Now incorporating New Providence-Berkeley Heights Dispatch Summit ... SummU'§ emiy \ < M I'Mi \f • . Residency law may require that Kent leave Common Council By PAIGE TUNSTALL According to Common Coun- "1 don't want to embarrass the SUMMIT-Comrnon Council cil President Murray Ross, the counciMf they're not prepared to will next week have to decide if council will discuss Kent's status have it become an issue," Kent Thomas Kent stays or goes, at next week's meetings, June 10 added. Councilman Kent is selling his and 11, at city hall, 8pm. "If they want to declare a house on Woodland Ave. and is Ross said the council is still vacancy (on council) because they in the process of moving to Mur- waiting for legal advice from the feel it embarrasses council, then 1 ray Hill. city solicitor: "I'll have to find would resign," Kent said. By state law, city officials must out from Drummond whether it A lol to lose reside in the same municipality will be public (discussion) or not- "I'm doing the Master Plan, where they preside. -I'd prefer to have it public, we're still doing that lawsuit, and However, law concerning the because this could be very con- I'm the only lawyer on council definition of "reside" is com- troversial." right now," said Kent, who plex. Ross said the council has believes he has much to con- Home is where the received a statement from Kent, tribute in finishing the projects hear! is and that the statement has been on which he is currently working. By slate law, a person may turned over to Drummond for ex- The lawsuit to which Kent have many "residences" but only amination. referred is that filed by Junior one "domicile." Officials must "We'll get Drummond's opi- High Principal Donald DeBanico THE MAYORS' ENDORSEMENT-From left, Summit mayors Frank Lehr (1976-79), Robert Hartlaub (1984-7), James Lovett retain a "domicile" in the city nion, and then we'll make a deci- against the city and several of- (1980-83), and Elmer Bennett join Janet Whitman, center, in looking over landscaping plans for senior housing at 12 where they serve. sion about if we feel he still lives ficials. Chestnut Street. Funds are needed to provide landscaping on the site since the federal government cut $2 million during Councilman Kent has, he said, here or not," said Ross. Not going to make the construction of the project. taken an apartment in the city on Kent said, "Your domicile of an issue New England Avenue. origin remains your domicile un- "But I wouldn't resign just "I'm sharing it with someone til a person makes a clear because there's somebody who 125 units of prime senior housing- else from Allied," where he severance from it and there's no disagrees with me or the way I works, Kent said. intent to return." vote," said Kent. "There's still "But I have a legal right lo be The councilman said he plans going to be people who take pot- on council right now, and right to return and own a home in shots at people because they but not a blade of grass! now, I still own my home in Sum- Summit again when he retires. disagree with positions they have mit," Kent continued, explaining In Kent's view, his domicile is taken-but we live in America, SUMMIT-After the federal ting Summit residents would be Total cost of the landscaping that bis Woodland home will be still in Summit. and that doesn't bother me," government cut nearly $2 million proud to have their own parents project will be approximately sold on June 13—obliging council "I'm also building a home in Kent said. from the city's plans to construct retire and relax in," said Whit- $200,000. to come to a decision quickly. South Carolina," Kent said. If the council takes no action, senior housing, the city had to cut man. The Chamber of Commerce is •'I was born in Summit...my "I think I have a legally en- according to Kent, that will be all its own plans for landscaping Residents may buy individuliz- donating office space and person- kids went through Summit forceable right to remain on the same as affirming a belief around the housing. cd sections of the landscaping; nel to process contributions. schools," said Kent. "Home is council," said Kent, "but I'm that he still has a domicile in That was two years ago. But that is, they may buy a linear foot where the heart is," he added. not going to make it an issue." Summit. now, as the building at 12 of sidewalk, one of many sizes of Residents may donate in honor Chestnut St. approaches comple- trees, shrubbery, a bench, or a of an individual—Oakes tion, the Summit Area Develop- picnic table, for example. Memorial Church, for instance, ment Corporation is starting a "The Summit quality of life has begun a memorial fund to Grimes continues to call for healing after massive campaign to find funds must be added by us," said Sylvia create a small garden setting in for some greenery. Smith, president of the SADC. honor of Pastor Doug Merriam. "We need big angels and little her victory in Common Council's Ward I angels," said Janet Whitman, director of the campaign. yUMMJT--Anne Grimes con- "I don't think the insurance Grimes will try to attend 'is The campaign will focus on the Grimes takes Ward I -tirroed to cWtt for "healing the ci- company will go, the whole route many council meetings, .residential sjKtf^r* gftg^tfn;-.cpr-' ty" after her victory 792-44© in with us." sajd -CfrtfMMi;-' Orfmcs ^Sfffflff "ft's-frnp- ' potato sector was already tapped the Republican primary for Ward worries that if the suit goes on come on the council running." long enough with no progress, iwo years ago for funds lo con- I of Common Council last Tues- She will take office on Jan. 1, strue! ilic housing itself. SUMMIT-Anne Grimes won councilman-ai-large seat, took day. the city's insurance company may 1986. "This is really—at least iheway The SADC last week mailed the Republican primary election 1,440 votes. not support it. Of the study currently being donation requests lo the 8,300 1 view ii—a victory for the city of Grimes believes that "it's very for Ward I of Common Council Michael Smith, who was runn- done on the police department by households in the city. last Tuesday. She defeated in- ing unopposed for Thomas Summit," Grimes said of her important" that the Conflict of an independent consultant, win. "It's the Summit Way versus cumbent Helen Huber by a nearly Kelsey's seat on council, tallied Interest Ordinance now being Grimes said, "If these experts are the federal way," said Whitman. "It's a vote for healing, men- considered by council be passed. two-to-one margin, taking 792 477 votes. Kelsey represents coining to explain the study only The federal way, she explained, votes to Huber's440. Ward II. ding, and cooperation," she add- The ordinance encountered once, I think the new council would not provide for even a ed, reiterating her campaign pro- strong objections from the mayor Of the 12, 221 registered to Assemblyman Bob Franks members (Richard Bottclli and blade of grass. vote in the city, only 2,417 turned .received 1,554 voles; mise to find a resolution to the and the presidents of the PBA Michael Smith also won) should The Summit Way, Whitman lawsuit currently being waged by and FMBA when introduced last out at the primary's polls. Assemblywoman Maureen be all.nved to sit in" on the expects, will provide a luxuriant In Ward I, the turnout was Ogden got 1,544. the Junior High School principal, month. meetings. garden effect—"The kind of set- Donald DeBanico, against the ci- much higher than in Ward II; Governor Thomas Kean's ty, the police department, and 1,627 of Ward I's 5,993 votes came to 1,510. several city officials. registered voters turned out, Democratic candidates for DeBanico's suit stems from the . while only 790 of Ward IPs 6,228 governor received voles as execution of search warrants for tegistered voters came to the follows: Peter Shapiro, 243; Ken- student files in February of 1984. polls. neth Gibson, 85; John Russo, 59; Grimes believes there must be Richard Bottelli, who was run- Steve Wiley, 56; Robert Deltufo, pressure put on all sides to end ning unopposed for the 49; and Eliot Greenspan, 3. personal rancor and settle out of court. The city's desire for healing Huber: It was the worst year "...became very clear as I walked the neighborhoods," said Grimes. to run as an incumbent' "I heard them saying they wanted a healing time. I'd share SUMMIT--"ll was the worst cumstances. A lot of things hap- these comments with members of year to run as an incumbent," pened in Summit ilia! were council so they too can work on commented Common Council beyond my control. it," Grimes added. member Helen Huber, who lost "Never before in 30 years in "It's not for me to deal out the Republican primary election Summit have so many issues sur- guilt or innocence in the suit-but for Ward I to Anne Grimes last faced in one short period of time. regardless of where that falls, we Tuesday.
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