-, - - - - - , '. ,' EDUCATION He regards education as the top priority of state government and pledges vigorous support for improvements to our school system. JOBS AND THE ECONOMY He will aggressively market on the Mainland and in Asia to attract new enterprises founded in the talents of locafly-trained people. TRANSPORTATION A unique Hawaiian ohana He will accelerate plans to bring relief to our experience with Na'ike, congested highways and seek new ways to ease page 15 the daily travel to and from work. CRIME He will support efforts by all law enforcement agencies, so they can carry out their mandate , to apprehend and prosecute wrongdoers. He has more all-around experience with running state government than any other candidate. WilHam Paty, chairman. 1IIfIIIII.... OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS 567 So. King Street 'Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 "Huki, Huki, Huki," yell these Makahiki supporters, This Hawaiian is a chief, · page 17 page 12 · · Replies t9 34 Questions Listed Eight Candidates Respond to OHAQuestionnaire By Jalna Keala sponses organized category with the candidate's Kuaiwa: The inclusion to review the interpretive Government and Community Affairs Officer name. plans and programs developed for state parks would be The Office of Hawaiian Affairs at the end of July scintillating and ebullient. We can explain how God the mailed to 31 candidates for major elective office a ques- CULTURE Father created our islands and blessed our state with tionnaire asking their positions on issues which have Q 1: What is your position on the expansion of the volcanoes and ocean resources to enhance our been identified by the Hawaiian community_ functions of the Hawaii Historic Review Board to in- economy. Because of Ka Wai Ola 0 OHA's printing deadline, clude review of interpretive plans and programs de- Waihee: I would make sure that the state parks these candidates were given two weeks to return the an- veloped for state parks? program under my administration is sensitive to con- swered questionnaires. Only eight were returned. Of Hustace: I am in favor of the strengthening and cerns about historic preservation and cultural heritage. those responding, incumbent U.S. Senate candidate expanding of the functions of the review board, particu- It may not be necessary for the function of the Hawaii Daniel K. Inouye wrote and asked for an extension of larly in regards to parks land. Historic Review Board to be expanded to include time. Requests for extensions via phone calls were re- Heftel: Support. review of interpretative plans and programs developed cieved from U.S. House candidate Mufi Hanneman and for state parks, although it merits consideration. from John Henry Felix, candidate for Lt. Gov. Vicky Anderson: Favor expansion. Bunye, another Lt. Gov. candidate, asked for a per- OHA Candidate ProfUe Cayetano: I would support expansion. sonal interv iew while one questionnaire was returned Sutton: I favor expansion. due to an insufficient address. Deadline is Sept. 15 Thielen: A general statement on culture follows. My Those who did respond were: With the Sept. 5 filing deadline for candidates run- commitment to the preservation of Hawaii's unique cul- For Governor-Cecil Heftel (D), William K. (Billy) ning in the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of tural and natural heritage has been demonstrated by my Kuaiwa (D), and John David Waihee III (D) . Trustees election at hand, Ka Wai Ola 0 OHA is efforts as an attorney working for OHA and other For Lieutenant Governor-Eileen Anderson (D), alerting these candidates that a brief biographical organizations to add Kaho'olawe to the Federal Regis- Ben Cayetano (D), Ike Sutton (R), Cynthia Thielen (R) . sketch of each one wiD be run in the October issue. ter of Historic Places and to preserve archaeological For Congress, District II-Maria Hustace (R). Candidates are asked to submit to this newspaper Following is a summary of the questionnaire re- at 567 S. King St., Suite 100, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, (See "Questionnaire" inside) brief narratives and a black and white photo of any size. The narratives should address the foJlowing categories: • Education. • Current and previous eml?loyment. • Political or governmental offices held. • Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? Deadline for submitting this information and photos is Sept. 15. Responds with Letter · Louis (Buzzy) Agard, candidate for the U. S. House of Representatives, responded to. the questionnaire with the following letter. -- Gentlemen: I welcome your correspondence of July 31, 1986. Your concern for the native -Hawaiian community as relates to elected officials and their intentions to better conditions is commendable . ' . I believe I am the only candidate for the office I seek who has a history of supporting native Hawaiians and their needs. Your inquiry appears lengthy and any response I might 'mcike in a letter could better be answered in detail by the printing, HEARINGS before WILLIAM (BILLY) KUAIWA (D) Congress, 2nd District the COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL RE- Governor SOURCES, UNITED STATES SENATE Ninety-Eighth Congress Second Session on the report of the NATIVE HAWAIIANS STUDY COMMISSION, Appendix Part 2, from pages 1 through 259. I am solely responsible for the content of that response. In addition I had prepared at my own expense a review for each member of the Senate and House of Representatives entitled POLITICS, HAWAII SANDALWOOD TREES AND HOPE. This review as produced in 1982 and circulated to each member of the congress to familiarize the con- gressional members with native Hawaiians, their history and needs. Following these activities I have forwarded to Sen. Spark Matsunaga on November 29, 1985, further recommendations relative to attempting to resolve the claims issue. I fully support the native Hawaiian community in its efforts to obtain some beneficial settlement of past over- sights and abuses. That attitude is also a reason I have chosen to serve as a Hawaiian Homes Commissioner (DHHL) which entails devoting many hours of prepara- tion and study to decide issues while being a non-paying position. Aloha and mahalo for your interest. Sincerely; Louis Agard Governor . Trustccs'Vicws stituents, in 14 workshops to be held for your informa- pie." OHA's Reparation Committee on Aug. 12 passed Learn from Past Errors tion and input. This proposed package by the congres- a motion to bring Justice Berger and "Etok" Charles By Moanikeala Akaka sional delegation will be published in Ka Wai Ola 0 Edwardson Jr., from Barrow, Alaska, to talk to us about Trustee, Hawai'i OHA for your information soon. Remember to keep Alaskan claim settlement effects on the people and Last month, I and three this special reparation legislative issue so you may 'aina. There is much for us to learn from both these other trustees attended, discuss it, share it with your friends and ohana and be men. at Kotzebue, Alaska, the ready when OHA goes statewide with this Washington, With the failure and bankruptcies of almost all their Inuit (Eskimo) Circum- D.C. offer. However, you must remember that this is regional corporations, the native lands have now polar Conference (ICC), not OHA's mana'o, but that of your congressional become corporation assets instead of the peoples' 'aina, made up of Eskimos from delegation. We of the Hawaiian community are in the as has been the case for thousands of years. ANSCA Alaska, Canada, and process of analyzing and responding to the proposal. states that native land (corporate assets) can be sold off Greenland. They are the In perpetuity our children should be able to benefit as after 1991 as well as hunting and fishing rights to payoff same people, and speak natives. Yet our congressional delegation (Spark back debts. In the meantime, the natives who are the the same language, but Matsunaga, Dan Inouye, Cec Heftel and Daniel Akaka) shareholders have worthless stock and don't benefit at have been taken over by in this legislative proposal calls for an extinguishment all. outside forces, as has hap- of Hawaiian native rights and claims years after we I was in Bethel along the Kuskokwim River for several pened to us Hawaiians. agree to this settlement that will be our Hawaiian Native days and saw the chiefs daughter who had been with us In Alaska there is much concern about the Alaskan Claims Act. No way can we allow our native rights to be at the ICC Conference further north. She has only re- Native Settlement Claims Act (ANSCA). In 1971, extinguished, nor allow our children to be denied their ceived $20 since 1971 as a shareholder, yet last year her Alaskan native leaders agreed to ANSCA, but I guar- rights and perogatives as native Hawaiians. The grass Chalista Corporation lost $6 million. Her husband from antee yow that as an elected leader of the Hawaiian roots people of Alaska certainly did not realize the rami- another region has received less than $100 the past two people statewide through OHA, I will never allow our fications of the Alaskan settlement, but some leadership years; his corporation also lost $6 million last year. This people to be cheated and bilked of money and native somehow allowed ANSCA to slip through. We as Ha- family of three'is forced to live in a freezer container, 'aina, as is happening right now to the native peoples of waiians must be careful of such a legislative catas- with no running water, for which a slum-lord school Alaska. It is a human tragedy! trophe. We must maka'ala! teacher charges $170 a month and wants to raise the ANSCA included almost $1 billion and 44,000,000 The Alaskan Native Claims signed in 1971 states that rent. Outside the door is a streamlet of brown rusty, acres of land.
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