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PrecIsIon CartrIdge Co . Surefire LIghts Clearnet K & K MotlvaClonal Posters PrIde In ServIce TactIcal Control Custom SpecIalties LaserMax Inc ProtectIve OptIcs The Current CorporatIon Damascus Gloves Leatherman Roelly Shoes & Boots The Kop Shop Eblll Sales Inc Lloyd Llblle Police Sales Uncle MIlle's Tomar ElectronIcs Elbeco Uniform Apparel Mag LIte Safarlland Products Tough Treads FIsher Pen Mancom Inc Saunders Trlcla Rudy EnterprIses Flex·o-llte MaCCe IndustrIes Securesearch VehIcle Management Systems Framed Police Concepts MD CharlCon Securltrlm Volvo Canada Wood n Toys & ThIngs Explore and collect new information Compare options See live demonstrations Discover new suppliers Improve your operations Negotiate our best deals April 21 , 1998 - 11 :00 to 20:00 hours April 22, 1998 - 10:00 to 17:00 hours LeParc Conference Centre 8432 Leslie Street Markham, Ontario Canada Volume 10 Number 3 March 1998 - Editor I Publisher­ Loyalty to Truth Duty and Honour 4 Morley S. Lymburner Toronto Chief Boothby examines Phone (905) 640-3048 - Fax (905) 640-7547 loyalty as applied to policing E-MAIL: [email protected] Letters to the Editor 4 - News Editor - Blair McQuillan Publisher's Commelltary 5 - Contributing Editors - Fingerprinting in Canada 6 Ballistics & Firearms Manfred Benton T he latent fingerprint 8 Survival Tactics Joel Johnston Case Law GI110 Arcaro Igniting artistic fires 10 Computers & Technology Tom Rataj A pride in people and places 12 - Advertisin Mary Lymburne r (Director) OPP Commissioner O'Grady reflects Phone (905) 640-3048 Fax (905) 640-7547 011 42 years of police work Don Di sher Phone (416) 604-8793 Fax (416) 604-8497 Prohibited ammunition in Canada 14 - Illustration - Identifying this sl!Iff is not that easy Tony MacKinnon Stefan Sepa Megatario 16 - Production - The next wave ... may be private policing "I can sure tell you guys that when I saw Del Wall Blair McQuillan that article in your magazine about how we Techllology 18 General MaM.9lll were doing something wrong it got me upset. Mary K. Lymburner. M.Ed. Toronto Police Information System But then I started to look into it and found out you were right and changes were needed. We - Contributing WriterS - does all the paperwork have made those changes and we are very Dave Hart DaVid Boothby Just make it go away 26 proud of what we have accomplished. But you Blair McQuillan Bruce Koffler guys sure got us moving on it." Dee Kramer Charlie Goodman Getting away with murder 28 Those were the words of Commissioner Lowell McClenny Geoffrey Cates Biker gangs control as much as half Tom O'Grady when interviewed for this issue by Blue Line's News Editor, Blair McQuillan. Blue Lme Magazme IS published monthly, September to June, by of the organized crime in Canada When asked about his impressions of the retir­ Blue Line MagaZine Incorporated With a mailing address of ing Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial 12A - 4981 Hwy. 7 East. Ste.254, and their grip is tightning. Markham. Ontario. L3R 1N1 . Police, Blair stated that he was surprised at Individual magazines are $3.50 each. Subscriptions are S25.oo Book Review 27 O'Grady's forthright manner. His answers to per year or $40.00 for 2 years. (U.S. & Foreign - S50.ool Product News 30 questions were not only forthright and honest All artICles are protected by copyr Ight No part of thiS publICation but most of all s1I1cere. You can read more ab ut may be reproduced or transmiHed In any form or by any means, The Clipboard 31 Tom O'Grady on page 12 of this edition. electronIC or mechanical. Including photOCOPYing and recording or by any Information storage or retneval system WithOut permission Classified 32 There is always more than one way to catch from the publisher. Internet actIVIty IS monitored and use of matenal a crook and sometimes the crook can actually IS restncted on the Internet. Tell-Sevell News 33 catch himself with what he leaves behind. If you All matenal submlHed for publication becomes the property of Blue Lme Magazme unless other arrangemenls have been made Criminally FUllny 38 have ever had occasion to see a crime scene With the publisher. fingerprinted you may have been curious to The authors, adVisors and publisher accept no habllity whatsoever for any inJuries to persons or property resulting from the know more about how this science came to be. applicahon or adophon of any of the procedures, tactics or List of Advertisers Well your curiosity will be satisfied on page 6 conslderahons presented In this magazine. Readers are cautioned and advised that articles presented herein are edited and supplied for in this issue. This article was first researched your personal awareness and shOuld not be used for further action Barrday Inc. 5 and written by the Publisher in 1988 and after unlil appropriate advICe and gu dance IS received from a SUperviSOr. CAPS Inc. 13 ten years we felt it was worth revisiting. You Crown Attorney or other person In authOnty Established In 1988 Blue line MagaZine IS an Independent Carswell Publishing 30 may be surprised at how far the technology has publICatIOn designed to Inform. entertain, educate and upgrade the Dalhousie University 7 come and will have no doubt about how highly skills of thOse Involved In the law enforcement profession. It has no Executive Security Services International 23 direct control from a law enforcement agency and ils opinIOnS and specialized this science has become. artICles do not necessanly reflect the opinions of any government, Huisson Aviation 15 Does your curiosity about fingerprinting go polICe, or law enforcement agency Blue Line M.g.zme is • private 15 Laser Labs so far as to understand some of the technical as­ venture and as such is not funded by any level of government agency. 24 union or association. Matte Industries pects? Turn to page 8 and find out the chemicals Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service 37 Blue Line Magazine is printed in Canada and techniques used along with information on Northern Plains Leather 17 by Garson Graphic Services Inc. what materials prints can be lifted from. Who Ontario Drive & Gear 17 knows. Your simple curiosity in this subject could - Ajjiliatiotls- Pads Fitness Supplies 35 even lead to a redirection of your career. International Association of Law Enforcement Planners Panasonic 20.21 You will alsc find a variety of articles of Canadian Police Information Network (CPINET.ORG) Pro Carry Systems 23,25,27 Canadian Advertising Rates & Data ~ Pumpuii Energy Products 19 interest in this edition including another con­ International Police Association " R. icholls Distributors II tribution on our on-going efforts to keep you The Canadian Press Newswire 40 informed on the workings of biker-gangs. We Periodical Publishers Exchange Rocky Shoes & Boots Special Electronics & Design 27 have now engaged the support of one of Cana­ ISSN #0847 8538 Tetragon Tasse 16 da's top biker experts for future material. Why? Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Tsewultun Police Services Board 30 Because putting information within the reach Product Sales Agreement No. 176796 Wolverine Supplies 32 of our readers is our only business. III r... 01------------BLUE LINE b:i March, 1998 __________________---1_ 3 1-____________________ Magazine YEARS COMMENTARY Loyalty to truth duty and honour by Dal'itl Boothby, hieJ of Police To ronto Police ervice need, but I am asking you not to do so blindly. reason i sImple - it reaffirms loyalty to our Unc nditional loyalty can be misplaced and \."orn dut . !;;;:::.ii.~IIiii::-" DUring the past few years contradict the high ideal of policing that we I believe there are consequences for eve­ the topic of loyalty contin­ strive for. rything we do, and if members conduct them­ ues to surfacc. I have heard By virtue of our office, all member must selves inappropriately, they do 0 at the risk of many refercnccs to "loy­ share in the respon ibility of working within losing re pect from their peer.
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