, WCJL Marinette, WOKY Milwaukee, WLIH New KOXE(FM) & KBWO Brownwood, all Tex. Hqtrs: Box London, WNBI Park Falls, WSWW Platteville, WGLB Associated Broadcast News. 1199 National Press 3610, San Angelo, Tex. 76902. (915) 944 -1213. Roddy Port Washington, WIBU Poynette, WJMC Rice Lake, Bldg., Washington 20045. (202) 628 -6397. Robert C. Peeples, farm & ranch dir & own; Curt Lancaster, assoc WKTS Sheboygan, WTMB Tomah, WRIG Cody, pres & mgng edit. Wausau, farm dir. WFHR Wisconsin Rapids, all Wisconsin. Hqtrs: 6944 N. Services: Washington bureau for radio/TV stns & ca- Port Washington, Milwaukee 53217. (414) 351 -2043. West Virginia Radio Network (Mountainet) Compris- ble systems. Produce syndicate Open Line: USA; Pub- Ted Moore, pres. ing 51 stations throughout the state. 201 W. Washington lic Affairs features with local station participation. St., Lewisburg, W Va. 24901. (304) 645 -6466. Joel Suburban Radio Group Comprising WCGC Belmont, Associated Press. 1825 K St., NW, Suite 615, Vrash- Jackson, gen mgr; Lora Hibbert, mktg dir; Ralph Per - WEGO Concord, WPEG(FM) Concord, ington 20006 -1253. (202) 955 -7200. Roy Steinfort, VP WSVM Valdese, rey, news dir. all N.C.; WPIQ(FM) & WYNR(AM) Brunswick, Ga.; & dir of bcst svcs; James R. Hood, deputy dir news; Ed WJJJ Christiansburg, WVVV(FM) Blacksburg, both Va.; Wisconsin Educational Radio Network (State of Wis- Staats, deputy dir admin; Glenn Serafin, deputy dir Hqtrs: P.O. Box 888, Belmont, N.C. 28012. (704) 825- consin- Educational Communications Board). Compris- membership; Sue Cunneff, mgng ed; Sofia A. Mannos, 5272. Robert R. Hiker, chmn & CEO: William R.

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