Batman Adventures #12, Detective Comics #359, 1st Harley Quinn 1st Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) New Mutants #98, Amazing Spider-Man #300, 1st Deadpool 1st Venom Incredible Hulk #1, Batman #181, 1st Hulk 1st Poison Ivy Incredible Hulk #181, NYX #3, 1st X-23 1st Wolverine (Wolverine’s Daughter) Amazing Fantasy #15, Star Wars #1, 1st Spider-Man Rare 35c Price Variant Amazing Spider-Man Action Comics #252, #129, 1st Supergirl Walking Dead #1, Brave and the Bold #28, 1st Rick Grimes 1st JLA Showcase #4, Fantastic Four #48, 1st Flash since Golden Age 1st Silver Surfer and Galactus Preacher #1, Giant-Size X-Men #1, 1st Jesse Custer Wolverine Joins the X-Men Iron Man #55, New Mutants #87, 1st Thanos 1st Cable Iron Fist #14, Strange Tales #110, 1st Sabre-Tooth 1st Doctor Strange Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen Tales of Suspense #39, #134, 1st Darkseid Cameo 1st Iron Man House of Secrets #92, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1st Swamp Thing #1, 1st Printing (Rare) Justice League of America (Saga of the) Swamp Thing #37, #1, 1st Solo Book 1st John Constantine (Hellblazer) Avengers #4, Daredevil #168, Captain America Revived 1st Elektra Captain Britain #8, 1st Betsy Flash #139, 1st Reverse Braddock, aka Psylocke Flash (Professor Zoom) Fantastic Four #52, Amazing Spider-Man #194, 1st Black Panther 1st Black Cat Tales to Astonish #27, Werewolf by Night #32, 1st Ant-Man 1st Moon Knight Marvel Premiere #15, Aquaman #35, 1st Iron Fist 1st Black Manta Tales of Suspense #52, Daredevil #1, 1st Black Widow (Marvel) 1st Matt Murdoch Batman #1 New 52, Night Nurse #1, 1st in New Series 1st Linda Carter All-Star Comics #58, Showcase #22, 1st 1st Power Girl Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) Amazing Spider-Man #50, Incredible Hulk #180, 1st Kingpin Brief 1st Wolverine Green Lantern #76, Detective Comics #140, 1st Neal Adams on Title 1st Riddler Hero for Hire #1, Captain America #117, 1st Luke Cage 1st Falcon Tales to Astonish #13, Amazing Spider-Man #101, 1st 1st Groot Morbius the Living Vampire Siege #3, Deadpool J. Showcase #30, 1st Aquaman of Scott Campbell Variant the Silver Age, 1st Aqualad Spectacular Spider-Man Strange Tales #89, #64, 1st Cloak and Dagger 1st Fin Fang Foom Tales to Astonish #44, Superboy #68, 1st Giant-Man, 1st Wasp 1st Bizarro Superman #123, Chew #1, 1st Supergirl Tryout 1st Appearance Fantastic Four #5, Journey into Mystery #85, 1st Doctor Doom 1st Loki Flash #105, Daredevil #4, 1st Solo Silver Age Title 1st Purple Man Batman #121, Adventure Comics #247, 1st Mr. Freeze (Mr. Zero) 1st Legion of Superheroes Amazing Adventures #11, Archie’s Madhouse #22, 1st Furry Beast 1st Sabrina the Teenage Witch Amazing Spider-Man #14, Batman #59, 1st Green Goblin 1st Deadshot Avengers #144, Flash #123, Golden Age 1st Hellcat vs Silver Age Flash Forever People #1, Cerebus the Aardvark #1 1st Darkseid Story Showcase #34, Uncanny X-Men #101, 1st Atom in the Silver Age 1st Phoenix Strange Tales #114, 1st Captain Marvel Feature #1, America in the Silver Age 1st Defenders Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane Amazing Spider-Man #2, #70, 1st Silver Age Catwoman 1st Vulture DC Comics Presents #26, Tomb of Dracula #10, 1st 1st New Teen Titans Blade the Vampire Slayer Avengers 196, Marvel Team-Up #4, 1st Taskmaster Spider-Man and X-Men vs Morbius Marvel Spotlight #5, Giant-Size Defenders #3, 1st Ghost Rider 1st Appearance of Korvac Marvel Preview #2, Harley Quinn #1 (2013), Adam Punisher Origin Hughes Retailer Incentive Variant Showcase #37, Green Lantern #59, 1st Metal Men 1st Guy Gardner Sandman #1 (Vertigo) Strange Adventures #205, by Neil Gaiman 1st Deadman Swamp Thing #1 (1972), Harbinger #1 1st Solo Book (Valiant Comics) Batman #189, Brave and the Bold #54, 1st Silver Age Scarecrow 1st Teen Titans Flash #110, 1st Kid Flash Alias #1, 1st Jessica and Weather Wizard Jones Shazam! #28, 1st Black Adam Archie’s Girls Betty and Since the Golden Age Veronica #320 Batman Adventures #12, Action Comics #252, 1st Harley Quinn 1st Supergirl New Mutants #98, Brave and the Bold #28, 1st Deadpool 1st JLA Incredible Hulk #1, Fantastic Four #48, 1st Hulk 1st Silver Surfer and Galactus Incredible Hulk #181, Giant-Size X-Men #1, 1st Wolverine Wolverine Joins the X-Men Amazing Fantasy #15, New Mutants #87, 1st Spider-Man 1st Cable Amazing Spider-Man Iron Fist #14, #129, 1st Sabre-Tooth Walking Dead #1, Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen 1st Rick Grimes #134, 1st Darkseid Cameo Showcase #4, House of Secrets #92, 1st Flash since Golden Age 1st Swamp Thing Preacher #1, Justice League of America 1st Jesse Custer #1, 1st Solo Book Iron Man #55, Avengers #4, 1st Thanos Captain America Revived Detective Comics #359, Captain Britain #8, 1st Betsy 1st Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) Braddock, aka Psylocke Amazing Spider-Man #300, Fantastic Four #52, 1st Venom 1st Black Panther Batman #181, Tales to Astonish #27, 1st Poison Ivy 1st Ant-Man NYX #3, 1st X-23 Marvel Premiere #15, (Wolverine’s Daughter) 1st Iron Fist Star Wars #1, Tales of Suspense #52, Rare 35c Price Variant 1st Black Widow (Marvel) Strange Tales #110, Tales to Astonish #13, 1st Doctor Strange 1st Groot Tales of Suspense #39, Siege #3, Deadpool J. 1st Iron Man Scott Campbell Variant Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Spectacular Spider-Man #1, 1st Printing (Rare) #64, 1st Cloak and Dagger (Saga of the) Swamp Thing #37, Tales to Astonish #44, 1st John Constantine (Hellblazer) 1st Giant-Man, 1st Wasp Daredevil #168, Superman #123, 1st Elektra 1st Supergirl Tryout Flash #139, 1st Reverse Night Nurse #1, Flash (Professor Zoom) 1st Linda Carter Amazing Spider-Man #194, Showcase #22, 1st 1st Black Cat Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) Werewolf by Night #32, Incredible Hulk #180, 1st Moon Knight Brief 1st Wolverine Aquaman #35, Detective Comics #140, 1st Black Manta 1st Riddler Daredevil #1, Captain America #117, 1st Matt Murdoch 1st Falcon Batman #1 New 52, Amazing Spider-Man #101, 1st 1st in New Series Morbius the Living Vampire All-Star Comics #58, Showcase #30, 1st Aquaman of 1st Power Girl the Silver Age, 1st Aqualad Amazing Spider-Man #50, Strange Tales #89, 1st Kingpin 1st Fin Fang Foom Green Lantern #76, Superboy #68, 1st Neal Adams on Title 1st Bizarro Hero for Hire #1, Chew #1, 1st Luke Cage 1st Appearance Fantastic Four #5, Flash #123, Golden Age 1st Doctor Doom vs Silver Age Flash Flash #105, Cerebus the Aardvark #1 1st Solo Silver Age Title Batman #121, Uncanny X-Men #101, 1st Mr. Freeze (Mr. Zero) 1st Phoenix Amazing Adventures #11, Marvel Feature #1, 1st Furry Beast 1st Defenders Amazing Spider-Man #14, Amazing Spider-Man #2, 1st Green Goblin 1st Vulture Avengers #144, DC Comics Presents #26, 1st Hellcat 1st New Teen Titans Forever People #1, Avengers 196, 1st Darkseid Story 1st Taskmaster Showcase #34, Marvel Spotlight #5, 1st Atom in the Silver Age 1st Ghost Rider Strange Tales #114, 1st Captain Marvel Preview #2, America in the Silver Age Punisher Origin Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane Showcase #37, #70, 1st Silver Age Catwoman 1st Metal Men Journey into Mystery #85, Sandman #1 (Vertigo) 1st Loki by Neil Gaiman Daredevil #4, Swamp Thing #1 (1972), 1st Purple Man 1st Solo Book Adventure Comics #247, Batman #189, 1st Legion of Superheroes 1st Silver Age Scarecrow Archie’s Madhouse #22, Flash #110, 1st Kid Flash 1st Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Weather Wizard Batman #59, Shazam! #28, 1st Black Adam 1st Deadshot Since the Golden Age Tomb of Dracula #10, 1st Blade the Vampire Slayer Marvel Team-Up #4, Spider-Man and X-Men vs Morbius Giant-Size Defenders #3, 1st Appearance of Korvac Harley Quinn #1 (2013), Adam Hughes Retailer Incentive Variant Green Lantern #59, 1st Guy Gardner Strange Adventures #205, 1st Deadman Harbinger #1 (Valiant Comics) Brave and the Bold #54, 1st Teen Titans Alias #1, 1st Jessica Jones Archie’s Girls Betty and Veronica #320.
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