SHEEP The Showground will be open for the acceptance of MV Accredited sheep from 11am on Sunday 11th July. Animals entered in the MV Sheep classes must be in the Showground no later than 6pm on Monday 12th July and must remain until 5pm on Wednesday 14th July. Non Accredited Sheep can arrive after 7pm on Wednesday and must remain until 5pm on Friday 16th July. *Butchers Lambs see page 30 Please Note: Unless otherwise stated, untrimmed means no interference with the fleece at all. TIMETABLE (Subject to change) TUESDAY 8.30am MV Accredited Sheep Breed Classes WEDNESDAY 9.30am ,QWHUEUHHGMV 6XSUHPH&KDPSLRQVKLS followed by ,QWHUEUHHGMV 6KHHS3DLUV&KDPSLRQVKLSV 9.00am Wool Fleece Classes from Accredited breeds 12 noon Wool on the Hoof MV Accredited Competition 2.30pm Young Handlers MV Accredited Classes THURSDAY 8.30am Non Accredited Sheep Breed Classes 9.00am Wool Fleece Classes from Non Accredited Breeds 9.30am Commercial Female Championship followed by ,QWHUEUHHGNon Accredited 6XSUHPH&KDPSLRQVKLS FRIDAY followed by ,QWHUEUHHGNon Accredited 6KHHS3DLUV&KDPSLRQVKLSV 12 noon Wool on the Hoof Non Accredited Competition 2.30pm Young Handlers Non Accredited Classes PSGH SHEEP AND GOAT HEALTH SCHEME Please would exhibitors take careful note of the designation of each breed. MV Accredited Non Accredited AOP Continental/Native Breeds AOP Down Breeds Leicester Longwool (for 2021) Beltex AOP Longwool Breeds Lincoln Longwool Bleu Du Maine AOP Primitive Lonk Blue Texel AOP Pedigree Hill or Heath Masham Border Leicester Blackface Mule British Berrichon Bluefaced Leicester North Country Cheviot British Charollais Butchers Lambs Oxford Down British Rouge Clun Forest Rough Fell Dorset Horn/Poll Dorset Dalesbred Ryeland Dutch Spotted Derbyshire Gritstone Ryeland - Coloured Hampshire Down Halfbred Female x Term. Sire Shetland Lleyn Hebridean Swaledale Suffolk Herdwick Teeswater Texel Jacob Wensleydale Zwartbles Kerry Hill Whitefaced Woodland PENS Please note WKHUHLVD pen restiction of 3 pens per breed, per exhibitor. Pens (6' x 6') Members £14.00 Non members £28.00 Please state clearly on the entry form if pens are required for more than one breed. A maximum of two entries oer class, per exhibitor has been introduced. ENTRY FEES Sheep Classes per Entry Members Non-Members (including Group classes) £10.00 £20.00 Wool Fleeces £3.00 £3.00 Wool on the Hoof £5.00 £5.00 PRIZE MONEY Breed Champions Reserves 1st 2nd 3rd £60 £30 £55 £41 £31 Prize money will be paid from 1st to 3rd regardless of the number of entries. Where there are 15 or more entries in a class Very Highly Commended, Highly Commended and Commended rosettes & prize cards will be awarded. Wool Fleeces 1st 2nd 3rd Wool on the Hoof 1st 2nd 3rd £12 £9 £6 £20 £15 £10 Please Note: Any Breed with less than 3 separate bona-fide breeders having less than 15 sheep between them, will be cancelled and the entry will be moved into the relevant Any Other Pedigree section. $OLPLWRIWZRHQWULHVSHUH[KLELWRUSHUFODVVKDVEHHQLQWURGXFHGWRJLYHHYHU\RQHD IDLU FKDQFH Please note that any class with insufficient entries may be combined. )DQVDUH127SHUPLWWHGLQWKHVKHHSVKHGV (see reg 95 of sheep schedule). Livestock Exhibitors Disease Control Obligations The health of all animals and people present during the Great Yorkshire Show (GYS) is of paramount importance to the organisers. As such, we would like to remind livestock exhibitors of their responsibilities with respect to the health of their animals. Only fit and healthy animals should be transported to the Show. Any clinical signs of disease, however mild, detected on farm must result in the affected animal(s) remaining at home and not travelling to the GYS. This is the cornerstone on which high levels of Biosecurity can be built at the Show. Once on the Showground, if any animals develop any signs of illness one of the Show Veterinarians should be alerted immediately. If we all ensure only healthy animals arrive at the GYS and if any animal becomes sick at the Show, prompt veterinary care is sought we minimise the risk of; • A Notifiable Disease Outbreak • Zoon\otic Infections passing from livestock to people. • Endemic Veterinary Diseases spreading between pens/stalls. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. GYS 2021 - SPECIAL CONDITIONS Exhibitors must not arrive before Wednesday if their allotted judging days are Thursday and Friday, or stay later than Wednesday if they were judged on Tuesday and Wednesday, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Any request to do so must be made on the entry form stating clearly what the circumstances are and the decision of the Society will be final. This year we have to comply with additional COVID-19 safety measures with regards to creating more space and social distancing across the Showground. WOOL FLEECES - MV BREEDS This section has been kindly sponsored by the Company of Merchants of the Staple of England (TBC) To be judged at 9am on Wednesday of Show - MV Accredited Each wool fleece exhibit shall consist of one fleece from the 2021 clip; entries must have been grown on the sheep that are the property of the exhibitor, and must be delivered to the Wool Steward between 2pm and 4.30pm on Monday 12th July, or between 7.30am and 8.30am on the Tuesday of Show. These classes are based on the wool type and not where a particular breed of sheep originated; the object being that similar types of wool are classified together. Fleeces may only be entered in one class. The fleece must not be artificially stained or fastened with binder or baler twine. Please note: Any class with less than two entries may be cancelled. NEW FOR 2021 Please note: The Wool Fleece competition has been divided into MV Accredited and Non-Accredited sections this year; Tues/Wed will host MV Breed Classes and Thurs/Fri will host classes for non- MV Breeds; because of this change, the Wool Fleece classes have also been divided so that those exhibitors showing MV sheep who enter this competition, can take their fleeces with them on Wednesday evening. Judge: Mr C Jarvis, Stamford, Lincolnshire Class 801 BELTEX. Class 802 BLEU DU MAINE. Class 803 BRITISH CHAROLLAIS. Class 804 BRITISH VENDEEN. Class 805 LLEYN. Class 806 TEXEL. Class 807 ZWARTBLES. Class 808 ANY OTHER PEDIGREE BREED, not listed in the current classification. Class 809 DOWN BREEDS, open only to British Berrichon, British Rouge, Dorset Horn/Poll Dorset, Hampshire Down, Suffolk. Class 810 NATURALCOLOURED -LOWLAND AND HILLBREEDS, to include COLOURED wool from all down breeds: British Bleu du Maine, British Charollais, Texel, Zwartbles. CHAMPION PRIZE CH621 For the best Fleece in Show - £60 & YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will receive £40 & a YAS Championship Rosette. SPECIAL PRIZES SP558 For the best Exhibit of Shortwool - £30 and a YAS Special Rosette. SP559 For the best Coloured Fleece - £30 and a YAS Special Rosette. SP560 For the Shepherd of the Best Exhibit of wool - YAS Special Rosette. For the Best Fleece from a Yorkshire Producer - Open to any exhibitor SP561 producing more than 200kgs. YAS Special Rosette. WOOL FLEECES - NON ACCREDITED BREEDS This section has been kindly sponsored by the Company of Merchants of the Staple of England (TBC) To be judged at 9am on Thursday of Show Each wool fleece exhibit shall consist of one fleece from the 2021 clip; entries must have been grown on the sheep that are the property of the exhibitor, and must be delivered to the Wool Steward between 2pm and 4.30pm on Monday 12th July, or between 7.30am and 8.30am on the Thursday of Show. These classes are based on the wool type and not where a particular breed of sheep originated; the object being that similar types of wool are classified together. Fleeces may only be entered in one class. The fleece must not be artificially stained or fastened with binder or baler twine. Please note: Any class with less than two entries may be cancelled. Please note: No exhibitor may win more than one monetary prize attached to the Championshipor Special Prizes listed in the Wool Fleece Section. NEW FOR 2021 Please note: The Wool Fleece competition has been divided into V M Accredited and Non- Accredited sections this year; Tues/Wed will hostV M Breed Classes and Thurs/Fri will host classes for Non-Accredited Breeds; because of this change, the Wool Fleece classes have also been divided so that those exhibitors showing MV sheep who enter this competition, can take their fleeces with them on Wednesday evening. Judge: Mr C Jarvis, Stamford, Lincolnshire Class 811 BLACKFACE. Class 812 BLUEFACED LEICESTER. Class 813 CLUN FOREST Class 814 DALESBRED. Class 815 DERBYSHIRE GRITSTONE. Class 816 HEBRIDEAN. Class 817 HERDWICK. Class 818 JACOB. Class 819 KERRY HILL. Class 820 LEICESTER LONGWOOL. Class 821 LINCOLN. Class 822 LONK. Class 823 MASHAM. Class 824 MULE. Class 825 NORTH COUNTRY CHEVIOT. Class 826 ROUGH FELL. Class 827 RYELAND, White fleece only. Class 828 RYELAND, Coloured fleece only. Class 829 SHETLAND, White fleece only. Class 830 SHETLAND, Moorit fleece only. Class 831 SHETLAND, Black fleece only. Class 832 SHETLAND, any other coloured fleece, not covered in the other Shetland classes. Class 833 SWALEDALE. Class 834 TEESWATER. Class 835 WENSLEYDALE. Class 836 WHITEFACED WOODLAND. Class 837 ANY OTHER PEDIGREE BREED, not listed in the current classification. Class 838 DOWN BREEDS, open only to Half Bred Female x Terminal Sire, Oxford Down. Class 839 NATURAL COLOURED- LOWLANDAND HILLBREEDS, to include COLOURED wool from all down breeds: Bluefaced Leicester, British Bleu du Maine, British Charollais, Derbyshire Gritstone, Jacob, Kerry Hill, Lincoln, Lonk, Masham, Mule, North Country Cheviot, Teeswater, Texel, Wensleydale, Whitefaced Woodland, Welsh Black Mountain. Class 840 NATURAL COLOURED - MOUNTAIN, to include COLOURED wool from all mountain breeds: Blackface, Dalesbred, Herdwick, Rough Fell, Swaledale and any other course or lustre breed.
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