Volume 17 Number 6 1989 Nucleic Acids Research Voue1Iubr618 NcecAisRsac Ribonucleoprotein SS-B/La belongs to a protein family with consensus sequences for RNA-binding Edward K.L.Chan, Kevin F.Sullivan and Eng M.Tan W.M.Keck Autoimmune Disease Center, Department of Molecular and Experimental Medicine, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 10666 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA Received December 2, 1988; Revised and Accepted February 15, 1989 ABSTRACT Autoantibodies from systemic rheumatic disorders have become useful reagents in molecular biology. SS-B/La, a major target of autoantibodies in lupus and Sjogren's syndrome, has been identified as a 46 kDa protein component of a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particle implicated in the maturation of RNA polymerase III transcripts. This report describes the complete sequences of human and bovine SS-B/La and the identification of RNA-binding protein consensus sequences RNP1 and RNP2 in the N-terminal region previously shown to be complexed with RNA in UV-crosslinking experiments. Segments of about 95 residues from the RNA-binding domain of SS-B/La and from 29 RNA-binding domains of several other proteins are analysed with respect to the frequency of amino acids and their hydrophobicity at each position. The data suggest that SS-B/La belongs to a large family of RNA-binding proteins which includes heterogeneous nuclear RNPs, nucleolin, mRNA polyadenylate binding protein, and small nuclear RNPs. INTRODUCTION SS-B/La is a ubiquitous protein transiently associated with RNA polymerase III transcripts (1-8). SS-B/La also binds to Ul RNA (9), an RNA polymerase II transcript, and to the vesicular stomatitis virus leader RNA (10). The 3'-oligouridylate residues of these RNAs are involved in the interaction with the SS-B/La protein (4,6,7). Since SS-B/La complexes only with the precursors of 5S RNA and tRNA and not with their corresponding mature species, there may be a role for SS-B/La in the maturation of these small RNAs (2). SS- B/La was originally identified as a target antigen of autoantibodies found in the sera of patients with systemic lupus eryhiematosus and Sjogren's syndrome (11,12). It is anticipated that further elucidation of the structure and function of SS-B/La might add to the understanding of these diseases. Since it has been shown that the antigenic determinants recognized by human autoantibodies are conserved among several mammalian species (13), efforts in the identification of these determinants are being directed to the cloning of the SS-B/La protein from different species. In this report, the cDNA clones encoding SS- B/La from two species, human and bovine, are described. Comparison of the full-length sequences reveals that SS-B/La is highly conserved between the two species. An analysis of RNA-binding regions of SS-B/La and 13 other RNA-binding proteins demonstrates, in addition to the presence of consensus sequences, further interesting similarities among these RNA-binding proteins. MATERIALS AND METHODS SS-B/La cDNA Clones A bovine pituitary Xgtl 1 cDNA library II was obtained from Professor Richard A.Maurer, (CIRL Press 2233 Nucleic Acids Research University of Iowa. Human T cell lymphoblastoma (MOLT4) Xgtl 1 cDNA library was constructed by Drs. K.Ogata and D.J.Noonan, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation. The bovine cDNA library was screened with human serum containing anti-SS-B/La antibodies by the method of Young and Davis (14). The MOLT-4 library was screened for human SS-B/La cDNA clones by DNA hybridization with a 5'-cDNA probe La6 (400-bp) kindly provided by Dr. J.D.Keene, Duke University. DNA probes were labeled by the method of Feinberg and Vogelstein (15). All screenings were carried out with duplicate filters and positive phages were plaque-purified. The resulting cDNAs were subcloned into Bluescript vectors (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA) for further analysis. Plasmids were purified by the Chen and Seeburg method (16) and DNA sequencing was performed by the dideoxy chain termination method of Sanger et. al. (17) using commerical SK, KS, T3 and T7 primers (Stratagene). RNA Preparation Human cells HeLa S3 (cervical epithelioid carcinoma), KB (oral epidermoid carcinoma), and A253 (submaxillary gland epidermoid carcinoma), and bovine kidney cells MDBK were obtained from American Type Culture Collection (Rockville, MD) and cultured as described (13). Sal-1, a human salivary gland-derived cell line (18), was kindly provided by Dr. R. I. Fox, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation. Total RNA was isolated using the guanidinium thiocyanate solubilization method (19) and used directly in Northern blot analysis. Antibodies High titer human autoimmune SS-B/La serum Ca (20) was adsorbed with wild type Xgtl l/RY1090 bacterial lysate prior to screening the bovine cDNA library. Five monoclonal antibodies to SS-B/La (Al -A5) were produced from BALB/c mice hyperimmunized with SS-B/La and their characteristics were described in detail elsewhere (13). SS-B/La Fragments and Protein Chemistry Methods A crude preparation containing SS-B/La was obtained by ammonium sulfate fractionation K By B,s Xh Xo Xm S B6 B3 B5 7 .- . K Bg B,m X s Bm lOObp H9 Figure 1: Sequencing strategy of both the bovine and human SS-B/La cDNAs. Restriction sites are labeled as follows: Bg, BglII; Bm, BspMI; Bs, BstEII; K, KpnI; S, Styl; X, XbaI; Xh, XhoI; Xo, XhoII; Xm, XmnI. The shaded boxes indicate the open reading frames. Arrows indicate the direction and the length of the region sequenced. 2234 Nucleic Acids Research liuan (liu) - 72 Sovine (go) -18 AACTGAAACACACCCAAA CCACTCCGTCTGCTTCCTC1TFCTCACCCTCTCCCCCCCCTCTGGCCCCGA C T T CC Bo IFN A L Et A K I C H Q Bo I ATCCCTTCAAATCCCGATAATCAAAAAATCCCTCCTCTGCAGGCCAAAATCTCTCATCAA Hu 1 C C Hu 1 21 1 E Y Y F C D F N L P R D K F L K E Q I 61 ATTGACTATTATTTTCGGAACTTCAATrFGCCACCCCACAATTTTAAAGCAACACATC 61 C C C A 21 41 K L D E G U V P L E I K I K F N R L N R 121 AAACTGCATCAAGGCT GGGTACCTTrCAATAATCATAAAGTTAATACM AAACCGT 121 ( ( A C C C 41 61 L T T D F N V I V E A L S K S e A E L 1 181 TTMCGACAGACTTTAATCTAATACTAGAGGCCCTGAGCAMATCAGAGGCAGAACTCATC 181 C A T C A AT CA 61 K 81 E I S E D K T K I a R S P S K P L P £ V 241 GMATAAGTGAAGATMAACTAAAATTAGAACATCTCCAAGCAAACCTCTCCCTGAAGTG 241 C C G C Al 81 101 T D E Y K N D V K N R S V Y I K G F P T 301 ACTCATCACTATAAAAATCATCTAAAAAACACATCTCTTTATATTAAACCCTTCCCGACA 301 A T 101 RNP2 121 D A A L D D I K E W L E D K G Q V L N I 361 GATGCAGCTCTTGATGACATAACGAATGGTTAGAAGATAAAGGTCAAGTACTAAATATT 361 A 121 T 141 Q M R R T L H K A F K G S I F A V F D S 421 CAGATCAGAAGAACCTTGCACAAAGCATTTAAGGGTTCAATATTTGCTGTATTTGATACT 421 A T A T T C C 141 V RNP1 161 I E S A K K F V E T P G Q K Y K D T D L 481 ATTGAATCAGCTAAAAACTTTCTTCCGGCCCCTGGCCACAACTACAAACACACAGACCTG 481 T G A A A 161 E 181 L I L F K E D Y F T K K N E E R K Q N K 541 TTAATACTTTTCAAGCAAGATTATTTCACCAAAAAAATCAACAAAGAAACCAAAATAAA 541 C C C TC A 181 D A 201 N E A K L R A K Q E Q E E K Q K L A E N 601 ATCCAACTAATTACCACAACTACCAAAAT 601 C A C C T A C 201 V A E D Bo peptide: M K S L E E K I C C L L K F S C D l. 721 A E M K S L E E K I C C L L K F S C D L 661 CCTCAAATGAAATCTCTACAAGAAAACATTCCCTCCTTCCTCAAATTTTCACGACACrrA 661 A C T T 221 241 D D Q T C R E D L H T L F S N H C E I K 721 CATCATCAGACCTCTACACAACATTTCCACACCCTTTTCTCAAATCATCCTCAAATAAAA 721 C A TA 241 I 261 W I H F V R C A K E C I I L F K E K A K 781 TGCATACACT17CTCAGGCGCCCAAACAGGAATAATTCTATTTAAACAAAAACCTAAC 781 C C AA C C 261 D 2235 Nucleic Acids Research 281 E A L D K A K E A N N C N 1. 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