Physics 127c: Statistical Mechanics Weakly Interacting Fermi Gas Unlike the Boson case, there is usually no qualitative change in behavior going from the noninteracting to the weakly interacting Fermi gas for repulsive interactions. For example the excitation spectrum for adding a particle of momentum h¯k with |k| >kF or for removing a particle with |k| <kF creating a “hole” has the same qualitative form εk − µ = hv¯ F |k − kF | (1) with µ the chemical potential or Fermi energy and kF the Fermi wave vector (which can be shown to unchanged by the interactions—Luttinger’s theorem). Here vF is called the Fermi velocity ∂ε v = k F ∂k (2) k=kF and defines the spectrum. The value of vF is altered by interactions. The familiar spectrum leads to the usual temperature dependences at low temperature, e.g. specific heat C ∝ T , susceptibility χ independent of temperature. Furthermore, since there is no qualitative change of behavior, unlike for the Boson case (where the canonical transformation was necessary) quantitative results can be calculated using perturbation theory. When are the interactions weak? For a short range pair interaction potential this is small potential or low density. On the other hand for a Coulomb interaction, as for the electron gas, interactions are weak compared with the kinetic terms at high density The Electron Gas We write the interaction potential as e2 4πe2 u(r) = ;˜u(q) = , (3) r q2 2 2 where e is the electron charge in CGS units, and e = qe /4πε0 with qe the electron charge in SI units. An estimate of the interaction energy per particle is V e2 ∼ , (4) N 2r0 with r0 a measure of the interelectron spacing given by 4 πr3 = , (5) 3 0 N i.e. a sphere of radius r0 contains on average one electron. Since kF is related to N by the usual counting of states 4 3 2. πkF = N (6) (2π)3 3 we have / 9π 1 3 kF r = ' 1.9192 .... (7) 0 4 1 2 2 It is conventional to write r0 in terms of the Bohr radius a0 = h¯ /me r0 = rsa0 (8) and rs the interelectron spacing in units of a0 is the dimensionless measure of the density of the electron gas. The estimate of the potential energy becomes V e2 1 ∼ . (9) N 2a0 rs The total kinetic energy is / E 3 3 h¯ 2k2 e2 3 9π 1 3 1 e2 2.21 kin = ε2 = F = ' . (10) F 2 2 N 5 5 2m 2a0 5 4 rs 2a0 rs Thus the potential energy is relatively small for small rs, i.e. large density. For typical metals 2 . rs . 6 (e.g. for sodium rs ' 4) and so the interactions are not weak. Perturbation Theory Potential Energy The ground state energy correction to lowest order in the interactions is given by the expectation value of the potential energy in the noninteracting ground state. In conventional wavefunction notation we would just write the wavefunction as an antisymmetrized product (Slater determinant) of single particle wavefunctions (functions of coordinate and spin) YN ψN (r1,...rN ; σ1 ...σN ) = A χi(ri; σi), (11) i=1 with A the antisymmetrization operator (giving the Slater determinant form). In chemistry, where we are dealing with electrons in an external potential as in the trapped Bose gases, the best single particle states χi would be found self consistently by minimizing the resulting energy expression. In a homogeneous fermion gas the χi remain spin up or down plane wave states, and the wavefunction reduces to the noninteracting one. Thus * + X 1 + + E − E = u(˜ q)a a 0 0 a 0,σ 0 a ,σ . (12) 0 k+q,σ k −q,σ k k 2 , 0, k k q 0 In the noninteracting ground state the four particle expectation value factorizes into the product of the nonzero pairwise averages, and as you proved in Homework 1 D E D E D E D E D E + + + + + + a a a 0 0 a = a a a a 0 0 − a a 0 0 a a k+q,σ k0−q,σ 0 k ,σ k,σ k+q,σ k,σ k0−q,σ 0 k ,σ k+q,σ k ,σ k0−q,σ 0 k,σ (13a) 0 0 0 0 0 = nk,σ nk0,σ 0 δq,0 − nk+q,σ nk,σ δk0,k+qδσσ0 (13b) where the minus sign for the second term comes because we have changed the order of the middle pair of Fermi operators (remember the anticommutation rules!), and nk,σ is the noninteracting ground state occupation number 1 for k<kF nk,σ = . (14) 0 for k>kF 2 This gives ! X 2 X 1 E − E = u(˜ 0) n .σ − u(˜ q)n + ,σ n ,σ . (15) 0 2 k k q k k,σ k,q,σ 1 N 2u(˜ )/ The first term in Eq. (15) can be written as 2 0 and is just the mean potential interaction between all the particles. In this context it is known as the Hartree term. You might have expected this to be the complete result since we are just using the noninteracting wavefunction, and indeed this would be the case for distinguishable particles. The second term arises from the antisymmetrization of the wavefunction, and is known as the exchange or Foch term. Together we have Hartree-Foch theory. Radial Distribution Function The Foch term can be understood better by remembering the result for the potential energy from our study of the classical interacting gas. For a pairwise interaction the potential energy just depends on the pair correlation function, conveniently expressed in terms of the radial distribution function g(r) Z 1 N 2 1 N 2 X hV i = u(r)g(r)d3r = u(˜ q)g(−q). (16) 2 2 2 q The radial distribution function g(r) is proportional to the probability of finding a particle at r given that there is one at the origin. It is normalized so that g(r →∞) = 1. Also, remember the convention for Fourier transforms I am using X f(r) = f(˜ q)eiq·r (17) q Z 1 f(˜ ) = f( )e−iq·r q r (18) where at the end of the calculation we evaluate the wavevector sum as Z X ...→ d3q.... (19) (2π)3 q Comparing with Eq. () we can introduce the spin dependent radial distribution function gσσ0 and write 1 X g(˜ q) = g˜σσ0 (q) (20) 4 σσ0 with * + X + + g˜σσ0 (q) = a a 0 0 a 0,σ 0 a ,σ , (21) (N/ )2 k−q,σ k +q,σ k k 2 , 0 k k 0 or Fourier transforming * + X X 1 iq·R + + gσσ0 (R) = e a a 0 0 a 0,σ 0 a ,σ . (22) (N/ )2 k−q,σ k +q,σ k k 2 , 0 q k k 0 Using the same factorization procedure gives (writing the last term in terms of k, k0 rather than k, q) ! ! X X X 4 i(k−k0)·R gσσ0 (R) = n ,σ n 0,σ 0 − δσσ0 e n 0,σ n ,σ . (23) N 2 k k k k k k0 k,k0 3 This can be written in terms of the real function φ(R) 2 X φ( ) = eik·Rn . R N kσ (24) k as 2 gσσ0 = 1 − δσσ0 φ (R). (25) The function φ is easily evaluated, since nkσ is 1 for k<kF and 0 for k>kF as Z Z 2 kF 4πk2dk 1 1 φ(R) = d(cos θ)eikR cos θ (26) n (2π)3 2 − 0 Z 1 3 kF r = dy y sin y (27) 3 (kF r) 0 (writing the density n in terms of kF and introducing y = kF r), or 3 φ(R) = [sin(kF r) − (kF r)cos(kF r)] . (28) (kF r)3 1 g↑↑ 10 20 kFr Figure 1: Radial distribution function for parallel spin fermions plotted from Eqs. (25) and (28). These results show that g↑↓ = g ↓↑= 1 as might be expected for the noninteracting wave function. −1 However g↑↑ = g↓↓ go to zero as r → 0, and there is a “correlation hole” of radius ∼ kF because of the antisymmetrization of the wavefunction, the nonlocal ramification of the Pauli exclusion principle, see Fig. 1. Note that the recovery to g↑↑ = g↓↓ = 1 for r →∞is oscillatory and with a power law tail cos(2kF r) 1 − g↑↑(r →∞) ∝ . (29) r4 These slowly decaying oscillations, appearing here and in other quantities, and resulting from the sharp discontinuity at the Fermi surface are known as Friedel oscillations. 4 k k+q q Figure 2: Shaded volume gives the integral in the Foch term of the ground state energy. Potential Energy for the Electron Gas For the electron gas with a uniform positive background (the jellium model) the first term in Eq. (15)is cancelled by the interaction with the positive background. This leaves the Foch term. There is a lowering of the energy because as we have seen from g↑↑ like spins tend to stay apart, reducing the repulsive interaction. To evaluate Eq. (15)or(??) we need to calculate X nk+q,σ nk,σ . (30) k This is easily evaluated geometrically, since the product nk+qnk is unity inside the intersection of the Fermi sea and a Fermi sea displaced by −q (shaded in Fig. (2)) and zero outside. The shaded volume is Z " # 1 4 3 q 1 q 3 k3 π 2 θd( θ) = πk3 − + 2 F sin cos F 1 k k (31) q/2kF 3 2 2 F 2 2 F for q<2kF and zero otherwise.
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