Public Document Pack Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel Dear Member, You are invited to attend the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel to be held as follows for the transaction of the business indicated. Sian Roxborough Proper Officer DATE: Thursday, 17 December 2020 TIME: 9.30 am VENUE: Remote Meeting via MS Teams Live – please see the link below: In accordance with ‘The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014,’ the press and public have the right to film, video, photograph or record this meeting. This meeting will be live-streamed. Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting during the discussion and voting on the item. There is likely to be a break for Panel Members, the time of which will be determined during the meeting. The items for consideration may not be heard in the order listed below. AGENDA THIS MEETING CAN BE VIEWED VIA THE LINK BELOW: This link will work if you are using a Microsoft device. If you are using an Apple or android based device, you will need to download the Microsoft Teams app in order to view the meeting via this link. https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_ZjA1M2M4NzMtY2ZiYS00YjNhLWI2MzItNzI3Mm Q2ZmNjMmQ2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2268 c00060-d80e-40a5-b83f- 3b8a5bc570b5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%229d684c1d-4eb2-40d0- a319- 8a0562477992%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d 1 Apologies for absence and attendance roll call. 2 The Panel is asked to consider whether it agrees to the inclusion of the items listed in Parts 1 and 2 of the agenda. 3 Declarations of interest. 4 To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held (Pages 1 - 4) on 19 November 2020. 5 Planning applications and related development control issues. (Pages 5 - 10) 5a 20/75252/FUL - 159-161 Monton Road, Eccles M30 9GS (Pages 11 - 32) 5b 20/75949/HH - 14 Barrfield Road, Salford M6 7EL (Pages 33 - 40) 5c 20/76043/FUL - 12 New Barton Street, Salford M6 7WW (Pages 41 - 52) 5d 20/75719/FUL - Plot 39, Northbank Industrial Estate, Cadishead Way, (Pages 53 - 72) Irlam M44 5BL 5e 20/75027/FUL - Port Salford Way, Eccles (Pages 73 - 102) 5f 20/75337/FUL - Nursery Farm, Barton Moss Road, Eccles M30 7RR (Pages 103 - 118) 6 Planning applications determined under delegated authority. (Pages 119 - 176) 7 Planning appeals. (Pages 177 - 178) 8 Urgent business. 9 Exclusion of the public. 10 Part 2 - Closed to the Public. 11 Urgent business. Contact Officer: Tel 0161 793 2602 No: Claire Edwards, Democratic Services E-Mail: [email protected] Agenda Item 4 Planning & Transportation Regulatory Panel 19th November 2020 held via MS Teams Live Meeting commenced: 9:30 a.m. “ adjourned: 11:13 a.m. “ reconvened: 11:30 a.m. “ ended: 12:45 p.m. Present: Councillor Mashiter - in the Chair Councillors Antrobus, Clarke, Dawson, K. Garrido, Morris, Nelson, N. Reynolds, Sharpe and Warmisham Councillor Dickman during consideration of the following applications: o 5d – 20/74704/HYB Mode Wheel Locks, Plot E, Broadway, Salford o 5e – 20/75252/FUL 159-161 Monton Road, Eccles M30 9GS Councillor Linden during consideration of the following applications: o 5a – 20/75930/FUL Land adjacent to 9 Duncan Street, Salford M7 2FU o 5b – 20/75195/FUL 7 Old Hall Road, Salford M7 4JJ o 5c – 20/75092/FUL 19 Seedley Road, Salford M6 5WN Councillor McCusker during consideration of the following applications: o 5d – 20/74704/HYB Mode Wheel Locks o 5e – 20/75252/FUL 159-161 Monton Road Councillor Walker during consideration of the following applications: o 5b – 20/75195/FUL 7 Old Hall Road o 5c – 20/75092/FUL 19 Seedley Road o 5d – 20/74704/HYB Mode Wheel Locks o 5e – 20/75252/FUL 159-161 Monton Road A list of registered speakers who made representations to the Panel in respect of the matters recorded under Minute 154 is included at Appendix A. 150. Welcome and Apologies for Absence The Chair welcomed those present and outlined the procedure for the meeting. An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of Councillor Burch. 151. The Panel is asked to consider whether it agrees to the inclusion of the items listed in Parts 1 and 2 of the agenda RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that the panel agreed to the inclusion of the items listed. 152. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 153. Minutes of Meeting held on 29th October 2020 RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the above meeting be agreed as a correct record. 1 Page 1 154. Applications for Planning Permission Full details of the matters referred to in this Minute are contained in the report of the Strategic Director Place (Main Report), as amended in the case of applications marked * in the Amendment Report. RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that, following consideration by the Panel, the under-mentioned applications for planning permission were determined, subject to the conditions listed in the above- mentioned report(s), as indicated below – Application Number/ Site Development Decision Applicant 5a - 20/75930/FUL Land Adjacent To Variation of condition Granted 9 Duncan Street 2 (approved plans) M Rothbart Salford attached to planning M7 2FU application 17/69879/FUL. *5b - 20/75195/FUL 7 Old Hall Road Demolition of existing Granted Salford house and erection of Halpern M7 4JJ a 3-storey block comprising of 7 no. apartments with amenity and parking spaces. 5c - 20/75092/FUL 19 Seedley Road Demolition of existing Granted, subject to condition 6 Salford building and erection (Construction Method Mr James M6 5WN of a part 2 storey part Statement) being amended to Worthington 3 storey building require the times of construction comprising 8 activities from Monday to Friday supported living to be limited to between residential units with 9.00am-6.00pm. associated staff facilities. *5d - 20/74704/HYB Mode Wheel Locks Hybrid planning Please refer to Minute 155 Plot E application below. C/o Agent Broadway comprising: Full Salford Planning Application for the creation of a surface car park with 162 car parking spaces together with associated access, footpath, landscaping and ancillary works. Outline Application with all matters reserved for a multi-storey car park with up to 548 car parking spaces and 300 space cycle hub. 2 Page 2 *5e - 20/75252/FUL 159-161 Monton Application for Deferred, by a vote of 6 for, 5 Road variation of conditions against and 2 abstentions, in Mr & Mrs Reeves Eccles 2 (approved plans), 8 order for further information to M30 9GS (noise from plant be collated with regard to the and machinery) and operation of/restrictions that 11 (hours of use of apply to other nearby outdoor the front seating area) bar/restaurant spaces. and removal of conditions 10 (noise mitigation) and 13 (hours of use of the first-floor rear seating area), attached to planning permission 18/71230/FUL (Change of use from mixed use retail (A1) and residential dwelling (C3) to a mix of retail, bar and restaurant A1/A3/A4 including rear extension and internal and external alterations). 155. *5d - 20/74704/HYB – Mode Wheel Locks, Plot E, Broadway, Salford - Hybrid planning application comprising: Full Planning Application for the creation of a surface car park with 162 car parking spaces together with associated access, footpath, landscaping and ancillary works. Outline Application with all matters reserved for a multi-storey car park with up to 548 car parking spaces and 300 space cycle hub RESOLVED: THAT planning permission be granted, subject to the planning conditions listed in the reports, and that: (i) Further discussions between officers and the applicant are undertaken to establish a mechanism to ensure that car parking numbers do not exceed those set out in the original outline consent for MediaCityUK, in respect of development on Plot D3 of the wider MediaCity site, as set out in the Highways section of this report, and the final decision on this matter to be delegated to the Assistant Direction of Technical Services in consultation with the Chair of the Panel, and if required, the City Solicitor be authorised to enter into a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990; (ii) The applicant be informed that the Council is minded to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions stated within the reports, on completion of the discussions authorised above and subject to a legal agreement, if required; (iii) The authority be given for the decision notice relating to the application to be issued, (subject to the conditions and reasons stated within the reports) on completion of the above- mentioned legal agreement, if required. 156. Planning Applications determined under Delegated Authority The Strategic Director for Place submitted a report containing details of planning applications that he had determined under delegated authority during October and November 2020 and were not, therefore, for consideration by the Panel. 3 Page 3 RESOLVED: THAT the content of the report be noted. 157. Planning Appeals The Strategic Director Place submitted a report which set out details of appeals that had recently been determined and received. RESOLVED: THAT the content of the report be noted. 158. Enforcement Activity from 1 July to 30 September 2020 The Strategic Director for Place submitted a report detailing enforcement activity between 1 July and 30 September 2020. The report analysed current enforcement data in relation to complaints received and complaints closed for the quarter and complaints received by ward, complaints outstanding by ward and prioritisation of complaints.
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