S4554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 31, 2003 LEGISLATIVE SESSION Marshallese citizens are fighting with better screening and treatment of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under the 101st Airborne Division and the breast cancer. Their accomplishments the previous order, the Senate will re- Third Infantry Division, in harm’s way and talent provide inspiration not only turn to legislative session. and approaching Baghdad. The Fed- to the residents of Maryland, but to erated States of Micronesia has hun- people all over the globe. f dreds of its people on active duty. In- My good friend and colleague from MORNING BUSINESS deed, the son of the current President Maryland, Senator BARBARA MIKULSKI, of Micronesia, Leo Falcam, is a Lieu- is a tremendous example of the com- Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, I ask mitment and dedication women give to unanimous consent that the Senate tenant Colonel with the U.S. Marines and commands an air squadron in Oki- public service. From her background as proceed to a period for morning busi- a social worker to her election to the ness. nawa. Clearly, the Marshall Islands and Micronesia are contributing to the war U.S. Senate, Senator MIKULSKI, who The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without has served longer than any other objection, it is so ordered. effort. The Compact of Free Association has woman currently in the Senate, has al- f guided our relationship with these na- ways worked to ensure those in need receive the critical support services MOCKING PACIFIC ALLIES tions for nearly 20 years. During that time, these nations have been among necessary for them to live independ- Mr. CRAIG. Mr. President, last week, our strongest allies in the United Na- ently and with dignity. She appro- the Washington Post saw fit to print an tions and elsewhere. Their sons and priately played a key role in estab- article entitled ‘‘Many Willing, But daughters have known oppression and lishing this month when in 1981, co- sponsoring a resolution establishing Only A Few Are Able.’’ Ostensibly have volunteered to serve with our citi- National Women’s History Week, a about the U.S. and British-led force of zens to end despotism and terrorism. It predecessor to Women’s History the coalition now fighting in Iraq, the is offensive to read articles like that Month. Today, I wish to honor her Post’s article mocks the sovereign na- published by the Washington Post that tions of the Republic of the Marshall dedication and service to the people of denigrate foreign nations and their Maryland and this Nation. Islands, the Federated States of Micro- citizens in an effort to ridicule Presi- nesia, and the Republic of Palau—three This Women’s History Month is a fit- dent Bush and the administration. ting time to honor the women of the of our country’s most steadfast allies The Post conveniently forgets the in the Western Pacific. This is both of- armed services and recognize the sac- outrages committed by Saddam Hus- rifice they make for our country, espe- fensive and undeserved. As Chairman of sein against the Kurds and the people the Energy and Natural Resources cially in light of the unprecedented of Iraq and now chooses to insult good role women are playing in our military Committee’s subcommittee with re- and decent people who have the cour- sponsibility for our relations with the engagement in Iraq. Approximately 15 age to stand with the United States. percent of all active duty personnel are freely associated states, I would like to As I said, I take issue with this arti- set the record straight. In making this women. From the American Revolution cle. So while the reporter and editor of and the Civil War through modern day statement, I am speaking not only for the Post congratulate themselves on armed conflict, American women have myself but also on behalf of Senator one more cheap and vulgar attack on made sacrifices along side their hus- DOMENICI, the chairman of the Energy the Administration, I would like to bands, sons, brothers and fathers to and Natural Resources Committee. The offer my apology to the thousands of preserve the freedom upon which this citizens of these nations deserve better. citizens in our freely associated states. Nation was founded. At this time, we The Post would have its readers be- We owe them our gratitude for their know that Army Specialist Shoshawna lieve that these Pacific islands are commitment. The Post should be Johnson is being held as a POW in Iraq, nothing more than banana republics. ashamed. and Private First Class Jessica Lynch This is not the case. It is obvious to me f is missing in action. We send our hopes and anyone familiar with the special WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH and prayers for the safe return of these relationship between our Nations that brave young women, and all of those the Post is unaware of the islands’ his- Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, I rise serving our country, and want their torical significance and continued role today in recognition of Women’s His- families to know that our thoughts are in our national defense. The Post’s fail- tory Month. This time has been appro- with them during this very difficult ure to learn the most basic facts about priately designated to reflect upon the time. our allies is sloppy and irresponsible. important contributions and heroic Women have made great strides in These islands endured occupation by sacrifices that women have made to overcoming historic adversity and bias Japan under a League of Nation’s Man- our Nation and to consider the chal- but they still face many obstacles. Un- date and then saw some of the blood- lenges they continue to face. Through- equal pay, poverty, inadequate access iest fighting during World War II. It out our history, women have been at to healthcare and violent crime are was the residents of these islands who the forefront of every important move- among the challenges that continue to endured the contests for Enewetak, ment for a better and more just soci- disproportionately affect women. While Pelilieu, and Kwajalein. ety, and they have been the foundation the most recent Census Bureau figures After the War, the islands were of our families and communities. show that the percentage of women placed under the United Nations’ In Maryland, we are proud to honor holding managerial jobs grew from Trusteeship system. The United States those women who have given so much one-third to a high of 46 percent since brought self-government and the devel- to improve our lives. Their achieve- 1983, this figure has not improved since opment of political institutions. The ments illustrate their courage and te- 2001. In addition, women continue to Congress of Micronesia rejected both nacity in conquering what others per- earn less than their male colleagues, integration with the United States and ceive as overwhelming obstacles. They earning only 77.5 percent of every dol- independence in favor of sovereignty include Harriet Elizabeth Brown, civil lar earned by men. Despite these obsta- and free association and Congress over- rights leader, teacher and principal. In cles, women push on. In recent years, whelmingly ratified the Compacts of the 1930s in Calvert County, she fought the poverty rate for single women has Free Association. An important aspect to eliminate pay disparities between declined and more women hold ad- of that relationship is the ability of white and black teachers. Another vanced degrees than ever before. Re- citizens of the freely associated states noteworthy Marylander was Anna Ella cent figures show that women received to attend the United States military Carroll who served as an unofficial ad- approximately 45 percent of law and 42 academies and serve in the United viser and strategist to President Abra- percent of medical degrees awarded in States Armed Services. ham Lincoln in her efforts to preserve this country. This is a dramatic im- As we speak, there are citizens of all the Union during the Civil War. We are provement from a few decades ago and three countries serving in Iraq in every all indebted to Rose Kushner, teacher, should continue as more and more branch of the U.S. military, ready to medical writer, and psychologist, who young women recognize their opportu- make the ultimate sacrifice. worked tirelessly as an advocate for nities are limitless. VerDate Jan 31 2003 01:25 Apr 01, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31MR6.041 S31PT1 March 31, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4555 Indeed women continue to make Officers from the Southeast Iowa NATO for these countries. Soon, the great progress. As we highlight their Task Force will tell you stories of sus- Senate will debate whether to approve accomplishments in history this pects they have followed all over the admission for these seven new and vi- month, I believe it is also important to county, stopping at each convenience brant democracies. These countries educate present and future generations store, supermarket, and drug store have thrown off the shackles of com- about gender discrimination so that we they passed to pick up as much cold munism. They are pressing forward, do not repeat past mistakes. During medicine as they could. Not because and I am confident their admission to my service in Congress, I have strongly they were sick, but because they need- NATO will only make that great alli- supported efforts to address women’s ed the ephedrine in these drugs to cook ance stronger and more robust. issues and eradicate gender discrimina- meth. Sometimes it is purchased, but The enlargement process presents a tion and inequality.
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