- - ---=-'---"-. --- Page Eight ROCKETEER October 18, 1974 Center Employee To Pilot Balloon on Scientific Flight , A 1~-day-long manned balloon flight, studies, dates back to 1963 when he was equipment, including Sandia Laboratories Houston Corp., both of Houston, TeL; the cond\lcted for the purpose of determining assigned to design and develop a combat of Albuquerque, N.M.; the Institute for . Bendix Corp. and the National Atmospheric SHOWBOAT what happens inside a body of air as it flare for near-supersonic delivery by Navy MOVIE RATINGS Storm Research, and the Grumman and Oceanic Administration. attack aircraft. Craig selected the hot air The objective of the ratings is to moves over the countryside,ls scheduled for Some 25 related scientific experiments inform parents about the suitability of launching on Saturday from the municipal balloon as the most feasible means of and measurements are scheduled as a part mOYie content for viewing by their airport at Las Cruces, N.M. producing long-duration, slow·descent of Project da Vinci-a balloon flight that will children. Pilot of the balloon will be Jimmie Craig, illumination. combine the old and the new in (G)· ALL AGES ADMITTED program manager of the Surface Missiles Other Balioon.RelatedProjects meteorological research tools. General Audiences Department's Swimmer Weapons Program Over the past 10 years, Craig has worked Several Advantages Cited (PG)· ALL AGES ADMITIED at NWC, whose experience in this field In­ on a number of other balloon-related Manned balloon flights have several Parental Guidance Suggested cludes more than 200 hours of free balloon projects for the Navy (the Swimmer potential advantages. The slow moving, (R). RESTRICTED flight, as well as 550 hours airborne in a Weapons Program, for example was stable balloon floats with the air so that Under 17 requires accompanying ~red balloon. initiated with a balloon system), in addition experiments and measurements can be Parent or Adutt Guardian An active participant in hot air balloon to taking part in scores of sport balloon made over a prolonged time-sometbing CS . Cinemascope races, Craig has competed earlier this year contests. For two consecutive years (1964 that cannot be done from ground in­ STD. Standard Movie Screen in such events at the Belmont Stakes race and '65) he was the world champion bot air struments. In addition, a balloon has no track in New York during June; at the Regular starting time-7:30 p.m. balloonist. propellers or engines to generate noise or Wumipeg (Canada) Centennial on the July M.tinee--l p.m. The 36-br. balloon Oight Is called Project electrical inteference, or to contaminate the 4th weekend, and in mid-August returned da Vinci, and Is being funded jointly by the experiments and.test equipment. FRio 1.OCT. from a race held at Toronto. His best Atomic Energy Commission, the National "AVANTI" (134 Min.) The da Vinci balloon will float free at Jack Lemmon. Juliet Mills showing was a second-place finish at Geographic Society and the Department of altitudes between 4,000 and 14,000 ft. above (Comedy) Odd circumstances bring an Winnipeg. the Army's Atmospberic Sciences HAPP'Y BIRTHDAf, FRONI MURRAY SCHOOL - The MurrlY sea level, staying with a single air parcel as birth of this nltion's NIVY (celebrlted on Oct. 13), gathered on the American businessman and an EngliSh secretary Craig's interest in piloting hot air balloons Laboratory. School Mlrchlng lind celebrlted the 1,,", birthday 01 the U.S. together on a picturesque Italian isle where initial long as possible while multiple, rela~ lawn of the Administration Bldg. to play such tunes as "Anchors and making use of them in projects related Nearly 15 other organizations are Nlvy list FrlcllY morning (Oct. 11) with a parade down Blandy hostility blossoms into love. (R) measurements are taken of such things as Aweigh," and the National Anthem. They are shown above along to both weapons programs and atmospheric providing experiments, support services or Jimmie Crllg, Pilot The 01 the SAT. nOCT. (Continued on Page 3) Ave. group, led by AlbertI Kline, inspired by the theme the plairade route which was lined with Amerian flags. -FAMILY MATINEE- "THE PIGEON THAT TOOK ROME" (101 Min.) Charleton Heston, Elsa Martinelli (G) Oct. 18, 1974 Miniature Golf Course fund-Raising Dinner Set -EVENING­ A fun-filled fund-raiser for the benefit of miniature golf course for which nine holes NWC Public Works Department, or at any of "LIMBO" (112 Min.) INSIDE .. Kate Jackson, Kathleen Nolan the Ridgecrest miniature golf course Is on have been completed and are in use, but the following locations: (Drama) The wives of men lost in Vietnam leave tap Saturday night, starting at 7:30. Joshua additional money Is needed to complete the The Ridgecrest City Hall, Ridgecrest for Miami Internalional Airport when word Candidates'ForumSlated . ....... ...... 2 Ball, on the Desert Empire Fairgrounds, 18-hole family recreation facility. Chamber of Commerce, Ridgecrest Golf arrives thai the husband Of one is relurning from Tilly Barling Honored .. .......... .... .. 3 will be the setting for a barbecued steak Tickets to the barbecued steak dinner are Center, K&R Market, Ken's Liquor Store, prison camp. Young Kale Jackson had been married for lwo weeks when her husband went priced at $6 per person, except for the Dally Independent newspaper office, Combined Fedei-aI Campaign . .... ... 4 & 5 elMer. into combal. She receives word that her husband is Sports .............. ....... ....... .... 6 ThIs event Is being sponsored by the youngsters under 12 years of age who will be IWV County Water District office, the alive and, uncertain of the future, goes to meet Ridgecrest Improvement Conunlttee, the served for $3 each. The ducats can be ob­ Knights of Columbus Hall and at John's h im . (PG) Naval Weapons Center Esposito Memorial Fund . ............ 7 SUN. & MON. 20·21 OCT. China Lake Vol. XXIX No . .oil communitywlde group that has been tained from members of the Ridgecrest Pizza Parlor. Mini-ColfFund-Raiser . .... ......... .. ... 8 "CAPTAIN KRONOS: VAMPIRE HUNTER" California responsible for development of the Improvement Conunlttee, a group headed Entertainment planned during the "we locketeel (91 Min.) I Ridgecrest golf center with its lighted by City Councilman Ted Edwards, who Is program that will follow the dinner will driving range. employed as an electrical engineering include music by the Burroughs High School (Horror·Adventure) Caplain Kronos and Professor Grost are on their way to a village Combined Fed'i Campaign Plans Discussed Also a part of the golf center Is the technician in the Electrical Branch of the stage band, as well as other activities that plagued by vampires when they find Caroline will appeal to persons of all ages who attend Munro. Dastardly deeds fol low. ( R ) The mechanics for conducting the 1975 stil\ in the process of heing prepared, but Federal Campaign," Parode commented. film Scheduled of Women's Lunch Meeflng this affair. TUES. & WED. 22·2l0CT. Combined Federal Campaign were outlined when this is done it will be distributed Pledge cards for the 1975 CFC were "THE BLACK WINDMILL" (106Min.) distributed at Wednesday's meeting, and The second in a series of lunchtime Miss Pastorius stated that the film's title, During a meeting of the RIC held earlier M ichael Caine, Donald Pleasence Wednesday morning during a meeting Centerwide in order that hoth Civil Service programs concerning the working woman Is ''pack your own chute," really explains the this month, a progress report on the (Action Drama) M ichael Ca ine contac ts called by Harry Parode, the campaign and military personnel of NWC will know attention was called to information ahout planned on Monday at the Community message, "create your own successes and development of the second nine holes of the Delphine Seyr ig, member of an international arms chairman, and held in the Sidewinder Room wbo to contact for pledge cards or In­ " fair share" giving that is found on the back syndicat e, unaware that she and John Vernon of the Community Center. formation about the campaign. side of the pledge card's front sheet. What is Center's Cactus Hall. failures. " miniature golf course revealed that the have just kidnaped h is son. Ca ine desperately While pledge cards and brochures con­ suggested, is that contributors to the Beginning at 11:30 a.m., the motivational FUmed with a professional cast, "You grading on the 10th hole was 95 per cent steals diamonds for ransom. Caine contacts P resent were rejlresentatives from Vernon, but Is left w ithout h is son and w ith film, "You Pack Your Own <llute," will be Pack Your Own Chute" stars Dr. Eden Ryl, complete at that time, with grading work for various NWC departments and the taining brief descriptions ahout the various campaign consider earmarking roughly one the 11th hole also nearly that far along. In Seyrig 's murder on h is hands. Can Caine clear h is agencies covered by the United Way of per cent rl their salary for the CFC and have shown, followed by a discussion. a communications expert, who has con­ name and rescue h is son? ( PG) Ridgecrest Post Office, in addition to the Indian Wells Valley and the' National Health Participants in this noontime program are ducted numerous management, sales, and addition, work has been started on a bridge THURS. & FRI. 24·25 OCT. executive directors of both the Kern County it withheld from their paycbecks. asked to bring a sack lunch and to be service seminars. Using action scenes to that will be one of the hazards planned as a "THE SPIKE' S GANG" (I05Min.) Heart Association and the Easter Seal and International Service agencies which l1onors also are being encouraged to study Lee Marvin, Gary Grimes prepared to stay until 1 p.m., if possible.
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