Few attend annual meetinas Petition villagePage for 12 water relief I CASS CHRONICLE CITY SIXTEEH PAGES PLUS SUPPLEMENT V01,rJME 81, NIJMBEH 51 CAS CITY, MICHIGAN -WEDNESDAY, MARCH .W,1888 7 - .. ... _- - . .. .. .. .- _. Set h. nal full surplus food distribution by Tom Montgomery Reports received by July, only butter and flour News Editor Christie last fall from the are expected to be distri- The federal surplus food Michigan Department of buted. distributions scheduled loc- Education, which receives “It certainly is going to ally for Thursday will be and distributes surplus food have an impact on these the last in which participat- from the USDA, indicated people,” Christie re- ing families will receive full that supplies of federal marked, adding, “After re- allotments of rice, cheese, surplus commodities ceiving these (com- butter, milk, flour and nationwide were dwindling. modities) for 4 or 5 years, honey. Availability of the corn- this has become a staple in Reduced distributions, modities was guaranteed their diet. There are certain meanwhile, are planned for only through March at that families that will be drasti- May and July. time. cally impacted and there What will happen after “What it looks like now is are those that won’t.’’ that, officials say, is neither we’ll have products According to Philip certain nor promising. through July, (but) the pro- O’kary, director of School “We’re really at the same jections have not changed. Management Services in pointNovember, we Patwere” Christie, in Starting in May we’re going the Michigan Department PREPARATIONS FOR THE planned relocation of an office complex (inset, left) south to start seeing reductions,” of Education, this month’s of its present location near the M-Hl-Doerr Koad intersection are well underway. Above, Community Services direc- Christie said. distribution may be the last workers dig a new foundation for the complex, which will be replaced by a combination tor with the Human De- “What that means locally for many families, particu- convcnicnce store and gas station, brought to Class City by People’s Oil and Gas Co., Pigeon. velopment commission, re- is that we’re not going to larly those living in rural marked last week. have cheese in May or July areas. attinued. this “Wepoint,” are scheduledshe con- going“If tothe get People flour, cornmealare Only Urge attendance at annual meeting for milk in July, but we and a Pound of butter, probably will not receive it they’re not going to travel unless something happens 40 miles’’to Pick UP the pro- between now and then,” ducts, he predicted, adding that the dairy products, particularlybiggest draws cheese, at the are dis- the GOING TO END Stockhol er group protestzng tribution sites. “Every indication that Unfortunately, O’Leary has come to me is that the pointed out, the problem program is going to end in facing officials is that the July.” products simply aren’t av- d Rice, cheese, butter, ailable, or won’t be in the policy of Farm Credit Service milk, flour and honey will near future. be distributed Thursday. In “We’re definiiely sure May, however, only butter, that 2 of them (rice and ‘I’hurc will br mow than plans that hr’lp ttw f:irmcr paying rtiow in inlcresl is done the Land Bank will congress should make the won’t change. flour and cornmeal are ex- honey) arc nut going to be usual interest in thc annual and protcrt thtl intcrcst of ttian thoscof hctttv- quality. make more money and the Farm Credit System more He agrees with Rienbold pected to be available. In Please turn to page 16. niccting of thc Furm Crcdit the st ockholdcrs. ‘l’hc. Rimbold group says farnicr will be allowed to viable and strengthen the that the 45-day letter issued Swviws of East Ccntral Fa r nwr s borrow i rig that rongrtw has voted $4 keep his farm. stockholders interest, he to farmers is new. Rienbold Michigan at Marlcttc Wcd- moncby frorri Farm (’rcdit billion to pay cxpcnses of Board of Directors Chair- says. However, in terms of cautions farmers to fill out Annual ncsday, Mar. 30, at 11 a.m. Systcrn must buy stock in Farm (‘r-cdit Sprvices and man Ronald Hernia be- helping the distressed far- the letter of application for Chamber ;it thr Marlcttc Middltl thc rwopcrativi.. ti13l this inoncy should bc lieves that one of the causes mers it should have little a new plan to avoid foreclo- School * I;yomory suys that in- uscd to bail out farmers in for concern is the lack of effect. We already are sure. Bernia points out that A group of stockholdws ttwlst on thtb lo;tns varics st~t~i-ofin a nc‘ial pl ig ht information about the prog- doing everything possible when the cooperative taps program set spcai*ticadcd hy 1,ynri wit ti on~sof loww qiiulity 1~icrit)oldclaims that if this ram. The money voted by in most instances and that the $4 billion allotted by I .or~ri~~:itid Vcrnc Ricw- congress there is sure to be Stanley Beach of Cass Junior Citizen and the Citi- hold art’ attrwipting to rally -~ a weakening of local con- who was awarded the stoc*kholdt~rsto ;ittcnti atid trol. City, zen of the Year. voiw cwiiiplaints about thc One director among the 5 Bronze Star while serving In addition to the address as battalion chaplain with by Beach, Lloyd Vyse will wily l’tir Fcdcral 1,and that serve on the board of rescinds the United States Marines, give persons attending a 13 :i n k ;I rid 1 rod u t io ti (‘ r v Owen-Gage illegal directors for this area will ’ c will be the guest speaker at glimpse at what’s in store dit Association ( ITA) is be elected at the annual the annual Chamber of for Cass City during the . meeting. The Concerned r-ond 11ct i ng IN is i ncss Commerce banquet April Farm (’rcdit Scrviccs is Stockholders group hopes next Christmas season. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cass Entertainment will in- rwinposcd Of thtl 1,and to have 70 or 80 present to llank. ITA and Hank for secret vote firing principal back its views. City High School Cafeteria. clude selections by the Beach retired from the Thumb Singers. (‘oopmit ivcs, Scrvirig a 4- In a prepared statement, Marines Mar. 6, 1987, after stittc arca is the St. Pad iht-lt~y Kirby acknow- trator’s contract will be de- the group says that “at the Tickets are priced at $10 present time, it appears 34 years in the service and Ilistrict, which is thc 7th ledged last week. cided at the board’s next still shows the effects of in- each and are on sale at all I that the employees began district oric of 12 across thc regular meeting, scheduled juries sustained in Viet- 3 banks in Cass City, both c*ountry At thc March 14 meeting, for 7 p.m. April 11 in the dictating policy to the di- drug stores, the Chamber a motion to renew Andrews’ rectors instead of the direc- nam. high school library, Kirby As always, one of the office located in Special At issw is thv way thc contract was defeated 6-1 said. tors dictating policy to the Scents and from members on a secret ballot, in viola- employees.” They are lis- highlights of the program systctii is structuring loans According to P.A. 183, the will be the selection of the of the Chamber. m1 thv ratc of‘ iritercst tion of the state’s Open board must make a deci- tening to St. Paul and not ctiat*gcd. 1iicnt)old SiiyS Mcetings Act. According to sion not less than 60 days the farmer stockholders or that thv way thc systcrii is an Attorney General opin- before Andrews’ contract the congress which passed owrat ing iiow’. inany fnr- ion, the act “prohibits a vot- expires June 30. Written the $4 billion subsidy, says iiicrs will not be ablc to ing proccduro at a public notice of a boards’ con- Rienbold. ;ivoicl hnkruptcy . Ttwy arcb nwut ing which prevents templating contract non-re- Another concern of the riot taking in cwiisidcration citizens from knowing how newal must be delivered at protesting farm group is that thc farnicr has to members of the public body least 90 days prior to con- the proposed consolidation niaint ain a rtwsonablc havc voted.“ tract expiration, and the of the East Central District standard of living and pay Kirby stated that the reasons stated therein into a larger district. There his local suppliw. he miin- board also neglected to “must not k arbitrary or has been no decision about tains notify Andrews in writing capricious,” the act states. this, Bernia says, but we that it was contemplating Andrews will have the are studying ways to I< i c ii tM 1d c tia r grls t ha t the contract non-renewal, in- choice to discuss his con- streamline the organiza- Agricultural (’rdit Act cluding the reasons why, as tract with the board in tion to make it more effi- that twcanic cffwtive in is required by P.A. 183. either open or closed ses- cient with the help of a pro- January addrcwcul the Etenewal of the adminis- sion April 11. fessional firm, B.E.I. wononiic plight of the farnicr and provides $4 bill- Clocks go ion to ticlp disttysscd far- Ititvs. ahead again Hicnbold md officials County services at stake in agm that farmers‘ pay- nicnts can kw restructured April 3 if thc fartiiw is provcul to The arrival of spring kw a prudcnt manager and means many things to pays thc bank niore than many people, but most wiJ would tw mx-ivtd thinugh special election Tuesday$ agree that whatever the ac- a fonYl~W1~~~.
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