Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 340.2 States, and any other Territories or NOTE: Any genetically engineered orga- Districts of the United States. nism composed of DNA or RNA sequences, State regulatory official. State official organelles, plasmids, parts, copies, and/or with responsibilities for plant health, analogs, of or from any of the groups of orga- nisms listed below shall be deemed a regu- or any other duly designated State offi- lated article if it also meets the definition of cial, in the State where the introduc- plant pest in § 340.1. tion is to take place. United States. All of the States. GROUP Vector or vector agent. Organisms or VIROIDS objects used to transfer genetic mate- rial from the donor organism to the re- Superkingdom Prokaryotae cipient organism. Well-characterized and contains only Kingdom Virus non-coding regulatory regions (e.g. oper- All members of groups containing plant vi- ators, promoters, origins of replication, ruses, and all other plant and insect vi- terminators, and ribosome binding re- ruses gions). The genetic material added to a Kingdom Monera microorganism in which the following can be documented about such genetic DIVISION BACTERIA material: (a) The exact nucleotide base Family Pseudomonadaceae sequence of the regulatory region and any inserted flanking nucleotides; (b) Genus Pseudomonas The regulatory region and any inserted Genus Xanthomonas flanking nucleotides do not code for Family Rhizobiaceae protein or peptide; and (c) The regu- Genus Rhizobium Genus Bradyrhizobium latory region solely controls the activ- Genus Agrobacterium ity of other sequences that code for Genus Phyllobacterium protein or peptide molecules or act as Family Enterobacteriaceae recognition sites for the initiation of Genus Erwinia nucleic acid or protein synthesis. Family Streptomycetaceae Genus Streptomyces [52 FR 22908, June 16, 1987, as amended at 53 Family Actinomycetacease FR 12913, Apr. 20, 1988; 55 FR 53276, Dec. 28, Genus Actinomyces 1990; 58 FR 17056, Mar. 31, 1993; 62 FR 23956, May 2, 1997] Coryneform group § 340.2 Groups of organisms which are Genus Clavibacter or contain plant pests and exemp- Genus Arthrobacter tions. Genus Curtobacterium Genus Corynebacteria (a) Groups of organisms which are or Gram-negative phloem-limited bacteria asso- contain plant pests. The organisms that ciated with plant diseases are or contain plant pests are included Gram-negative xylem-limited bacteria asso- in the taxa or group of organisms con- ciated with plant diseases tained in the following list. Within any And all other bacteria associated with plant taxonomic series included on the list, or insect diseases the lowest unit of classification actu- Rickettsiaceae ally listed is the taxon or group which Rickettgial-like organisms associated with may contain organisms which are regu- insect diseases lated. Organisms belonging to all lower taxa contained within the group listed tured, or other products of plants.’’ Thus a are included as organisms that may be particular unlisted species within a listed or may contain plant pests, and are genus would be deemed a plant pest for pur- regulated if they meet the definition of poses of § 340.2, if the scientific literature re- fers to the organism as a cause of direct or 4 plant pest in § 340.1 indirect injury, disease, or damage to any plants, plant parts or products of plants. (If 4 Any organism belonging to any taxa con- there is any question concerning the plant tained within any listed genera or taxa is pest status of an organism belonging to any only considered to be a plant pest if the or- listed genera or taxa, the person proposing ganism ‘‘can directly or indirectly injure, or to introduce the organism in question should cause disease, or damage in any plants or consult with APHIS to determine if the orga- parts thereof, or any processed, manufac- nism is subject to regulation.) 427 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:33 Feb 15, 2013 Jkt 229016 PO 00000 Frm 00437 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\229016.XXX 229016 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with CFR § 340.2 7 CFR Ch. III (1–1–13 Edition) Class Mollicutes Family Ophiostomataceae Order Ascophaerales Order Mycoplasmatales Family Spiroplasmataceae Class Pyrenomycetes Genus Spiroplasma Mycoplasma-like organisms associated with Order Erysiphales plant diseases Order Meliolales Mycoplasma-like organisms associated with Order Xylariales insect diseases Order Diaporthales Order Hypocreales Superkingdom Eukaryotae Order Clavicipitales Kingdom Plantae Class Discomycetes Subkingdom Thallobionta Order Phacidiales Order Helotiales Division Chlorophyta Family Ascocorticiceae Family Hemiphacidiaceae Genus Cephaleuros Family Dermataceae Genus Rhodochytrium Family Sclerotiniaceae Genus Phyllosiphon Order Cytarriales Division Myxomycota Order Medeolariales Order Pezziales Class Plasmodiophoromycetes Family Sarcosomataceae Family Sarcoscyphaceae Division Eumycota Class Teliomycetes Class Chytridiomycetes Order Chytridiales Class Phragmobasidiomycetes Family Auriculariaceae Class Oomycetes Family Ceratobasidiaceae Order Lagenidiales Family Lagenidiaceae Class Hymenomycetes Family Olpidiopsidaceae Order Exobasidiales Order Peronosporales Order Agaricales Family Albuginaceae Family Corticiaceae Family Peronosporaceae Family Hymenochaetaceae Family Pythiaceae Family Echinodontiaceae Order Saprolegniales Family Fistulinaceae Family Saprolegniaceae Family Clavariaceae Family Leptolegniellaceae Family Polyporaceae Class Zygomycetes Family Tricholomataceae Order Mucorales Class Hyphomycetes Family Choanephoraceae Family Mucoraceae Class Coelomycetes Family Entomophthoraceae And all other fungi associated with plant or insect diseases Class Hemiascomycetes Family Protomycetaceae Subkingdom Embryobionta Family Taphrinaceae NOTE: Organisms listed in the Code of Federal Class Loculoascomycetes Regulations as noxious weeds are regulated under the Federal Noxious Weed Act Order Myriangiales Family Elsinoeaceae Family Myriangiaceae Division Magnoliophyta Order Asterinales Family Balanophoraceae—parasitic species Order Dothideales Family Cuscutaceae—parasitic species Order Chaetothyriales Family Hydnoraceae—parasitic species Order Hysteriales Family Krameriaceae—parasitic species Family Parmulariaceae Family Lauraceae—parasitic species Family Phillipsiellaceae Genus Cassytha Family Hysteriaceae Family Lennoaceae—parasitic species Order Pleosporales Family Loranthaceae—parasitic species Order Melanommatales Family Myzodendraceae—parasitic species Family Olacaceae—parasitic species Class Plectomycetes Family Orobanchaceae—parasitic species Order Eurotiales Family Rafflesiaceae—parasitic species 428 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:33 Feb 15, 2013 Jkt 229016 PO 00000 Frm 00438 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\229016.XXX 229016 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with CFR Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 340.2 Family Santalaceae—parasitic species Family Trichodoridae Family Scrophulariaceae—parasitic species Genus Alectra PHYLUM MOLLUSCA Genus Bartsia CLASS GASTROPODA Genus Buchnera Genus Buttonia Subclass Pulmonata Genus Castilleja Order Basommatophora Genus Centranthera Superfamily Planorbacea Genus Cordylanthus Order Stylommatophora Genus Dasistoma Subfamily Strophocheilacea Genus Euphrasia Family Succineidae Genus Gerardia Superfamily Achatinacae Genus Harveya Superfamily Arionacae Genus Hyobanche Superfamily Limacacea Genus Lathraea Superfamily Helicacea Genus Melampyrum Order Systellommatophora Genus Melasma Superfamily Veronicellacea Genus Orthantha Genus Orthocarpus Phylum Arthropoda Genus Pedicularis Class Arachnida Genus Rhamphicarpa Genus Rhinanthus Order Parasitiformes Genus Schwalbea Suborder Mesostigmata Genus Seymeria Superfamily Ascoidea Genus Siphonostegia Superfamily Dermanyssoidea Genus Sopubia Order Acariformes Genus Striga Suborder Prostigmata Genus Tozzia Superfamily Eriophyoidea Family Viscaceae—parasitic species Superfamily Tetranychoidea Superfamily Eupodoidea Kingdom Animalia Superfamily Tydeoidea Superfamily Erythraenoidea Subkingdom Protozoa Superfamily Trombidioidea Genus Phytomonas Superfamily Hydryphantoidea Superfamily Tarsonemoidea And all Protozoa associated with insect Superfamily Pyemotoidea diseases Suborder Astigmata Subkingdom Eumetazoa Superfamily Hemisarcoptoidea Superfamily Acaroidea PHYLUM NEMATA Class Diplopoda CLASS SECERNENTEA Order Polydesmida Order Tylenchida Family Anguinidae Class Insecta Family Belonolaimidae Order Collembola Family Caloosiidae Family Sminthoridae Family Criconematidae Order Isoptera Family Dolichodoridae Order Thysanoptera Family Fergusobiidae Order Orthoptera Family Hemicycliophoridae Family Acrididae Family Heteroderidae Family Gryllidae Family Hoplolaimidae Family Gryllacrididae Family Meloidogynidae Family Gryllotalpidae Family Nacobbidae Family Phasmatidae Family Neotylenchidae Family Ronaleidae Family Nothotylenchidae Family Tettigoniidae Family Paratylenchidae Family Tetrigidae Family Pratylenchidae Order Hemiptera Family Tylenchidae Family Thaumastocoridae Family Tylenchulidae Family Aradidae Order Aphelenchida Superfamily Piesmatoidea Family Aphelenchoididae Superfamily Lygaeoidea Superfamily Idiostoloidea CLASS ADENOPHOREA Superfamily Coreoidea Order Dorylaimida Superfamily Pentatomoidea Family Longidoridae Superfamily Pyrrhocoroidea 429 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:33 Feb 15, 2013 Jkt 229016 PO 00000 Frm 00439 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\229016.XXX 229016 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with CFR § 340.3 7 CFR Ch. III (1–1–13 Edition) Superfamily Tingoidea required for genetic material
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