tssN 0378.3693 l,fffitrAmy Bulletln OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Commission No 6 1984 VolumelT The Bulletin of the European Communities reports on the activities of the Commission and the other Community institutions. lt is edited by the Secretariat-General of the Commission (rue de la Loi 200' 8-1049 Brussels) and published eleven times a year (one issue covers July and August) in the otficial Community languages Spanish and Portuguese' Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged. The following reference system is used: the first digit indicates the part number, the second digit the chapter number and the subsequent digit or digits the point number. Citations should therefore read as follows: Bull. EC 1-1979, point 1.1.3 or 2,2.36. Suplements to the Bulletin are published in a separate series al irregu' lar intervals. They contain otficial Commission material (e.9. communica- tions to the Council, programmes, reports and prqosals). The Supple- ments do not awar in Spanish and Portuguese. Printed in Belgium \ Bulletin \ OF THE EUROPEAN ECSC-EEC_EAEC Commission of the European Communities Secretariat-General Brussels \ Noo 1984 Sent to press in July 1984 Volume 17 co nte nts PART ONE PETfIi*", 1. Fontainebleau European Council- Settlement of Community budget dispute 7 2. Results of the 1984 European elections 13 3. Reform of Community regional policy - The new ERDF 18 4. Council agreement on transfrontier shipment of hazardous wastes and misleading advertisin1 21 5. Easing personal checks at frontiers 23 6. The use of hormones in livestock farming 25 7. Chinese Prime Minister's visit to the Commission 27 PA RT TWO fr'r'1,''.ll'f3'o 1. Building the Community 32 - Economic and monetary policy 32 - lnternal market and industrial affairs 33 - lndustrial innovation and the information market 38 r - Customs union 39 - Competition 40 t Financial institutions and taxation 41 - Employment, education and social policy 41 - Culture 47 - Regional policy 49 - Environment and consumers 50 - Agriculture 53 - Fisheries .59 - Transport 63 - 64 - Energy '64 - Research and development I I 2. Enlargement and external relations 68 - Enlargement and bilateral relations with applicant countries 68 - Commercial policy 70 - Relations with industrialized countries 72 - Relations with other countries and regions 76 o Mediterranean countries 76 o Asia 77 o Latin America 77 o State-trading countries 77 - Development 78 - lnternational organizations and conferences 85 - Diplomatic relations 87 3. Financing Community activities 87 4. Political and institutional matters 89 - European policy and relations between the institutions 89 o European policy 89 o Relations between the institutions 90 o Council 90 o Commission 93 o Court of Justice 94 o Court of Auditors 98 o ECSC Consultative Committee 98 o European lnvestment Bank 99 PART THREE DOCU M ENTATTON 1. ECU 106 2. Additional references in the OfficialJournal 107 3. lnfringement procedures 108 4. Western Economic Summit 109 5. The European passport 114 Publications of the European Communities Supplements 1 984 1184 Unfair terms in contracts conclud6d with consumers PART @NE SPECIAL FEATURES of Standardized abbroviations for the dosignation of certain monetary units in tho diflerent languages the Community: ECU = Europoan currency unit BFR : Belgische frank / Franc bolgs DKB = Dansk krone DM : Deutsche Mark DR = Greek drachma FF : Franc frangais HFL = Nederlandse gulden (Hollandse floriin) IRL : lrish pound / punt LFR : Franc luxembourg€ois LIT : Lira italiana UKL = Pound sterling USD = United Statss dollar 1 . Fontainebleau European Council Settlement of Community budget in Article 203 of the Treaty of Rome. At the first dispute reading the Council will keep the increase in non- compulsory expenditure to i level no higher than half the maximum rate. At the second reading The 10 Heads 1.1.1. of State or Govern- the Council will adopt a position such that thI ment meeting at Fontainebleau on 25 and maximum rate is not exceeded. 26 reached unanimous agreement on June o The European Council invites the Council of the amount of compensation granted to be Ministers to adopt by June 1984 the measures to the United Kingdom ro reduce its contri- necessary to guarantee the effective application of bution to the Community budget. This deci- the principles referred to above.' sion unblocked the agreemenrs on two other As requested aspects of future financing----creation of by the Brussels European Council, the Ministers for Economic- and new own resources by raising the VAT ceil- Financial Affairs have been ing to 7.4o/o and budgetary and financial instructed ro adopt the procedure for implementing the discipline-which had been reached at the principles of budgetary and financial iiisci- March.European Council but had been put pline but have not yet on lce.r completed their work. The Brussels European Council in March 1.1.3. The agreemenr provides a few had reached the following agreemenr on years' respite from the budget dispute which budgetary and financial discipline: has been gradually paralysing the Commun- ity since 1979.k also gives the Community the resources it needs-to operate normally Budgetary and financial discipline from 7986 and stage a revival, even if the own resources decision does not go as far as 1.1.2. 'The European Council considers it essen- tial that the rigorous rules which at present govern the Commission would like. The European budgetary policy in each Member Siate also apply Council agreed that the nexr Council meet- to the budget of the Communities. ing on the budget would adopt measures ro cover 1984 budget requirements ensure The level of Community expenditure will be fixed to as a function of availabie ,.u.nue. normal operation of the Community pend- ing ratification by the national parliaments Budgetary discipline, which calls for a combined of the increase in own resourceJ.2 effort by all the institutions in the framework of their respective powers, will apply to all budget The basis of agreement is as follows: in expenditure. 1984 the United Kingdom will receive a o The European Council invites the Council of Iump-sum compensation of 1000 million Ministers for its part: ECU; in subsequenr years it will receive two thirds (66'/") of the difference between what (i) -to fix at the beginning of the budget procedure a reference framework, i.e. the maximum level of it pays in VAT and what it receives from expenditure which it considers it must adopt ro the Community budget. Germany will have finance Community policies during the folloiing to shoulder only part of its share of the tlnanclal year; compensation (based on rwo thirds of its (ii) so to proceed that the net expenditure relating normal share). As agreed at rhe Brussels to agricultural markets calculated on a three-yearly European Council, calculation of the differ- basii will increase less than the rate of growth of ence or 'gap' has been based only on the the own resources base. This development will be United Kingdom's VAT paymenrs and not assessed on comparable bases from one year to the on customs duties and agricultural levies.l next. Account will be taken of exceprional circum- stances, in particular in connection with enlarge- As the Commission wished, the end result ment. The provisions laid down in the Commissi6n document on financial guidelines concerning the common agricultural poiicy will be implemerited; (iii) to undertake to comply with the maximum I Bull. EC 3-1984, point 1.1.1. rate throughout the budget procedure as defined 2 Bull. EC 4-1984, points 1.1.2 and 1.1.3. Bull. EC 5-1984 Fontainebleau European Council is a simplified mechanism with the same life investment and thereby a vigorous and lasting span as the new own resources. economlc recovery; (ii) development, in close consultation with the granted the The 750 million ECU net to Community industries and bodies concerned, of United Kingdom by the Stuttgart F,uropean Europe's scientific and technological potential; Council in compensation for 1983,r and the (iii) strengthening of the internal market so that corresponding measure for Germany, which European undertakings derive more benefit from were entered in the 1984 budget but put in the Community dimension; reserve pending solution of the Communi- protection promotion ty's financial problems, has been released (iv) and of employment, which is a crucial factor in Community social in the form of special measures in the social, policy, especially as regards young people. transport and energy sectors. On 25 June the Council adopted the Regulations to this The European Council invites the Council of Min- isters actively to pursue the examination of the effect.2 Commission proposals which already meet these As well as settling the Community budget oblectives and invites the Commission to report to in time for its meeting in on the progress European Council reached ag- it June dispute, the made on relaunching Europe,s laying particular reement on the additional aid to German emphasis on the following sectors: agriculture requested by the German r The European Council stresses the importance Government to offset the reduction in agri- of the agreement reached on the launching of the cultural incomes following the dismantling Esprit programme, which is an exemplary cooper- of the MCAs (5% instead of the 3% decided ation project between undertakings. in by the Council meeting on agriculture It expects the Council of Ministers to specify March,3 for the period from 1 July 1984 to without delay the other areas in which Community 31 December 1988). The Commission and initiatives are called for. been asked take the the Council have to A framework programme will be adopted before necessary action. the end of the fiist half of 1984 in the areas of telecommunications and biotechnology.
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