Public Disclosure Authorized DESIGN E845 REPORT Vol. 8 Consultancy Services for Detailed Assessment, Prioritisation and Engineering design for Reinstating / Constructing of the Damaged and Washed Public Disclosure Authorized Away Crossings in Region 11: Lusaka, Southern, Western, Copperbelt and North- western Provinces of Zambia July 2006 - ! ,NO 'TANZANIA REP C80fKOP EHE Public Disclosure Authorized AN;6aNA'A I 'ab2Pe loko''i:. ''- -sf \ ZIMBABWE. BOSWN \ ° " Public Disclosure Authorized REGION!! Ll.SAKA, SOUTHERN, WESTERN, COPPERBFLTAND NORTHWFSTERN PROVINCES Assessment and Engineering I)esign of Damaged and Washed away Crossings SNCIASCO (Z) Led DESIGN REPORT CONTENTS List of Acronyms Preface 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Objective 1.3 Scope of Services 1.4 Purpose of Report 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. SURVEYS 3.1 Document Review 3.2 Copperbelt Province 3.3 Southern Province 3.4 Western Province 3.5 Northwestern Province 3.6 Chongwe and Chibombo 3.7 Zambia Wildlife Authority 4. DESIGN STANDARDS 4.1 Design Manual 4.2 Design of Small Bridges and Crossings 4.3 Drainage Design 4.4 Pavement Design 4.5 Road Furniture and Services 5. SOCIO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 5.1 Traffic Patterns 5.2 Multiple-Criteria-Based Prioritisation of Crossings 6. HYDROLOGY AND DRAINAGE 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Survey Findings 6.3 Hydrological Data and Analysis 6.4 Drainage Design 6.5 Current Situation of Flood 7. GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS 7.1 General 7.2 Regional Geology 7.3 Soil 7.4 Materials 8. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REGION II -lLUSAKA, SOUTHERN, WESTFRN, COPPERBFELTANDNOR7HWFESTERN PROVINCES Assessnment and Engineering Design of Damaged and Washed away Crossings SVPCASCO (Z) Ltd 8.1 Environmental Assessment Process 8.2 Initial Environmental Examination and Environmental Project Brief 8.3 Environmental Management Plan 9. BIDDING DOCUMENTS 9.1 Prequalification Documentation 9.2 Contract Document 9.3 Conditions of Contract 9.4 Specifications 9.5 Contract Drawings 9.6 Bills of Quantities 10. COST ESTIMATES 11. CONCLUSION REJION11 LUSAKA, SOUTHERN. WESTERN COPPERBELTANDNOR7HWESTFRN PROVINCFS Assessment and Engineering Design ofDanmaged and Washed away Crossings SNCIASCO (Z) Lid LIST OF ACRONYMS AADT Average Annualised Daily Traffic CBR California Bearing Ratio COMESA Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa EBRP Emergency Bridge Rehabilitation Progranmme ECZ Environmental Council of Zambia EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EPB Environmental Project Brief EPPCA Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Act ESA Estimated Standard Axles FAO Food and Agricultural Organisation GCC General Conditions of Contract GDP Gross Domestic Product GMA Game Management Area GPS Global Positioning System GRZ Government of the Republic of Zambia HIPC Heavily Indebted Poor Countries HMS Highway Management System ICB International Competitive Bidding IDA International Development Association ISO International Standards Organisation MCA Multi Criteria Analysis MOTNP Mosi-O-Tunya National Park MWS Ministry of Works and Supply NCC National Council for Construction NP National Park NRFA National Road Fund Act RDA Roads Development Agency RHC Rural Health Centre ROADSIP Road Sector Development Programme SADC South African Development Community SATCC Southern Africa Transport and Communications Commission SLII SNC - Lavalin International Incorporated TOR Terms of Reference VOC Vehicle Operating Costs WB World Bank ZAWA Zambia Wildlife Authority REGION II - LtSAKA, SOUTHhRE. WESTERN, COPPERBELTAND NORTHWESTFRN PRO VVNCES Assessment and FngineeringDesign of Damaged and Washed away Crossings .SNCI/ASCO (Z) Ltd PREFACE This document contains the expression of the professional opinion of SNC- Lavalin International Inc. (SLII) and ASCO (Zambia) Ltd as to the matters set out herein, using its professional judgment and reasonable care. It is to be read in the context of the agreement dated 14 December 2005 (the "Agreement") between SLII and the Road Development Agency (the "Client"), and the methodology, procedures and techniques used, SLII's assumptions, and the circumstances and constraints under which its mandate was performed. This document is written solely for the purpose stated in the Agreement, and for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Client, whose remedies are limited to those set out in the Agreement. This document is meant to be read as a whole, and sections or parts thereof should not be read or relied upon out of context. SLII has, in preparing the cost estimates, followed methodology and procedures, and exercised due care consistent with the intended level of accuracy, using its professional judgment and reasonable care, and is thus of the opinion that there is a high probability that actual costs will fall within the specified error margin. However, no warranty should be implied as to the accuracy of estimates. Unless expressly stated otherwise, assumptions, data and information supplied by, or gathered from other sources (including the Client, other Consultants, testing laboratories and equipment suppliers etc) upon which SLII's opinion as set out herein is based has not been verified by SLII; SLII makes no representation as to its accuracy and disclaims all liability with respect thereto. SLII disclaims any liability to the Client and to third parties in respect of the publication, reference, quoting, or distribution of this report or any of its contents to and reliance thereon by any third party. REGION!! - LUSAKA. SOUTHERN, WFSTERN. coPPFRBELTAND NORTHWESTERN PROVINCES SNCIA.SCO (Z) Ltd Assessment and EngineeringDesign of Damaged and Washed away Crossings 1. INTRODUCTION ASCO CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT MANAGERS,, SNC LAVALIN URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNERS RE.GION 11- LUSAKA.SOUTHERN, WESTERN, COPPERBELTANLD NORTHWESTERN PROVINCES (Z) Ltd Assessment and EngineeringDesign of Damaged and Washed away Crossings SNC/4SCO 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Over the years, floods have caused severe damage to river crossings throughout Zambia. Bridges and culverts were washed away, cutting access to large parts of the country which impacted negatively on the social service delivery and economic development. These crossings are mostly on unpaved rural roads. In support of the Road Sector Investment Programme Phase II (ROADSIP II), the GRZ applied for financing under the Essential Bridge Rehabilitation Project (EBRP) from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of re-instating these damaged river crossings. For the purpose of executing these works, the country was divided into two Regions, Region I and Region II. SNC Lavalin in association with ASCO (Z) Ltd was awarded the contract to carry out this evaluation and the contract.was signed on 14 December 2005. The title of the consulting services is 'Detailed Assessment, Prioritisation and Engineering Design for Reinstating/Constructing of the Damaged and Washed Away Crossings in Region II: Lusaka, Southern, Western, Copperbelt and North-Western Provinces of Zambia'. 1.2 Objective The Terms of References of the present study require the consultants to undertake the following: Phase I: Inspection of each of the identified network structures as listed and an assessment of the damage prioritised and costed in line with agreed criteria. Phase II: Engineering Design, Preparation of Bidding Documents and assistance in the bidding and evaluation process for culverts and small bridges with a total deck length not exceeding 15 metres. Subject to downstream appointment the other two objectives are as follows: Phase III: Construction supervision for Phase II works and Engineering Design, Preparation of Bidding Documents and assistance in bidding and evaluation process for larger bridges identified for upgrading under this Phase. Phase IV: Construction supervision of larger bridges. 1.3 Scope of Services The scope of the consultancy services includes: Phase I * Assessment, Prioritisation and preparation of preliminary cost estimates REGION II- LUSAKA. SOUTHERN, WESTERN. COPPLRBEL TAND NOR THWESTERN PRO VINCES Assessment and Engineering Design ofDamaged and Washed away Crossings SNCIASCO (Z) Ltd * Gathering of existing data and information a Preparation of Assessment Report Phase 11 * Engineering Assessment and structural design of bridges and culverts * Preparation of bidding documents * Providing assistance to the client in bidding process * Preparation of Environmental Management Report . Preparation of final design report, bidding documents and evaluation report. 1.4 Purpose of Report Phase I concluded with the submission of a Final Assessment Report which provided an assessment of the intervention works required. Approval was given to proceed to Phase 11which incorporates the detailed design for small crossings. This design report has been submitted at the end of Phase 11 alongside the bidding documents for each region. REGION1II Jl,SAKA, SOUTHkRN, WES7ERN, COPPERBELTANDNORTHWFS7ERNPROVINCFS Assessment and EngineeringDesign of Damaged and Washed away Crossings SNC/ASCO (Z) Lid 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ASCO CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT MANAGERS , UREAN AND REGIONAL PLANNERS -TRAINING SNC * LAVALIN RE.GION H1 LUSAKA, SOUTHERN, WESTERN, COPPI.RBhLT AND NORTHWESTERN PRO VINCES SlYCIASCO (Z) Lid Assessment and Engineering Design of Damaged and Washed away Crossings 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 Categories and Priorities The Consultant surveyed in excess of 500 crossings which were categorised as follows: Category I Bridge crossing of less than 15 metres Category II Single or Multiple Pipe Culvert and/or drift crossing
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