Final Programme

Final Programme

26TH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR TREATMENT AND RESEARCH IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS 15TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF REHABILITATION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS 13–16 OCTOBER 2010 EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR TREATMENT AND RESEARCH IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN FINAL PROGRAMME WWW.ECTRIMS.EU/2010 " $03& 53&"5.&/5 */ .6-5*1-& 4$-&304*4 Abbreviated Prescribing Informationf ti - NameN e andd presentation:t ti COPAXONECOPPAXONEAXONE· 1 mll SUH¿OOHG¿OO G V\ULQJHL RII PJ JODWLUDPHUO WL DFHWDWHW Therapeutic indications: COPCOPAXONEPAXONEAXONE· LVLQG LQGLFDWHGGLFDWHG IRU SDWLHQWV ZKR KDYH H[SHULHQFHG D ZHOO GH¿QHGG ¿UVW FOLQLFDO HSLVRGH DQG DUH DW KLJK ULVN RI GHYHORSLQJ FOLQLFDOO\ GH¿QLWH PXOWLSOH VFOHURVLV &'06 &23 &23$;21(3$$;21(· LV LQGLFDWHG IRU WKH UHGXFWLRQ LQ IUHTXHQF\ RI UHODSVHV LQ DPEXODWRU\ SDWLHQWV LH ZKR FFDQ ZDON XQDLGHG ZLWK UHODSVLQJ UHPLWWLQJ PXOWLSOH VFOHUR VFOHURVLVRVLV 06 ,Q FOLQLFDO WULDOV WKLV ZDV FKDUDFWHULVHG E\ DWOHDVW WZR DWWDFN DWWDFNVV RI QHXURORJLFDO G\VIXQFWLRQ RYHU WKH SUHFHGLQJ WZR\HD WZR\HDUDU SHULRG &23 &23$;21($;21($ · LV QRW LQGLFDWHG LQ SULPDU\ RU VHFRQGDU\ SURJUHV SURJUHVVLYHVVLYH 06 Posology and method ofadministration: 77KH UHFRPPHQGHG GRVDJH LQ DGXOWV LV PJ RQH SUH¿OOHG V\ULQJH DGP DGPLQLVWHUHGPLQLVWHUHG DV D VXEFXWDQHRXV LQMHFWLRQ RQFH GDLO\ GDLO\ 77UHDWPHQWUHDWPPHQW GXUDWLRQ LV XQNQRZQ COPAXONECOPPAXONEAXONE· VKRXOG QRW EH XVHG LQ FKLOGUHQ EHORZE \HDUV RI DJH ,WKDV QRW EHHQ VSHFL¿FDOO\ VWXGLHGG LQ HOGHUO\ DQG LQ SDWLHQWV ZLWK UHQDO LPSDLUPHQW )RU GHWDLOV VHH IXOO 6P3 6P3&3& Contra-indications: +\SHUVHQVLWLYLW\ WR JODWLUDPHU DFH DFHWDWHHWDWH RU PDQQLWRO 3UHJQDQW ZRPHQ Special warning and precautions fo foror use: COPCOPAXONEPAXONEAXONE·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rug interactions: $Q LQFUHDVHG LQFLGHQFH RILQMHFWLRQ VLWH UHDFWLRQV KDV EHHQ VHHQ LQ SDWLHQWV UHFHLYLQJ FRUWLFRLGV 7KHUH DUH QR GDWD RQ LQWHUDFWLRQ ZLWKZLWK LQWHUIHURQ EHWD Pregnancy and lactation: COPAXONECOPAXONEA · LV FRQWUDLQGLFDWHG GXULQJ SUHJQDQF\SUHJQDQF\ $ FRQWUDFHSWLYH FRYHU VKRXOG EH FFRQVLGHUHG ZKLOVW XVLQJ WKLV SURGXFW ,Q QXUVLQJ PRWKHU WKH UHODWLYH ULVNEHQH¿W WR WKH PRWKHU DQG FKLOG VKRXOGEH FRQVLGHUHG UUndesirable effects ,QMHFWLRQVLWH UHDFWLRQ LV WKH PRVW IU IUHTXHQWUHTXHQW YHUVXV IRU SODFHER LQMHFWLRQV ,W LV UHSRUWHG DV HU\WKHPDHU\WKHPPD SDLQ PDVV SUXULWXV RHGHPD LQÀDPPDWLRQ DQG K\SHUVHQVLWLYLW\K\SHHUVHQVLWLYLW\ $Q LPPHGLDWH SRVWLQMHFWLRQ UHDFWLRQ VXFK DV YDVRGLODWDWLRQ YDVRGLODWDWLRQ FKHVW SDLQ G\VSQRHD SDOSLWDWLRQ RU WDFK\FDUGLD KDV E EHHQHHQ GHVFULEHG E\ RI SDWLHQWV YHUVXV RI SODFHER Other very common events include: ,QÀXHQ]D LQMHFWLRQ VLWH UHDFWLRQVUHDFWLRRQV FKHVW SDLQ DVWKHQLD SDLQ SDOSLWDWLRQVYDVRGLODWDWLRQ FRQVWLSDWLRQ GLDUUKHD QDXVHD DUWKUDOJLD EDFN SDLQ DQ[LHW\ DQ[LHW\ GHSUHVV GHSUHVVLRQVLRQ GL]]LQHVV KHDGDFKH K\SHUWRQLD G\VSQHD UDVK K\SHUK\GURVLV )RU U FRPPRQ XQFRPPRQ UDUHDQG YHU\ UDUH HI HIIHFWVIIIHFWV VHH IXOO 6P3& Overdosage: 1RW DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK DGYHUVH UHDFWLRQV 0RQLWRULQJJ DQG V\PSWRPDWLF WUHDWPHQW VKRXOG EH DSSOLHG PharmacodynamicPharmmacodynamic properties: $$7&7&7 &RGH/$; Marketing Authorisati Authorisationion Holder: 7HYD77HHYD 3KDUPDFHXWLFDOV /WG &KDQFHU\ /DQ /DQHQH &OLI &OLIIRUG¶VIIIRUG¶V ,QQ /RQGRQ (&$ %8 8QLWHG .LQJGRP %HIRUH SUHVFULELQJSUHVFULELQQJ WKH SURGXFW DOZD\V UHIHU WR WKH SUHVFULELQJ LQIRUPDWLRQQ DYDLODEOH LQ \RXU FRXQWU\FRXQWU\ ZZZWHYDSKDUPFRPZZZWHYDSKDUPFRP ZZZVDQR¿DYHQWLVFRPZZZZVDQR¿DYHQWLVFRP Table of Contents Welcome Address . 2 Committees ............................ 3–4 Acknowledgements . 5 Important Addresses . 7–9 CME Accreditation / Certificates . 10 ECTRIMS Research Fellowship Exchange Programme . 11 Programme Overview . 12–17 Scientific Programme – Wednesday, 13 October 2010 . 18–26 – Thursday, 14 October 2010 . 27–36 – Friday, 15 October 2010 . 37–47 – Saturday, 16 October 2010 . 48–49 Posters Welcome & Addresses –Overview ............................ 50–51 – Thursday, 14 October 2010 . 52–98 – Friday, 15 October 2010 . 99–145 List of Chairs . 146 List of Authors . 147–175 Instructions for Authors . 176–178 Publication and Prizes . 179 Registration Information . 180–181 General Information (in alphabetical order) . 182–186 Social Events . 187–189 DailyTours ............................. 190 Travelling to the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre . 191–192 The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre – Overview............................... 193 The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre – FloorPlans ............................. 194–195 List of Exhibitors / Exhibition Floor Plan . 196–197 Gothenburg City Map and Hotels . 198–200 1 Welcome Address Dear Colleagues and Friends, It is a pleasure inviting you to the 26th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) and the 15th Conference of Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (RIMS) which will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden, 13–16 October 2010. Over the past few years new insights have been gained in the dynamic field of MS research. This has changed our view of the disease, clinical methods and strategies for diagnosis, in addition to which treatment and monitoring of disease activity have been refined. Based on an improved knowledge of the immune system and its involvement in the pathogenesis of MS several immunomodulating / immunosuppressive drugs are now being tested and promise to increase our therapeutic options in the near future. Nevertheless comprehensive multidisciplinary care and symptomatic treatment also play an important role in improving quality of life for people with MS. By organising for the 4th time a joint ECTRIMS and RIMS meeting, we intend to further foster collaboration and knowledge exchange in this very important area. We hope that the programme of ECTRIMS/RIMS 2010 that is centred around fundamental mechanisms of importance for the aetiology and the pathogenesis of MS; evolving MS therapies; cognitive and behavioural dysfunctions; and progress in MS rehabilitation, will meet with your interest. Gothenburg, Sweden’s second largest city and major port, located on the beautiful west coast, offers the visitor many historic sights, museums, cultural events and shopping opportunities. The congress venue, the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, is located in the city centre within walking distance from most of the hotels. This will facilitate an active participation in the meeting with the possibility of also enjoying the atmosphere of the town. We are looking forward to meeting you in Gothenburg, in October 2010. We are certain to have a most successful and exciting meeting which will give you lots of opportunities to improve on existing and create new contacts. J. Lycke E. Luoto M. Clanet L. Kappos Chair ECTRIMS 2010 RIMS President ECTRIMS President ECTRIMS Secretary 2 Committees ECTRIMS Executive Committee M. Clanet, President Toulouse, FR R. Gold Bochum, DE L. Kappos, Secretary Basel, CH D. Karussis Jerusalem, IL X. Montalban Barcelona, ES P. Soelberg-Sørensen Copenhagen, DK M. Trojano, Vice President Bari, IT RIMS Executive Board P. Feys, Secretary Hasselt, BE I. Galan Barcelona, ES T. Henze Nittenau, DE B. Lövendahl Haslev, DK E. Luoto, President Masku, FI J. Lutz Zurich, CH V. Matthews Romsey, Hampshire, UK C. Solaro, Treasurer Genoa, IT Local Organising Committee J. Lycke, Chair Gothenburg Welcome & Addresses O. Andersen Gothenburg L. Brundin Stockholm S. Fredrikson Stockholm J. Hillert Stockholm A.-M. Landtblom Linköping P. Nilsson Lund T. Olsson Stockholm A. Svenningsson Umeå Scientific Committee M. Trojano, Chair Bari, IT D. Callegaro Sao Paulo, BR M. Clanet Toulouse, FR G. Comi Milan, IT R. Gold Bochum, DE H.-P. Hartung Düsseldorf, DE T. Henze Nittenau, DE R. Hohlfeld Munich, DE L. Kappos Basel, CH H. Lassmann Vienna, AT E. Luoto Masku, FI J. Lycke Gothenburg, SE D. Miller London, UK X. Montalban Barcelona, ES T. Olsson Stockholm, SE C. Polman Amsterdam, NL P. Soelberg-Sørensen Copenhagen, DK C. Solaro Genoa, IT J. Wolinsky Houston, US 3 Committees Congress Planning Committee M. Clanet (Chair) Toulouse, FR R. Gold Bochum, DE H.-P. Hartung Düsseldorf, DE L. Kappos Basel, CH C. Lubetzki Paris, FR E. Luoto Masku, FI J. Lycke Gothenburg, SE X. Montalban Barcelona, ES S. Reingold New York, US P. Soelberg-Sørensen Copenhagen, DK M. Trojano Bari, IT J. Wolinsky Houston, US Scientific Advisory Committee & Abstract Reviewers M.P. Amato Florence, IT R. Hohlfeld Munich, DE O. Andersen Gothenburg, SE L. Kappos Basel, CH J.P. Antel Montreal, CA D. Karussis Jerusalem, IL D. Arnold Montreal, CA J. Kesselring Valens, CH F. Barkhof Amsterdam, NL H. Lassmann Vienna, AT L. Bo Amsterdam, NL C. Lubetzki Paris, FR W. Brück Göttingen, DE F. Lublin New York, US P. Calabresi Baltimore, US J. Lycke Gothenburg, SE M. Clanet Toulouse, FR P.M. Matthews London, UK G. Comi Milan, IT D. Miller London, UK C. Confavreux Lyon, FR I. Milonas Thessaloniki, GR J. Correale Buenos Aires, AR X. Montalban Barcelona, ES G. Ebers Oxford, UK P. O'Connor Toronto, CA G. Edan Rennes, FR T. Olsson Stockholm, SE F. Fazekas Graz, AT C. H. Polman Amsterdam, NL M. Filippi Milan, IT C. Pozzilli

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