Fall04.CVR.agsi.r1 9.8.04 1:48 PM Page OBC11 ExecutiveExecutive EditoEditor MembershipMembership CoCover,ver, AboAbove:ve: A renewalrenewal noticenotice requestingrequesting MaryMary John Trumbull Robert M. and Patricia P. Wilson StephenStephen I.I. DanzanskyDanzansky ForFor informationnformation aboutabout BakerBaker EddyEddy’s suffragesuffrage dues,dues, fromfrom thethe MassachusettsMassachusetts Phyllis Mae and Walter F. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Witt joiningjoining thethe FriendsFriends ofof thethe EditorEditor WoWomanan SuffrageSuffrage Association,ssociation, Marcharch 15,15, 1888.1888. Tule Denise A. Windle MaryMary Ellenllen BurBurd LibrarLibrary andand receivingreceiving thisthis No. Constance Dee Turner Jane Kent Winner (Photo(Photo byby MarkMark Thayer)Thayer) Bonnie L. Turrentine Susan Moore Wintringer BusinessBusiness ManagerManager magazine,magazine, pleaseplease callcall Lyle Frederick Tuttle Carol and Loftin Witcher Virginiairginia HugheHughes 888888.222222.37113711 (for(for callscalls CoCover,ver, BeloBelow:w: Womanoman suffragesuffrage headquartersheadquarters withinwithin thehe UnitedUnited States)tates) Herrn Nils Tuxen Dorothy Lee Booth Witwer DDesignesign Cynthia Ann Tyler The Roland Wolfe Family onon UpperUpper EuclidEuclid Avenue,venue, Cleveland,leveland, Ohio.hio. AtAt F ALL 2004 DeFrancisDeFrancis CarbonCarbone oror 61617.450450.70007000 (for(for Janet J. and Norman Tyler Tara Nicole Wolfe internationalinternational calls).calls). extremeextreme rightright isis MissMiss BelleBelle Sherwin,Sherwin, president,president, 2Vol. 4 No. 2 Jeff Underwood William J. Wolfe DirectorDirector ofof PrProgramogram DevelopmentDevelopment NationalNational LeagueLeague ofof WoWomenmen VoVoters;ters; JudgeJudge FlorenceFlorence E.E. Mary Upshaw Judy L. Wolff JamesJames H.H. Albinlbins Marilyn S. Valeo Russell Blake Wolff ForFor updatesupdates onon LibrarLibrary AllenAllen isis holdingholding thethe flag;ag; Mrs.Mrs. MalcolmMalcolm McBridMcBride Jamae Wolfram van Eck Gary L. Wollenberg MManageranager ofof thethe ArchivesArchives activitiesactivities andand events,events, sigsign LesleyLesley PittsPitts standsstands toto AllenAllen’s left,left, facingfacing thethe camera.camera. (Library(Library ofof Morton L. Vance Jr. Douglas Turner Wolterding upup forfor ourour e-Newslette-Newsletter Kathleen J. Vanderlip-Battles Sherill Funston Wolterding LeadLead ArchivistArchivist atat wwwwww.marybakereddy.marybakereddy- Congress)Congress) Miss Joy Vandever Jane Ridgeway Womble HeatherHeather GunsalusGunsalus CoreCorey Mary Allison VanDillen Celeste Ann Wood librarlibrary.y.org.org. Hamid Varasteh Patricia Hough Wood SSeniorenior ReResearchersearcher Emma Louise Vaughan Jean Davidson Woods JudyJudy HuennekeHuenneke Robert D. Vessels The Workman Family Delores Irene Vick Toni H. Worth SeniorSenior CuratoCurator Timothy Taylor Vickery Margaret T. Wylie AAlanlan LesterLester Barbara M. Vining The Yanagimachi Family ArtArt DirectorDirector Anna A. and Stanley V. Edie T. Young MarkMark ThayeThayer Vinson Shane Ann Younts Allen R. Vogel Walter R. Zapf Leta Vogel Judith W. Zeiser Chester Voorhees III Heather and Lewis Zurlo ArticlesArticles appearingappearing inin thishis magazinemagazine areare abstractedabstracted Ralph E. Vrooman Frederick Alfred Henry Zweifel andand indexedindexed in HistoricalHistorical AbstractsAbstracts anand America:America: Wendy Wachtel HistorHistory andand Life.Life. Marsha Waite-Harada In Memory of Decio Colombini Nancy J. Waldo In Memory of Marjorie L. Margaret Wilson Walker Kuehne Jerry M. Walkingstick In Memory of Emma, Marcella, Karen Walsh and Evelyn Ringemann TheThe MagazineMagazine ofof Elizabeth Odegaard Walter In Memory of Vicky Seeley Thehe MarMary BakerBaker EddEddy LibrarLibrary forfor thethe BettermentBetterment ofof HumanityHumanity Maryl F. Walters Windal (Jodie, Darrin, and Joyce Geiser Walton Katie Kennedy) 200200 MassachusettsMassachusetts Avenue,venue, Boston,Boston, MAMA 0211502115 Telephone:elephone: 61617.45450.70007000 888888.222222.37113711 ThThe MarM a ry Bakera k e r EdE ddydy LiL i brbr ara ry Foster Vernon Waltz Jr. E-mail:E-mail: magazine@[email protected] Webeb site:site: wwwwww.marybakereddylibrary.marybakereddylibrary.org.org William K. Wamelink forfor ththe B ettermente t t e r m e n t ofof HumanityH u m a n i t y Diane E. Hoisel Wanger Linda Frances and Richard Hadley Ward Vera G. Ward Wanda Jane Warmack Carol Florence Warner Meri Martha Wascsepinecz For information about the Susan Gene Waterbury Friends of the Library program, Claire Waterson call 888-222-3711, e-mail Kevin Watters Sue Watters friends@marybakereddyli- Kenneth B. Way brary.org, or visit our Web site, The Mary Baker Eddy Library Elizabeth Helen Webb www.marybakereddylibrary.org. for the Betterment of Humanity Petra Weber William H. Webster Annette V. Wehs Gloria Weidmann Allen Weinstein Judith Wellman Tonia and Victor M. Westberg Carla D. Whitaker James Patrick White Margaret C. White Michi Bell and Norman E. White Irmela Wigger Loretta Anderson Wigle Opal Cook Wilhite Jacklyn J. Williams Joan Pettit Williams Norman H. Williams Jr. Phyllis M. Williamson Victoria A. Williamson Jane W. Willis Carolyn Munro Wilson Don W. Wilson Dorothy B. Wilson John V. Wilson Fall04.CVR.agsi.r1 9.8.04 1:48 PM Page OBC12 Katharine F. Fox Col. Armin E. Henneberger Jr. Suzanne D. Kannegieser Diane Uttley Marrapodi Kay Ramsdell Olson Lorna Richards Sylvia Macklin and Martin Shirley S. Foxworthy Howard Russell and Sandra Carol J. and Frank W. Eunice Emily Marsden Sarepta P. Ostrum Helen C. Richardson Sirota No. Mission Founding Trustees La Veda Varner Frasier Henry Keeney Nell Wasey Martin Marilyn P. Otth Mary C. Richardson Mary Lou Sitomer The mission of the Purpose Chairman Tony and Marjorie Faller Joan and Robert Hess Heather Clark Keeney Elizabeth M. Martinelli Lee Owen Shelly P. Richardson Carla Worthy-Skinner and Freyer Frances Hesselbein Barbara Kay Keller Susan Martz-Cothran John Franklin Owings Jr. Marjorie Pearce Richey John L. Skinner Library is to provide The Library Virginia Harris Elaine Friling Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hett Matthew J. Keller Jr. Marsha Morgan Maupin Eric Jon Oyama Mary and Curt Ridgway Donald Perry Sloteman common ground to is engaged in Treasurer Norma C. Fuller Julia Stephens Hewgley Dennis O. Kemp Dan J. McBride Dorothy A. Paisley Marilyn P. Rinker Lark Garges and Frank Lloyd F ALL 2004 explore the power of furthering the Hildegard Funke Marcia P. Hickey Thomas Pope Kemp Suzanne McConnell Diana and Charles Palenz Heloisa Gelber Rivas Smith Walter D. Jones 2Vol. 4 No. 2 Ben and Shirley Faith Gage Jeannette W. Hidding Janet V. Kennedy Betty Jane McCullagh Jocelyn Wold Palmer David Alan Robb Gladys Margaret Smith ideas throughout history universal quest Lisa Z. Garmon Walter R. Hieronymus Angela Agee Kennerly Michael J. McCutchin Dean Parkins Elizabeth Roberts Jenepher Smith Secretary to inspire individuals for spirituality Leora and Dan Garner Philip L. Higley Kenneth Kline Kennerly Jr. Wendy Baker and Randy Deepika Patel David M. Robertson Kathrine E.B. Smith and transform the and the science Don W. Wilson Lela Jane and John Lyle Daniel D. Hilgendorf Mary Julia and Stanley Michael McElvain Roselyn and Douglas Paul Diane C. Robertson Beth Schaefer and Lamar world; the ongoing of being—and Garrett Elizabeth Fern Hill Clark Kephart Patricia Rand McGalliard Eleanor Hill Paulk Joyce D. Wethe Robertson Smith Peter Ackerman Jean K. Garvey Honor Ramsay Hill Olga M. Kimball Bonnie Laurie McGibbon Marianna G. Paulson Helen S. and Russell D. Lynn W. and Commander search for life’s deeper their effect on Lois R. Gaylord Thomas Elliott Hill Catherine Justine King Catherine K. McGibbon Shirley T. and Richard E. Robinson Scott H. Smith meaning; and the ideas, health and Allen Weinstein Emil J. Gensinger William R. Hill Weston Boyer King Joseph L. McKibban III Paulson Penelope A. Robinson Nathan Scott Smith life, and achievements human progress. Eric and Debie Georgatos Mildred Drury Hinman Mary Kingston Donald Robert McKindley Wendy and Hank Paulson Susanne R. and Norman P. Ruth H. Smith of Mary Baker Eddy. Caroline C. German Linda and Ben F. Hirsch Grace M. Kirchner Mary Campbell McLemore Geneneiva Owen Pearson Robinson Jennifer and Timothy Nancy Gail Gilliland Nancy B. and Charles Brent Pollyanna K. Kittredge Miriam Kaye McNiven Jane S. Pease Richard A. Robson Smucker Jane Haltom Gimlin Hirschman Dana Smith and Richard G. Mary Virginia McVay Cheryl W. and Gary Allen June D. Rodefeld Esther Faye Snyder David W. Givens Sandra and Claude Ho Klein Evan Mehlenbacher Peck Walter C. Rodgers Christine Solomon and Barbara Gnas Eva-Marie and Richard Lorna Jane Knezevich Richard Meiklejohn Clinton Homer Peddy David E. Roeder Charles Chace Lois Lucas Golmon Armand Hogrefe Annie Lindsay Knight R.J. Elizabeth Meintjes June Pelphrey Beulah M. Roegge Iain Somerville Edward William Gondolf Jr. Vincent Hogrefe Thomas Jackson Knowles Robert H. Melcher Sherry H. Penney Jeanne Laws Roehm Alice Sorrels Deborah and Robert Goodale Carol and David Hohle Robert C. Knutson Beverly J. Mendoza Brian Guymon Pennix Genave Rogers Irene Ruth Kroske Soule Marilyn Gordon Jewell Vandiver Holleman Don and Christina Koch Kathryn C. Menefee Suzette le van Perkins Margaret and Ben Rogers Drew Franklin Sprague Linda and Stephen Lindsey Faye Danenburg Hollenbeck Kimberly Crooks Korinek Richard Allen Menke Sharon A. Perlis Stephen Jon Romaine David Warren Stafford- Gorman Diane D. and Thomas J. Susan B. and Charles Alan Madeline
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