OCT. 27, 1934 THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES PAGE 5 Calendar for Week-End Is Well Filled Club Events and Opening of Civic Theater Are Scheduled. BY BEATRICE BIRO AN Tim* Woman'* Taco Editor schedule of dances, teas, THEdinners and the Civic theater opening indicates that this week- end Is thus tar this season. Two country clubs, Highland and Indianapolis, w.il entertain with a circus ball and costume dinner danro• the town clubs, the Colum- bia and Indian- apolis Athletic, are offering Hal- loween dances; the Little Lambs arc "frolicing.” and the Civic the- ater is beginning its season. In ad- di’ion. numerous week-end guests are to be enter- tained. Miss Burgan Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville Ingalls will divide their time between the Highland circus ball and the Little Lambs frolic at the Columbia Club. In the party will bo* Messrs, and Mesdames Albert J. Beveridge Jr., Thomas R. Kackley, J. Perry Meek, Laurens Henderson and John K. Ruckelshaus. Mr. and Mrs. William Griffith will Dr. and Mrs. Dudley PfafT. who Join ' will take their week-end guests to / the Little Lambs party. Mrs. H. G. -’ Gayer and Gates Dawes, both "' J^//' f Mrs. A S . •¦:.* •¦ v; : of Cincinnati, are visiting the *" * *%aMfe’'; < ’ w Pfaffs. *jjyusp%ffiplg[ ^1' l Matsons to Give Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Mat- son, after entertaining fourteen guests at dinner in the Propylaeum Club, will go to the Little Lambs, Colonel and Mrs. William Guy Wall will be the Mat.sorts’ honor guests. One party Cat the Indianapolis Country Club dinner dance will in- clude Messrs, and Mesdames Rob- ert Fleischer, Earl Fortney, Charles Pettinger and George Cornelius. In group will be Messrs and "*' another _lf '¦' Mesdames H. C. Piel, A. L. Piel, E. M. Chamberlin, Mrs. M. L. Patton and Major Downing Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Alig have in- vited dinner guests who will later attend the Little Lambs’ "gay nine- ties singing school” floor show*. Miss Blanche Shaw’s dinner guests will end the evening at the same dance. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mahafley Jr. have guests, Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Wiley. Cincinnati. Mr. and Bride Mrs. Howard Purdy, Kansas City, Vera Snodgrass Will Be Mo., who formerly lived here, are visitors at the W. I. Longsworth Tonight Kern J. Miles home. of Barnes to Entertain Marriage vows will be exchanged with her father. Her Ivory satin After attending a dinner party at tonight in McKee chapel of the wedding dress is designed with a cowl neckline, long tight sleeves the home of her sister, Mrs. Kurt Tabernacle Presbyterian church by Pantzer, the show the buttoned to the elbows. Her tulle Civic and Snodgrass and Kern J. Little Lambs dance, all tonight,Miss Miss Vera veil will come from a braided tulle Emita Ferriday will go to an in- Miles. The bride, a daughter of Mr. and satin bandeau and Ophelia and white formal tea which Mr. and Mrs. Earl and Mrs. C. G. Snodgrass, Kirklin, roses button chrysanthe- arranged Barnes will give for her tomorrow at attended Butler university, where mums will be in a shower home. she was a member of Kappa Kappa bouquet. their wear blue Donald came from his Gamma sorority, and Mr. Miles, Mrs. Snodgrass will Dr. Reed corsage flowers home in Culver week-end to son of Mr. ai*d Mrs. A. F. Miles, crepe with a of fall thus and Mrs. Miles will wear black crepe be a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Pendleton, was graduated from In- with rose lame trim. Mrs. Mark Dean. Tonight Mr. and Dean diana university and its law school, Mrs. r Rhoads, aunt of the bride, has will entertain at a buffet dinner for and is a member of Sigma Nu fra- ternity. chosen black crepe with gold trim hiro and his sister, Miss Emily Reed, William Greenery, interspersed with yel- and a black velvet hat. also of Culver. Tomorrow' after- be Rockwood will low* and bronze chrysanthemums, Ruskaup will best man. noon Mrs. Charles the ceremony. Mrs. C. E. cocktail for Dr. Reed. will form the background for the During have a party Eberhard, organist, will play tra- Mrs. Dean returned this w*eek from service, to be read by the Rev. J. Ambrose Dunkel. in the presence ditional airs and “ILove You Tru- a visit at Chicago and Culver. Promise Me.” of immediate families and a few ly” and “O Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Wade will outfit, their friends. For her traveling the bride entertain guests at their home will brown with rose Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Na- The bride will be attended by her wear a crepe in Golden velvet trim, brown coat with beige and Mr. and Mrs. sister. Miss Vangel Snodgrass. Kirk- thaniel Owings fox fur and brown accessories. Louis Skidmore have come from lin. whose Capucine crepe gown is Chicago for the week-end, and Mr. trimmed with brown velvet puff and Mrs. Wade have invited in sleeves.sleeves. ThroeThree rowsrows of pleated vel-\rl- Messrs, and Mesdames Vance Smith, vet will band the skirt. She will Aged® Women Samuel Runnels Harrell, Booth carryearn'JohannaJohanna Hill roses andand bronze # Jameson. Rudolph Haerle and Don- chrysanthemumschrysanthemums arranged on a rust ald Mattison. velvet muff. The bride will enter BBMBilrJ. w.- Vyf Receive „. Will ,_ j |LA-i I the Winter social season, philanthropic and musical organi- DURINGzations attract as much merestinterest as organizations with purely social r PartyPuitty Funds aims. Sisterg. \\Will*ll Be13 The Cbrlstamore Aid Society supports the Christamore House, and' Eleanor Augusta Taylor~ and • * ' _ its benefit projects attract many guests. j J expect- T> iW.... Jlii '^^^’’M/tSK Welfare Club members are expect- This week, new members were at a tea atat the home of Jjl -4 it.// T l’/•// introduced at BridesmaidICLCSITIcIICi for10l Russell Lee Fleming4 //’lll/llO*Irtfs Wedts Us to aged women with the Conrad Ruckelshaus, The new members are Misses ing to aid the Mrs. Conrad president. members t !h W ' and Elinor Irma Cecily Fletcher.Fletcher, Jane Fitton.Fitton, JosephineJosephine * proceeds from the card party Elinor Stickney,Stickney. Drake.Drake, IVIlee >• - ; Fall colors predominated in the | roses .and white button 1 chrysanthe-rVSa Rped IVlioo -L Uhlti style show, to be givengiven Nov. 7 Inin Reed, * Eleanor Anne Barrett and Mrs. JohnJohn S. Pearson Jr. Mrs. R. Miss Fowler scheme of decorations and gowns mumsmums^and^she^ardedand she carried a°a rrose pointnoint t 0 be Kirby Whyte, secretary, and Mrs. Ernest Baltzell, treasurer, assisted fl j lacelace handkerchief, belonging her A\tcsAyres’ auditorium. In addition to for the wedding today of Miss to Mrs. Ruckelshaus, who is chairman of thethe Columbia Club luncheon /fB maternal grandmother. assisting the Indianapolis Home for bridge party.party, Miss Barbara Fowler will come //. Augusta Taylor, daughter Nov. 7.7. Eleanor The bride's sister, Miss home from Western Reserve J of Mrs.'Bessie S. Taylor, and Rus- The bride's Elizabeth the Aged, the club providesprovides aid for Mrs. Herbert Woollen, membership chairman of the IndianaIndiana State home soon home V** M sell Lee Fleming. Newcastle, son of Taylor,Taylor, wore a rust colored velvet needy women outside the and Symphony Society,Society, is a regular guest at the Indianapolis symphony university, Cleveland, to be brides- S' M|||fipfßl f| ;'y /\t,\ yms' visits-"’ts theth city infimarv with gifts. orchestra concerts at the opening Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Fleming, Nobles- dressdress with slight train, and a match- Vl e concerts at Murat. She attended thethe opening concert rr.aidmaid at the wedding of her sister, S 1A >'V' ceremony by Mrs. Frank J. Haight, chairman of this week, as did Mrs. Robert H. Tyndall and daughter,daughter. Miss Ruth *\ ;A. ville. The was read ingmg hat and carried an arm bou-bou her Mi'sMiss Constance Fow'Fowler, who has set Wfe %y. ’<<:¦ %*F\Ml Dr. J. Ambrose Dunkel in McKee the ways and means committee, has Tyndall. quet yellow ° marriage v of-Tabernacle Presbyterian quet of yellow and bronze chrysan- named'committees.named committees. Mrs. E. Monty ' Miss EmitaEmit a Ferriday came this week to visit her sister.sister, Mrs. Kurt Nov.NT V - 10 as thethe date of her marriage .-:> chapel themums.themums. Mrs.Mrs s gowngown was Campbell club president. X\'F'&>i^ j Taylor'sTaylor Campbell is club president. Pantzer, finished of to Charles Buschmann, of "^ ~,. church. - Pantzer. who has herher work as chairman of the membership to Edgar son -A *'M V. .'V t,{ ' lof rust-colored lace, with et Harry Kuhn is general „ Baskets of yellow and bronze velvetel Mrs.Mrs rr pneral chair- drldrive for the CineCivic theater, which will present itsIts firstfirst show.show, "The‘‘The Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Btlschmann.Buschmann. ¦HBBB girdle. Her corsage5?;was"V,of f man -Hfand y,Kiihnbe assisted by Mrs. M ¦BTfF back- j Johanna will Churchhlrch Mouse,”t tonight. Miss Ferriday, *•* * "¦ chrysanthemums against a M - who came from a JuniorJunlor : Hill Mrs. attended in RichardSpSPoole, ticket and r nmr came tnm ®4Mr. and Mrs.M. Frank Fowler,Fowler, tne BjMM.tV'#,..: of and ferns, decorat- Su*%£roses. FlemingS reserva- fFeaaueLeague meeting ",in,n Minneapolis,.Mmncapohs.*P*will return ,o herhe, Monday. ground palms aa Burgundyir?S:£m meenneT X to home Monday. bride’s-to-be parents, will issue in- ed the altar, lighted with Bi.,md,-" "lwvelvet dress£f™ withMlh tions;hmll'Mr”Mrs. HarryHam E.E Watson,Watson con- two seven- turban, George vitations next week. HaveHavens Kahlo, candelabra white matchingß and a corsagecor.age of fections; Mrs.r Coffin, door branched holding i Johanna roses.
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