THETUF DAILY \WhereYou Read It First Wednesdav, Octobers 28,1998 Volume XXXVII, Number 33 . I ~ Student assaulted by locals outside Olin byDANELBARBARIS1 Three suspects are arrested, two charged Daily Editorial Board Tufts University Police Department the charge against the youths. A student was beaten and robbed out- (TUPD) Sergeant Domenic Pugliares re- The two charged assailants were taken side ofthe Olin Language Center by several counted TUPD’s involvement in and inves- to the State Police Barracks in Medford. The local youths last Saturdaynight.Following tigation of the incident. three are all minors, and are residents of the assault, the assailants were appre- “Once an officer arrived on the scene, Wilmington, Billereca, and Winchesterre- hended on Boston Ave. by units of the she called TEMS [Tufts Emergency Medi- spectively. Two were born in 1983, and the Tufts and Medford Police departments for cal Services] and then went out to try and third, the driver, was born in I98 1. The both the assault of the student and a previ- track down the vehicle. The officer posi- fourth assailant was not found. ous assault and robbery that occurred ap- tively identified the car parked on Boston “There were probably four of them,” proximately a half-hour before. Ave., and called for assistance. Medford Pugliares said. He added that one of the According to the police report, at ap- then arrived on the scene,” he said. youths charged has confessed to commit- proximately IO p.m. Saturday night, a black The officers questioned three youths ting the crime. Monte Carlo pulled up to Olin and four walkingbacktothevehicle, and positively The Tufts student was taken to males leapt out and attacked the student, identified them as the assailants for both Somerville Hospital for treatment and was ChristopherWalters, punchingand kicking the on-campus assault and the earlier as- released. He suffered a number of bruises him, then stealing his wallet. Subsequently, sault which took place in Medford. All three and cuts, but no other injuries. they re-entered the vehicle and fled the were taken intocustody, but only two were “He was bleeding pretty badly when we scene, driving to Boston Ave. via the Capen charged with robbery and assault with a arrived,” Pugliares said. The student’s wal- Daily file photo St. extension. dangerous weapon. let was recovered fiom the assailant’scar, as The Oiin Center was the site Of The Tufts freshman who was assaulted “Feetareusedforwalking,notforkick- was a gold chain stolen from the earlier Saturday’s mugging. refused to comment on the incident. ing someone with,” Pugliares said about assault victim. ACLU President speaks on Pornography, Censorship by BROOKE MENSCHEL not going to have any other hu- Strossen said, “by trying to pro- Daily Staff Writer man rights at all,” she said. tect children.” Members ofthe Tufts commu- Strossen then moved on to dis- After Strossen’s speech, a stu- nity had the opportunityto debate cuss the Communications De- dent raised the question ofwhether with Nadine Strossen, the Presi- cency Act, or the CDA 11, which or not Strossen thought that if the dent ofthe American Civil Liber- was passed by Congress last CDA I1 is deemed unconstitu- ties Union (ACLU) on Monday, at Wednesday. The CDA 11, accord- tional, the government would a program sponsored by the Ex- ing to Strossen, “makes it illegal to eventually succeed in passing perimental College entitled “Por- communicate online anything that something“more sweeping.” nography and Society.” Strossen any community would deem harm- Strossen replied that it would waselectedpresidentofthe ACLU ful tominors.”The ACLU is fight- be difficult, as the definition of in 1981 andwasthe firstwomanto ing the act on the basis that is illegal obscenity had three parts, be elected to the position. violates the right to free speech. and in order to be classified as After a brief introduction, “Cyberspace should be a free obscene, any piece ofmediahas to Strossen opened the floor to ques- speech zone,” Strossen said. satisfj all three segments of the tions and ran the lecture as an Previously, the original Com- definition. The first part of the open forum. During much of the munications Decency Act had definition says that the material forum, Strossen discussed por- been brought to the Supreme Court has to appeal to a “prurient inter- nography and its role on the by the ACLU. The Supreme Court est,”meaning ashameful, or mor- Internet, an issue that was recently agreed with the ACLU in a 9-0 bid interest, or, as Strossen debated in Congress. She shared decision that the act was uncon- phrased it, had to “turn you on.’’ z with the audience her belief that stitutional. The second part of the defini- the issue of censoring pornogra- In Congress, the opposite was tion was that the material has to be phy is a violation of American’s true. Out of 535 members ofcon- patently offensive, or had to basic rights. gress, only 2 1 Congressmen voted “gross you out.” Strossen noted “NO issue is more important against the act. The Clinton ad- that the first two points were con- than freedom ofspeech, including ministration, Strossen said, is also tradictory.“One person’sturnon,” freedom of sexually oriented ex- in favor ofthe law. Strossen said, “grosses out some- pression, which is what pornogra- The law affects many groups. body else.” phy is all about,” she said. Strossen listedplaintiffs in thecase The third and final part of the As part of her discussion of against the CDA I1 including definition is that the material has why the ACLU defendspornogra- Warner Communications, Time to lack serious literary, political, phy, Strossen discussed the im- Magazine, and the New York artistic, or scientific value. portance of freedom of speech. Times. Strossen then pointed out Concluding her discussion on “AI1 human rights are inter-re- that 123,000 ofAmerica’s college pornography, Strossen also spoke lated. If we don’t have a robust freshmen, at the time of the case on several other issues, including freedom of speech, one that is againstthe first CDA, were legally questions of free speech such as Photo by Daniel Rodrigues robust enough to extend to sexu- minors. Censorshiplike this “cur- Neo-Naziprotests in Jewish com- Nadine Strossen, President of the ACLU, spoke last night ally oriented expression, then we’re tailed free speech of adults,” munities, among others. about “Pornography and Society.” Glenn’s arrival at launch site ener-&es Florida, NASA U to be an astronaut, but that dream College Press Exchange of shuttle Discovery, scheduled all goes well, they will board Dis- Authorities are planning for John Glenn, America’s legend- for 2 p.m. EST Thursday. Even covery at 1 1 :15 a.m. Thursday. major traffic problems. Security faded after a series of fishing trips > ary space hero, arrived Monday at normally laconicNASA engineers Three hourslater,theywill blast officials are on high alert, particu- with his father, also named Doug the Kennedy Space Center for his are pumped by Glenn’s presence off. It will be Glenn’s first space larly considering the recent Mid- Lyons, a local insurance agent. long-awaited return to orbit. in the seven-member crew. flight since February 1962, when east peace initiative. “I discovered I was prone to Thirty-six years after his first Said South Floridanative Doug he became the first American to If weather or a technical prob- motion sickness,” the younger and only blastoff, Glenn hopped Lyons, who grew up wanting to be orbit the planet. lem scrubs Thursday’s launch, Lyons said. ‘‘I had to find another from the back seat of a two-pas- an astronaut and this week - “He’s wanted to go on every NASA can try again Friday. But if way.” sengerjet trainer. He squinted into watched by President Clinton - flight,” Glenn’s wife, Annie, said. that doesn’t work, the’crew may He went to Georgia Tech and f the Florida sunshine. He smiled. willsit inLaunch Controlwith the “He’s always been very, very ex- have to wait until the following studied engineering. He joined He is 77 years old. authority to catapult John Glenn cited about watching them.” Wednesday because onboard ex- NASA in 1987, betweenthechal- “I’m John Glenn,” he told hun- into space: And now? periments must be freshened. lenger disaster of 1986 and the dreds of reporters and photogra- “It puts that extra little bounce “He’s one excited man. Astro- “Right now, though, we’re in shuttle program’s return to flight phers, as though he needed to in your step.” naut, I should say.” good shape,” Lyons said. “We’re in 1988. He is married to aNASq introduce himself. “I’m very glad Lyons said everything looked A poll published Monday by right on schedule.” engineer. w to be here. A-OK for liftoff. Forecasters Florida Today suggested that Lyons, 34, is NASA’s test di- As test director, Lyon has “I have been pleasantly sur- gauged the odds of favorable many people see little scientific rector for this launch. He coordi- handled four other shuttle prised at the outpouring of inter- weather at 60percent. Winds spun merit in Glenn’s flight- butlhey nates all ground operations and launches. None came close to this. estin thisflight. It’sreallygratify- off by Hurricane Mitch, still far are fascinated by it anyway. stays in touch with the crew. If For onething, PresidentClinton ing to see people getting so fired away in the Caribbean, posed the Only 29 percent think the mis- something goes wrong, he can is planning to attend, and he may up about the space program again, only concern.
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