TEACHERS' ASSOCIATIONS: ACTIVIM. YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN THE $69,090 DRIVE Yesterday’s receipts *544.33 ! NEW YORK CITY Total to date $3«,»1.85 Daily<S> Press Run Yesterday—4l,Boo Worker EDITION etmUL Oft«AN COMM MM IST PARTY U.S.A. (HCTtOft OF COMMIHH9T IWTMRMTfOWAL) KMX at VI „ tatered m second-etaas at *t» Port Offic* TOT. TV— 079 M -Al, no. ilO W> «, NEW tte* Tort, N. Y, ander the Act of March ITT*. YORK, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1934 WEATHER: Clear, warmer. (Eight Pages) Price 3 Ce®ts F O R. PARLEY HEARS BENJAMIN Union City Police Fire on 500 Pickets at Dye Works ROOSEVELT BARS SCOTTSBORO MOTHERS DELEGATION Ford Urges QuickAid MACHINE GUN PARIS SESSION Unemployed Leader Demands SEES ONLY In Scottsboro Fight IS MOUNTED DISCUSSES Real Insurance for Workers; SECRETARY Funds Needed Immediately, Negro Communist UNITED FRONT Leader Points Out, Calling for Mass Mobilization TO AID SCABS Assails ‘President Could Stop Fake Social Schemes to Back Actions in Court Silk Weavers Call for Second International Executions,’ Mrs. Strike Vote Against Takes Up Appeal Insists That Bill Be Norris Declares By James W. Ford of Comintern Overgaard Calls on Unions Communist Party Organizer, Harlem Section Cuts Saturday Enacted By Congress By Seymour Waldman Today two of the Scottsboro mothers, Mrs. Ida Norris, (Special to the Daily Worker) Bureau) at Next Session (Daily Worker Washington mother of Clarence, and Mrs. Viola Montgomery, mother of By George Morris PARIS, Nov. 14 (By Wireless).— To Back 'Daily' Campaign WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 14. (Special to the Daily Worker) Olen Montgomery, together with a broad representative com- The Paris conference of the Execu- By Marguerite Young With tears in her eyes but with a PATERSON, N. J„ Nov. 14.—Six tive Committee of the mittee brought together under the auspices of the National Second In- Bjr Overgaard (Daily Worker Washington Bureau) firm voice, Mrs. Ida Norris, mother workers were arrested and scores Andrew Scottsboro-Herndon were brutally beaten Union City ternational met early today to dis- General Secretary of the Trade Union Unity Council WASHINGTON. D. C., Nov. 14. of Clarence, one of the two Scotts- Action Committee, are in Washington as to demand that President Roosevelt police attacked a picket line of cuss “conditions and guarantees of The Trade Union Unity Council of Greater New York, after dis- Herbert Benjamin of the National boro boys sentenced to die on Dec. 7, more 500 dye agreement take action to prevent the legal than strikers of Union with the Communist cussing the role of the Daily Worker, and its support in strike strug- Unemployment Council today told Marvin Mclntyre, secretary to lynching of Haywood City, Paterson. Lodi and Passaic at Patterson and International.” gles, sharply calls to the attention of our affiliated unions the need tossed an unsolicited President Roosevelt, that the Pres- Clarence Norris Dec. 7. the Warren Piece Dye Works at and em- on of some real financial assistance and urges them to finish their small phatic ident “could put a stop to the exe- At the same time, the Interna- Union City. Revolvers were fired With the eyes of workers call for "genuine unemploy- quotas before December Ist. We wish to remind every ment cutions and all this lynching if he tional Labor Defense is taking every wildly by police. Tear gas was throughout the world as well as of trade unionist insurance based upon the legal of the role of the Daily Worker on the side of the wanted to.” step possible to bring about a thrown. One worker had to be France set on this conference, workers in strike needs of all those now unemployed reversal of S. taken to hospital for treatment. struggles. —and a makeshift President Roosevelt refused to re- the verdict in the U. Marcel Cachin, Chairman not based on the Supreme Court. The Warren Piece Dye Company’s of the While the entire capitalist press either completely falsifies the of part or of a convenience those who will pay ceive either the whole These necessary steps effort is the first major attempt Communist Party of France, in news, or spreads every for Negro delega- are in the to deliberate lies, and in action lines up behind it,” into the Roosevelt confer- and white Scottsboro fight operate scabs. Picketing today s Humanite, organ of the ence on capital to save the Scottsboro boys, in with started the employers and the N. R, A. strike-breaking machinery, the Daily economic security. tion that came to the to the fight against the at about six o’clock this morning. Party, emphasizes its singular im- ask him personally to stay the exe- oppression Worker is with the strikers every day, stimulating their morale, Consternation and some applause and lynching of When police saw strikers being re- portance and expresses the hope re- cutions. refusal the Negroes, in the porting the correct to the the from the more progressive of the His to receive fight for their national inforced with fresh truck loads, that no obstacles will be raised news rest of working class, thus per- delegation a year. liberation. car to forming a for 200 bourgeois “experts" greeted the is the third in But without the mass fight loads of police were brought the rallying of all proletarian real service the winning of the strikes. Answering protests which to the working class declaration. Ben- the of a small must be conducted, these legal steps scene and a machine-gun was forces. We are, therefore, especially directing our appeal to the Furriers, delegation of six, Mrs. jamin joined the general discussion including will not avail. Millions must be or- mounted in front of the plant. as well as other sections of the Needle Trades Workers Norris, Mrs. Viola Montgomery, “We are resolute partisans,” he Industrial with the remark. “It was quite ganized within the next few weeks, Union, to the locals of the Metal Workers of Olin; After organizing themselves said, “for the extension to all Industrial Union, Food consistent from the viewpoint of mother Professor Broadus to raise a shout of protest that will coun- Workers, the So- within the gates of the plant, with- tries of the united Furniture, and our other unions to take up in all serious- those running this conference that Mitchell of Johns Hopkins, stay the hand of the lynchers. front already for out the slightest provocation, when realised by the proletariat ness the financial support of the “Daily.” we were not equally cialist Party candidate Governor Every Negro worker, every white of invited—and Maryland; the officers in charge shouted “Go France, Spain, We urge all our unions to participate nr Daily consistent from our point of view of and Richard B. worker, must put his 1 the Saar and Italy. the Worker ban- shoulder to ■ at ’em!” police charged into the quet that we are here.” Moore, of the International Labor this Meetings, The workers of all countries im- at St. Nicholas Arena on Thanksgiving Eve. We urge every Then he out- task. demonstra- picket line, clubbing mercilessly and patiently lined the Workers Unemplr Defense, Mclntyre declared: tions, parades, and every sort of await the results of to- union shop to bring in immediately substantial sums of money, and we u discharging their revolvers wildly. day’s session.” and Social Insurance Bill ans in- “You’ll Never See President” demonstrative action must be or- Cases are reported, urge every leading staff of our trade unions to take this question such as three quotes sisted that its principles must be ganized. JAMES W. FORD police pounding with their Cachin Vanderveld’s state- of preserving the Daily Worker in the utmost seriousness, not only “You’ve been here two times be- clubs enacted by the new Congress. This is our immediate task in the on ment that “if any section of the in words, but in deeds. fore and you didn’t see the Presi- one old worker. The workers at Voices of reaction, emphasizing fight for Negro liberation. Let us the I. L. D. to carry on the legal thought Second International still is hostile first that the revolver shots the need for “unemployment dent.” immediately put our energies into and mass campaign. upon returning to a reapproachement with the Third re- were blanks, but serves” instead unemployment “Does this mean we’ll never see this campaign to make it a success. Rush funds by airmail, tele- the they International, these sections can- of to cars, even found tires bickering him:” Samuel Patterson, represent- At the same time, we must de- graph, special delivery, for the shot into. not neglect the pacts already insurance—and over de- con- tails of such schemes, ing the National Scottsboro-Hern- feat the attempts of the lynchers Scottsboro-Herndon fund, to the The police have a cluded or to be concluded.” This dominated now Issued the to don action committee, asked Mc- and their allies to cripple the de- national office of the Internation- statement claiming that someone declaration of Vandervelde, Cachin conference. This served fense C.P. OHIO emphasize that the purpose Intyre. financially. Six was IN of the thousand al Labor Room 610, 80 in proved, in ALDEBMANIC Defense, the crowd did contradiction with the shooting. But assembling of many “It it, it?” Mc- dollars are needed immediately by East 11th Street, New York City. a few prior attack, the opinion of numerous Social- so “experts,” looks like doesn’t moments to the as clearly indicated yesterday Intyre shot back, smiling. a mounted policeman said to a Democratic leaders in England, by Secretary of Labor Frances Per- dele- striker: “It's too bad for you fel- Sweden, Holland, and Czecho- The seven spokesmen of the SHOWS GAINS BODY kins, is to lay a basis of scientific got slovakia.
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