■J":-------- —1-------------- :---------------' .... ■• ----------- -— m ------------------- -—------- ------------------------------------------------ • y v B u c h a n a n R ecord. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY-, T O H N (5 ..HOLMES. TERWIS, $1.50 PER YEAR PATAKtE IS ADTASCK . D/EHIISiRS; HATES MADE KHDWH OH APPLlCATlflK, VOLUME XXI. BUCHAN AX. BEKRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1887. N U M B E R M . CREAH OFFICE—Izr Accord Bulldingr OakS treot MARJORIE. “li you please—sir, 1 baveu’t got any Cax>ital Punishment in China. Remarkable Memory. *‘0, dearl" said Farmer Brown one day, mother.” In China, writes a Chinaman in the An article now going the rounds of “I noversaw such weather 1 “Poor boy,” compassionately, “wliat "Columbia Jurist,” capital punishment the newspapers gives some instances Tlio rain will spoil.my meadow hay is vour name?” often depends upon the whim of the Aud all my cropsStogother.” “My name ?” in a frightened voice, of particularly agile memories, hut the His little daughter climbed his knee; “I haven’t ' got—oh, Petey—Petey officer of the law. He is an instance : followiug were omitted from the Jist;- “I guoss tho enn will shine,'-’ said she Pen Ta Ren, the rear admiral of the Henry VIII, of England, could re­ Green, sir,” desperately. peat the names of his wives in their “Bat if tho sun," said Farmer Brown, “Well, Petey,” said the master of the YangtZe district, was passing up that Grange, in rather a suffocating voice, river, and chanced to overhear a quar­ consecutive order without missing one. “Should bring a dry September, Themistocles could remember for a With vines and atalks all wilted down, “you would like to have some roses, rel between a boatman and a soldier over the matter of two cash—the price week the name of a man he borrowed And fields scorched to an ember”— would you? Very well; follow me.” a dollar from, even when Athens' num­ “Why. then ’twill rain,” said Marjorie, “Oh deal-—oh dear!” gioans Petey, of ferriage across a small stream. The Tho little girl upon his knee. inwardly, “I would give ten millions if admiral took iii the situation. The bered 20.000 inhabitants. Its superior excellence proven in millions ol I never had been bom.” soldier had been ferried over the stream Susan B. Anthony knew her brother tomes tor more than a qnartcr of a century. I t is “Ah, me!” sighed Farmer Brown, that fall, and then refused to pay the poor ferry­ Marc’s address by heart, without con­ used by the United States Government. Endorsed “Now what’s thense of living? “Are these the roses, Petey ?” asks by the beads of the Great Universities as the Mr. Dick. man There was a principle involved. sulting a directory. Strongest, Purest, andmost Healthfnl. Dr. Price’s South Bend, ind. No plan of mine succeeds at all”— A large number of soldiers were look­ George III., though deficient In edu­ the only Baking Powder that does not contain . “Why next month comes Thanksgiving, “I don’t know, sir. I guess the cation, never forgot his own face after Ammonia, Lime, or Alum. Sold only in Cans. “And then, of course,.’ said Marjorie, young ladies may come after ’em, sir. ing on, and apparently enjoyiDg the PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. seeing it once in the looking glass. 2SEWYOBK. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. UNDER WEAR, “We’re all as happy as can he.” I guess—I’ll go.” ferryman’s rage at the loss of his “Ho, Petey, you may as well wait wages. An example was needed, and A school teacher of London, whose “Well, what should Ihe thankfiil.for?” name was Dawson, possessed a re­ for them; I’ll have them ready in a the “Great Man,” as his name signifies, The Nose. Asked Farmer Brown. “My trouble who was incognito, being on a tour of markable memory. He could repeat This snmmer has grown more and more, minute, besides, the girls would laugh Special Prices for Dec, at you if you went hack without personal inspection, ordered tire soldier the firt verse of the Book of Job, and If we are to believe an eminent My losses havo been double. beheaded, which was done on the spot. on a wager of£200, he repeated with­ French savant, the nose is gradually I’ve nothing left”—1“Why, you've got me! them,” in a peculiar voice. Of course, it is by accident, but as Wilful murder, piracy and confirmed out the aid of a hook the title of losing its power to discharge its tradi­ Said Marjorie, upon his knee. Spencers “Fairy Queen,” a poem of tional function in the case of its civil­ —Willis Boyd Alim in Wide Aical-e. Mr. Tremaine turns, his arm brushes thieves, fall under the beheadsman against Petey’s cap, and Petey’s Cap axe. Infanticide, however, is not in­ nearly 400 stanzas, of nine lines each. ized peoples; and when the sense of falls to the ground. cluded as murder. The parent-, by Porfon, the Greek scholar could re­ smell vanishes altogether, as will in­ t r u n k s POWDER With a low, agoniZed “oh” Petey Chinese law, has the right of life over peat the Beautitudes in the original fallibly be the case one day, he tells MAMIE’S EPISODE. his own child; hence the practice of with his eyes closed and one hand tied us, the organ itself is bound to follow puts both dirty little hands to his head. behind him. -AND- Absolutely Pure. It is no use. A profusion of long female infanticide. its example sooner or later. It is no BY EDITH E. IvNIGHTWOOD. Capital punishment can he met by A noted Scotch divine bad such an doubt the fact, as he points out, that Tktspowder never varies. Amarvel of purity, yellow curls tumble around his should­ excellent memory that he used the strength and wholesomcness. More economical ers and very much gives Petey the ap­ proxy, and the law be satisfied. It is 'the ol factory is ever so much keener Traveling TagSj than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold in “Oh, girls—oh, girls!” exclaimed pearance of a gill, not uncommon, therefore, when a man same grace at table in his ninetieth in the savage than in the civilized competition with the multitude of low test, short Mamie Burton, rushing wildlv up to a of money is sentenced to death, that he year that he used seventy years before. man, and it is reasonable to conclude weight alum or phosphate powders. Bold only in “Why, Petey',” exclaimed Master Lord Chesterfield always remember­ HOSIERY, cans. R oyal B akixg P owdeu Co.. 108 Wall St., crowd of three girls, “guess tvhat!” Dick, ids dark, stern face the picture, can, by the use of money, secure a stay that the more we progress in ciyiliZa- N .Y . 19-15 “What is it, oh, what is it?” from of proceedings long enough to obtain a ed to say “Thank you!” without the tion the duller the sense will grow- of surprise, “what beautiful curls you aid of a microscope. the three girls in a chorus. have—just like a girl.” substitute. This is done by making an Its complete extinction, M. le Bac as, “Why, the master of the Grange has offer of one, two or more hundred taels Coming down to modern times, we stives us, is a mere question of time* VERY CHEAP, Every drop of blood in Mamie’s body have'instances almost as remarkable. MITTENS, returned!” she cried, looking at them rushes to her face. She tries to look l'or a substitute. Some impecunious and it is certain that nature never con­ triumphantly, and feeling that she had family, often having two hundred or The Prince of Wales never forgets serves useless organs. "When the nose indifEerent. but her face is so hot that to snub Henry of Battenburg when lie imparted news equal to a bomb-shell. it forces the mortified tears down her three hundred members, as the patriar­ loses its power of smelling, the nose FOR CASH, | .c\#ii8W M 5§ “And I’ve seen him,” still more tri­ chal plau of domestic economy prevails has an opportunity. “must go.” Civilization Is gradually cheeks. Henry George can spell his own name CLOAKS. umphantly. “Oh, you great, big disagreeable man, will agree among themselves that they making us bald (about that there can “Oh!” in a series of gasps. will furnish a substitute, for the prof- backward without apparent effort. be no doubt whatever), and it will be -AT- I hate you!” Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland can “Dpes he wear a high hat?” To save her life, Mamie cannot keep ferred sum.- Let us then east to deter­ a heavy price to pay for it if we are y “And carry a cane?” mine the victim, and the doomed man recite “Mary’s Little Lamb” without to lose our noses as well as our hair. the hot passionate words hack, for he the assistance of spectacles. “Has he got a moustache?” asked stands regarding her silently', a tan­ accepts bis fate with stoical indiffer­ If this everhappens the civilized world the third, pretty Susie Camp, casting a ence, upon the ultra predestination Dr. McGiynn remembers the name will, for one thing, have to revise its WEAVER & CO. talizing smile curving the lips which of the Pope without the slightest fati­ You can’t afford to buy look of scorn upon her companions for the immense black mustache does not theory that his time has come, else the standard of comeliness.
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