Clare County Council (CCC) - FOI Disclosure Log Log of non-personal Freedom of Information requests from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019 Date of Freedom of Description of the request Category of Decision made: Date of release request Information (FOI) (categories of records sought) requester whether it was Ref: granted in whole or in part, or refused 03/01/2019 FOI/001/HCL19 Number and monetary value of all Journalist Granted 28/01/2019 library fines owed to CCC 03/01/2019 FOI/001/CS19 Number of vacant properties purchased Journalist Refused 30/01/2019 by CCC under CPO's 2015 to 2018 08/01/2019 FOI/001/EN19 Number of fire safety inspections from Journalist Granted 04/02/2019 01/18 to 12/18 and notices served 17/01/2019 FOI/001/FN19 Breakdown of expenditure of LPT raised Others Refused 13/02/2019 in Shannon 21/01/2019 FOI/002/CS19 Councillor payments/expenses in 2018 Journalist Part Granted 14/02/2019 05/02/2019 FOI/002/EN19 Amount of money spent on illegal Journalist Granted 26/02/2019 dumping 2018 & 2014 and number of complaints 2018 & 2014 06/02/2019 FOI/001/COM/19 Number of visitors at the cliffs of moher Others Refused 05/03/2019 in 2018; number of coaches and cars; number of days of closure at cliffs of moher 11/02/2019 FOI/003/EN19 Money spent on dealing with fly Journalist Granted 26/02/2019 tipping/illegal dumping over last 3 years 13/02/2019 FOI/003/CS19 Councillors expenses for 2018 Journalist Refused 07/03/2019 18/02/2019 FOI/003/HCL19 Number of assaults on staff; details of Journalist Granted 14/03/2019 complaints and details made against staff; complaints and details relating to libraries 18/02/2019 FOI/001/HS19 Number of anti social behaviour and Others Part Granted 13/03/2019 details on same and difficulties that have arisen; from 2016 to 2018 26/02/2019 FOI/001/HR19 Number of staff retained/retired/deaths Others Granted 26/03/2019 in 2017 & 2018 26/02/2019 FOI/003/HS19 Records of number of refused social Journalist Part Granted 22/03/2019 housing offers 2016-2019 26/02/2019 FOI/005/EN19 Number of attacks on animal wardens Journalist Refused 22/03/2019 from Feb 2019 to Feb 2019 25/02/219 FOI/004/HS19 How many housing units are boarded Others Granted 22/03/2019 up/vacant 27/02/2019 FOI/005/HS19 Number of vacant/void housing units Journalist Granted 26/03/2019 Jan 2018-Jan 2019 28/02/2019 FOI/001/RD19 Records of money spent on road safety Journalist Granted 25/03/2019 training etc. 28/02/2019 FOI/006/HS19 Records on housing waiting list re; Oireachtas Granted 26/03/2019 wheelchair accessible 05/03/2019 FOI/002/RD19 Amount of salt, grit, sand bags and Others Granted 02/04/2019 areas of distribution 08/03/2019 FOI/008/HS19 Reports and surveys on sites located at Others Granted 02/04/2019 Cluain Ard, Cloonlaheen, Kilmaley, dated 25-27th February 2019 08/03/2019 FOI/009/HS19 Social housing needs analysis 2007- Others Refused 02/04/2019 2019 - completed by CCC 08/03/2019 FOI/010/HS19 Number and location of social housing Others Granted 18/10/2019 bought/built in private between 2007- 2019 08/03/2019 FOI/012/HS19 Records where pile driving was used to Others Granted 18/04/2019 construct the social housing and percentage of cost 01/01/18-01/01/19 08/03/2019 FOI/004/PL19 Land owned by CCC in Inch, Kilmaley, Others Refused 13/05/2019 Connolly, Inagh, Mullagh, Lisseycasey, Ballynacally 11/03/2019 FOI/001/RC19 How many funerals for members of the Others Granted 28/03/2019 public did the council pay towards 12/03/2019 FOI/013/HS19 Number and cost of housing units by Oireachtas Granted 09/04/2019 CCC from 2011 21/03/2019 FOI/007/PL19 Correspondence between CCC & Journalist Part Granted 15/04/2019 Doonbeg Golf businesses 25/03/2019 FOI/001/HCS19 Correspondence between the council Journalist Part Granted 16/04/2019 and FAI related to funding for football since 2015 26/03/2019 FOI/007/EN19 Inspections re slurry spreading how Journalist Granted 18/04/2019 many were carried out after 15/10/16 to date and fines. 27/03/2019 FOI/003/RD19 Acres being treated for Japanese Journalist Part Granted 23/04/2019 Knotweed inc actions and costs in the last 5 years 27/03/2019 FOI/008/EN19 Dogs seized and fines imposed in Journalist Refused 18/04/2019 relation to livestock from 2015-2019 29/03/2019 FOI/004/RD19 All claims quarterly reports issued to Journalist Part Granted 24/04/2019 CCC by IPB 03/04/2019 FOI/002/HCS19 Records on lobbying register FAI from Journalist Part Granted 01/05/2019 01/01/2019 to 30/04/2019 25/04/2019 FOI/005/RD19 Tree felling in 2018-2019 and Journalist Part Granted 23/05/2019 correspondence between CCC & third parties 25/04/2019 FOI/015/HS19 List of all hotels, B&B's etc used by CCC Journalist Part Granted 23/05/2019 for the purposes of emergency accommodation and monies involved from Jan 2017-present 26/04/2019 FOI/005/CS19 Records on webcasting meetings by LA Journalist Part Granted 21/05/2019 from Jan 2017 on. Copies of audits/VFM reports 30/04/2019 FOI/006/RD19 Quarterly insurance claims from Journalist Granted 29/05/2019 01/01/14 to present, IPB 09/05/2019 FOI/009/PL19 A record of correspondence in relation to Business Refused 06/06/2019 Bord Na Gon lands at Clondringh, Co Clare 09/05/2019 FOI/017/HS19 Amount spent on emergency Others Granted 04/06/2019 accommodation for homeless since 2018 16/05/2019 FOI/008/RD19 Records of all public toilets and locations Journalist Part Granted 13/06/2019 and expenditure from 2013 to date 20/05/2019 FOI/007/RD19 The number of trees felled in the Others Part Granted 17/06/2019 council's area in the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 until the end of April. The most common reason for the council's tree felling, eg. potential danger to the public, construction, diseased trees. The number of trees the council is responsible for. The number of trees planted by the council to replace those felled. 22/05/2019 FOI/009/RD19 Records on the quarterly IPB Journalist Granted 19/06/2019 compensation claims 2017 & 2018 01/05/2019 FOI/001/GLOR19 Minutes of meetings, records re interim Client Part Granted 29/05/2019 director, ESAF and correspondence 21/05/2019 FOI/002/COM19 Public right of way to walk in from the Others Granted 18/06/2019 public road to view COM 27/05/2019 FOI/003/COM19 All records in relation to COM shuttle Others Refused 03/07/2019 bus 04/06/2019 FOI-010-EN19 Copies of all complaints made to the Journalist Granted (no 11/06/2019 council in regards to election posters in records) the weeks leading up to the local and European elections on May 24th 05/06/2019 FOI-007-CS19 Release of any complaints regarding Journalist Part Granted 11/06/2019 polling stations, polling cards, the local authority's register of voters for this year's local and European elections, between 1 April and 31 May. 11/06/2019 FOI-010-PL19 The amount of CPO's undertaken for Oireachtas Refused 28/06/2019 social and affordable housing or under the Derelict Sites Act since September 2018, the amount that were successful, the number of judicial appeals and the amount spent. 11/06/2019 FOI-004-COM19 Minutes of Cliff Of Moher for the past 2 Journalist Granted 08/07/2019 year 13/06/2019 FOI-019-HS19 A full list of all residential properties Journalist Refused 10/07/2019 owned by the council. And, a list of all of the properties owned by the council which are currently vacant. 14/06/2019 FOI-020-HS19 Number of People on social housing list Others Granted 10/07/2019 for Killaloe MD as per parish/village. 14/06/2019 FOI-021-HS19 The number of applicants currently on Journalist Granted 09/07/2019 the council’s waiting list for social housing. The number of social housing offers made last year. The number of social housing offers refused last year, and reasons for refusal, i.e. location, size, etc. The number of people who refused a social housing offer last year. 17/06/2019 FOI-010-RD19 All correspondence received from Journalist Granted 04/07/2019 members of the public from 15/03/19 to 15/06/19 in relation to US President D. Trump visit to Doonbeg 20/06/2019 FOI-006-CS19 All correspondence sent to the council Journalist Refused 12/07/2019 about the Impact of Trumps visit had on leaving cert students in the area (traffic restrictions) 03/07/2019 FOI-002-FN19 Dating from the commencement date of Others Refused 06/09/2019 the FOI Act onwards -All records / correspondence etc. between the Valuation Office, and the Council relating to petrol stations, convenience stores and supermarkets. between the 05/07/2019 FOI-011-RD19 All road opening licence application Others Part Granted 15/08/2019 made to and granted by ETC/CCC over Public Roads/Pathway at Bindon St. And Roadway to Abbey St. car park Eason's/Aib. 08/07/2019 FOI-011-ENV19 Number of chewing gum litter fines, Journalist Refused 12/07/2019 number of chewing gum litter fines unpaid, number of prosecutions from €150 chewing gum litter fines from 2016, 2017, 2018,2019 04/07/2019 FOI-003-COM OPS19 Number of Cliffs of Moher visitors Others Part Granted 31/07/2019 numbers from 01/01/19 to 30/06/19, The divide between coach and car park for each month, the divide between adults and children under 16 10/07/2019 FOI-001-SM19 All complaints/enquiries/comments Others Granted 07/08/2019 made about roads/walls Urlanmore, Newmarket on Fergus from 2017 to 2019 15/07/2019 FOI-012-RD19 Records on Clare County Council Others Transferred 07/08/2019 arrangements on statutory inspection of lifting equipment contracts/length of contract and tendering 17/07/2019 FOI-006-COM19 Details of free public access to walk into Others Granted 14/08/2019 view the cliffs of moher from the public road,
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