lR3- 1A$- 3A- $, Contributors • Huadan Zhaxi .0=-w/-2N->A?, main editor, edited the dictionary and did most of the translation work. .0=-w/-2N->A?-/A-lR3- 1A$- 0- $4S- 2R- !J, 5B$- 36S.- :.A-;R%?- 21A$?- /?- @- =3- .J:A- ;A$- +<-;R%?- ?- 36., • Kevin Stuart wrote all the English sentences for the Tibetan- English section and wrote English sentences for the English- Tibetan section. Kevin Stuart ;A?-2R.-.LA/-.%-.LA/-;A$-5/-0- $*A?- !:A-.LA/- ;A$- $A- 5B$- P2- i3?- 29R?, • Rinchen Dorji <A/-(J/-hR-eJ, checked the Tibetan sentences and the translations and translated some of the sentences from English to Tibetan. Gesang Norbu {=-29%-/R<-2, Dorji Zhaxi hR-eJ-2N->A?, Rinchen Khar <A/-(J/-3#<, Gongbu Caireng 3$R/-0R-5K-<A% checked the Tibetan sentences. <A/-(J/-hR-eJ?-2R.-;A$- $A- 5B$- P2- .%- ;A$-+<-i3-$*A?-=-.$-2&R?-L?-0-.%-.LA/-;A$-/?-2R.-;A$-+-;A$- +<- &%-9.-L?, {=-29%-/R<-2-.%-, hR-eJ-2N- >A?, <A/-(J/-3#<, 3$R/- 0R- 5K- <A%- 2&?- GA?- 2R.- ;A$- $A- 5B$- P2- i3?-=- .$- 2&R?- L?, • Sandra Benson, wrote English sentences for the English-Tibetan part. Sandra Benson ;A?- .LA/-2R.- 5/- 0:A- .LA/- ;A$- $A- 5B$- P2- i3?- 29R?, TÈN-Nq…P-n…-ˇÈ_, Tibetan-English @ @-B-R, beginning learner || The beginning learner of English is often nervous. Nq…P-ˇN-.R%- 2:A- @-B-R-i3?- î‡P-R_-]WT, @-F, things, goods || How many things did you buy today? mÈN-l…c-N‰-_…E-@-F-&A- 43- IÈc, @-T, pillar || The wooden pillar is old and rotten. a…E-C…-@-T-N‰-ã…E-_“`-Oÿ-nŸ_, @-U‰N, have to || I have to visit my mother soon. Ec-:U=- .-e-U-`-]WUc-]x…-q‰N-.$R?, @-^‰, hello || Hello, students. @-^‰, ÜÈT-uÈCc-éU-R, @-_, candy, sugar || This candy has a lot of sugar in it. @-_-]N…]Ã-PE-`-UE_-G-UE-TÈ-]x‰c, @U-U…-AÿU-U…, crumpled || He set the crumpled piece of red paper on fire. BÈc-@U-U…-AÿU-U…<- I<- 2:A- aÈC-Dÿ-NU_-TÈ-N‰-U‰-MÈC-`-TZC @U-U‰-A‰U-U‰, to blink one’s eyes to show something unusual || His eyes blinked when I described unusual things. Ec-.R/- .$- H.- 35<- &/- TaN-ˇTc, BÈ]Ã-U…C-@U-U‰-@‰U-U‰-qc, @… shout, yell || His shout was heard far away. BÈ]Ã-@…-îE-_…E-.- ,R?- L%- , Aÿ-FÈ, shout, yell || Her yell brought her family running outside to see •2• what was the matter. BÈ-UÈc-Aÿ-FÈ-TîT-Rc-T\]-U…-i3?- NÈP-F…-Z…C-qŸE-T_-Tõ-T_-p…- _È`-.-Tî‡Cc-Pc-MÈP, Aÿ-NÈC narrow personality || I don’t like him because his personality is so narrow. BÈ'':A- ]R- NÈC-ì‰P-E-BÈ-`-U…-NC], Aÿ-_‰, kidding, joking || Our teacher is always joking with us. E-WÍ]Ã-NC‰-àP-n…c-åC-Lfi-E-WÍ-NE-Aÿ-_‰-˛‰N, Aÿ-b÷, apple || The green apple slowly became bright red. Aÿ-b÷-¢È-çÈC-N`-UÈc-@- &%- NU_-TÈ_-nŸ_, AÿC-AÿC bent, curved || The old man’s walking stick is curved. àN-RÈ-N‰]Ã-`C-å‰P-AÿC-AÿC-_‰N, AÿP, everyone, entire, all || Everyone is glad that our exam has been postponed. E-WÍ]Ã-î‡Cc-p…_-T~…Ec-Rc-AÿP-`-NC]-≥È-´‰c, AÿP-mT, widespread, widely popular || English is a widely popular language. Nq…P-ˇN-P…-AÿP-mT-l…-ˇN-_…Cc-a…C-_‰N, AÿP-Um‰P, the all knowing, the Buddha || The Buddha is deeply respected by Tibetans. AÿP-Um‰P-cEc-îc-/A- TÈN-U…c-≠…-TÈ_-]XÀP, AÿP-Lfi, eternity, everywhere, to all places || The teachings of the Buddha have gone almost everywhere. cEc-îc-l…-2!/- 0- ^“`-u⁄-AÿP-Lfi-mT, AÿP-TLfic, anthology, collection || Have you read the anthology of famous Tibetan short stories? mÈN-l…c-TÈN-l…-±„E-M—E-uCc-FP-AÿP-TLfic-N‰-ÅÈC-rÈE-EU, 1 2 1 AÿP-Pc, from everywhere; entirely || People came from everywhere to see the temple dance. U…-éUc-^“`-pÈCc-AÿP-Pc-]GU-`-Tõ-T_-^ÈE-, 2I entirely agree with her opinion about not getting involved in that issue. BÈ-UÈ]Ã-NÈP-NC-N‰]Ã-PE-Oÿ-U…-5.-R]Ã-2?3- 5=- `-E-AÿP-Pc-]MN, AÿP-≠ÈN, moral, virtuous behavior || Your moral conduct will be closely observed. mÈN-l…-AÿP-≠ÈN-`-CZP-n…c-Z…T-TåC-q‰N-E‰c, AÿP-T\E-, entirely good || I have known her for many years and I can say that she is an entirely good person. Ec-UÈ-EÈ-a‰c-Pc-`È-Oÿ-U-]CÈ_-2?-Ec-BÈ-UÈ-P…-U…-AÿP-T\E-Z…C-_‰N-\‰_-M—T, AÿP-ÜÈE-, motivation, motive || What is your motivation for majoring in the Tibetan language at University? HR.- GA?- aR2- (J/- .- 2R.- GA- {.- ;A$- (J.- .R%- LJ.- :.R.- 0:A- !/- aR%- /A- &A- 8A$- ;A/, His motive was greed. BÈ]Ã-AÿP-ÜÈE-P…-:.R.-YJ.- ^…P, AÿU-AÿU, wincing || Wincing in pain is what the little girl did when she •3• touched the hot stove with her hand. T“-UÈ-G”E-G”E-N‰c-ôCc-MT-W-TÈ-`-_‰C-R-P-P-\“C-C…-NTE-C…c-=?- AÿU-AÿU-qc, @È-T, leather || My brother gave me this leather belt for my birthday. E]Ã-߇P-n…c-@È-T]Ã-ˇ‰-_Cc-]N…-E]Ã-´‰c-ˇ_-n…-`‰Cc-´‰c-c“-q…P, ∂-^‰, hello, hi || Hello! I saw you yesterday but you didn’t see me. ∂-^‰, B-cE-Ec-mÈN-3,R%- L%- 0- =?-mÈN-l…c-E-UMÈE-3- L%- , ÅN, above, on || Above the table there is a window. FÈC-VÂ]Ã-ÅN-P-°‰]“-B‘E-Z…C-^ÈN, ÅN-R, brain || Do you like to eat sheep brains? mÈN-`“C-C…-ÅN-R-\-T_-e‰-NC], Ň, serpent deity || Do you know the name of the serpent deity in that painting? mÈN-l…c-ME-C]Ã-§‰E-C…-Ň-N‰]Ã-U…E-e‰-a‰c, ŇT, (TŇT, TŇTc, ŇTc,) to don, put on || He donned new clothing for the party. ≥È-WÍCc-`-]uÈ-T_-BÈc-CÈP-R-Cc_-T-TŇTc, ÅÈC (TÅC TÅCc, ÅÈCc,) to read || I have to read my book with a candle. Ec-y-WÀ`-`-Tå‰P-Pc-NR‰-G-ÅÈC-NCÈc, ÅÈC-N‰T, textbook || How many textbooks did you buy this year? N-`È_-mÈN-l…c-ÅÈC-N‰T-&A- 43-IÈ?, N@C to congeal, become rigid || The fat on top of the mutton soup has congealed. a-B‘]Ã-§‰E-C…-ZC-N@C-^ÈN, N@], hard, difficult || Walking up the steep mountain path was hard. _…-C\_-n…-áE-`U-]XÂC-N@], N@]-]u‰`, explanation of a difficult point or meaning || His explanation of difficult points is never very clear. BÈ-TÈ]Ã-N@]-]u‰`-P…-PU-^E-Cc`-TÈ-U…P, N@]-E`, difficulty, hardship || He overcame many hardships to eventually become a successful businessman. BÈE-C…c-N@]-E`-UE-TÈ-mN-Oÿ-TcN-UM_-WÍE-T-NÈP-]u⁄T-F…C-Lfi-nŸ_, N@]-•‡C hardship || Little money and little food were hardships for the family. m…U-WE-`-UWÍP-P-°È_-UÈ-NE-\-U-K…`-VU-=?- U‰N-R-P…-N@]-•‡C-^…P, N@]-`c, hard work || Hard work will bring you success. N@]-`c-rEc-P-mÈN-l…-NÈP-]u⁄T, 1 2 1 N@_-GC index; contents || My book doesn’t have an index. E]Ã-NR‰-G-`- N@_-GC-U‰N, 2After I read the contents I wanted to read the entire magazine. N@_-GC-TÅCc-ä‰c-%- =- Oÿc-N‰T-^ÈEcíÈCc-ÅÈC-î‡]Ã-]./- 0-´‰c, N@_-TÈ, white || The beautiful white snow covered the grassland. •4• ^…N-Oÿ-]ÈE-T]Ã-B-T-N@_-TÈc-»-ME-B‰Tc, N@_-˛…c, astrology || I have been studying some books about astrology. Ec-N@_-˛…c-ˇÈ_-n…-NR‰-G-]C]-`-ÜÈT-ÆÈE-q‰N-TZ…P-^ÈN, N@_-^È`, china cup || I broke my mother’s only china cup last week. C\]-]BÈ_-¢ÈP-U_-Ec-e-U]Ã-N@_-^È`-CF…C-R—-TFCc, N@ÈP, rare, exotic || These days genuine tiger skins are rare. N-ˇTc-§C-RCc- EÈ-U-d-FE-N@ÈP, N@ÈP-UGÈC supreme deity || The religious ritual was dedicated to the supreme deity. GÈc-`“Cc-l…-GÈ-C-P…-N@ÈP-UGÈC-`-UGÈN-R-^…P, N@ÈP-RÈ, rare and exotic things || In the marketplace near the temple, many rare and exotic things are for sale. NCÈP-R-NE-I‰-T]Ã-WÍE-<-P-NEÈc-RÈ-N@ÈP-RÈ-UE-TÈ-]WÍE-î‡-^ÈN, Nl…`, center, middle || Please move to the center of the room. BE-T]Ã-Nl…`-`-ßÈ-_ÈCc-UXÍN, NlŸc-U, ordinary, common || I like ordinary food best. E-\-U-NlŸc-U-`-G‰c-NC]-TÈ-]OÿC Ns… (Ns… Ns…c, Ns…c,) 1to wrap around; 2to wind up || 1She wrapped a wool 2 scarf around her neck. BÈ-UÈc-2=- 29R?- UCÈ-_c-a…C-<%- $A-ˇ‰-`-Ns…c, Every morning he must wind up his clock. BÈc-*A/- <J:A- 8R$?- 0<- (-WÍN-]BÈ_-`È-Ns…- NCÈc, Ns⁄C (Ns⁄C Ns⁄Cc, Ns⁄Cc,) to shake, to stir || After you add tea to milk you have to stir it.
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