hotels an d c a m p s , h o t e l s and c a m p SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. HOTELS AND c AMPS.III OTELS AND CAMP Ya r m m Po n d . 15 M i l e s f r o m B i n g h a m . Lake View.Farm. Cottage on Varimm pinul. Lake Austin. Fishing, Hunting of the best. Situated near the best trout and salmon fish­ New Camps, Boats, First-class. ing in this vicinity. Boats and guides fur­ C\ M. J o n e s , Bingham, Me. nished. Parties met at train in Farmington. Telephone 2-30. When you make the next D. C. A v e r i l l & Son , Temple*Me. L a k e M e g a n t i c , Q u e . HI -------— -------------------- Frank Mun'ay’s Lake House, on the lake shore, winter examination of your New Yo rk Ci t y . a short drive from the club house on the Spi­ der, offers all modern inducements to the Ashland House. sporting public. Messenger service for re­ ceipt and dispatch of telegrams, messages, Comer 4th Avenue and 24th street. Ameri­ etc. Electric lights and telephones, first-class .30 C a l i b e r R i f l e s . FISHING . ROD can and European plans. cuisine and accommodation. The Lake Houseboat, run solely for the convenience Rooms, per day, $1.00 and upwards. j of Club House guests, is available at any hour. The Big Game Guns Of To-Day. Remember the Landlocked Salmon and square-tailed, Teams meet all trains, baggage accommoda­ tion on boat and teams; passengers prefer­ Model 1895—The only sporting rifle made that speckled, genuine Brook Trout to be found in the Via Bingh a m . ring the road route provided with carriages, waters of the double or single. Sporting parties, going or handles the powerful .30 Caliber U.S. Army Car­ Carry Pond Camps. returning, will be wise in making Murray’s tridge containing 36 grains of Smokeless powder If you want moose, deer and other smaller Lake house their temporary headquarters. and a 220 grain Soft Point or Full Metal patched game come to my camps. Guides furnished bullet. This gun is made with 28 inch round Nickel steel barrel and if desired. Shot at game guaranteed. Par­ A t P h i l l i p s . weighs 8% pounds. 6 shots. List price, $25.00. j Comfort Cottage. Brook fishing. Pure water. RANGELEY LAKES __ . tridges very plenty. Deer at every point. ; No hay fever. Headquarters for commercial Model 1894— .30 Winchester caliber, Nickel steel barrel. Made with full H e n r y .). L a n e . Bingham, Me. ' travelers. Lunches will be delivered at the or half magazine in carbine, regular, “ Take Down” and “ Extra . AND .v . I station to those who telephone lrom Farm- Light Weight'’ styles. Weight from to 7% pounds. List price | ington. Dinners are served at tin Cottage on from $21.00 to $33.00. : arrival of trains going to and from the Range ley La k e s. I Rangeley Lakes and Dead River region. FREE—Send name and address on a postal for l$-pagc Illustrated Catalogue describing all the Camp Bemis and Birches. I Trains stop thirty minutes. Team from the guns and ammunition made by the DEAD RIVER REGIONS. Bends, terminus of Rumford Falls & Range- louse carries passengers to and from tlie WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., = NEW HAVEN, CONN. ley Lakes R. R. Two trains daily. Steamers .ouse free of charge. GO------- -------- connect to all points on the lakes. Birches IV. E. M i i . l e t t , Prop’r, Phillips, Me. is six miles distant on Student's Island. Cosy log cabins, open fires at both places afford Via R a n g e l e y . Via. SANDY RIVER, PHILLIPS & RANGELEY, comfortedAehomes for (lie summer for ladies at the bottom of one pant leg, and entei- and Exeelleut fishing close at Dead River Pond Camps. Fishing, Hunting. gentlemen. Sim o n Oa k e s , Rangeley, Me. TW ILLING ADVENTURE. hand. Send for circular. ing the floor and giound several feet it FRANKLIN & MEGANTIC RAILROADS. (’apt. F. C. Ba r k e r , l’rop’r., Bends, Me. pinned me to the spot in an upright, Stage connections at Dead River Station for Stratton and Eustis; at Carra- V ia R a n g e l e y . Football Practice on Porcupine though not painful position. At Errol, N. It. basset for Flagstaff and Lower Dead River and Eustis, connecting with all trains Umbagog House. Go. d accommodations. Near Kennebago Lake House, on the shore of Ken- In Sporting Camp. As soon as I recovered from the shock to and from Boston. Backboards connect at Eustis for Tim Pond, Round Moun­ O. C. Bfmfori), Prop.r. nebago lake. The best fly fishing in the tain Lake. Chain of Ponds. Megantic Preserve, King and Bartlett; at Rangeley tlsliing grounds. I discovered that I was uninjured, but in for Loon Lake, Kennebago, Seven Ponds and Megantic Preserve. country every day in the year. High altitude. Maps and information about Hotels and Camps, Furnished on application to No hay fever. Pure water. Game In abun­ Bears Keep Company For Hunter a very awkward predicament. To make In dead River Region. dance. Rich ardson Bros., Proprietors. matters worse, a porcupine, which must 7otel Blanchard. Hunting, Fishing. J. S. In Hollow Tree. DrRRELL, P roprietor, Stratton, Me. have been in the tree when it fell, came F. N. BEAL, Phillips, Me. FLETCHER POPE, Redington, Me. On M o o s e lo o k m eg u n t il L a k e . [Special correspondence to the P h o n o g r a p h .] crawling into the camp through the Supt. S. R. R. R. Gen. Man’g’r. P. & R. R. R. F l a g s t a f f . Mooselookmeguntic House, At R a n g e l e y , M e ., Jan. 18, 1900. Lake House and Camp. Camp is reached from situated in the heart of the best fishing hole around the limb and alighted upon O. M .VOSE, Kingfield, Me., Supt. F. & 1*1. Ry. hotel by boat. Great hunting. Moose anil district of the Rangeley lakes. The hotel is It was eariy in spring, about the first my head. Feeling that safety depended deer seen daily. S. C. IU R R K U , Flagstaff, Me. 2,000 feet above sea level and hay fever is of April I think, and I was making the upon my keeping quiet until he moved guaranteed to be absolutely unknown. last round trip to my traps, springing on, I endeavored to do so, but losing his | At W ilson's M i l l s , Me . Address, from November until May, Theo and hanging them up for the season as I footing in some way he, to regain it, j Aziscohos House. $1.50 day. $7 t > $10 week. L. Pa g e , Proprietor Senate Cafe, Washington, mother started up with a fierce growl, Licensed guides furnished. Fred F l i n t , P r’ r. I). C. After May 1, Haines’ Landing, Me. went. The snow was three feet deep thrust his stiff, spine covered tail down BLACK BEAKS, WHITE CROW. while I rolled over on my back as far and as yet there had been little rain, but along my face, leaving several quills out of the was as possible, drawing my Via R a n g e l e y . E u s t i s , M e . this afternoon it came on warm and very therein as he did so. My revenge was Coons, Wild Cats, Squirrels With Tim Pond Camps knife as I did so and lying still and The Seven Ponds. black. The snowshoeing became so sudden, swift and complete. Being a j in the Dead River region. Trout rise to the rigid, determined to cause no family Moose and Deer. fly every day in tlie season. Game plenty. slumpy that I decided if I reached camp good high kicker I swung my free foot 2IX)0 feet above the sea level. Send for circu­ troubles unless driven to it. Mr. C. C. Nichols, state game warden,, lar. J u l ia n K. V i l e s , Eustis, M e. at all I would not move out again uhtil with all my force, knocking him against How long 1 remained in this position was in Phillips, Rangeley and the Dead. the travelling was improved. the wall like a rubber ball, but my heel A t R a n g e l e y L a k e s . I am unable to say, but it must have River region this week in the interest o f I reached camp, however, and set up came in contact with the splintered Bald Mountain Camps. been several hours, for I at last became the Sportsmen’s exhibition to be held housekeeping. Then it commenced to woodwork above my head and remained Accommodations for forty people. The very hungry. Visions of many a savory in Boston, February 22 to March 10. famous Middle Grounds, are within a stone’s rain. I never saw it rain harder. First fastened as in a vice. Here was a pre­ throw of these camps; Shark Grounds, Stony I beefsteak which I had eaten flitted Mr. Nichols reports excellent success- Batter, good fly fishing. Little Mud Pond, Big it came gently in fine drops, then faster dicament worse than any previous one.
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