I^tt*'^*!^.. «. •,!«.«««, W-V* blX* *»-«• * ilai^uDuu i,.i.brary Page Eight THE BBANFOKD RKVIEW, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1939 (5) Brisk, stimulating weather JAubcry Smith and MolvlUo Cooper Exterior Paint which fefidbles the painter to do his are In supporting roles of the star- THE nOJIE TOWN PAPER THE MOVIE GUYED work without fear ot sunstroke or studded cast. Short subjects and the THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A «l Calendar Of Events _ of — Job Best Done numbing of his hands. latest News complete this bill. VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TOWN BRANFORD — NORTH RRANFORD IIOI.LYWOOH (JOSSU". to another woman with whom ho 2nd and 4lh Tuesday liiRht, Nasliawcna Council, Degree of I'o- Add these reasons all together,, PORTRAYING AS IT DOES STONY CKEKK — PINE ORCHARD S" and I think you will agree that Dcdk'rtlecl to adding glamour to has fallen In love Although the cnliontns in Red Men's Hall. In Spring-Fall GRAND MASTER'S DAY SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK their logic Indicates that fall Is apt LOCAL HAPPENINOS IN screen personalities, Columbia's wife openly admits that she does 1st nnJ 3rd Fridays—Vasa Stiir Ijodge, No. 150, Svca Hall. GRANMS CORNER — MORRIS not love her husband, she wants to First Jlonday—Indian Neck Fire Co., Social Meeting. to be the Ideal season for outside Grand Masters' Day will be obser­ FASnLIAR LANGUAGE Sfje COVE — EAST HAVEN nrnkc-up department was compell­ People often ask, "What Is the painting. anforD B^bteUi ed to work In reverse during the keep him only for the luxuries an" Second Monday—Indian Neck Fire Co., BuHiucss Mooting best time of year for exterior paint­ ved Saturday, September 23 hi the lllmlng of "Five Little Peppers And social position ho gives her. Tlilrd and Fourth Mondays—Indian Neck Firo Co., Drills ing?" The answer Is that It is ,sat- Masonic Home In WalUngford. Eas­ AND EAST HAVEN NEWS How Tlicy arow," Which features The cast also Includes Charles Isfactory to paint outside at any tern Star members and their Edith Fellows. This plcturlzatlon of Coburn, Helen Vinson, Katherlne EVERY WEEK season as long as the surface to be Drive-ln Theatre friends are Invited. Lunch will be VOL. XII—NO. 24 Braitford, Connecticut, Thursday, September 21, 1939 Price Five Oenta Alexander, Johanthan Hale, and served on the grounds by Mlzpah Margaret Sidney Ldthrop's Juvenile TliurHdnys: 12 ;].'>, East Haven Kolary Club. painted Is dry and the temperature classic requires four of the little Maurice Moscovltch. Fall ot the year Is one ot the Chapter. Exercises begin at 1:15 p. Mondays—lirunford Kolary, 12:15, Coiigrogalionul Church above the freezing point. But If you Ijoppers to 3\iccumb to a selge of Sidney Toler developed an Ingen examine this statement, you wlll| nicest times to go tor a drive and m. Fridays—Pawson Tribe, I. 0. II. M, at 8 P, M, in Kcdmen's Hall, measles. Blolohcd .countenances lous method of learning his lines agree that tho fall months—partlc- ] then on the way home stop In and Firemen Honor Annual Luncheon E. T. Buckingham wore the make-up department's during tho fllmlnE of "Charlie Chan Fridiiys—Bingo—at the Tryst 8:00, ularly September and October—are see a movls. all you need do Is to Unforgetable Hurricane Arriving On Aquitania contribution to realistic perform­ In Treasure Island" which Is the drive your automobile Into the MU- u SEPTEMBER 15th most likely to provide Ideal paint­ Business Directory Mr. A. McKernan Given For G.O.P.'s Speaks On Sport ances. 2nd feature on tho hold over pro ing weather. tord Drlve-In Theatre, Post Road gram at Loow Poll College. Wmnun'N Mi.ssionnr.y Boclely. Road and Cherry Street, MUtord Mala, the Eskimo, who made his Brnnl'ord 'l-H Klower and Vegetal)le Club, 7 :0() will) Mr. and Mrs. The dry atmosphere and heat of WANTED; Rcprcscnlalivc to look Struck Year Ago Today Of North Branford The first fall meeting of the At E. H. Rotary Mrs. John Gillis Tells debut on the screen In "Eskimo," The peculiar twist which the fa and see and hear a well-balanced inous Oriental sleuth gives to the Kudolpli Kneuer. summer are apt to have drawn all after our magazine subscription Branford Women's Republican Club was perfectly at home tor the first movie show, without getting out of interests in Ilranford and vicinity. simplest I EnglLsh made the Chan fnslallation Dinner, auxiliary ot American Legion, East Haven the water out of wood pores and your car. Mr. Alexander McKernan who has took place Monday following a cov­ Edward T. Buckingham, compen­ time since working In that picture at Cosey Corner Pantry, 0:30. stucco siding. In the case of frame Our plan enables you to secure a ered dish luncheon at tho homo of roles difficult tp learn until Toler Causing Great Loses done so much for the Nortli Bran­ sation committeeman from Fairfield Of Trip Across Ocean when he played one. of the featured Koxon Fair at Foxon Community House. houses, the wood pores are .open There Is no extra charge tor this good part of the hundreds of Mrs. Harry Cooke. jiarts In Columbia's "Coast Guard". hit tho Idea of reading his part on­ convenience. Shows are continuous dollars spent in this vicinity cacli ford Fife and Drum Corps has al­ and former mayor of Bridgeport to a phonograph record, then play and thirsty tor paint. The same The resignation ot Vlcc-Prosldent He Is seen In the Alaskan scenes SEPTEMBER 16th nightly, rain or shine and children fall and winter for magazines. so been vitally Interested In the for was the speaker at this noon's meet­ Ing back and repeating tho lines applies to shingles, exposed mill- Mrs. James Wulpl was accepted due which provide a thrilling climax to "Til Be Made" ailinittcd lis electors, Town Hall. under 10 are admitted without Oldest agency In U. S. Guaran­ Witnessed Methodical Evacuation Of Children And In­ along with It. He got them quickly work and stucco. This paint can AYear Ago This Afternoon An Enormous Tidal Wave matlon and equlplng ot the North to her removal to Kansas City. ing of tho East Haven Rotary club the romantic drama Of the United Fond Sale, North Branford Congrctjationat Church Choir. charge. teed lowest rates on all periodi­ and accurately from the momen' form a bettor bond to this dry sur­ Ripped Into The Shores Causing Destruction And Branford Volunteer Fire Dcpart- Mrs. Norman Bowhe was voted In­ held In the auditormm ot tho St. valids From Danger Zones To Safety Zones—JEngland Stales Coast Guard, Randolph Scott County Fair—Children's Center, 11 a. m. face. There Is less danger, too, ot The program scheduled from this cals, domestic and foreign. In­ to membership. ho begun using this method. structions and'r equipment free. ••ncnt ahd on Thursday evening of Vincent DePaul Church. Frances Dee, Ralph Bellamy and moisture behind the paint film be­ past Wednesday thru this Saturday Loss Of Life. Mi's. M. D. Stanley announced for Calm But Very Determined, Ml Start a growing and permanent last week he was made an honor­ He used for his topic, "Tho Place Walter Connolly.are featured. SEPTEMBER 17th ing scald up and causing "blisters" night Leslie Howard and Bette the program committee that the WATCH FOR CORHNG HITS business in whole or spare time. That Sports Occupy in the Com­ Mrs. John Glllls, Beckett Avenue, Did you Know that Kdward a Postponed meeting, Ijithuiiirmii Ijudics' Kocicly or "Peeling" at a later date. Davis In "Of Human Bondage". A year ago this morning we ary member of the organization. next meeting would be held at the Robinson, the screen's greatest "Winter Carnival" with Ann Sher Slieei) Bake—Young Kopuhlicaii Club at UpscMi's drove. Especially adaptable for Shut- munity." AH exterior paints need to be an­ Specially selected short subjects awoke, it any ol us slept, after a Crowd Attends Rev. G. DlUard Lesslcy, a member home ot Mrs Goldsmith with firs. Group Organizes Short Beach, arrived on the Aqul- lawbreaker, has been In only one Idan and Richard Carlson Kcllowsliip Club OutiiiK, Camp Morton. ins. Address IMOORE-COTTRELL, Last week Mayor Murphy of Now I?*' chored to the surface. A moist, and the latest News complete the night of anxiety and concern. of the department presented Mr. Arnold Peterson, leader. In Novem­ tanin Saturday from England. Sho real Jail In his life?. That was In Dancing Co-Ed" with Artie Shaw Clam Balte—K. of C, at Camp Morton, Inc., Naples Road, North Cohoc- Haven gave enlightening Informa­ greasy or slippery surlace doesn't program. It was gloriously sunny following McKernan with a gold badge In be­ ber Secretary of State, Sara Craw- Sing Sing, where he once appeared and His Band, Ann Rutherford ( ton, N. Y. Foxon Affair tion regarding public expenditures. Athletic Club had gone to England with the In­ give paint a chance to anchor Itself. On Sunday night and continuous the wildest day Connecticut has ford has accepted an Invitation to on a Christmas Eve program. Richard Carlson "The Mon They SEPTEMBER 18th half of the lire department mem­ The attendance committee for tention ot remaining until Novem­ But a slight roughened surlace through Tuesday night, "The Sun ever experienced. speak to tho group and In Decem­ .<i>-l Roger Pryor returns to the screen Could Not Hang" with Boris Kar^ Women's Iteiiublican Club meets with Mrs, Cooke, FOR SALE—9 piece Maple Dining The annual Foxon Fair was well bers.
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