lilliD[ BUllETII HE six-day war began on June 5. It T was, Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban said after it was over, the only war Now the Battle of Words • • • in history "where the victors sued for peace and the vanquished demanded un­ themes: that the State of Israel is "illegal," The Action Committee on American­ conditional surrender." is founded on aggression, and that Israel, Arab Relations, headed by Mohammad Israel's victory proved, wrote Leo Ros­ ra:rh er th3n the Arabs, has been waging T. Mehdi, had what it called a "peace ten in Look magazine, "that God is liable a "criminal war of aggression" in the in arch" on W ashingron the same day to be on the side of people who fight for Middle East for the last 20 years; that Jewish groups, including ADL partici­ their freedom, their honor, their children Jews now living in Israel should be sent pants from across the country, held a and their lives-even if such people are back ro the countries from which they rally in the capitol. Some of the Mehdi pig-h~~ded enough ro fight entirely came; that American news media are group of about 200 marchers (not all alone. Zionist-controlled; that American Jews Arabs) , charged and protested a "Zionist The astounding victory of the Israeli have "dual loyalty" between the United conspiracy" ro take over the United States. military forces, the United N ations de­ States and Israel, an attitude which makes Mehdi himself, in newspaper srories, bares and the rheroric and invective them unworthy of the trust and confi- accused the Ami-Defamation League of stemming from them, have been reported trying to impose "thought control" by by the nation's news media. This issue moniroring radio broadcasts for anti­ of the ADL Bulletin provides a different Semitism. (The League's "monitoring" kind of information-attitudes and reac­ The miracle military vicrory consists of listening ro the radio-espe­ tions, both friendly and opposed, gathered is over. ADL examines vary­ cially ro talk shows which seem ro attract in depth by the Ami-Defamation League a quotient of misguided telephoners­ in order to interpret and counteract at­ ing attitudes and reactions not to censor but ro gauge public opinion tempts to stir up anti-Semitism and divide and to expose extremists.) the American people. in order to interpret and The American Friends of the Middle counteract attempts to stir East sent two telegrams to President Arab Propagandists in U. S. up anti-Semitism. Johnson-one demanding that the United Old Cries, New Slant States "support the Indian resolution in the U.N. asking for a return ro the THE MIDDLE EAST cns1s provided status ante bellum and srop Israeli aggres­ Arab propagandists and sympathizers in dence of their non-Jewish fellow-citizens, sion by any measures necessary"; the the United States with an unparalleled especially with respect to American policy other decrying alleged U.S. "inaction" opportunity-which they seized upon­ in the Middle East. and lack of clarification on the question to rouse American public feeling against The Palestine Arab Delegation and of territorial integrity. Failure to act on Zionism, the "criminal" existence of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine, the issue, the second telegram said, would Israel, and the alleged influence of Jews through their representatives, Issa Nakh­ "irreparably damage U.S. credibility and on American opinion. The activities of leh and Omar Azouni, condemned the influence within ( the) Arab world." such groups as the Palestine Arab Dele­ [sraelis as "international Zionist thugs," Arab students here ( their role as "sol­ gation ( which despite its name has no attacked U.N. Ambassador Arthur Gold­ diers of the homeland stationed on Amer­ official standing at the United Nations), berg as an "accessory" to Israel's "crimes," ican college campuses" was reported in the Action Committee On American­ called upon President Johnson ro reject the December, 1966, issue of the ADL Arab Relations, the American Friends Of American support of territorial "con­ Bulletin) parrored the Arab line that The Middle East, and Arab students in quest" by the "international military Egypt was within irs legal rights in block­ the United States, offered no surprises ro gang in Tel Aviv," and charged that the ading the Gulf of Aqaba ro Israeli ship­ ADL which has countered their ami­ Israelis shot 3,000 Arabs in the Gaza ping; that the State of Israel was "illegal"; Israel, ami-Jewish, and ami-American Strip "in cold blood .. looted homes, and that Israel was the aggressor. They comment time and time again. violated young women and assaulted and also criticized the American press for These were rhe.ir basic propaganda humiliated the population." "biased" and "distorted" reporting. A sampling of Arab srudent activity included the following: - At the University of Minnesota, Arab stu­ dents in a paid advertisement in the school's Minnesota Daily charged that the Israeli gov­ ernment was "an aggressive, imperialist re­ gime" and paradoxically argued that "the so­ called 'terrorist' attacks that Israel has used as justification for its raids into Syria and Jordan, are simply the manifestation of the will of the Comment: people who have been persecuted, deprived of the right of self-determination, massacred, and crushed." The audience at a meeting called by the Uni­ J WRITE this from Jerusalem, called Y em­ scene, left behind, too heavy for the Arabs versity's Arab-American Club, heard a Lebanese shaliem, Foundation of Peace. to wear. They ran off barefooted. student charge that the "very existence of Israel It is July and there is peace in Jerusalem, We are impressed by the peaceful inter­ was based on aggression" and an Iraqi student an uneasy and watchful peace, but A m mingling of Arab and Israeli in the Old claim that " only the United States says the Y israel Chai-the people of Israel live. Ciry of Jerusalem and the freedom of move­ Gulf (of Aqaba) is international waters." They speak with joy about "the miracle" ment everywhere. Arabs have fl ocked into According to the latter, "the U.S. will learn of winning the war, and with sad ness about the N ew City. Israelis and Arabs who it cannot dictate anymore, especially to Arabs." what war brings. There are no unknown haven't seen each other in 19 years meet - On the West Coast, the Organization of soldiers in Israel. The population is close­ like old, lost friends. Arab Students circulated a flye r prior to the knit. Every family has either suffered a In sharp contrast, Arab refugees in the outbreak of lighting which declared that the Joss or knows someone who did. Gaza Strip, held wi thin the territory as Arabs "can and will employ force to regain Arnold Forster and I are here to attend virtual prisoners by the Egyptians in c h ~ r ge, their rights. " the annual meeting of the W orld Confe r­ are hostile. All essential services-w: t~ r, - At the University of Red lands , Califo rnia, ence of Jewish Organizations (COJO ) and electricity, etc.-have been restored by the Arab students at an open meeting of the to observe the situation in Israel at firs t Israel is . In the city of Gaza, Israelis are school's Student U nion charged that the crisis hand. Arnold is meeting with and inter­ load ing buses full of Arab citizens who wish had been brought about by the international viewing Israeli army and government offi­ to visit thei r families in Jordan, It will be Zionist movement and co ntended that the si n­ cials. He is also interviewing Arabs. The the fi rst time since 1948 that they have gle solution to "the problem of Israel" wr s the seri es of taped interviews will be broadcast been allowed out of the area. dispersal of the Jews now in Israel to the coun­ over radio stations in the United States The problems created by the new situ­ tries from which they came and the restoration after our return. ati on are staggering. If Israel keeps some of ."expelled " Arabs to the land rightfully The COJO meeting, held fo r the fi rst of the territories, the Arabs will have to theirs. time in Jerusalem, has drawn the largest be incorporated into the economy. There Among students addressing the gathering attendance in its ten-year history. Under the will be labor problems. The Arabs can be was a brother of King Faisal. Attempting to co-chairmanship of N ahum Goldmann, pres­ abso rbed only into agriculture or as un­ dent of the W orld Jewish Congress , and skilled workers. Co ntinue d on p :~ g e 3 William A. W exler, pres ident of B'nai B'rith, representatives of Jewish commun­ WHILE H ERE we have visited with the ities throughout the world are gathered to group of ten ADL staff members attending discuss problems of mutual concern. a six-week B'nai B'rith seminar. We at­ tended and addressed the conve ntion of IT IS impossible to convey the spirit of 135 B'nai B'rith lodges in Israel. excitement and warmth that greets all visi­ At home, ADL's 28 regional offices, us­ tors to Israel this summer. The people are ing League reports, surveys and analyses, deeply appreciative of the fi nancial aid and are acting as information centers for Jews unified support that came from Jews- and and non-Jews in their areas. There are Gentiles-all · over the world, and are those reports on which this issue of the proud, so very proud of their own ac­ ADL Bulletin is based ; there are press complishments.
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