Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji 551st Prakash Purb (Nov 30) 2 Punjab Advance November-2020 Editorial The three bills passed by the Punjab Assembly on October 21st, 2020, ostensibly to undo the Centre’s recently enacted farm reform laws, make a populist political point. Proof of it is the provision of “imprisonment of not less than three years and fine” for any purchase of produce at below the official Minimum Support Price (MSP). Farmers across the country are no doubt restive today. The fact that MSP doesn’t even find a mention in the laws enacted recently by the Cen - tre has fueled mistrustamong the farmers who fear that the time-tested regime is on its way out. Though the Union Government has been in - sisting that this system would continue, the farming community in Pun - jab and other states remain unconvinced. The Bills passed by the Punjab Vidhan Sabha seek to amend the Central legislation to ensure that wheat and paddy – the staple crops grown in the grain-surplus state – are not bought for not less than the respective MSP.Guaranteed MSP is certainly music to the toiling farmers’ ears. With the Central agencies procuring crops at best at the fixed MSP, some states have been offering a bonus – over and above the support price – to compensate the farmers. But the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) has cautioned that such moves create distortions in the market and affect the “balance of crops”. Let us agree, that the sparring over the terms of reference of the Fif - teenth Finance Commission (with southern states worried about the al - location if new population figures are taken into account), the controversies around the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime (with states unhappy with the Centre for failing to meet its commitments on compensation payments): and now Punjab’s decision to bring its own leg - islative framework on the farm bills all point to a new trend. This new trend – of a fracture in ties between the Centre and states ruled by non-BJP formations – is worrying. The BJP must be more con - sultative in its political approach. November-2020 Punjab Advance 3 s t 11 22 Rice procurement New scholarship scheme Bewitching wetlands n in full swing amid for SC students e Covid-19 norms t n o C 06 Punjab creates history 4 Punjab Advance November-2020 28 38 42 Bewitching wetlands Last of the five-star icons Fizzy drinks bad for teeth Punjab www.punjabadvanceonline.com November-2020 Advance LVOL›11 L ISSUE›7 Room No. 1, 5 th Floor, Punjab Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh-160001 Ph.: 0172-2740668, Email Id: [email protected] C.E.O. - Ravi Bhagat (IAS) Editor - Donald Banerjee Designer - Karan Kumar Publisher - Information & Public Relations Department, Punjab Disclaimer: The views expressed by the authors in the articles published in PUNJAB AD - VANCE are their own. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Punjab Govern - ment or the organization they work for. Editor reserves the right to edit, abridge or expand the articles submitted. In case of any dispute, legal jurisdiction will lie in Chandi - garh based courts. Published and Edited by Mr. Ravi Bhagat (IAS) on behalf of the In - formation and Public Relations Department, Punjab at Room No. 1, 5th Floor, Civil Sectt., Chandigarh November-2020 Punjab Advance 5 Cover Story Punjab creates history l Becomes first state to reject Centre’s farm laws l Passes bills to save farmers, protect MSP Donald Banerjee Punjab created history on October 20th when it became the first state in the country to formally reject the Centre’s black Farm Laws, with the Vid - han Sabha unanimously passing a resolution rejecting the legislations and the proposed Electricity Amendment Bill, and seeking their immediate an - nulment along with a new Ordinance to protect MSP and ensure contin - uance of procurement by GoI. 6 Punjab Advance November-2020 Cover Story he House also passed by voice vote the Tthree farm amendment Bills, along with MSP is lifeline the CPC amendment for exempting farmers from attachment of land up to 2.5 acres, moved earlier by Chief Minister Captain of our socio- Amarinder Singh. All MLAs unanimously voted in favour of the Resolution and the Bills, ex - economic fibre cept the two BJP members who were absent from the House during the special session of Although farmers all over the country are the Vidhan Sabha. protesting against the Central farm laws, but The Chief Minister informed the House these protests are more pronounced in Pun - that he had sought time from the President of jab where common people also support the India to raise Punjab’s concerns on the Farm cause of farmers. Laws and seek his intervention to protect the No doubt the Central Government has vi - farmers. He later led all MLAs to the Punjab olated the constitutional provisions of feder - Raj Bhawan to submit to the Governor, Mr alism by enacting law on agriculture which is VPS Badnore, the resolution passed by the a state subject. However the prime reason House. for the univocal opposition to the new laws is Thanking all members for passing support - due to the blatant attack on the institutional ing the Resolution, the Chief Minister said this system of procurement of wheat and paddy will send a positive message to the farmers. at the minimum support price (MSP), which He assured all support to the farmers and is the lifeline of Punjab’s socio-economic vowed not to let Punjab’s peaceful atmos - fibre. phere be vitiated at any cost. The robust institutional system of pro - curement of wheat and paddy did not come Earlier, responding to a suggestion from up in a single day, it has emanated from a Leader of Opposition, Harpal Singh Cheema, phenomenon known as the Green Revolu - on MSP guarantee by state government, the tion. It was a holistic programme, conceived Chief Minister asked the AAP leader if he had in the early sixties, to pull the teeming pop - any idea about the financial implications of ulation from the ruthless jaws of hunger by such a move. In any case, where would the achieving manifold increase in the yield of state sell the produce even if it purchased the cereals grown in the Indian fields. same, he added, terming the suggestion as im - The programme was conceptualised in practical. two parts, first to increase the yield of grain Replying to questions raised by SAD leader by shifting from traditional agriculture to in - Bikram Singh Majithia on the future of the dustrial agriculture by using high yielding va - state amendment Bills, Captain Amarinder rieties (HYV) of seeds, intensive chemical said he had already made it clear that the Bills fertilizers and consistent irrigation. Second would have to go to the Governor who may or part of the programme was to create an in - may not approve them. Thereafter, they stitutional system to incentivise the farmers would also need to go to the President of by providing them an assured and remuner - India, who may also approve or reject them. ative price of their produce so that they feel encouraged to invest in HYV seeds, fertilizers However, he asserted that, as in the case of November-2020 Punjab Advance 7 Cover Story the Punjab Termination of Water Agreements Act, the state government will continue to and other inputs to increase the productiv - ity. fight the central laws legally, for which a team Two significant institutions – Agriculture of lawyers and experts was on board. Prices Commission, now known as Commis - The Farmers' (Empowerment and Protec - sion for Agriculture Cost And Prices (CACP) tion) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm and Food Corporation of India (FCI) – were Services (Special Provisions and Punjab Amend - established whose respective mandates ment) Bill, 2020; The Farmers' Produce Trade were to fix remunerative support price and and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) facilitate procurement of produce to be dis - (Special Provisions and Punjab Amendment) tributed amongst the poor of the country Bill, 2020; and The Essential Commodities (Spe - through public distribution system (PDS). cial Provisions and Punjab Amendment) Bill, Simultaneously, Punjab established it’s 2020, have been passed by the Punjab Assem - own infrastructure to regulate and stream - bly to protect the state’s farmers and agricul - line the procurement on behalf of FCI.The ture by restoring various safeguards aimed at farmers of Punjab, due to their entrepre - preventing damage apprehended by the farm - neurial attitude and capability to adopt inno - ing community as a result of the central legis - vations, put their blood and sweat to make lations. Besides ensuring MSP, with Green Revolution a success and in less than punishment in case of sale/purchase in viola - 10 years transformed the perception of tion of the same, the legislations provide for India, in food production, from ship to mouth prevention of hoarding and black-marketing of situation to a food surplus nation. foodgrains. The Code of Civil Procedure (Pun - ‘New Laws favour private players’ jab Amendment) Bill, 2020 provides relief to Unfortunately with a single stroke of pen, farmers against attachment of land up to 2.5 this historical edifice has been made redun - acres, in line with the Congress government’s dant by the Union government. The law election promise. favours private players who will outclass the 3-year jail term APMC (Agricultural Produce Market Com - The historic bills passed by the Vidhan mittee) registered trades due to uneven play - ing field. The asymmetric competition Sabha provide for imprisonment of not between the private players and APMC regis - less than 3 years and fine for sale/purchase tered trades are well defined in the provi - of wheat or paddy under a farming sions of “Farmers Produce Trade and agreement below MSP, exemption of farmers Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act from attachment of land up to 2.5 acres and 2020”, which is the most controversial among prevention of hoarding and black- the three Acts.
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