UNCLASSIFIED Department of State Agency for International Development Washington, D.C. 20523 PROJECT PAPER INDONESIA - SURAKARTA POTABLE WATER PROJECT June 11, 1976 OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 JULY 1973 EJITION GSA FPMR 141 CFR) 101-11.6 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO SER/M0/PAV, Mr. Roger Mieras DATE: June 9, 1976 FROM : ASIA/PD, Jona qtpaab SUBJECT: Overtime Requet for Printing Project Paper - Surakarta Potable Water PP 1. The attached duplicating request for 40 copies of subject project paper is submitted for completion by June 14 at noon. We must distribute the papers on the afternoon of this date in order to assure completion of the review and authorization process in compliance with the Agency's processing goals. 2. Please authorize any required overtime to enable the timely printing of these papers. Attachment: 1. Duplicating Request 2. Subject Project Paper Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan A,910 110 - ' C- - a F Q i7 " ': .4 Y, P <-v'*~~~ -~'-~rs - ~DOCUMENT. -­ it O0 n7:CODE1 L 15YOk;' 17 "JI. 'T REVIS!0N NUMBER 4j<T d eAUsia -, B:j .E,*II .A-. ED FY OF-PROJECT COMPLETION 470262,­ 7 ,T.TTL' , ., e 0:. TIt ATED:FY OF AUTH.ORIZATION/OcLIGATION. Mo.'6 yr. L Surakarta Potable Water i~IAT i 7q ib.FINALFY 171 61 ___________C'T .~ .~~ichL CO T- J S1 - ) - I ,!>.. r ,LAR,__ 800 6 ALL .. 0 , V t. q~:1 . 1 a. FX I. L/C Total -. A,,,; At 6 15D-AL 6,800l 61800 6T,Q8- 0- Or .......... ..... ..... I .UI83 ALL YEARS[y~ : , .... ;. :TIt..A'rC CQt;,;SA; .H PRCJPiUhAT£O f~ ;.N12S (&CO) ,A:- :LL, ,,: L- -1' i 6"80 0 i '__.. _ .. 6800..R n , -vo • "".-- * A :':-ii. " " ___________I - i A health-oriented project (1) to increase amount, reliability and qualit! of potable water delivered to present users in Surakarta, (2) to extend availability of water as much as possible to lower income families, provide - free water, janitary facilities including paramedical health care units to S- ,poor and destitute and '(3) to evaluate periodically the social, economicj and health impact of project outputs. 1 a1. r .2 ;'.:'" h .i ;1', J .: 14, otr,-o, Th OF THEID ,ACSHEET? IF '72, ATITACH CHANGED PID FACESHEET. 1 . ..... I, II E C , .;., 15, Date ..aoivad in AID 'W,ot For . ..';,IA Documntl, Date of 01atri&~uflon Tl'l" nneth M. Kauffm ingDrector ,;.. S t A-..... ... .__A.__,o L X -. -.­ o CHINA SEA CIP cc: . t$8~ 0 t '17 A A N R ,p ,AL-MAN­ "-7 0'- -7 " 7 _- J VA Surakarta Potable Water Project - Indonesia ­ Abbreviations/Acronyms Used: 1. GOI - Government of Indonesia 2. Cipta Farya - Directorate General of Housing, Urban Development and Sanitary Engineering 3. DSE - Directorate of Sanitary Engineering 4. SWE - Surakarta Water Enterprise 5. HH&S - Howard Humphreys & Sons Consulting Engineers 6. BM/TA - Joint Venture of Burns and McDonnel Engineering Co. and Trans - Asia Engineering Associates 7. The Consultant - BM/TA 8. IGGI - International Governmental Group for Indonesia 9. Kampong - Indonesian word for the smallest administrative unit ­ a ward of village or city 10. L/SEO - Liters/Second 11. LPCD - Liters per capita per day 12. MGD - Million gallons per day SURAKARTA POTABLE WATER PROJECT - INDONESIA - Table of Contents Page PART I. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Face Sheet B. Recommendations 1 2 C, Description of the Project 3 D. Summary Findings 7 E. Project Issues 7 PART II, PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Background - The City and the System 9 1, Description of Surakarta 9 2. Historical Water Supply 10 3. Current Water Supply System 11 4. Efforts to Increase Supply 11 5. Projected Growth in Water Demand & Supply 14 B. Logical Framework Narrative 15 PART III. PROJECT ANALYSES A. Health B. Engineering 25 C. Financial 32 Do Economic 41 52 E. Social 54 PART IV. IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING A. Analysis of GOI and AID Administrative 64 Arrangements 1. General 2. Cipta Knrya 64 64 3. Management support to local water utilitl,;s 65 from Cipta Karya 4. Surakarta Water Enterprise 66 5. USAID 68 B. Implementation Plan 69 C. Evaluation Pian 72 D. Conditions and Covenants 73 SURAKARTA POTABLE WATER PROJECT -Indonesia- Capital Assistance Committees: USAID/Indonesia Chairman/Loan Officer David Health Adviscr W. Devin Engineer William h. Johnson Walter Environment list H. McAleer Econoist Abraham Grayson Controller James A. Norris Richard Sociologimt Consultant Warmn Implementation Kie Bok Lee Legal Adv4sor William Fraser Rodney W. Johnson Martha *rana AID/Washing toi - 2 - SURAKARTA POTABLE WATER PROJECT -Indones ia4 Part I. Summary and Recommendations A. Project Paper Facesheet B. Recommendations 1. The Loan and Terms A loan is requested to finance the foreign exchange and part of the local currency costs for the Surakarta Potable Water Project as described below. The proposed terms of the loan are: Amount Six million eight hundred thousand dollars ($6,800,000). Maturity Forty (40) years including a ten (10) )ear grace period. Interest Two percent per annum during the grace period and three percent per annum thereafter. Currency Interest: and principal repayable in U.S. dollars. 2. Borrower and Executing Agency The Borrower is the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (GOI). The exevauting agency is the Directorate General of Housing, Urban Development and Sanitary Engineering (Cipta Karya) one of four major organizitions within the Ministry of Public Works and Electric Power. Responiibility for coordination and management of construction will be exercised by the Directorate of Sanitary Engineering (DSE) one of five directorates within Cipta Karya. Upon completion and acceptance of the physical facilities they will be turned over to the newly established Surakarta VWatcr Enterprise (SWE) for operation and maintenance. 3. GCI Contribution The total COI contribution is estimated at $3,800,000 in local currency which is 16% of the estimated total project cost. In addition the SWE will continue to fund operation and maintennce of the Surakarta water sytem, a recurring cost lic included as a project cost. I,. Second Step Loan and Terms The GOt - ill in turn loan 60§ of total Project Costs excluding the costs of two p)ropoied studies to the SWE. The remaining 40% will be con53iderecd ,.-GO purchase of "equity" in the SWE until such time as the SWE wishes to buy out this equity. They will be allowed to do so at any time in the future for the face values of the equity. Such purchase of equity will give the SWE complete autonomy. The proposed terms of the second st!p loan are: - 3- Amount 60% of Total Project Costs, excluding the studies, to be determined after last expenditure is made. ,,aturity Thirty (30) years including a six (6) year grace period for principal and interest. Interest Nine percent per annum. Currency Interest and nrinicpal repayable in local currency. C. Description of the Project 1. V1hy Until the late 1960's, foreipn donors placed priority on lhelpinp to maxinize the rate of increase in aggregate output and income of individual third world countries. Yore recently primary attention has turned toward what can he done to improve the lot of the rural poor people of these countries. Post recently, the plight of the urban poor in the TDC's has brouglt demands for assistance to these thousands of millions of people hose numbers are growing most rapidly and who possess least the preconditions for familv stability - encu,;h food, clean water, shelter, education and gainful emplnovment. The U.S. Government through tie Aln Is pivinq assistance to the LDC's in three primary areas; food and nutrition, health and education. The PPP contains a discussion of the priority and relevance of this Project within the COi second five vear Plan and the 'SAI development assistance stratep7. It is suffice to say here that the rO' has specifically renuested ATP assistance for this 'roJect and it is part of the U.S. Government pledge to the I(:G non-food assistance to Indonesia through GOT fiscal yea- 1)76-77. The praposd Proect 1'; a health nroject ,.hich will increase bv a factor o' 6b7 the ,utpp l of potable water for inhabtitants of Sirakarta, a major city in Central .ava, with increased emphasis on distribution to lowei inconu fami lies, the poor and the destitute. Enough additional water 'i11 h~e s,,n,,led ".ithin five -ears to solve the immediate problensL of this verv thirsty city, es;peciallv the drink inp, and sanitary needs of the very poor. Availa le data s.upests that the publ1c potable water supply system of Surakarta , :; con,;tructed In the late l92l's 'a:; beiri fully utilized by Woe :ate 140'; an it has l'een reported lv anthorit ies; that the first seri ,oms,; i lemy '.'1tt sliortape; in ';uppl', lep'an in the earl. 1960's. From 1965 un turh.r q;ervicv conne-t n- have been permitted with the exception of off i,'l cnumlc'tions, BV 17, the lack of pota-le Pater had reached crilir proportion; n(d the ;ri t ish (;)vernment was requested to assist in thu, Ovolopmunthve of in Fmergencv Pro ject. Bv December of 1971 a prefeasi­ 1t11 t 5 tdv ',n" ronTpletei hut Cue to over commitme, t of assistance funds -4­ the 1ritsh Government was forced to conclude in it could not the spring of 1972 that fiac th rjc.I ue~f.1.7-SI asse h-4I­ wrthfiii:di...for a contract for the final design of the project, The plans have been completed and are now under review by CipLa Karya' and USAID. The population of Surakarta has grown from 163,000 people when ,present system the was constructed to an estimated 460,000 Best people to(ay.
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