![Manchester Historical Society](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
r , PAGE TWEKTT The Wflnthei^ THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 198* AYcraffl Dhily Net Preab R o b iRattrhPotpr lEvptthtg ^rraUi For the Weak Bntlad May tSrd. Iflflt through 10:30. Both dance* will be Fair, inHd toalghL Ldw nanr flfl. Rec Block Dances under the direction of Mr. and Mr*. Hov^ Y««r Doctor flafnrday aonny heeomtng warmer About Town | College to Offer Robert Nell of the recreation aUff. 12,925 ____ i Evening Program Will End Friday CoN In Vonr Proteriptipn Membar of the Andit > and more hmntd. High near M. Bnraan af OIranlatiaB M ancheK ter~^A C ity of V illage C harm Mr Mit! Mr*. June* '*■' Br*H(l Dolhrorod WMiln TIm The flnal outdoor block dances •nd farmlj-. 136 Oreen Bd h " ' e Wtllimantif State College will retum ed from « Itt-o weeks vsr*- of the season will he held Friday L T. WOOD 00. insugurdle. an evening college pro- ( d a a r tlM na Pag* 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS tlon trip to *Xl*gat» Fulls »nd evening at the Robertson Park ten­ VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 2«8 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY. AUGUST 14, 1959 points of interest tn Michigan and gram wpiVh/WiH lead to an aasocl- nis courta. ICE PLANT SI B198BLL ST. Canada. They had a« tBeir guest at* In science degree. The younger children's dance will PINE PHARMACY Tom Moore of Baltimore, Md . son , Dr, J Kugene Smith, president begin at 7:30 and continue until Cuhen-Cntithed-BlQckM M4 OEKTEK SVi‘ of Mr and Mrs William Moore of the college, said the program 8:30. At this time the teenage Rec­ Giant Missile formerly of Manchester will hegm In September, and la ord Dance will begin and run Nixon Joins designefj to meet the needs of Air control William C. Hansen, people tn Basteni Connecticut de- ■ Faubus Ready son of Mr wnd Mrs, William T .; Explodes on Hansen. 12P Lenox St has com-, siring to earn a college degree but i Truman on who are unable tn attend day col- ; Strict Labor Controls pleted a course of instruction af ■ t the. N ai'y Air School, Brunswick. lege classes. Canaveral Pad Ga and' is spending two weeks The evening college courses, leave at hts home. which will parallel coiirags offered SHOP H ALE'S To Call Giiarc? Polls vaiue {’anaveral, Fla., Aug. hy the college In the daytime pro- Miis Karon Claypatch of Minne-' gram, will permit auccesaful e.v*- 14 (/P)— A giant Titan missile apoli? Minn la the guest of Mr. ' ning college atudenta to' complete Tittle Rock Ark Auir Ide-poriirv White House reported Bi-■ exploded on its launching pad and Mrs William T Hansen. 12B , their requirements for the 2-year h r L nA-al V Knnhii* wnhower h-d not yet seen R. Act- .President Richard M. .Nixon. Lenox St : associate in science degree within ( f f ) —Gov. Orval E. Faubu* ing prese secretary Wayne Hawks | in Chicago on a non-political today as it lifted off on its' Win House Approval --— ! a period of four years. - MEAT DEPT. said today he waa ready to SELF SERVE said the telegram likely would b> yj^jt g football fan. said to-, first full powered test flight, j Mr and Mrs Edward Cobb ha>'e i q.|,e requirements for admlastnn referred Ally. Gen. William ^ soH their home at 25 Division St. call on the state police and Ar- to political poll.s won't' There was no immediate an-1 to the evening college will be. the kansa.5 National Guard in the nouncemenl from the Air Force on | and today left for Florida where same as for the day college. How­ ^ F«X *.«id It was the g„ver-! influence hiR decision whether j they recently purchased a new achool integration aituatioii if what cau.sed the explosion. -8p-, ever. evening coHegt students may nor a duty to take control of any , or not to Reek the GOP pre.Rl- : pioximately 60 technician* in the home at Ormond Beach. necessary. situation which local authontlea dential homination in 1960. Ike Hi^ded I take several couraea before mak­ blockhouse .50 yards away escaped a* ing appllcatlpn for admtaaton. If f'aub'ie’ announcement came could not handle. “In one re.specl. I'm like Harry , Injury. these courses are sorcesatully com­ three N egro students entered Hall Some 200 segregationists clashed Truman about polls." Nixon told I The 91-foot intercontlneiUal pleted. they will be ereditcd toward High School peacefully for the --------- ; newsmen who greeted him *t Mid- ' range Titan exploded as the count Victory by the, total requirements frtr. the third day of token Integration in (ConMnned on Page Six) i way airport. “I believe the only down reached zero. The missile two of Little Rock's four public degree. After a student has earned A A DC Region Officer Vi»itit Nike Sites ^ - — - --------- ---- i poll that counts is that on elec­ was immediately engulfed In bil­ hla aaaoclate in science degree he high schools. tion day." DR. BARNEY Mai Gen Roherf Berry (rlghti. commanding general of the 1st Region of the Army Air Defense low* of black smoke and orange may apply for admission lo the Fabbiia. at a hastily called news Nixon was a.sked to comment on fire. Smoke continued to rise from Wide Edge day college to complete hla re­ Command, is greeted by Lt. Robert W. Everett, commanding officer of Battery C of the 2nd Missile conference, did not aay under whal Shols Compulsory! polls which indii^ated he trailed WICHMAN Bn. Gen Berry visited tlie Manchester battery Wednesday as part of w'hirlwind tour of Nike the pad several minutes latei-. quirements for the B.S. I bachelor carcumatances he would call on Democratic-Sen, .lohn F. Kennedy Thei-e wa* no immediate estimate CHIROPODIST- of science I degree in preparation missile sites in’the Hartford Defense area. Col. Veater N. Shiilt* i second from lefti, commander the state police and National In 19 Stale Areas of Masdachusett* in popular favor of dqmage to the launching aiea. Waahinffton. Aiiff. 14 for teaching. of the 63rd Grbup. and Lt. Col. .lohn J. Shultz .Ir,. commanding officer of the 2nd Bn,, accompa­ Guard. a* a presidential choice, hut had Firing of the .17-foot second stage { Th<> Hourp today pasaed «lld nied the general On his brief viail to both the radar and launching areas. The general gave bat­ Aides Ike for Protection PODIATRIST Dr. Smith said the program Hartford. Aug. 14 '/P\ Nineteen gained aignifleantJy aince hia visit I for the first lime was the mam ob-1 Ront lo thfi Spnat.p a bill to tery personnel a short pep talk then whisked off to Portland for another visit. Earlier, he toured Faubiie last night waa accused to the Soviet Union. jeotive of this test. If siiciessfiil It' would get underway in September the East Windsor site, i Herald Photo by, Satemiai. Connecticut communities or school curb rarketeerins! and abuDBE HAS RESUMED w ith course offerings in F r e s h m a n _________________ by Mrs. Daisy Bate*, state presi­ distriq>;TI with over 130,000 school Recalls 1948 E elrrtinn would have been the biggest rocket * English and Introductory Psy- i dent of the National Asaociation sge children have voted to make Hi* reference tn formei- Pres- ever Ignited in space by the I’mied in lahor-madaffompnt rela­ PRACTICE chology to be given on Monday and Dr Smith said also that he Full details bf the. program are for the Advancement of Colored polio immunizat’on compulsory for. ident Truman alluded to the Tru- States. tions. Tuesday evenings from 7 to R:.30 1 hoped this program would be bene- available on request from Mrs. St. Mary's School People, with using the state police piiblir school pupil* under their man 1948 campaign victory despite The second alage waa set to The vote atamping HoUM a ^ .Iinis H. Bartman. director of ex­ ((Our -familq will eiyoq! to try to ihtimidate the NAACP ignite when the Titan had sped to proval on the eontrovenrtal WII waa p.m , each course meeting for 15. iftctal lo a aufllrient number of control. > indicatlona that Thoma.s E. weeks. I people to warrant Its continuance. tension, Wlttimantic State College. Gels Honor Award forces. Man.v of them have taken the I>ewey, then .New York governor, a height of about .in mile* and 303-12.1. • V -.veo»r-v.>.-eeef.-see.w,/ss»-.;«e->WsO>>>o.-/>».-nw>e»e.ys^iiiinee| in^ - Mr*. Bates sent a telegram to step in recent -A-eeks. apparently had the edge some .V) miles down the Atlantic I Voting for the bill wara 109 DANISH Preaideint Eisenhower saying her spurred on by the polio emergency "Any decision 1 make regarding missile rsnge. j Dernorsals and 147. Republleslia. The Church School at' St. Mary's pleas for protection had been ig­ in the Nf'W Haven area. jir"-11160 won’t he based on the poll*. " Voting against it were 122 Dtmo- nored by local authorities and that ha* been designated an "Honor Figures on how man.v towns Nixon »aid. "The decision and crai* and 3 Repuhllcsna. ,y <|>|Qv a l iy y | CANNED HAMS fnenda who had guarded her had have voted for compulaory im- timing are for the future, " The House action rapped a maJOf DISCOVER THE WONDERFUL DIFFERENCE School'’ of the Dioreae of Con­ been arre..ted. munizatlon. and how man.v child­ He expressed confidence that the Butler Beadv legtilatlve victory for PreeUlMIt necticut for Tta work dunng the The three Negro girls, Effie ren are affected, are being cbm- ; administration-backed Labor bill Eisenhower, who made a peraooaJ IN FINEHURSrS FARM FRESH GONNEGTICUT OHIGKENS past yesr.
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