Otterbein University Digital Commons @ Otterbein Towers Magazine 1926-1999 Archives & Special Collections 6-1938 Otterbein Towers June 1938 Otterbein Towers Otterbein University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/archives_alumnitowers Part of the Digital Humanities Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Otterbein Towers, "Otterbein Towers June 1938" (1938). Towers Magazine 1926-1999. 43. https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/archives_alumnitowers/43 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives & Special Collections at Digital Commons @ Otterbein. It has been accepted for inclusion in Towers Magazine 1926-1999 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Otterbein. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALUMNI NEWS OTTERBEIN COLLEGE Vol. XI. JUNE 1938 No. 10. PRES. CLIPPINGER RESIGNS NORRIS-ELLIOTT CUP GOES TO ARNOLD Many friends of Presid-ent vV. G. iC lipp.in,ger were very mu,~h surprise,'J Vincent L. Arnold, diminutive Ot­ Friday, June 11, when at the close of terbein s tar received the Norris-Elliott reading. his annual · report to the Cup representing the . highest athletic honorary award presented annually tu D-oar-d of Trustees he . subt'J'!•itted his the Cardinal senior who receives at resignation to !become effe·ctive Sept. least foµr varsity lett'ers in, ·two o r I, 1939. President C1ip-p·inger is fin­ more sports in addition to having the ishing his twenty-ninth year as presi­ highest scholastic standing. Ani:old d ent of the college and ,by ;Sept. 1939 hails from Barberton and , has been an outstanding athlete in ., football, bas­ ,nil have completed thirty years of ketball and baseball in which sports :service to the institution. This ,is of he has r.eceived five letters. course the longest term of service of Letters also were presented to th e .any of the -thirteen presidents who following men: have served in that capacity, and is also Easketball-Clayton \Nolfe ( honor­ :a record which ,is not equalled by many college .presidents, in fact he is ary captain, Vincent · Arnold. Joh11 the Senior ·College iPr-esident ,in Ohio McGee, Dwight Ballenger, \i\lillian1 at the present . time. Henry, vVayne ,B inton and Lloyd Schiering, manager. During President ,Clippin.ger's ten­ iire the student 1body has incr-eased Baseball-] ohn McGee ( honorary from 175 to 3-85 and the faculty from co-captain), Lloyd Schiering (ho11or 0 ary co-captain), J cihn 'vVilson, \JVayn ~ 18 to 3;7_ Six new 1build-ings were :a lso erected during this ·period and Hinton, John Kundert, Harley Lear­ cndo·wments have increas-ed from ish, Nathaniel Shope, William Young, Sl5·0,000 to $1,2:5'0,000 most of this Vincent Arnold,- Ronald Beck and having ,been raiised during the D-ia­ Clarence Critchfield, manager. mond Jubilee ICampa•ign when the Track-Elmer Funkhouser (honor­ president secur·ed a gift of $2•50•,1000 ary captain), Clayton \Nolfe, Emer­ from the General Education Board and son Shuck, Robert Tinnerrnan and $7'5,000 from the Carne,gie 1Corpora­ Donald Hanawalt. :tion. I 11 addition to the above awards, Pres,ident Clippinger ,s widely Honorary Varsity -O's and sweaters ki10wn as a crusader for the advance­ wen; presented by ·the Varsity O A s­ ment of temperance .and re_ligious edu­ sociat:on to Harry Vv. Ewing, head ·cation. He is president ·of the Ohi-o coach in football and track; Fred Eu­ Anti-Saloon League and the Colurnbu,; verard, custodian of buildings and Torch Club, vice cha,irman and ,board ;,thletic grounds and equipment, and member of the Internatio·nal Counc,il John K-t111dert, manager of intramural of Religious Education, a member of 5ports in ;ppreciation of their continu­ the Intercollegiate Prohibition Asso­ e d aid to the Association. Presenta­ ciation and of the No.rtl1 Annei-ican tiun;: were made in Chapel by• Ath­ Administrative Council :of the \Norld let,c Director Royal F. Martin and Sunday SchoQl Ass,ociation. (r.,acli H. E. Ewing, Pub1ished by Otterbein C.ollege, · Westerville, Ohio, in the interest of Alunrni and Friends. Entered "as ·second t'la:ss matter a.t post of:fi.c.e in vVest.erville, 0 ., under ac:t ,of 'Aug. 24, · ['9[2. Two ALUMNI NEWS ALUMNI NEWS Thre~ ALUMNI NEWS 56 STUDENTS AWARDED COMMENCEMENT AW ARDS ,berta El<l.ine Addleman, '41 , Dayton; DEGREES Second A ward, Thelma Den1brook, '39, OTTERBEIN COLLEGE Fifty-six ,graduates received diplo­ Dalton ; Third Award, Ferdinand \lv' ith the close of the Commence­ mas at the eighty-s,econd annual com­ Wagner, '40, Somers-et, Pa. \,VESTERVILLE. OHI O ment exercises 56 y-oung men and. mencement, Monday, June 13 . Dr. III. Prizes In Speech women had joined the ranks of Otter­ Walte·r Jessup, President -of the Car­ Dr. Howard H. Russell Prizes l'ublished by the Coll ege in the Inter­ bein Alumni. These graduates with negie Foundation fo.r the Advance­ Declamation 1Contest~First Award t>s t of her Alumni and Friends. their degrees are: ment of Teaching, delivered a very RosemaTy McGee, '41, Rittman; Sec: Bachelor of Arts fo rce.ful address in whi-ch he -counsell­ ond Award, Virginia J ererniah, '41, Donald B. App, Rockhill , Furnace. ed the seniors. to go out and face the D ayton; Third Award, Autumn Mor­ R. R. EHRHART, Editor Pa., cum laude; V incent L. Arnold. world with the d-eterminati-on to put ton, '40, Rixfo.r cl, Pa. ; F ourth Award, Barberton; Sarah Ayclelotte, Green­ forth their best effort wherever they June Courtright, '40, Westerville. ville; Dorothy Beck, Greensburg, Pa.; m av find them selves. Oratorical ,Con test - First Awar·d. l ssued m onthly except July a!1ll E ula I. Black, Westerville; George R. Three sons of Otter,bein who have Meredith Ros,ens,teel, ''39, Am'brid,ge: August ,Brooks, Rio Grande; William L. Cali­ done outstanding work ,in their re­ Pa.; Second A ward, Ralph Ernsber­ han, Swissvale, Pa.; William Catalana. spective field s were awarded honorary ger, '39, ·westerville; Third Award, Akron; Helen M. Dick, Westerville ; degrees. George Vance, '39, Greenville; Fourth The honorary degree of Doctor of Award. J ane N orris, '.38, Dayton. ALUMNI OFFICERS ELECTED Foster H. Elliott, Westerville; Hornet· E. Felty, Dayton ; Helen D . Fogel­ Divinity· was awarded to· Rev. R. N. J. 0. Cox Freshman~Sophomore Shaffer, '26, A.B., D .D., SUiperinten­ Debate Prize The result of the election of officers gren, Mansfi eld ; True V. Gehman. dent of the •We.st Vir,ginia •Conferen,ce. \Vinning T eam Composed of J ohn ior the Alumni Assoc,iation for the Canton; Lora K. Good, M cK eesport, Buchannon, W. Va., and Rev. Ulsie Clipipinger, '41 , Dayton; James Shu­ year 193-8-39 follows : Pa.; Leonard R. Griffith, Philipsburg. P. Hovermale, '21 , A.B., B.D., D .D ., ma·ker, '41, Allentown, .Pa.; Ric·hard F. 0. Van Si,ckl e, '06, president: Pa. F rance. E. H amil t·on, D ayton, cum recently elected secretary ,o.f the Board Wa£T ner, '41, Jamestown, Pa. Homer B. Kl:ne. '1'5, Verda Evans, laude; Charles W . Harding, Worth­ of Home Missions of the United Interpretative Reading Contest '2'8 and Elmo Lingrel, '17, vice-presi­ Brethren Church. First Award, Grace Burdge, '39, dents ; O li ve Shisle r, '3,1, s-ec retary : ington; Miriam Haynes, Newart: J ohn H. Hendrix, Clarksvill e; Emer­ The honorary degree o,f Do-ctor of Canton. l· luy d J . Van ce, '16, treasurer ; Edgar Laws was awarde-cl to Mr. Roy E . Dramatic Interpretation Contest J. vVeinland, '9•1 and Homer .P. Lam­ son Hillegas, Fairhope, Pa.; Robert Hohn, Dayton; Frank Jakes, Newark : Offenhauer, '05, A.B., M .A.. Ped D .. First Award, Eileen Wilkin. '3-8, bert, '12, trustees: E hner Loomis. '23, president of the Bowling Green State \Vesterville; Second A ward, Gerald member of Alumni Council at large. Glenna Jordan, Dayton, cum laucle: Gladys McFeeley, Windber, Pa.; John U niversi ty, Bcw'·ing Gre-en, Ohio. Riley, '38. M.idd:etown. The Alumni banquet, held in the U. Mc Gel·, Rittman; Helen Miller, Day­ Other awards made during the year IV. Ohio State University Graduate 8. Church Saturday evening was well ton, cum laude: vVilma Mosholder. and decognized in the commencement Scholarship attended. The address was ,given by Somerset, Pa., cum laude ; Levenia 1-J. program follows: John Flanagan, '3•8, Miamis,bur.g. lv[ r. Raymond Schutz, proifessor J. ' 14, Orlidge, Wes terville, magna cum \aude ; I. Literary Prizes V. Representative Men and Women of Sociology at Manchester •College, E lizabeth JJroctor, Beums Point, K . · J. A. Barne, Short Story !Contest­ Chosen annually from the seni or .North Manchester, Indiana, and was. class by the studen-t body as- 1best rep­ Y.; Gerald Riley, Middletown; Della First Award, Sarah Aydelotte, '38, gr-eatly appreciated ,by all present. resenting the spirit of the college. Roop, Marion ; I sabelle Rushworth, Greenville; Second Award. Sarah Gerald Riley, '38, M·iddletown; Ger­ J amestown; N. Y .; George R ussell, Shuck, '38, New Lisbon, Wis.: Third CLASS PRES,ENTS GIFT trude Vv'illiams, '38, Bigler, Pa. ; !Sarah Willard. Award, Emerson Shuck, ''3'8, Findlay. Shuck, '38, New Lis1bon, Wis.; Emer­ Charles E. Schick, Westerville ; Dr. Roy Burkha rt Essay Contest­ During the class day exer,cises, son Shuck, '3·8, Findlay. Lloyd Schiering, Parma; Sarah B. F,irst Prize, E,merson Shuck, 'JS, which were held, Saturday, June II, VI. Norris-Elliott Cup Award Shuck, New Lisbon, Wis., magna cum Findlay: S-e,cond Award, Meredith th e class of 1938 presented a very finP Vincent Lenard Arnold, '38, Barber­ laude ; J am es C.
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