#visitsalzburg All of Salzburg. One Card. All-Inclusive! Old City – an easy walk SalzburgCard Sights, Attractions & Museums 2017 Stage of the World Invest in the SalzburgCard One-time free entry to all the att- SalzburgCard! tractions/reductions/discounts Mode of operation and terms & 0OFUJNF '3&& FOUSZ UP BMMUIF conditions of use see Statement of attractions & museums in the city Indemnity. 'SFFUSBWFMPOQVCMJDUSBOTQPSU 1 See Salzburg Information maps - legend for key to Discounts on cultural events attractions & museums %JTDPVOUTPOTFWFSBMUSJQT Tour with the Audio Guide tours and excursions Tours upon request or by prior arrangement Quick access with the SalzburgCard without having to stand in line Regular rates for adults The SalzburgCardd is available at most hotels, at Salzburg and children 6 years or older ticket offices, information offices in and around Salzburg and (except Bible World, Hellbrunn, Old City – Museum of Natural History, online at salzburg.info an easy walk Salzach Cruise, Salzburg Zoo and Toy Museum regular rates Adults Adults )PVST $IJMESFO $IJMESFO for children 4 years or older). January 1–April 30, May 1–October 31, Children between 4 and 6 November 1–December 31, 2017 2017 Most of the attractions are years of age without a MPDBUFEJOUIFDJUZDFOUSFoUIF SalzburgCardd pay the ū ū ū ū children‘s rate. 0ME$JUZoBOEBSFFBTJMZ ū ū ū ū reached on foot! Regular rates for adults ū ū ū ū *) Children 6-15 years Groups: Discounts and Tip: A good Salzburg combination prices upon request Enjoy Salzburg and its surroundings with Opening hours: our Salzburg Packages The opening hours listed SalzburgCard Package – Salzburg City apply to most of the year. tOJHIUTJODMVEJOHCVéFUCSFBLGBTU 1VCMJDUSBOTQPSUUPUIF Hours may vary from season tIPVS4BM[CVSHCard BUUSBDUJPOToFWFOJOUIF to season. WJDJOJUZPG4BM[CVSHJTGSFF Mon Monday TUBSIPUFMū oū Tues Tuesday TUBSIPUFMū oū for SalzburgCard users! Wed Wednesday 1BDLBHFQSJDFQFSQFSTPOJOEPVCMFSPPN #VTMJOFTo Thurs Thursday XXXTBM[CVSHJOGPQBDLBHFT "MCVTCVTMJOFTMJOFT Fri Friday Sat Saturday On the outskirts of Salzburg Sun Sunday 1PTUCVTMJOFT UP &WFONPSFIPMJEBZQBSBEJTFTBSFMPDBUFEKVTUCFZPOEUIFHBUFTPG Hol public holiday &VHFOEPSG UP3JG 4BM[CVSH$JUZDIBSNJOHDPNNVOJUJFTUIBUJNQSFTTXJUIUIFJSDVMUVSFBOE Taxach OBUVSF)JTUPSJDCVJMEJOHT XPSMEGBNPVTBSUJTUT DSZTUBMDMFBSMBLFT HPMG We regret that no reimbursement 8"-4*&#VTUBYJ DPVSTFTBTXFMMBTDPVOUMFTTPQQPSUVOJUJFTGPSGBNJMJFT SFDSFBUJPOBOE if sights are temporarily closed. -PLBMCBIO TVCVSCBOSBJM The sights, museums etc. reserve PVUEPPSFYQFSJFODFT JOWJUFZPVUPDPNFWJTJUBOETUBZBXIJMF SPBE 4UP"DIBSUJOH the right to change their prices 1BDLBHFTGPSPVSTVSSPVOEJOHUPXOTBOEWJMMBHFTDBOCFGPVOEIFSF and hours in the case of events, XXXPCVTBU XXXBMCVTBU XXXTBM[CVSHJOGPTVPQBDLBHFT maintenance etc. XXXQPTUCVTBU XXXPFCCBU Subject to change without notice. TOURISMUS SALZBURG Issue: October 2016 Publisher: TOURISMUS SALZBURG GMBH, Salzburg Information Always have your Salzburg 5020 Salzburg, Austria, www.salzburg.info $BSEBWBJMBCMF DPNQMFUFMZ Print: Samsung Druck GmbH, 5581 St. Margarethen 5FM Printed on paper certified by FSC. DBSET!TBM[CVSHJOGP GJMMFEPVU oJUJTZPVSCVTUJDLFU Photos: Salzburg Information, Sulzer, Zoo Salzburg Sights & Museums 49 BIBLE WORLD interactive centre 8 CATHEDRAL EXCAVATIONS Being human and understanding humanity. Explore the treasures of the Bible in Excavations of the medieval cathedral and Roman building remains. 2 a working museum that is unique in Europe. Visit a 600 m oriental market, walk Residenzplatz (Cathedral arches) € 2 3.00 0.00 across a 40 m map of the Mediterranean, meet Jesus of Nazareth. Tel. 0662 845295, tel. 0662 620808-131 € Guides in DE, EN, HU, IT, NL, SK. 1.00 € [email protected], www.salzburgmuseum.at Plainstrasse 42a, tel. 0676 87467080 8.00 0.00 July, August: daily 9 am–5 pm (last admission 4:45 pm) [email protected] € 4.00** www.bibelwelt.at *4 –15 ye ars Mon, Thurs-Sat 10 am–6 pm; 24 FESTIVAL HALLS Sun&Hol 11 am–6 pm Visits only possible as part of guided tours: Grosses Festspielhaus, Haus für April 14, Dec. 24+31: 10 am–1 pm Bus 6, stop “Plainstrasse” Mozart, Felsenreitschule Closed: Jan. 1, April 16, June 4, Nov. 1, Dec. 25 Hofstallgasse 1 Meeting point: Festival Shop (column with mask, iron gate) 48 CABLE-CAR UNTERSBERG www.salzburgerfestspiele.at/guided-tours Enjoy a magnificent view of Salzburg by taking the cable car to the 1853m Jan.–June: 2 pm summit of Mt. Untersberg. Ascent and descent € 7.00 0.00 July, August: 9:30 am, 2 pm, 3:30 pm € Dr. Ödlweg 2 €23.50 0.00 Sept.–Dec.: 2 pm 4.00 5083 Gartenau – St. Leonhard €11.50** Tel. 06246 72477 Closed: Dec. 24–26 [email protected], www.untersbergbahn.at *For one child only. All others free. Dates mayy change during events. January, February: 9:00 am–4:00 pm 3:30 pm* March–June: 8:30 am–5:00 pm 4:30 pm* Closed for maintenance: 45 July–September: 8:30 am–5:30 pm 5:00 pm* April 18–28, Nov. 2– Dec. 7 FOLKLORE MUSEUM October–November 1: 8:30 am–5:00 pm 4:30 pm* Folk art and traditions. December–February: 9:00 am–4:00 pm 3:30 pm* Bus 25, stop “Grödig -St. Leonhard“ “Monatsschlössl”, Hellbrunn € *last ascent Tel. 0662 620808-500 3.00 0.00 [email protected] € 1.00 6 CATACOMBS www.salzburgmuseum.at The catacombs hewn out of the rocks of Mönchsberg are of early Christian origin. April–October: daily 10 am–5:30 pm (last admission 5:15 pm) St.-Peter-Bezirk Tel. 0662 844576-0 € 2.00 0.00 [email protected], www.erzabtei.at € 15 GEORG TRAKL MEMORIAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE 1.50 Letters and documents from the poet’s life (1887–1914). Admission with guided May–September:daily 10 am–6 pm tour only. Special dates by prior appointment. October–April: daily 10 am–5 pm Waagplatz 1a, tel. 0662 845346 € [email protected] 5.00 0.00 8/9 DOMQUARTIER SALZBURG € www.georg-trakl.at 3.00** 0.00 Baroque Authority – Baroque Glory *15–18 years 15,000 resplendent square metres – 2,000 stunning objects – 1,300 stirring years Guided tours (on weekdays): Mon–Fri 2 pm Exciting tour of the state rooms at the Residence, the Residence Gallery, Terrace above Cathedral arcade, Northern Oratory, Cathedral Organ Gallery, Cathedral 45 Museum, Cabinet of Curiosities, the Long Gallery, Museum of St. Peter’s Abbey. HELLBRUNN – PALACE AND TRICK FOUNTAINS 400th Anniversary of Hellbrunn summer residence with the world-famous trick Residenzplatz 1 & Domplatz 1a fountains including a guided tour. Tel. 0662 8042-2109 Palace €12.00 0.00 Fürstenweg 37, tel. 0662 820372-0 € [email protected] € 12.50 0.00** www.domquartier.at 5.00 [email protected], www.hellbrunn.at € 5.50* Wed–Mon 10 am–5 pm April: 9 am–4:30 pm *4 years or older **Use the €10.00** 0.00 May, June, Sept.: 9 am–5:30 pm Julyy, August: € SalzburgCard to get an original ticket daily 10 am–5 pm, Wed 10 am–8 pm 4.00* July, August: 9 am–6:00 pm at the sales booth. *if certain parts off theh tour are October–Nov.1: 9 am–4:30 pm Advent and Christmas season: open daily closed to visitors Closed: Dec. 24 Additional evening tours – trick fountains: (last admission 1 hour before closing) July, August: 7 pm, 8 pm, 9 pm. Bus 25, stop “Schloss Hellbrunn“ Trick Fountains at Hellbrunn 1 HOHENSALZBURG FORTRESS Central Europe’s largest, completely preserved fortress dating from the 11th century. Mönchsberg 34, tel. 0662 842430-11 [email protected], www.festung-salzburg.at JXcqYli^:Xi[ Basic Ticket Ascent and descent by Fortress funicular, entrance to Fortress precincts, guided =XjZ`eXk`e^]fiki\jj\og\i`\eZ\ $)' tour with audio-guide in eleven languages (salt storeroom, torture chamber, i <oZ`k`e^Z_`c[i\eËjjZXm\e^\i_lek look-out tower, ‘Salzburg Bull’), Fortress Museum, Rainer Regiment Museum, Marionette Museum, Alm passage. i =XekXjk`ZY`i[f]gi\p]c`^_k[\dfejkiXk`fej Tip: Entrance before 11am includes access to state rooms i E < N 1 Jg\Z`Xc\o_`Y`k`fe`e)'(. free of charge. C\feXi[f[XM`eZ`ÆK_\Dpjk\i`fljNfic[f]k_\>\e`lj (%8gi`ckf()%Efm\dY\i)'(. January–April*: 9:30 am–5 pm €12.00 0.00 May–September: 9:00 am–7 pm € 6.80 Aljkf]]k_\8('$*'d`elk\jjflk_f]JXcqYli^YpZXi%KiX`ejkXk`fe`eN\i]\e% October–December*: 9:30 am–5 pm *Easter, Advent weekends: 9:30 am–6 pm Hohensalzburg Fortress – Funicular Oldest funicular in Austria, built in 1892. Festungsgasse 4, tel. 0662 4480-9750 [email protected], www.festungsbahn.at January1– 7: 9:00 am–9:00 pm 0.00 January8–March, November–December: 9:00 am–5:00 pm April–June, September–October: 9:00 am–8:00 pm July–August: 9:00 am–10:00 pm Advent weekends, Dec. 25–30: 9:00 am–9:00 pm www.domquartier.at Closed: Nov. 6–10 Ticket for the Fortress Concert with dinner includes funicular! 20 MOZART‘S BIRTHPLACE Where Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. Residence of the Mozart family with documents and portraits, instruments of W. A. Mozart. Getreidegasse 9, tel. 0662 844313 [email protected] www.mozarteum.at € 11.00 0.00 Daily 9 am–5:30 pm € 3.50 July, August: 8:30 am–7 pm 15,000 resplendent square metres. (last admission 30 min. before closing) 2,000 stunning objects. Closed periodically during Mozart Week when concerts take place. 1,300 stirring years. 39 MOZART‘S RESIDENCE The former residence of the Mozart family. Mozart lived in the building from 1773- Open daily, except Tuesday, 10 a.m.– 5 p.m. 1780. Exhibits relating to the life of the Mozart family and the history of the building. Open daily in July and August, Wednesday until 8 p.m. Makartplatz 8, tel. 0662 874227-40 Open daily during the Christmas season. [email protected] (closed on 24 December) www.mozarteum.at € 11.00 0.00 Daily 9 am–5:30 pm € 3.50 Residenzplatz 1 | Domplatz 1a | 5020 Salzburg July, August: 8:30 am–7 pm Tel + 43 662 80 42 21 09 | [email protected] (last admission 30 min.
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