SAT., SEPTEMBER 151979 THE CAROLINA TIMES -- 15 James Earl Jones Reflects On Paul Robeson - The Man And The Play have ? $1978 Broadway play a chance, against forces .PAUL are ((caturcfay)) ROBESON, starring mai out to brutalize life. James Earl Jones, will "He saw it as a global pro- premiere nationally on public blem. He was never just the THE ROPERS CIO The Ropers television October 8. The spokesman for the black peo- - sr thunderstruck whenslikeable following article is based on a P c. ne was a spokesman for stranger named Bill allows up radio interview all carrying nis mothers diary and with James working people, all isoianieyaaaaa. Earl , Jones, taped in downtrodden people..." He TALES Oir TUB? December, thought that it is the common UNEXPECTED 1977, at , Washington's Kennedy Center people who decide the nature I I POP GOES THE COUNTRY ?'. the of a U CHIPS A trio of rollar skating for Performing Arts. The nation, not the ruling thlevea. a runaway rack star ' mleJSH!er Therese Keane classes." . , pair of accident-producin- g biaur-an- es The ' of WETAFM. The television second time Jones met eon man, and s roller-disc- o PA Robeson was ' program UL ROBESON is backstage at a charftybenefftfeaturingdozenaof - atara, glvs Jon and Ponch an an International ,fwrforman of "Porgy and eventfulweek.(SeaaonPrerniere: Cinegraph Creative Image Bess." In the group was a 2hre.) : production young actor named NBOMOVIE-(COMEDY)- for WETA26,,. Harry , "A Washington, D.C. f who .Wadding" 1978 Deal Amaz, Eve : Belafonte, asked ' James Robeson Arden. Story about tha varloua Earl Jones was 23 to stand with hinffor points ofviewoftwofamlliee when and in uniform when he first a photograph. they meat at a wadding. (Rated met Paul Robeson. It was in "Young man," Robeson PQ)(2hra.,6 mine.) the told 8:30 early 1950's, at the height Belefonte, "I don't think ' of the that will O O BAD NEWS BEARS Cold War. do you any good." Buttermaker goaa all out to win a "I was in uniform. I had "By that time," recalls in head-to-hea- d unique bet a com- nothing to wear.. .formal. So I Jones, "he knew that petition with a truant anyone 0 teenage who naa a associated prefers the race track to school. quandary as to whether I with Robeson Premiere) should take the onnortnnitv tn would face censorshin." SCHOOL meet him in that costume. A Quarter-centur- y in eason GRIFFIN later, "My father offered to buy nflIiP Hayes Dean's play NASHVILLE me . MUSIC a tuxedo. I said no, no. Let PAUL ROBESON, Jones me just go as I am." would ct the life of this 8PECULM0VIEPRESENTA-- ! The young man's tjepida-- man from nis days as a lonely .TION lucky Lady' 1078 Stars:' ' tion was , at Rutgers, LteaMirmerllBurtReynoWe. Atrio understandable. 'rnoan through of adventurers battle the Coast ; Robeson, a friend of Jones's ym w international, idol -- : ... father Of KffllH" . Guar tha seat, and gangsters v haA"rjmU, i rtnsrt knit then effort tomato fortun 'tm&exat1: , the pofial con-- ' i wfidifti frontationfW, which - at. he had created demolished 1SfMfaJ -;fatttt WJIMtsWMl . .lumwuMDw unuou Buu his career at its heiahf Me is so Tf Teddy importani that if is larger with ; affected In a radio interview audience a PawMaiKfYvonneEHtowj1:: the coarse of taped . important that the essence be simpler Teddy Pendererae fawof..-ItMfro- ay about the same tag (us own career b C during the . point hla ttetoftm-- run as clear as possible. I problem 1 latest aftumTeddy.',' , of the And than alot - Yvonne matory assertion that he could' play at Washington's mean of verbiage- about Elllman alnga Saturday , don't accurate. Even if what v , ( should and should Night Fever' and H I Can't Have" not understand why American National Theatre, Jones you have not reflects ; to shift' .be. Ywhltthrs.) Negroes would go to war on on issues surrounding events.. for THE LOVE BOAT .around, that clari- "Politics a OO Three oenaii oi tnose who oppressed the controversial drama,; That is has great deal of vlgneHes: 'Oldies But Goodies' which ty. 'the writer's, the theater in So them, In opposition to those was stridently denounc--' It... I don't think Stars: Amanda Blake, Karen Mor- ' director's, the actor's choice there who . cd a are row. 'The Graaa la Afwaya respected thent - by group : of black But there is a any dividing lines; : responsibility that an Greener Stars: Joan Hackett, But when the: black celebrities and a that with except actor an artist, Adam Rich. great Just' goes that kind of has to The Stages Of Love' man appeared interna- vehemently upheld by others. freedom. recognize that If he gets Stara: Eddie Mekka, Lani And it is the protests In tionally famed singer, On the question of Robeson caught op sectarianism, he actor, that do keep us on our toes, I will lose SGrsdy.(80mlna.)I humanitarian "He embrac- as hero: "I think that when must touch with the bask ' say that." "SokNerofFortune" ISSSCIark ed me with uniform '. people say 'hero' On thing that makes theater,valid,; they the relation between and that is Gable,8uaanHayward.Amanle as ; want to see to communicate ex hired simply the son of a .very bably a consistent politics and theater: to find a woman'a husband hero. Consistent "No actor perience Not being held m dear friend. He was a very ac--i from the time can himself ideas, but ex captive Hong Kong. he was separate from his' ' cepting person... i born. Came out of the times and the perience. womb needs;; of . his, And on the delicate : "He wasn't interested ari-- ?. a hero. And he died the question' i in i times... The theater has a par-- O O HART TO HART After ex, . same hero. TTiat ' ; ;of Jones's in the :niiuiatmg anybody or censur denies you ticular way of singing play; j warna w hMpitajftv w addressing itself Jones is ' - anybody.-- He was ;in--t . the chance to see a human be--c disaraungV! mkht : to those problems. , It ffltn- fa8abfc Js not. ' with , a ; den ty suffers a terrrfvina Snaa 0 terested, it sechiedlo toevolveasaherd.;: through ;et away something - philosphizing and nr- inn cciaems.: iarwfa making sure thatthetVwces Ihe 'on between art: because I don't even try to pre- ? dealing with ideologies. It is tend to be that are out to humanize lifer viand ftcftwl reallry: "the man's ; a singer. So it leaves - (Premiere: mlXi through . me free ODnews showing to just do what I can (experiences) that . lead to uo. ana it i fair rr t ' T30 , ideologies, perhaps, and that don't know it. So it doesn"t i very sorrv. - say about all times. th r u a w! .. ;- ifKt . W fcordahavebeeneo)d .U & Kanaaa va UkMmkMSi ir&C'&i. Thtc i iKaiu mm smgr I :ZZXZ1ZZZJ7. kind of theater I'm in- tne tirst tortlerock more - time I met him,"-- v near wnen'arollersiljidytf terested in. But at the actor wny you Listen to the' "iiio':; MOVIE --WESTERN) the same recalls, Music Of aH hbomovikdhaia) ;i O "it was so their bioaeat hit at mgntExpreas iBgBraflwvis.', , "Gunmsn's Walk" 1958 VanHe time I cannot glorious thla t separate myself that 20 feet away I was recent ui ifpin vavwvuih vi a jyui ly ruiivi flin. Tab Hunter. A rancher triea to from the needs of the times. literally performance. lean traveler's desperate efforts" train hia two aona to be being rocked in a cradle. It to a Turkish respect- "I cannot at 11.00 escape prison where able citizens but crashing person- any minute, was a Is the magnetism... It was OOOnews he serving a life sentence for alities cauae an outburst of playing life of Paul more than up odd of Hashish. just a musician- -' couple possession (Rated R) violence. (1 15 mine.) Robeson, satisfy all the sects, It was o soupy show (2 hrs., 3 mine.) THE DOOBIE ship... a magnetic force sales HBO BROTHERS the groups, the ideologies that the 63 second city tv 11:44 IN CONCERT Over 25 million emanated through those MOVIE -- "I Died need to addressed O (DRAMA) a records have been aold by these through words, those Onews Thouaand Tlmea" 1855 Jack dealing with a life so through sounds, durable rock 'n rollers, and you'll great as that rocked your soul." Palance, Shelley Winters. A mad hear why when you 'Listen to tha Paul Robeson's. news killer a soft for a A oo abc has spot crippled Music,' of all their biggest hits at "I really resent intellectuals magnetism... Which is 11:30 girl. (2 hrs.) - perhaps as close thla recent who climb into .as one can O WRESTLING 12:30 aerformance. ideological come to an (3D MOVIE -- -- explanation of the (DRAMA) "Hard O MOVIE (HORROR) "She : . - 2:30 bandwagons without at least force Drtver" 1873 Jeff Valer. Wolf 1846 ;' Paul Robeson exerted on Bridges, of London" pon ' HELP YOURSELF ,' having seen the Because ie Perrlne. Chronicles A woman- O play: those who knew him the life of a Porter, June Lqckharfc p i,-,- .v. 3:25 v,:;"x', '' who knows...That and Southern : .;V racing car driver whose thinks she is a murdering wervi' MOVIE -- (CRIME) 4Mar play might J O H' aretstill passionalely;mvblved- . ewoN. ? .in some way be able to successputssstrsinonhisfsmily.l. (2 hra.)''?'. ftM?:- chine Gun Kelly" 1958 Charles reach a with hi? memory. r c PANORAMA Bronson, 8uaan Cabot. The story MOVIE 'Don't Look In The Ba- 0 y Uf ST COUKl A6At ' O ik ofthe famous 1930'sgangster.
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