F. No.28-2l2020-IS-9 Govemment of lndia Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education & Literacy IS-9 Section **+ New Delhi, dated 15ft July, 2020 subject: samagra Shiksha -Meeting ofthe project Approval Board (pAB) hetd on l5th May 2020 - Circulation of Minutes in respect of Tamil Nadu. The meeting of the PAB of samagra Shiksha was held under the chairpersonship of Secretary (sE&L) on l5th May 2020 in New Delhi, to consider the Annual work plan & Budget (AWP&B) 2020-21 in respect of Tamil Nadu. A copy 2. of the PAB minures approving the AWp&B, 2o2o-2r for Tam Nadu under Samagra Shiksha is enclosed. (Alok Jawahar) Under Secretary to the Golt. oflndia Tel No. 2338 1095 To 1 Shri Ajay Tirkey, Secretary, Ministry of Women & Child Development 2 Shri Heeralal Samariya, Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment 3 Mr. R. Subrahmanyam, Secretary, Departrnent of Social Justice & Empowerment, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment 4 Sh. Deepak Khandekar, Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs 5 Shri. Parameswaran Iyer, Secretary, Department of Drinking water & Sanitation. Ministry of Jal Sakti 6 Shri Pramod Kumar Das, Secretary, Ministry of Minority Affairs 7 Ms. Shakuntala D. Gamlin, Secretary, Department of Empowerment of persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment 8 Shri Alok Kumar, Adviser (HRD), Niti Aayog. 9 Prof. Hrushikesh Senapaty, Director, NCERT 10. Prof. N.V. Varghese, Vice Chancellor, NIEPA 11. The Chairperson, NCTE, Hans Bhawan, Wing II, I Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 110002. 12. Prof Nageshwar Rao, Vice Chancellor, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 13. Ms. Rupali Banerjee Singh, Member Secretary, NCPCR, 5s floor, Chanderlok Building, Janpath, New Delhi - 110001 14. Shri Santosh Kumar Yadav, JS (SS.D 15. Ms. L. S. Changsan, JS (Inst.). t6 Shd Vf l(,tors (AE & coord') Pir 17. Ms. Darshana M Dabral, JS & FA, MHRD 18. Shri R. C. Meena JS (MDM) 19. Shri P.K. Banerjee, DDG (Statistics), MHRD 20. Sh. Dheeraj Kumar, IAS, Principal Secretary, School Education Department, Tamil Nadu 21 Shri N. Venkatesh I.A.S., State Proiect Director, Samagra Shiksha, Tamil Nadu Copy to 1 All Divisional Heads of SSJ & SS-II Bureau 2 All Under Secretaries of SSJ & SS-II Bureau 3 Ms. Kajri Nigam, Consultant, TSG, EdCIL for circulation among the appraisal Team for the State of Tamil Nadu. 4. NIC- with a request to upload minutes on the shagun portav Samagra shiksha Portal. Copy for information to:- PPS to Secretary (SE&L) PPS to JS (SS-Q (Alok Jawahar) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India Government of lndia Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education and Literacy Minutes of the meeting of the Proiect Aporoval Board held on 15thM av 2020 throush Video Conference to consider the Annual Work Plan & Budget {AWP&B) 2O2O-21 lot Samagra Shiksha for the State of Tamil Nadu. 1. lntroduction: The meeting of the Project Approval Board for considering the Annua-l Work Plan and Budget (AWP&B\ 2020-2L for Samagra Shiksha for the State of Tamil Nadu-was held on 15.05.2020 through Video Conference. The list of participants wh'o ittended the meeting is at Annexure-|. 2. lnitiatives of the State: Ms. Anita Karwal, Secretary (SE&L) welcomed the participants and invited Tainil Nadu to give a presentation on School Education in the State. Sh. Dhiraj Kumar, Principal Secretary, School Education (Tamil Nadu) gave a presentation which included the following major points: a. EMIS for Student and Staff: To track the attendance of teacher and student all over the State, EMIS is the singular repository of information on students, staff and schools in Tamil Nadu. lt is also aligned with the fields of UDISE+ and therefore acts as a single point of data entry for schools. Deployment, transfer, promotion of teachers and appointment of new teachers has been done by the state through the app for over 12000 teachers. b. Tamil Nadu Teacher Platform (TNTPI: For improving the quality of teachers, the State has introduced a Centralised repository, accessible to teachers across the State. The Content of this repository is aligned to State syllabus. Unique lDs have been given to teachers, which allow individualized tracking of path to professional excellence. For leveraging the versatility of TNTP platform, State also created an online assessment platform. c. Educational Channel(KALVI THOLAIKAATCHI): To support the children prepare effectively for board exams and to promote home based education during the Page I 1 covlD-19 Pandemic, state Government has raunched an educationar channel namely KAtvl THoLATKAATCHT- The education contents are telecast for 5 hours daily through this channel. Difficult concepts and practical experiments for classes 1to 12 are also covered as per syllabus through the channel. All subjects are covered through programmes. the rnterviews of students, teachers, Head masters and educationa list are also aired_ Zonal d' school concept: For providing better and targeted academic support, state has come up with Zonal school concept. A Zonal Head master with block resource teacher educators supports all primary, upper primary, secondary and senior secondary schools in the zone /cluster. A soft copy presentation ofthe State's is available at www. sam AEra.mhrd.sov.in 3. Review ofCommitments and Expected Outcomes & Action Taken durins 20L9-20 The progress made in imprementing the commitments and expected outcomes given by the state in 2019-20 was reviewed and the status in respect of pending items is as under:- Commitment and Expected Comment of PAB 2020- Action Taken N Outcomes 2L 7 The state is taking steps to State State was requested to may i.t" consolidate the primary exped itious action in ensure 100% optimization of schools by merging togeth er this regard for optimal resources th rough those primary schools having utilization consolidation of its schools, of the very low enrolment where resou rces in accordance within the provisions of the ever possible p RTE Act by 2O19-2O. with rovisions of the RTE Act, 2009. 2 State was requested to The recru itment of Completed ensure the recru itment of high/higher secondary school head masters in primary and head masters is done through upper primary schools as per a merit-based system among the RTE norms by July 2019, the teachers, i.e. teach ers and to consider d irect who have cleared the l'age I Z recruitment for 50% of all appropriate departmental headmasters. examination conducted by the State Government alone are eligible. 3 State was requested to Smart lD-Cards have been Completed display the photos of the given to all the teachers. teachers in the school on the Teachers' attendance is notice board. Besides th is, marked through Adhaar teachers need to be issued based biometric method. ln Photo lD-Cards in 2019-20 view of these tech nologica I interventions d isplaying teachers' photos in the school notice board is considered not essential in the State. 4 State has been requested to All civil works sanctioned up State should take up all pending civil works on take up the pending civil to 2OT7-7A have been priority and complete p Due to short-fa ll works on riority and completed. by December, 2020 and complete the same within in receipt of funds, the civil update the data on PMS periodically. 03 months works sanctioned d uring 2018-19 have been taken up durinB 2019-20 and all the civil works are in progress and will be completed bY December,2020 4 Review of performance durine 2018-19 State has secured a score of 791 in Performance Grading lndex (PGl) and was placed in Grade ll. The Domain-wise Gaps in 2018-19 as compared to 2017-18 are shown below: Page | 3 Category 1 Category Year 2 Total Domain Domain I 2 Domain 3 Domain 4 Domain 1 All Domains (180 80) (1s0 23ol (360) (1000 2017-18 r32 79 t2t 218 224 774 GAP tt8 7 29 72 735 226 2018-19 L?2 72 115 20t 270 791 GAP /t8 I i4 29 q) 2o!) state has shown improvement pGr in score from 2or7-rgto 2o1g-19 and was encouraged to further take measures to reach the top grade, whereas in some domains the performance has declined. al Learning Crutcomes and euality (C-1, D_lt: State still needs to work on providing interventions to improve the learning outcomes of the students. b) Access outcomes (c-1, D-2): state needs to focus on the Adjusted Net Enrorment Rate (ANER) at the secondary rever and Retention Rate at secondary rever. c) lnfrastructure & Facirities (c-1, D-3): state needs to focus on provision of computer Aided Learning (cAL) facirities in elementary schoors; Vocationar Education at secondary & Higher secondary schoors; and Focus on schoors' Book Banks/Reading Rooms/Libraries facilities. d) Equity outcomes (c-1, D-4): state needs to focus on Difference between srs and Generar categor/s Transition Rate primary from upper to Secondary rever and Difference between scs and Generar category's Transition Rate from upper primary to iecondary e) Governance processes (c-2, D-1): state has shown maximum improvement governance processes under and was encouraged to further take measures grade. to reach the top 5 isal i sue Commitm nts t 2O2O-2L . Education lndicator: Total enrolment in Government and Aided management schools decreased by 3.20 lakh. state should give more focus on quality education in Government and Government aided schools to increase the enrolment. Retention rate at Secondary Level is 7g%. State needs to take adequate measures to improve retention rate. Pagc | 4 I Surplus Teachers at Elementary level: There are 12,811 surplus teachers at Elementary Level.
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